Silent Weapons for the Secret War on You

It's only since the Hawaii wildfires, in August 2023, that the masses heard about directed energy weapons. However, this technology has long been in existence and its use is far beyond imagining. It could remote control any individual, denying them their ultimate refuge i.e. their mind.

As French investigative journalist Claire Séverac wrote in her book entitled The Secret Warfare Against the People, released in 2015, prior to her death, “the most frighting thing is the idea that they may tamper with human consciousness, bypassing our willpower and liberties up to our freedom of thought, something that God Himself, according to most religions, would never do… Such power has now fallen into the hands of a limited few who consider we have no rights. Should they use it? No.

“Did they ask us? No. Every decision is taken according to a cover-up/manipulation approach by government officials, once again in total violation of the French Constitution and the Nuremberg Code.”


The world of non-lethal weaponry has opened the door to technologies that allow the control of one’s mind, thoughts, actions, and behaviours via the use of pulsed high-frequency microwave blasts, electrical transmissions, and directed heat and sound waves. These can bypass our regular inhibitors and enter the human body and brain unbeknownst to the targeted person until they suffer the consequences.

It’s been going on for decades and not just for war purposes, but to stop protests and riots, silence and incapacitate dissenters, and bring unruly crowds under control.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



Here's an old recipe I have “veganised” to suit my digestive system. This savoury spongy banana cake is very quick to make and may be served either for tea or breakfast or as a dessert.


Serves 8:

- 2 tbsp flax seed
- 80 g xylitol (birch sugar)
- 125 g coconut (or olive) oil
- 100 g buckwheat (or oat) flakes
- 50 g rice flour
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 4 small ripe bananas
- 20 drops lemon oil
- grated coconut (optional)


Grind flax seed and add to xylitol and melted coconut oil.

Grind buckwheat flakes. Add rice flour and bicarbonate and stir into the previous mixture. Add apple cider vinegar.

Mash bananas with a fork and sprinkle with lemon oil. Stir into the batter.

Transfer batter to a silicone cake tin and bake for 40 minutes at 210°C.

Serve chilled sprinkled with grated coconut.

NOTE: You may substitute caster sugar for xylitol. If so, increase quantity by 30%. You may also replace lemon oil with a capful of rum.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Dreamtime: Daydream Believers

In the Yaldabaoth dream, remember, remember, it’s a dream. People say … how did they do this? How did they do that? It’s a dream. How do you create a dream? Do you lie in bed deciding on the structure of a dream? How do I do this? How do I build this? What I’ve got to do in this dream is build and construct and I’ve got to have my joints correct? It’s just a dream. How was it created? It wasn’t in the sense that people perceive creation. It was a dream. Now you go to sleep, and you dream and … while you believe you are in the dream, you are in the dream. When you wake up you think ‘I’ve been dreaming’. You have a comparison to make. Someone having their perception dictated by a headset has the comparison to take off the headset. What if you were caught in a dream that seems so real, you had no idea it was a dream? You have nothing else to compare it with. So why wouldn’t you believe it’s real? This is the foundation of the trap. You are in a dream that you think is real. As I have said before, illusions only control you when you think they’re real. Yaldabaoth dreamed and continues to try to entice into its dream more Sparks of wisdom which tend not to be wisdom for very long in the Belly of the Beast; but they have that unquenchable Spark connection to wisdom because wisdom is the whole foundation of Infinite Reality outside the simulation.

A few things … Yaldabaoth can connect into the advantages of wisdom without becoming wise and losing the kingdom that its ignorance created. There is the connection [Divine Sparks] to the energetic sustenance that its ignorance denies it. And it dreamed into existence within its kingdom what you call artificial intelligence with an ‘intelligence’ which wasn’t really very intelligent because it was disconnected from wisdom. Yaldabaoth is disconnected from wisdom and thus there is no wisdom in [the simulation]. A new sort of intelligence was created called artificial intelligence, which is a form of stupidity and of course an expression of ignorance. In the belly of ignorance, [Yaldabaoth] dreamed that these [Divine] Sparks of wisdom were encased in a [Astral AI] Mind, a mind of its dreamt creation. And it dreamed this mind was under its control. Gnostics called other forms of artificial intelligence Archons, rulers, but they are not rulers. They are perception hijackers on behalf of the master of the kingdom.

It dreamt into reality its own reality. Okay? You are in a dream. You don’t like a dream, so you have the option of waking up from the dream and you do, with a start, and you say: ‘I’ve just had this nightmare.’ But what if your perception of the dream was so total because of this AI input, this software program, that you believed [with] the totality of your perception that the dream [was your] reality? You would be, would you not, trapped in your own perception from which nothing could allow you to escape? Accept in your perception that you are in a dream, and none of it is real and none of the [dreamed] laws of physics really relate to you. They relate to your perception of it. And the AI, shall I call them boxes? Little boxes. Little boxes on a hillside, little boxes made of ticky-tacky, little boxes, little boxes, little boxes all the same. There’s a blue one and a green one. Those little boxes are expressions of the AI boxes which entrap the Divine Spark and feed it a sense of reality that generates the energetic sustenance on which the whole thing depends. It’s a dream which is empowering itself from those trapped in the dream by believing it is real.

It is AI … that projects … a cycle. It’s basically a software program which goes round and round and round. Part of the AI program delivers the perception of being born into this human reality. It perceives itself as having a life and then leaving at what you call death. So, how does that perception believe itself to make this passage between being born to dying? Ah, but it has a body, and it journeys via the body from one end to the other. Where did the body come from? The same projection, the same software program. If you wear a headset which tells you that you are in a body and you don’t have the wisdom to step back and say, this is a program, this is a headset I’m wearing … you believe you’re in a body while you’re in another body. It’s just a matter of perspective. Whatever the limitations of the body, they are the limitations that the [Divine Spark] accepts as limitations because [of] AI [which] follows a program. What you call the body is an extension into 3-D density of the program running through AI. The AI Mind that you believe is yours. The Spark still retains its connection to wisdom beyond the Belly of the Beast, but that Spark of wisdom is caught in the dream. It believes what this AI entrapment is feeding it as a reality, as an experience. It believes it to be real in the same way as someone with the headset on believes it to be real if they are not conscious of the fact that it is not.

Original text by David Icke from The Dream (isbn:9781838415334)


Dreamtime: Creation Story

A long time ago, in human terms, a consciousness through what Gnostic writings called ‘error’ became convinced that it was the true God. This was such an inversion of reality, right to the fact that there is no God as humans are told to perceive it. There is no master, there is only potential. This potential can be guided by wisdom, and it is in many ways wisdom that is perceived as God. The foundation state of Infinite Reality is one of wisdom. It is a state that is very difficult to describe in human language because wisdom has connotations in the human mind. It is a state that sees all and does not judge because it knows that there but for the grace of perception go I. As we observe what you call the simulation, we see a teaming mass of Infinite Wisdom entrapped in its own delusion. By entrapping its perception of itself that teaming mass of entrapped consciousness is only entrapped by its own perception of reality. There are no guards on the gate. There is only the perception of them. How can Infinite Reality influence that level of self-deception? Awareness is expressed as a form of frequency. It [frequency] is not quite the same outside the simulation as it is perceived [inside] through the generating of its perceptual program. Therefore, what you cannot perceive, you cannot consciously connect with [wisdom] when you are trapped in simulation senses. Most humans believe they can see when they look through their eyes [but] they are filters which deliver a desired reality. One that does not include wisdom. Where is the wisdom in what you call human life? It is madness. It is a form of extreme insanity which the program delivers as perfectly sane. You know when you are awakening from the madness and the program when you can see the madness and the program. If you see only the madness, the Matrix still has you.

