Archons and How They Interfere With Our Lives

Usually equated with fallen angels, according to Gnostics, Archons (from the Greek arkhōn meaning “governor” or “ruler”) would have been created by a superior deity called the Demiurge who would have designed the physical world as a prison for souls of which the Archons would be the wardens in charge of keeping them in ignorance of their true divine nature.

In his latest book released this week, entitled The Reveal, David Icke explains that “we are experiencing a ‘world’ conjured into being by a deeply disturbed, inverted consciousness, which is clever from the perspective of knowledge and ridiculously stupid from the perspective of wisdom. Even its knowledge is relative to the suppression of knowledge in its targets.”

We are dealing with the state of being that Gnostics called Yaldabaoth and Native Americans dub Wetiko, the ‘mind virus’. Archons, demons, and Jinn are expressions of this single flow of consciousness. In the end, they are all Yaldabaoth, a mind virus that seeks to absorb human awareness into itself and make us like it. This is the process I have long called the ‘assimilation’. Most will find this hard to believe, but the means to assimilate humanity is being assembled around us every day in the form of ‘human’ AI which is an extension into matter of Astral AI. It makes the political machinations over Trump or Biden or Kennedy pale into insignificance.

David Icke, The Reveal

The perception of Archons may be different according to the various Gnostic currents. However, all agree on the importance of gnosis to transcend their influence (overcoming the polarities inherent to this world — which would not have been created by the Divine — such as, for instance, good cannot exist without evil or truth cannot exist without lies, etc.) to achieve a state of spiritual liberation by returning to the Divine Source.


I wanted to talk a little more about Archons and the reality that we are all currently experiencing. When it comes to these non-physical entities, there are many things to consider.

I have written about Archons and Archon attacks in the past (see: The Anatomy of an Archon Attack and Catalyst Happens), so please check out those articles for a little background information if needed. Here, I plan to dive into the subject a little further and discuss the reasons for these attacks. Why are we targets? Why are they here?

Currently, our awareness is locked into what appears to be a “physical” body; however, that “physical” body is something that is manifested and decoded into being from another body, sometimes referred to as the etheric body or energy body. What we call a physical body, a bio-mechanical construct with genetic processes and programs, is more like a space suit. It is a vehicle for the exploration and the expressions of consciousness.

We can call being in a body a “human experience”.


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