All You Need Is Love, Love – Love Is All You Need

Love beyond any version of the word that human minds can contemplate awaits in 5-D and Infinity. It has been patiently waiting all along for minds to awaken from their induced coma. The heart-opening I have been saying would come for so long – that I was told about during my own awakening in 1990 – is now here for unprecedented numbers in the simulation era. This is the reason those people are being targeted by the forces of schism and inversion. They seek to close our hearts with fear. We must not let them and if we don’t succumb we shall prevail. The Nag Hammadi quote said of the Archon effect on humanity: ‘… they closed their hearts’. Researcher Paul Levy refers to Wetiko as a ‘frigid, icy heart, devoid of mercy’.

Look at Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Whitty, Trudeau, Freeland, Biden, Johnson, Macron, Draghi, Ardern, Morrison, ad infinitum. What do you see? Frigid, icy hearts, devoid of mercy. Levy adds that the way to ‘defeat’ evil is not to try to destroy it by playing Wetiko’s game. It is rather to find the invulnerable place within ourselves where evil cannot vanquish us. That ‘place’ is love and 5-D awareness. We should never forget that Wetiko and its manifestations in form need us. We don’t need them.

Wetiko/Yaldabaoth/Satan/Saytan/Iblis and its Cult are dependent on us to survive. Levy writes:

A vampire has no intrinsic, independent, substantial existence in its own right; it only exists in relation to us. The pathogenic, vampiric mind-parasite called wetiko is nothing in itself – not being able to exist from its own side – yet it has a ‘virtual reality’ such that it can potentially destroy our species [...] The fact that a vampire is not reflected by a mirror can also mean that what we need to see is that there’s nothing, no-thing to see, other than ourselves. The fact that wetiko is the expression of something inside of us means that the cure for wetiko is with us as well. The critical issue is finding this cure within us and then putting it into effect.

The character in The Matrix known as the Merovingian, says: ‘It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity.’ The Merovingian is a symbolic agent of the Matrix and so he would think that.

Without experiencing love of the Infinite kind, and what love makes you do and stand for, it would appear to be insanity to Wetiko. But this love is what holds infinity together; it’s the foundation, the first and last, of everything.

Once you are touched by it and access its gifts of wisdom and knowing you are never the same again. I know that is true. It touched me on a hill in Peru in 1990. We speak of the human spirit when we are really speaking of expanded awareness beyond ‘human’. We are capable of amazing creativity and acts of courage, determination, kindness, and love. We see it all the time amid the madness and self-destruction.

These are all expressions of our natural state, our default position – love in its Infinite Sense. Wetiko cannot stay where love reigns and the entire foundation of its focus is to block the manifestation of love within its target hearts and minds. The realisation that we are not ‘human’, but a state of expanded awareness trapped in the illusion of ‘human’, will trigger our conscious connection to who we really are – love. Simply love. We have been manipulated to forget that and it is time to remember. What happens from here depends upon it. Love is not limited to attraction. In its true sense it does not require attraction. Nor is love a word that ushers so easily from the lips whether or not you mean it or understand it. People who have told me most often how much they love me and support my work have provided some of the biggest challenges to me and my work and I have seen those who talk about love so full of hatred that they seek to destroy others. Words are easy.

Love in its purest form is not so easy to express in a world that seeks its elimination. But we must seek to be that love, for it is who we really are.

This love is not ‘I love you’. It is ‘I love’. This love is not the human love of mere attraction. It comes not from the groin, but the heart which is our connection to the Infinite Love that we are. This love is without fear for it knows there is nothing to fear. We are Infinite Forever and we remain so no matter what our current experience may be. This love will always do what it knows to be right and will never be swayed from that by fear of consequences. To consider consequences is to consider not doing what you know to be right and this love would never do that. This love is not to be felt. It is to be. It is not a feeling, it is a being, an isness.

This love comes from a transformation of self-identity. Know that the body and the world of ‘human’ is illusion. Hold that awareness always. Know that you are Infinite Consciousness and you will reconnect with the True ‘I’ – love. The energy of worldwide freedom marches and events is so different because of this. Love is the energy, the being, the perception, the isness, that will change our reality and return us to paradise. We only have to open our hearts and live what they tell us to live.

Who am I? I am All That Is, Has Been, And Ever Can Be, having a brief experience called ‘human’.

Who are you?

The same.

Live it, be it, and everything shall change.

Original text by DAVID ICKE from The Trap (isbn:9781838415327)


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