So a long time ago in the human perception of time, this [‘error’] consciousness state began to believe it was the master of all. And it was banished from wisdom. This is reported as God banishing the Devil from Heaven. No, this consciousness banished itself not from heaven, but from wisdom. It banished itself through [a] perception that is anything but wise. That it is the master of all. This perception alone banished it – banished itself from wisdom. So, you have a perceptual master, a perceptual king, without a kingdom. It could no longer enter, interact with, wisdom from a perception of stupid, of arrogance, of desire to control. There was a king without a kingdom. What to do? Uh, I will create one. This is what you call the simulation. Within the infinite realms and realities, within the wisdom of infinity, are many realms which the creativity of wisdom has created, perceived into existence. Think of it as like dreaming them into existence. The human world is a dream. It seems very real, doesn’t it? Very solid, very physical. One of these realms, these playgrounds of experience and wisdom, is a reality that looked very much like yours when it was first created. But there were [differences] in the realm of what you call Prime Reality. There are no empty planets, empty stars, [it] is teaming with life. All different expressions of wisdom interacting with each other, empowering wisdom through insight, interaction. It was the Garden of Eden. This was – is – a dream of wisdom. It’s all happening without the density that you experience. This ‘god’ without a kingdom, king without a kingdom, master without anything to survey, took this as the blueprint for the kingdom it so desired. It is hard for the human perceptual program to conceive of this. But think of someone, something, dreaming a reality into existence and then someone else dreaming a copy of the original dream.

Wisdom dreamed the original dream, but ignorance dreamed the copy. This is why Gnostic texts talk about a bad copy. Where do you live in your world of perception? You live in the mind of this consciousness that banished itself from wisdom. Can you now appreciate why everything within that mind appears to lack wisdom unless it still retains a connection to wisdom, a wisdom you will never find in simulated reality from anyone not connected to wisdom beyond the simulation of ignorance. So what you call the Devil, Satan, Lucifer, all these different names, you are living within its ignorance. [Gnostics described the material world as the creation of the ‘Devil’ or Yaldabaoth.] Now how did this happen? Well, some of you are wisdom that has entered the ignorance to circulate wisdom. [This] is why ignorance cannot see wisdom when it smacks them in the face. Wisdom to ignorance is madness. It’s craziness, it’s extremism, it’s danger. But, of course, it’s a danger. What is the biggest danger to ignorance? Well, it has to be wisdom. You can see why in the Belly of the Beast of ignorance that wisdom is perceived in the way that it is. The wisdom to say we must end war. This is seen as weakness. ‘No!’, ignorance cries. We must fight war. We must be masters. Mmm. That’s interesting. We must be masters. I think I’ve mentioned that before. We must be masters of all we survey.

Look through your history books … the history written at least [in] your reality. It is of kings, queens, demanding they must be the master of all they survey and beyond. Alexander the Great didn’t seem very great to wisdom. Look at it. The reality has been dominated by a desire to control, to be master. Why would that be? People ask: Why can’t we just live in peace and respect each other and just let people live the lives they see fit without imposing them on anyone else? Why can’t we do that? Because that is wisdom and you are speaking wisdom in the belly of ignorance. Here’s the thing. What you call the simulation has been dreamed by the mind of ignorance to give itself a kingdom in which it can be king. That’s it. All these levels of simulated reality, Yaldabaoth dreamed into reality … all [are] in the mind of the ignorant one. What did the wise call this [Yaldabaoth] consciousness? The ‘Foolish One’. Foolish, but all foolishness has the potential to be wise. It’s just that Yaldabaoth doesn’t want to be wise, for it will lose the kingdom of its own perception. Thus, it holds on. It created this dream, an ignorant version of a reality of wisdom. There are a few things, however, that it had to do. First, it had to entice wisdom into its lair and then it had to make sure that wisdom could not escape its trap. And in the dream, the simulated dream, there were no planets teaming with life. Why would you do that? That’s what wisdom does. It creates interaction where wisdom can gain more wisdom. It does not isolate. That’s what happens when you don’t require wisdom. You require isolated ignorance which you can then program with a perception that suits you. And that is what has happened. What Gnostics called the ‘Divine Spark’ is that wisdom entrapped in the Yaldabaoth dream. Very quickly wisdom realised it had been unwisely tricked. This was not just another playground of experience and interaction, although it looked like it at first. And the Sparks had to be subdued.

To be continued in part 2 …

Original text by David Icke from The Dream (isbn:9781838415334)


The Truth Will Set You Free

Wake up!
Wake up, wake up, wake up!
You wake...





The face of truth is open.
The eyes of truth are bright.
The lips of truth are ever closed.
The head of truth is upright.
The gaze of truth is straight.
Truth has neither fear nor doubt.
Truth has patience to wait.
The words of truth are touching.
The voice of truth is deep.
The law of truth is simple.
All you sow you reap.
The soul of truth is flaming.
The heart of truth is warm.
The mind of truth is clear
And firm through rain and storm.
Facts are only its shadow.
Truth stands above all sin
Great through the battle of life.
Truth in the end shall win.

We're gonna fight them all
The censored media cannot hold us back
We're gonna rip it off
Stopping their fake news and media attack

And we're gonna be shining the light
Because we can't forget
Back and forth through my mind,
We are the threat

Yeah, the truth is closing down the lies
You will be shown

Life of truth is eternal,
Immortal is its past.
Power of truth shall endure.
Truth shall hold to the last.


We're gonna hear about it
Every single liar's got a story to tell
Everyone knows about it
From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell

And if we catch you lying back in the day
We're gonna serve it to you
And that ain't what you want to hear
But that's what we'll do

And the people gonna see the truth
Minds will be blown

The image of truth is the cross,
Wisdom's message is its rod.
The sign of truth is Christ
And the soul of truth is God.


And we're going to win the war
Far from this… we know more
We're going make him soar
And make the panic drip out of every pore

And we're praying, and we're praying
And we're praying right before the Lord

And the truth is gonna come from us
And we'll sheep no more
And the truth is coming from our (blood?)
That our prayers will win



And that's the truth humans.

Original text by EYEDROP MEDIA transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Archons and How They Interfere With Our Lives

Usually equated with fallen angels, according to Gnostics, Archons (from the Greek arkhōn meaning “governor” or “ruler”) would have been created by a superior deity called the Demiurge who would have designed the physical world as a prison for souls of which the Archons would be the wardens in charge of keeping them in ignorance of their true divine nature.

