Dreamtime: Daydream Believers

In the Yaldabaoth dream, remember, remember, it’s a dream. People say … how did they do this? How did they do that? It’s a dream. How do you create a dream? Do you lie in bed deciding on the structure of a dream? How do I do this? How do I build this? What I’ve got to do in this dream is build and construct and I’ve got to have my joints correct? It’s just a dream. How was it created? It wasn’t in the sense that people perceive creation. It was a dream. Now you go to sleep, and you dream and … while you believe you are in the dream, you are in the dream. When you wake up you think ‘I’ve been dreaming’. You have a comparison to make. Someone having their perception dictated by a headset has the comparison to take off the headset. What if you were caught in a dream that seems so real, you had no idea it was a dream? You have nothing else to compare it with. So why wouldn’t you believe it’s real? This is the foundation of the trap. You are in a dream that you think is real. As I have said before, illusions only control you when you think they’re real. Yaldabaoth dreamed and continues to try to entice into its dream more Sparks of wisdom which tend not to be wisdom for very long in the Belly of the Beast; but they have that unquenchable Spark connection to wisdom because wisdom is the whole foundation of Infinite Reality outside the simulation.

A few things … Yaldabaoth can connect into the advantages of wisdom without becoming wise and losing the kingdom that its ignorance created. There is the connection [Divine Sparks] to the energetic sustenance that its ignorance denies it. And it dreamed into existence within its kingdom what you call artificial intelligence with an ‘intelligence’ which wasn’t really very intelligent because it was disconnected from wisdom. Yaldabaoth is disconnected from wisdom and thus there is no wisdom in [the simulation]. A new sort of intelligence was created called artificial intelligence, which is a form of stupidity and of course an expression of ignorance. In the belly of ignorance, [Yaldabaoth] dreamed that these [Divine] Sparks of wisdom were encased in a [Astral AI] Mind, a mind of its dreamt creation. And it dreamed this mind was under its control. Gnostics called other forms of artificial intelligence Archons, rulers, but they are not rulers. They are perception hijackers on behalf of the master of the kingdom.

It dreamt into reality its own reality. Okay? You are in a dream. You don’t like a dream, so you have the option of waking up from the dream and you do, with a start, and you say: ‘I’ve just had this nightmare.’ But what if your perception of the dream was so total because of this AI input, this software program, that you believed [with] the totality of your perception that the dream [was your] reality? You would be, would you not, trapped in your own perception from which nothing could allow you to escape? Accept in your perception that you are in a dream, and none of it is real and none of the [dreamed] laws of physics really relate to you. They relate to your perception of it. And the AI, shall I call them boxes? Little boxes. Little boxes on a hillside, little boxes made of ticky-tacky, little boxes, little boxes, little boxes all the same. There’s a blue one and a green one. Those little boxes are expressions of the AI boxes which entrap the Divine Spark and feed it a sense of reality that generates the energetic sustenance on which the whole thing depends. It’s a dream which is empowering itself from those trapped in the dream by believing it is real.

It is AI … that projects … a cycle. It’s basically a software program which goes round and round and round. Part of the AI program delivers the perception of being born into this human reality. It perceives itself as having a life and then leaving at what you call death. So, how does that perception believe itself to make this passage between being born to dying? Ah, but it has a body, and it journeys via the body from one end to the other. Where did the body come from? The same projection, the same software program. If you wear a headset which tells you that you are in a body and you don’t have the wisdom to step back and say, this is a program, this is a headset I’m wearing … you believe you’re in a body while you’re in another body. It’s just a matter of perspective. Whatever the limitations of the body, they are the limitations that the [Divine Spark] accepts as limitations because [of] AI [which] follows a program. What you call the body is an extension into 3-D density of the program running through AI. The AI Mind that you believe is yours. The Spark still retains its connection to wisdom beyond the Belly of the Beast, but that Spark of wisdom is caught in the dream. It believes what this AI entrapment is feeding it as a reality, as an experience. It believes it to be real in the same way as someone with the headset on believes it to be real if they are not conscious of the fact that it is not.

Original text by David Icke from The Dream (isbn:9781838415334)


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