The Eleventh Hour

Oops! I've been spending so many hours copy-pasting articles from one platform to another over the last couple of weeks that I lost all track of days and nearly forgot what day it is.

Yes, today celebrates the eleventh anniversary of la Pensine, ironically halfway between Eklablog and Blogger as this dual number suggests. I'm doing my best for the transfer to be completed by the end of August, the expected date for the migration of Eklablog to Overblog's servers with their standardised designs and ads galore. Well, Blogger is no El Dorado but it's still the least bad solution than having to ask for donations to finance a blog hosting service. So thank you to everyone who has been faithfully following me over the years and chose to keep doing so on this new platform. And, of course, to all the newcomers who jumped on the bandwagon.

Did you know that master number 11 is also known as the “angel number”? In the traditional tarot of Marseilles, it is associated with the arcanum of Strength, a symbol of courage, determination and persistence. Looks like it's exactly what I'm currently experiencing with this tedious and time-consuming migration which should take many more weeks to complete.

As a thank you for your patience and diligence, I would like to share a wonderful story with you.

As a thank you for your patience and diligence, I would like to share a wonderful story with you.

Do like birds do
Birds, they live on fresh air and water
On hunting and fishing
But nothing ever stops them birds from flying higher

"Fais comme l'oiseau", Michel Fugain (1972)

About a month ago, a friend of mine found a baby bird which had fallen from its nest in a car park and seemed to be struggling for life. Following her heart, she brought it home to feed and nurse it despite her five cats on the lookout. Last weekend, we visited a friend in the countryside and brought him Miss Birdie so she could grow freely in a less hostile environment than in the suburbs of Paris. It was a memorable and informative experience, filled with tenderness and laughters. Since Miss Birdie regarded my friend as a surrogate mother, she had become totally domesticated, flying around us, perching on our heads, shoulders, arms, backs; greeting us and playing as young pets usually do. What amused me the most was her tasting chocolate of her own initiative, which seemed to get her high in such a way that she would swoop down like a rocket towards the fridge as I headed to the kitchen to fetch the cake and would smear chocolate on her beak and feathers like a greedy kid. Tonight I heard Miss Birdie just got adopted by a family of sparrows, which makes our friend both sad and happy she could get back so quickly to the kind of of life she was meant for. A free bird life. We can hope she'll come back to pay regular visits to the one who took care of her. We sincerely hope and pray so.

In Amerindian culture, the sparrow is often regarded as a messenger from the spirit world. It is believed that when a sparrow appears, it brings messages of love, joy and good fortune. The sparrow is also associated with community and social ties, reminding people of the importance of coming together and supporting each other. (Source)

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Pictures: Mimi B. and Ey@el


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