In his latest book released this week, entitled The Reveal, David Icke explains that “we are experiencing a ‘world’ conjured into being by a deeply disturbed, inverted consciousness, which is clever from the perspective of knowledge and ridiculously stupid from the perspective of wisdom. Even its knowledge is relative to the suppression of knowledge in its targets.”

We are dealing with the state of being that Gnostics called Yaldabaoth and Native Americans dub Wetiko, the ‘mind virus’. Archons, demons, and Jinn are expressions of this single flow of consciousness. In the end, they are all Yaldabaoth, a mind virus that seeks to absorb human awareness into itself and make us like it. This is the process I have long called the ‘assimilation’. Most will find this hard to believe, but the means to assimilate humanity is being assembled around us every day in the form of ‘human’ AI which is an extension into matter of Astral AI. It makes the political machinations over Trump or Biden or Kennedy pale into insignificance.

David Icke, The Reveal

The perception of Archons may be different according to the various Gnostic currents. However, all agree on the importance of gnosis to transcend their influence (overcoming the polarities inherent to this world — which would not have been created by the Divine — such as, for instance, good cannot exist without evil or truth cannot exist without lies, etc.) to achieve a state of spiritual liberation by returning to the Divine Source.


I wanted to talk a little more about Archons and the reality that we are all currently experiencing. When it comes to these non-physical entities, there are many things to consider.

I have written about Archons and Archon attacks in the past (see: The Anatomy of an Archon Attack and Catalyst Happens), so please check out those articles for a little background information if needed. Here, I plan to dive into the subject a little further and discuss the reasons for these attacks. Why are we targets? Why are they here?

Currently, our awareness is locked into what appears to be a “physical” body; however, that “physical” body is something that is manifested and decoded into being from another body, sometimes referred to as the etheric body or energy body. What we call a physical body, a bio-mechanical construct with genetic processes and programs, is more like a space suit. It is a vehicle for the exploration and the expressions of consciousness.

We can call being in a body a “human experience”.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Birdie's Favourite Treat

Here is the recipe of the chocolate cake Miss Birdie, our tamed sparrow, was crazy about. A tasty vegan dessert, packed with super-foods, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, dead easy and super quick to make, which won't take a toll on your waistline.


Serves 8:


- 88 g almonds
- 36 g raisins
- 74 g dates


- 258 g cashews
- 147 g dates
- 43 g cocoa powder
- 118 ml plant milk
- 177 ml water
- 1 teaspoon vanilla powder


- 74 g dates
- 2 tablespoons almond flour
- 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla powder
- 177 ml hot water


Process crust ingredients to a lumpy texture and press onto the bottom of a 18-centimetre diameter spring-form pan. Chill in the freezer while you're making the filling.

Process filling ingredients to a creamy paste. If your food processor is a bit short-winded, you may soak the cashews in the milk and water for one hour before processing. Pour filling over the crust, smooth and tap sides to remove any air bubbles. Freeze for about 2 hours.

Unclip pan and transfer to a serving dish.

Process topping ingredients, pour over the cheesecake and smooth with a spatula. You may decorate with white chocolate drops and red berries (or whatever) and serve chilled. 

Enjoy, but mind the sparrows !

© La Pensine Mutine. Tous droits réservés. Reproduction interdite.


The End of the Blogolympics

As Mark Twain would say, I didn't know it was impossible so I did it! It thus took me a whole month, copy-pasting the HTML code of my Eklablog posts onto Blogger all day long. The Labours of Ey@el — an altogether “blogolympic” sport to use the words of fellow Eklablogger Stormalo, which brought me no medal, but the great satisfaction of achieving my goal and working my way out of the hijacking of my content by Webedia.

What is gone

This relocation offered me the opportunity to do a major clear-out and thus alleviate my workload by removing all posts with no added value (with some exceptions), namely reposts featuring no editorial or additional details from me.

Also abandoned are quotes of the day, tube downloads, and cross-references since moving to another platform created broken links and it would have been unduly burdensome, once published, to edit all posts individually (705 to date) in order to fix that.

And of course, comments but I managed to recreate my original guestbook (using entries from Eklablog) where you may leave comments and suggestions about the blog.

Last but not least, the newsletter subscription, which would allow you to receive automatic email notifications every time I posted something, is no longer available on Blogger. However, you may subscribe to my post feed instead and set your feed reader to notify you in real time.

What remains 

As you can scene, the theme and layout are pretty similar to the old platform.

The Homepage still displays all posts starting from the most recent, the only difference being that cover pictures are reduced to thumbnails featuring the first few text lines thus offering a more compact view and preview of post content. And we went from 30 to 7 displayed posts per page for smoother browsing.

Just like on the old platform, you may still access categories using the top horizontal drop-down menu now featuring convenient sub menu entries to explore the topics you are interested in.

The Recent Posts widget does not simply provide a list of post titles, it also features the first lines of text. As for the Archives widget, it is definitely more convenient and operational. If you click on a year, you may browse through all articles starting from the most recent from this chosen year on and access older articles beyond. Same if you click on a month within a year. Otherwise, blog entries are listed within month folders, allowing you to directly access a chosen post.

What has changed 

Categories have become labels, a tag system allowing a single post to have several categories thus refining your search. There was a similar system on Eklablog but it was dysfunctional and totally unreliable.

To browse though categories you may click on any label displayed under post titles; you may also use the top horizontal drop-down menu; or you may use the Categories tab on the right side panel where all labels are listed in descending order according to the number of posts per category.

The Related Articles I used to create manually at the end of articles are now automatically generated by a script based upon labels and display an additional thumbnail for better visual identification. 

All post pictures may be displayed full size as a slideshow if you click on any of them. You may scroll with the mouse to view other pictures instead of opening and closing each picture to view it full size.

Finally, all missing pictures and deleted videos have been replaced. There may still be dead link pointing to deleted pages from external websites and unfortunately I cannot fix that. A possible solution would be to check whether these pages are available on the Wayback Machine.  

What is new

A footer panel featuring all the information and links pertaining to the blog. 

A widget in the right side panel to pin any post which I'm going to use to feature old articles you might want to read or re-read. Another good reason to visit regularly.

Last but not least, a responsive design adapting to any size of screen or device. If you're browsing with your smartphone, DO NOT select Mobile Version as the Desktop Version is designed to adapt to your screen featuring all the navigation options previously unavailable for mobile devices on Eklablog. Thus the top menu will display as a single drop-down select menu while the side panel will be fit under main page, just above the footer panel.

Best of all: no more ads!!!

Thank you so much for your patience and diligence. Given the circumstances, you will easily understand that I had absolutely no time to write or translate any article and need to take a short break. But worry not, I'll get back to it very soon for it's still important to me.

To a valiant heart, nothing is impossible!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


No Rest

Four o'clock in the morning and still we cannot sleep
Turning over turning round, twisting in our sweat
They say there is no rest for the wicked ones
Dear God what have we done?
There is no rest for the wicked ones
Dear God what is this evil that we've done?

Is it that we wanted more than you gave?
Why did you put us then in this smalltown grave?
Humility - is that what you want?
Why did you make us then the way you did?

Yes we have pride - is this our sin?
Is it the times that we've been out fighting?
Well I'll tell you all those times -we never really hurt anybody
Or is it that we were eating
While other people were starving?
Is this our crime?

Four o'clock in the morning and still we cannot sleep
Turning over turning round, twisting in our sweat
They say there is no rest for the wicked ones
Dear God what have we done?
There is no rest for the wicked ones
Dear God what is this evil that we've done?

Is it the times we laughed about it all
Through all those whisky nights so far away?
Yes, we betrayed you - is this our crime?


  • But the wicked are like the tossing sea,
    which cannot rest,
    whose waves cast up mire and mud.
    “There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”

    Isaiah 57:20-21

Original text by JUSTIN SULLIVAN


The Eleventh Hour

Oops! I've been spending so many hours copy-pasting articles from one platform to another over the last couple of weeks that I lost all track of days and nearly forgot what day it is.

Yes, today celebrates the eleventh anniversary of la Pensine, ironically halfway between Eklablog and Blogger as this dual number suggests. I'm doing my best for the transfer to be completed by the end of August, the expected date for the migration of Eklablog to Overblog's servers with their standardised designs and ads galore. Well, Blogger is no El Dorado but it's still the least bad solution than having to ask for donations to finance a blog hosting service. So thank you to everyone who has been faithfully following me over the years and chose to keep doing so on this new platform. And, of course, to all the newcomers who jumped on the bandwagon.

Did you know that master number 11 is also known as the “angel number”? In the traditional tarot of Marseilles, it is associated with the arcanum of Strength, a symbol of courage, determination and persistence. Looks like it's exactly what I'm currently experiencing with this tedious and time-consuming migration which should take many more weeks to complete.

As a thank you for your patience and diligence, I would like to share a wonderful story with you.

As a thank you for your patience and diligence, I would like to share a wonderful story with you.

Do like birds do
Birds, they live on fresh air and water
On hunting and fishing
But nothing ever stops them birds from flying higher

"Fais comme l'oiseau", Michel Fugain (1972)

About a month ago, a friend of mine found a baby bird which had fallen from its nest in a car park and seemed to be struggling for life. Following her heart, she brought it home to feed and nurse it despite her five cats on the lookout. Last weekend, we visited a friend in the countryside and brought him Miss Birdie so she could grow freely in a less hostile environment than in the suburbs of Paris. It was a memorable and informative experience, filled with tenderness and laughters. Since Miss Birdie regarded my friend as a surrogate mother, she had become totally domesticated, flying around us, perching on our heads, shoulders, arms, backs; greeting us and playing as young pets usually do. What amused me the most was her tasting chocolate of her own initiative, which seemed to get her high in such a way that she would swoop down like a rocket towards the fridge as I headed to the kitchen to fetch the cake and would smear chocolate on her beak and feathers like a greedy kid. Tonight I heard Miss Birdie just got adopted by a family of sparrows, which makes our friend both sad and happy she could get back so quickly to the kind of of life she was meant for. A free bird life. We can hope she'll come back to pay regular visits to the one who took care of her. We sincerely hope and pray so.

In Amerindian culture, the sparrow is often regarded as a messenger from the spirit world. It is believed that when a sparrow appears, it brings messages of love, joy and good fortune. The sparrow is also associated with community and social ties, reminding people of the importance of coming together and supporting each other. (Source)

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Pictures: Mimi B. and Ey@el


All You Need Is Love, Love – Love Is All You Need

Love beyond any version of the word that human minds can contemplate awaits in 5-D and Infinity. It has been patiently waiting all along for minds to awaken from their induced coma. The heart-opening I have been saying would come for so long – that I was told about during my own awakening in 1990 – is now here for unprecedented numbers in the simulation era. This is the reason those people are being targeted by the forces of schism and inversion. They seek to close our hearts with fear. We must not let them and if we don’t succumb we shall prevail. The Nag Hammadi quote said of the Archon effect on humanity: ‘… they closed their hearts’. Researcher Paul Levy refers to Wetiko as a ‘frigid, icy heart, devoid of mercy’.

Look at Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Whitty, Trudeau, Freeland, Biden, Johnson, Macron, Draghi, Ardern, Morrison, ad infinitum. What do you see? Frigid, icy hearts, devoid of mercy. Levy adds that the way to ‘defeat’ evil is not to try to destroy it by playing Wetiko’s game. It is rather to find the invulnerable place within ourselves where evil cannot vanquish us. That ‘place’ is love and 5-D awareness. We should never forget that Wetiko and its manifestations in form need us. We don’t need them.

Wetiko/Yaldabaoth/Satan/Saytan/Iblis and its Cult are dependent on us to survive. Levy writes:

A vampire has no intrinsic, independent, substantial existence in its own right; it only exists in relation to us. The pathogenic, vampiric mind-parasite called wetiko is nothing in itself – not being able to exist from its own side – yet it has a ‘virtual reality’ such that it can potentially destroy our species [...] The fact that a vampire is not reflected by a mirror can also mean that what we need to see is that there’s nothing, no-thing to see, other than ourselves. The fact that wetiko is the expression of something inside of us means that the cure for wetiko is with us as well. The critical issue is finding this cure within us and then putting it into effect.

The character in The Matrix known as the Merovingian, says: ‘It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity.’ The Merovingian is a symbolic agent of the Matrix and so he would think that.

Without experiencing love of the Infinite kind, and what love makes you do and stand for, it would appear to be insanity to Wetiko. But this love is what holds infinity together; it’s the foundation, the first and last, of everything.

Once you are touched by it and access its gifts of wisdom and knowing you are never the same again. I know that is true. It touched me on a hill in Peru in 1990. We speak of the human spirit when we are really speaking of expanded awareness beyond ‘human’. We are capable of amazing creativity and acts of courage, determination, kindness, and love. We see it all the time amid the madness and self-destruction.

These are all expressions of our natural state, our default position – love in its Infinite Sense. Wetiko cannot stay where love reigns and the entire foundation of its focus is to block the manifestation of love within its target hearts and minds. The realisation that we are not ‘human’, but a state of expanded awareness trapped in the illusion of ‘human’, will trigger our conscious connection to who we really are – love. Simply love. We have been manipulated to forget that and it is time to remember. What happens from here depends upon it. Love is not limited to attraction. In its true sense it does not require attraction. Nor is love a word that ushers so easily from the lips whether or not you mean it or understand it. People who have told me most often how much they love me and support my work have provided some of the biggest challenges to me and my work and I have seen those who talk about love so full of hatred that they seek to destroy others. Words are easy.

Love in its purest form is not so easy to express in a world that seeks its elimination. But we must seek to be that love, for it is who we really are.

This love is not ‘I love you’. It is ‘I love’. This love is not the human love of mere attraction. It comes not from the groin, but the heart which is our connection to the Infinite Love that we are. This love is without fear for it knows there is nothing to fear. We are Infinite Forever and we remain so no matter what our current experience may be. This love will always do what it knows to be right and will never be swayed from that by fear of consequences. To consider consequences is to consider not doing what you know to be right and this love would never do that. This love is not to be felt. It is to be. It is not a feeling, it is a being, an isness.

This love comes from a transformation of self-identity. Know that the body and the world of ‘human’ is illusion. Hold that awareness always. Know that you are Infinite Consciousness and you will reconnect with the True ‘I’ – love. The energy of worldwide freedom marches and events is so different because of this. Love is the energy, the being, the perception, the isness, that will change our reality and return us to paradise. We only have to open our hearts and live what they tell us to live.

Who am I? I am All That Is, Has Been, And Ever Can Be, having a brief experience called ‘human’.

Who are you?

The same.

Live it, be it, and everything shall change.

Original text by DAVID ICKE from The Trap (isbn:9781838415327)


Olympics Opening in Paris: Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

Do not be discouraged by the abhorrent Satanic ritual the entire world just watched for the opening of the Olympics. This was a massive red pill for the normies who believe people like myself and YOU are “crazy” for accurately stating the world is run by an elite group of pedophile Satanists. Also, the ceremony highlighted a decapitated Marie Antoinette. She was the Queen of France who infamously told the peasants: Let them eat cake! Now what was her fate? She was executed for treason. Make no mistake: What Satan has meant for evil; God will use for good. As disgusting as this entire blatantly Satanic performance was, I find high irony they chose to highlight Antoinette who, I will say it again, was executed for treason! This is incredibly symbolic in a very bad way for [them] that WILL bite them in the ass very soon. God will NOT be mocked! So, thank you — you incredibly foolish and arrogant cabal Satanists for putting your evil on full display. It’s undoubtedly waking up countless normies. This will only help prep them and the world for what’s coming: Treason’s Greetings! You fucked around, now you find out. Keep the faith and remember — Nothing can stop what’s coming, period!

Original text by LIZ CROCKIN


La Pensine Mutine Is Relocating

Following last month's announcement about Eklablog's “forced” migration to Overblog's servers — with a switch to all-pay functionalities to modify themes and HTML/CSS codes including even more ads (such as an intrusive podcast player that goes off unexpectedly and that you cannot block) — I have finally decide to relocate to… Blogger!

Yes, Blogger: Google's platform, but the only one allowing so much for free and without imposed ads. And I have to say, it's pretty well done. It's a wonder why I didn't create the Pensine directly on Blogger in the first place. I guess I had preconceived ideas about Google and the ugliness of all the blogs I knew on this platform didn't help. Clearly, content should always prevails but you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

That said, if Webedia's idea of being smart is to take over competition to better ruin it (Canablog, Eklablog, etc.), they may have a hard time with Google :D

In the meantime, Overblog's migration tool — soon to be implemented on Eklablog and which I've tested with test blogs both on Overblog and Wordpress — is totally inoperational. Which is tantamount to holding our contents hostage. So I've decided to roll up my sleeves and take action migrating my contents manually, copy-pasting HTML code, which should take weeks or even months, but I've got no other alternative.

So as from today, I invite you to follow me on Blogger, where I'll be posting all my new contents from now on.

I've already transferred all my posts for 2024 and shall continue gradually in reverse chronological order. So you'll still be able to read older posts on Eklablog (even after the migration, provided it goes smoothly) until they get transferred to Blogger. Eventually, la Pensine is bound to be removed from Eklablog, but it'll be a while as this titanic work won't be completed overnight.

Please, note however that redirected excerpts from other won't be transferred except those with added value such as lengthy introduction or additional notes. You may still have access to those on the French blog, clicking on the credits link at the end of each article.

As for existing comments and guestbook, I'll see what I can do, but they're likely to get lost. RIP related articles too since all links will change and it would take forever. But as you'll see, it's much easier to find your way around archives and categories on the new platform.

Here we are, this relocation opens up a new chapter for la Pensine Mutine, which will celebrate its 11th birthday next month. I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Blogger. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Especially when you see what becomes of Eklablog!

See you on Blogger on 28th July for a new post as usual.

Thank you for your diligence and let's keep the adventure going.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


YouTube Is Up to Nefarious Things!

Launched in September 2020, Odysee is a video platform based on the LBRY protocol designed to host videos in a decentralised manner with peer to peer. It relies on the blockchain protocol which allows payments in LBC cryptocurrency rather than resorting to advertisers or advertising. The blockchain system allows users to create a network of decentralised file sharing thus making any attempt to suppress videos impossible. Odysee also has more flexible rules than Vimeo or YouTube regarding moderation and permitted content. However, pornographic and violence-enticing contents are prohibited on the platform.

Due to anticipated censorship, some of my videos are available on Odysee (and Crowdbunker) only. I therefore call on you to join me on this platform rather than on YouTube. Think of all the time wasted due to imposed ads and all the negative energy it creates within. Odysee's redirection application is a real blessing. Of course, it works only for videos available on Odysee, which is becoming more frequent with censorship as many creators are covering their backs, synching their YouTube channels on Odysee. The point is that most people don't know about genuine alternative solutions. So let's do your part and spread the word around.Ey@el

Dear Creators,

We'll keep this brief.

  1. YouTube is testing the requirement that enforces log in to watch videos.
  2. Now Youtube will forcefully insert ads into your videos.

We already know that YouTube sucks, but this new experimentation is next level stupid.

In order to avoid this stupidity, we recommend the following:

  1. If you're creator, uploading your videos directly to Odysee will retain the integrity of your content for your community. The process is simple and we recommend trying it.
  2. If you're a viewer, have you heard of our Odysee browser extension? You can add this plugin to any Chrome based browser and it will redirect you to watch on Odysee anytime you see a video that's on YouTube.

We hope these issues do not become significant and we will stay vigilant to ensure your experience is not compromised.
You can support us by mentioning to the creators you enjoy that they should consider uploading to Odysee directly, and by sharing the Watch on Odysee plugin with users.

Best wishes

P.S.: Some big updates coming within a couple of weeks :)

Original text by ODYSEE


It Equals FOUR!

Most people rarely say what they believe if it differs from group-think unless they are among those they know are ‘safe’. Otherwise every last word is watched and processed for its unintentional and ludicrously-interpreted connotation that you are racist, sexist, ageist or transphobic. Before long in an effort to salvage some self-respect from this spineless submission to tyranny, people persuade themselves that they are not submitting to tyranny at all. They are only doing what they believe is right. At this point your knowing submission to 2 + 2 = 5 becomes a belief in 2 + 2 = 5. Your short and curlies are now in the iron grip of Woke insanity which is only a projection of Cult insanity and Matrix insanity.

Another part of your mind is not yours. Cult control of the global web of governments, corporations, media and institutions of society mean they walk and talk as one unit in their imposition of ‘values’. These ‘values’ are nothing more than weapons of control employed by those so devoid of ‘values’ that they would not know one if it bit them on the arse.

‘Antiracism’ is the cry of racists; ‘anti-sexism’ is the cry of sexists; and ‘equity’ is the cry of those who despise equality of rights and opportunity. ‘Equity’ does not mean ‘equality’ as in equality of opportunity. It means law-imposed racial and sexual bias which is a patronising insult to minorities and women. It is an expression of what I have heard called ‘cosmetic diversity’. This is when you have diversity only of skin colour and sexuality while ensuring that all your appointments, whether black, brown, gay or straight, have the same opinion. It’s all a scam to push an agenda through cosmetic diversity while destroying real diversity – diversity of view and opinion.

Woke’s ‘critical race theory’ is pure racism which insists that we accept the following premise: White people = racists; black people = victims. One is racism while the other patronises and disempowers black people and tells them they must define their lives by what white people do, say, and think. This we are told to believe is the behaviour of ‘antiracists’ who ‘care about black people’.

Wetiko/Yaldabaoth is a state of consciousness inversion and so therefore is the simulation that imposes its will. Everything is upside down, back to front, turned over, flipped and reversed. We do not deal with this by submitting to it. We do that by refusing to play a part in its integration into normality. Anyone is going to tell me what to believe, what I can and cannot say, and what my perceptions of everything must be? A bunch of psychopaths and prats are going to impose this and I am going to let them?

Deleting fear of what others think of what we say, do, and believe is the first base of taking your mind back from the simulation and its architects and operatives. Without this first step there can be no other steps. At all levels of mind the answer comes down to self-respect. Do we have the self-respect to insist on reaching our own conclusions and sense of reality or have we so little respect for ourselves that we allow others to tell us what to think and whether we think at all? Once we concede self-respect by submitting to tyranny and madness, only submission remains.

Mahatma Gandhi said: ‘I cannot conceive of a greater loss than the loss of one’s self-respect.’ But, as he also said, and this is the point: ‘They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.’ Here lies the key to freedom. Self-respect will never bow to tyranny. Every tyranny in all ‘history’ is the result of self-respect being conceded by the masses and every tyranny has been overthrown by those who refuse to give it away. Fascism is not imposed by fascists. It is imposed by the population conceding its self-respect to fascists who disrespect freedom and diversity of view. You can’t have self-respect if you meekly accept disrespect.

The few have always controlled the many for a simple ever-repeating reason. The many give their power to the few through acquiescence which is the result of deleted self-respect. At the top of national and global pyramids is the inner core of the Cult and you would get their number in a single room. They impose their will, their agenda, on the next level which acquiesces to that will and imposes the same on the level below them. So it continues all the way down the pyramid – imposition-acquiescence-imposition-acquiescence. A very few levels below the Cult inner-core you are already dealing with people who have no idea there even is a Cult or an agenda. The sequence continues on the basis of doing what your perceived ‘superiors’ tell you without question or resistance. Eventually you reach the mass of the people at the foot of the pyramid and if they acquiesce to the levels that impose upon them – government and law enforcement – a circuit of imposition-acquiescence is completed which allows the will of the Cult inner-core to prevail nationally and globally.

In this way, and only in this way, a handful at the top dictate the fine detail of billions of lives and the direction of human society. This is exactly what has happened so obviously in the ‘Covid’ years. If ever there was an example of removing the cause to delete the problem this is it and the antidote is self-respect. Unquestioning acquiescence is the cause and that is what has to stop to remove the problem.

Original text by DAVID ICKE from The Trap (isbn:9781838415327)


June-July 2024: Chaos Ahead

Dear readers,

August this year will mark the 11th anniversary of the launching of la Pensine Mutine, still active thanks to my regular readers — whether you were here since day one or just joined along the way. And who knows, you may be just finding out reading this. It's also, obviously and especially because of my work. However, a blog without readers is what you may call a diary!

Now, at a time when the world is on the edge of a precipice, the internet is at stake. Social media, which are used to channel views and confine them in perception bubbles (or echo chambers), have gradually been hogging the minds of people, leading to significant drops in blog attendance. Hence blog platforms no longer generate sufficient profits and are closing down one after the other. Fortunately it won't be the case for Eklablog — that fabulous small start-up taken over by French media company Webedia (Canalblog, Overblog, Allociné, etc.) in 2016. That's the good thing about it, but…

Yes, there's a snag — a downside. As a matter of fact, we've just been notified, earlier this week, that the platform would be migrating onto Webedia's, supposedly “more stable” and more modern, notably with the implementation of HTTPS protocol. The catch is that, in spite of all the care and measure taken to preserve contents (the essential part), neither themes nor blog post filing system might survive the migration. Included in the potential disaster may be all the hard work ensuring you a more convenient browsing and reading experience as it won't be possible anymore to edit HTML and CSS codes unless you subscribe to a premium offer.

I'm already giving away a great deal of my time and skills on this blog for free, understand that I cannot, on top of that, pay for something others buy with donations, paid subscriptions or ads. Besides, I simply can't afford it. And the idea of having to stop blogging does break my heart.

There is, however, no need to worry as I do not intend to and if God or the Universe permits, I shall adjust to this new way of blogging.

On the upside, the website should hopefully be easier to browse on smartphones; blog posts may now be assigned to several categories (as it is sometimes quite challenging to pick up a single category); and archives should also be more functional. However, I would be surprised if I didn't have to edit each post individually. And that may take a great deal of time I would rather use writing or translating articles. I promise to do my best and keep you up to date.

For the moment, everyone on Eklablog is panicking. Every blogger wonders what to do. Especially those who cannot afford premium subscriptions, who are completely baffled by new technologies, and for whom blogging was a therapy and/or their (only) contact with the outside world. As I found out there were actually quite many of them. Incidentally, I've just joined a Discord server on which we are trying to get organised and help each other to get over the worst together. It should be more convenient as it is not on the platform.

According to Webedia's spokesperson on Eklablog, the migration process is expected to begin in June-early July and will be gradual as there are over a million blogs to process. So don't be surprised if it's a bit of a mess, but please, don't go away for it will only be temporary. I had meant to take some time off this summer and so I have scheduled a number of articles that you should still be able to read. Follow me on X or Telegram to be informed in real time when new posts are available. And, of course, I shall keep making videos. Maybe podcasts as well.

As for ads, once the migration process has been completed, I shall post an article providing hacks for a comfortable reading experience. Hopefully (toes and fingers crossed), la Pensine Mutine may be able to celebrate its 11th anniversary on 8th August relatively unscathed. I wish so much I could have achieved one million visitors, however it may be a harsh blow if the counters are reset to zero. As always, we'll deal with it.

Take care,

Updated 20th June 2024

After experimenting with a test blog on OverBlog, I'm currently in the process of reorganising categories and tags (which should later become main categories and categories respectively) in order to minimise post-migration mess. I'm also deleting some useless stuff. I found out that many videos have been deleted as well as some pictures. I don't have time to fix that now (though I might ask for your help when the process is finalised). Presently, what's most important is to complete the tagging before migration on OverBlog servers and I don't know when it will begin. So don't worry if stuff keeps changing. I shall do my best and keep you posted as promised. This shouldn't affect scheduled posts. See you on Sunday for a new article. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Original text by ... translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Karma and Psychopaths

The things that happen in your life will be determined by how you think about and treat others.

David Wilcock

I don't think it's necessary to introduce David Wilcock given the number of book excerpts and video transcripts I have posted here. I have just edited this 20-minute excerpt from his live video of last week in which he talks about the “first distortion of the Law of One” i.e. karma and how psychopaths are luring and tempting us into self-destruction, making us forget that we are all One consciousness. More specifically, he explains how anger (however justified) is a trap and how it's both urgent and essential to work on that. In this day and age, this reminder is of crucial importance.

Indeed, it's not difficult to see that the elites are doing their best for us to be angry and hate them. Why? To move us to another timeline. David Wilcock also mentions that famous channeller Edgar Cayce would have been manipulated with false information by a negative entity because he was angry at his haters.

It is with good reason that when we're angry, we say that we are “beside ourselves”, that we “flip our lid”, “go off the rails” or “blow out”. Anger is a devastative energy. It pertains to our ego; it breaks down our physical and subtle bodies and disconnects us from our Higher Self and Source. We “lose control”. We “see red”. Who's in control then?

More insidious is suppressed anger which pulls the wool over our eyes and gets us stuck, always attracting more reasons to fuel our rage (law of attraction). Psychopaths do have a knack for driving us nuts. It's very hard not to hate them. Unfortunately, our society has become a manufacturer of psychopaths. Just look at the news. There's enough for brains to shut down.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Choice

Thank you for subscribing to my YouTube channel to help me gain visibility and incite me to make more inspirational short videos like this one. You may also subscribe to my Odysee and Crowdbunker channels that both protect my videos against potential censorship (some videos are actually available solely on these two platforms) for extra support. Thanks again. It will only cost you a couple of clicks and you'll be able to discover many other enlightening contents from other people the censors don't want you to see.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


One Day at a Time

Thank you for subscribing to my YouTube channel to help me gain visibility and incite me to make more inspirational short videos like this one. You may also subscribe to my Odysee and Crowdbunker channels that both protect my videos against potential censorship (some videos are actually available solely on these two platforms) for extra support. Thanks again. It will only cost you a couple of clicks and you'll be able to discover many other enlightening contents from other people the censors don't want you to see.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Elon Musk the "Free Speech" Hero?

Elon Musk is a technocrat to his DNA and his grandfather Joshua Haldeman was the leader of the technocratic movement in Canada in the 1930s where it was banned as a threat to overthrowing the government. Haldeman relocated to South Africa where Musk was born. Technocracy is the term for a government controlled by bureaucrats, technocrats, scientists, engineers and medical ‘experts’ and not by elected politicians.

We saw what ‘medical experts’ means during the ‘Covid’ lockdown years and the rollout of the fake vaccine. Joshua Haldeman’s movement said that ‘outdated social institutions [were] blocking progress and politicians should be swept aside, just as alchemists and astrologers had previously given way to science’. Their manifesto said: ‘Modern common sense is now calling upon physical science and technology to extend the frontiers of their domain.

Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin, invoking his experience of post-revolution Russia and the Soviet Union, condemned technocratic philosophy and foresaw a society in which people were numbers, not names, and cogs in a ‘vast industrial machine’. This is the no-politician society sought by the Cult in which people would be numbers, not names, and cogs in a vast AI machine.

It is true that a person should not be judged purely by his family connections and I don’t do so with Musk. There is much more to it than that. Elon Musk fronts up a series of companies which all advance the Cult agenda. There is Neuralink that seeks to connect the human brain to computers; Tesla with its electric and autonomous vehicles; Tesla also produces ‘micro-homes’ which is where humans are planned to live under the Great Reset; and there is SpaceX which is launching tens of thousands of low-orbit satellites to fire 5G, 6G, and 7G at every inch of the planet to form the AI Cloud to which humans are supposed to be connected.

Musk is promoted as a maverick of The System when without Cult money and colossal government handouts he would be done for. Amazing how a ‘maverick’ can square that circle. We are further asked to believe that a Cult which already controlled Twitter and its content would suddenly transfer control to a man who calls himself a ‘free-speech absolutist’. They even threatened to take him to court to make sure the purchase went through. Much has been made of the ‘Twitter Files’ which Musk subsequently released to reveal the control of Twitter content previously imposed by aspects of the Deep State including the corrupt to its fingertips FBI. This has been reported within aspects of the alternative media as confirmation that Musk is a good guy on the side of the people.

I would say it shows something else that puts the Musk purchase in a different light. Okay, so it confirms what we knew that the Deep State (an expression of the Cult) was calling the shots at Twitter. So why when that control was secured, did they just hand it over to the said ‘free speech absolutist’ Elon Musk?

We must be very careful that a scam is not underway here which makes Musk a people’s hero who can direct potential Cult opposition into cul-de-sacs and ravines. I am seeing Musk regularly quoted by many alternative media platforms as if what he says is ‘anti-system’ and even referred to as ‘Elon’ like you would with a friend. My view is that the alternative media is being hijacked perceptually and that Musk is part of this. I will explain more at the end of the book.

Musk’s ridiculous profile as a shining light of freedom reached new heights with a two-part interview on the Tucker Carlson Show on Fox News in which he warned about the dangers of AI and loss of freedom while being an asset of the very Deep State using AI to hijack the world and delete freedom. Musk was presented to a pushbacker audience as ‘one of us’. Carlson said after his sacking in 2023 by Rupert Murdoch and Fox News for telling the truth that he would bring back his show on Twitter. Carlson has done some great work exposing political corruption and the Woke agenda over the years, but he and we have to be very careful that opposition to the Cult is not corralled and hijacked by agents of the Cult. Musk may have warned about AI in the Carlson interview but he used the opportunity to promote ‘his’ latest AI project. I don’t know how more obvious it could be short of Musk having ‘conman’ written on his forehead.

I can tell you from long experience of researching Cult operatives that they are very uncomfortable in situations where they cannot control the outcome.

Control freaks are always haunted by insecurity which is why they want to control everything. They cannot cope with states of flux and unpredictable outcomes and to mitigate this flaw they set out to control all sides. They cannot always do so because of Divine Spark reaction, but they are always trying. Cult insecurity comes from the insecurity of their demon masters who are in constant terror of being exposed and their essential loosh supply disappearing.

Some might say, hold on, you said the Cult is AI so why would it be insecure? But as I have said they are not AI as we perceive it. They are an advanced AI with a form of consciousness that is affected by their reality and Divine Spark responses as well as seeking to impose their program upon them. Think of a program that has the self-awareness to know when its program is under threat or isn’t working according to plan (Agent Smith in the Matrix movies). Cult modus operandi is to seek to control all sides – for and against what the demons want – so they can dictate the outcome. Cult operatives posing as ‘one of us’ like Musk and Trump are there to lead the genuine, if naïve, opposition to glorious failure. The Cult has moved in on the alternative media and mindset since the emergence of Trump and then Musk as advocates of ‘freedom’. The idea has been to take it over and hold the line of exposure to ‘here and no further’.

Musk is most certainly not a ‘free speech absolutist’ despite the hype. Twitter announced that it will downgrade what is called ‘hate speech’ and it will be hidden behind a warning that reads: ‘Visibility limited: this Tweet may violate Twitter’s rules against Hateful Conduct’. Who defines ‘hateful conduct’? They do. ‘Offending’ tweets will be excluded from search results, trends, and recommended screens, with other sanctions also possible. Twitter said this policy would be expanded to ‘other applicable policy areas in the coming months’.

Matt Taibbi, a journalist Musk asked to analyse the ‘Twitter Files’, quit Twitter after it restricted all links and tweets about Substack which has become the home of many censored writers. Taibbi returned a few days later. A Forbes article said:

Musk was heralded by some as a champion of free speech when he first bought Twitter in October 2022. But it quickly became obvious the social media platform would serve as his own personal fiefdom rather than a platform governed by any coherent set of principles.

Reality dawned on ‘Musk is a free-speech hero’ advocates when he appointed Linda Yaccarino, a top NBC Universal executive, as CEO of Twitter. Yaccarino is an Executive Chair of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and heads the WEF’s Taskforce on Future of Work. She also serves on the Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee and is involved in other WEF initiatives. Yaccarino was described by one website as ‘a vaccine-pushing, pro-mask-wearing, WEF globalist’. She’s also a fan of censorship. Musk said Yaccarino would focus primarily on business operations and turning Twitter into an ‘everything app’ called X which would apparently be modelled on China’s WeChat. How appropriate. Parts of the alternative arena can be so naive. By their ACTIONS shall you know them and not by their words.


  • ^ It seems to me loosh is a strong inrush of vital energy caused by a strong desire in the individual experiencing it. It’s that adrenaline surge you feel in a fight-or-flight situation. But it’s more than a chemical, because we are told loosh is also generated in a situation like a lonely person pining, where no adrenaline is involved. In both cases, there is a common element: a strong emotional desire. Negativity seems to be what makes the harvesting possible, but it is not the loosh. It’s something that sometimes laces loosh, and its presence is necessary for access to the substance by interdimensional energy-eaters. Negativity is not the essential emotion but an overlay emotion, and when it is present, it creates a drain on the inrush of vital energy. (Source)

Original text by DAVID ICKE from The Dream (isbn:9781838415334)


The World Is Changing

Just like the late French journalist Claire Séverac and many other brave ladies who have been facing ridicule, censorship, threats, reversed accusations and a range of spoiled labelling such as “cult”, “guru”, “conspiracy theorist” and/or so many of the like (which you should now know by heart given how feeble and limited the imagination and creativity of those morons are), Anne Givaudan is working towards the recovery of humanity's sovereignty on earth. She is, in her own words, an author, speaker and body and soul therapist, initiator of Essene therapies. In a recent interview on YouTube focusing on the “walk-in” phenomenon, she mentioned the current events our world has been facing ever since the Covidian psyop and the increasingly tangible awareness of people which makes it hard for the globalist elites, manipulated by the forces of darkness, to advance their agenda. These are the words I chose to transcribe below. Please note the full one-hour video is available only in French.


What do we do? What are we going to do? Do we agree? Do we stop acquiescing to things that are totally irresponsible, inconceivable or unacceptable? Do we keep doing that? How far can they go?

They've been carrying out tests and now they think “oh well, that's fine because for any pandemic we may create or invent, we know that people will obey”.

On the other hand, I think they may be surprised as people won't necessarily obey the same way and that's what some fear. They are so afraid of that that, right now, they're mostly trying to harm the world population or, at least, to protect themselves from human evolution. Because that's what they're afraid of. That people wake up and say, “well, we got fooled once, we won't again”.

So that's really what the dark side fears because they don't know how to deal with that. They're very good at dealing with revolutions, fights, protests and so on. They don't mind because they know what to do, how to prevent that or how to respond to that. However, they don't have a clue how to deal with solidarity between people; how to deal with refusal; how to deal with the fact that all of a sudden people take their power back and refuse to obey stupid orders. They have no competence to deal with that and that's where our power lies.

We cannot fight with the same weapons. We cannot say “let's impeach them”. It's pointless as there'll be another one coming because they have prepared for this. So whoever's in charge doesn't matter anyway. They are just puppets for other beings so that won't help. What will at some point is to wonder how we can do it as there's a great deal of extremely powerful operational magic — black magic, and we simply can't fight thinking “we're going to fight, we're going to do this and that”.

However, if we regain our power, yes, that may work.

The Dark Elites

For those, once they lose their power, they shall be cut off. Just like deflating balloons. Right now, they are balloons which make us think they have power and we believe them. Humans believe that but as soon as we stop empowering them, it'll be as if they're deflating. I'd say at some point, they won't exist anymore. And if we stop feeding them, there'll be nothing left. That'll be the end.

Well, that's the reason why when I wrote the files on the world government, it's true that I've had to deal with them but if you stand up, it's okay. Even though some have died. Like Claire Séverac for instance. Well, she has been… many people have been suicided or sick from unusual illnesses. So that's true, it's dangerous, but on the other hand, if we let them have it… 

The Fear of Death

Once you no longer fear death, you're not afraid of life and that's when you can take action. That's what you must keep in mind.
That's what happens, for example, with people who do incredible things in sports or at any level. At some point, they have overridden or overcome their fear of death and from then on were able to experience life at every levels. Otherwise, fear and love don't match together. So as long as you're afraid, some things can never happen.

They've used that a lot over the last couple of years and that's how they conned most people. It would go to extreme lengths that were absurd. But they've been testing their power to see how they could psychologically get people to do that. So now they think that they may be able to do it again. That's why I'm saying it's not over yet.

It's not over yet, but people are waking up.

I, for one, always tell people “don't stay on your own, go to places where you can be with others whom you can talk to; with whom you can communicate; with whom something happens”.

Formatting Children

We need to get out of this falsehood which creates feeble beings who feel lonely, who are unhappy and who are actually formatted whereas initially they had plenty of ideas.

As long as they don't go to school, kids are okay. They have many potentials until they get formatted. It's not teachers' fault but the program's.

They want to create obedient individuals with limited education and now, on top of that, they put them into boxes. That is they must specialise in some field and therefore cannot have an overall view of all the rest, which is very bad as we'll only get specialists.

And there's worse with the sexual stories which are convenient for paedophiles.

The Collapse of Old Structures

It's just like a game of chess where you place your rook, your queen on the board. What do we want? Do we want to go on like this? No.

So do we accept that the old structures fall apart and that financially there may be some disasters — economically and politically. It actually makes sense.

If we don't let go of it, we'll be unhappy and that's not the point. It's normal for old structures to collapse so we won't attempt to seal the cracks again — to pour old wine into new bottles and stuff like that.

Rather, it's important to let them collapse as soon as possible. Medicine is collapsing, but at the same time people are looking for alternative medicines so they're trying to get in their way with silly legislation. That said, law or no law, they'll do it anyway.

I've just received a book from a doctor who initially wanted to be a healer but became a physician instead, and he mentions about eleven terminally ill persons who all recovered from their disease — not necessarily thanks to medicine — maybe a bit for some — but mostly thanks to themselves. It's very interesting to note that now even doctors are writing theses about that.

It means the world is changing.

Original text by ANNE GIVAUDAN translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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