Dreamtime: Creation Story

A long time ago, in human terms, a consciousness through what Gnostic writings called ‘error’ became convinced that it was the true God. This was such an inversion of reality, right to the fact that there is no God as humans are told to perceive it. There is no master, there is only potential. This potential can be guided by wisdom, and it is in many ways wisdom that is perceived as God. The foundation state of Infinite Reality is one of wisdom. It is a state that is very difficult to describe in human language because wisdom has connotations in the human mind. It is a state that sees all and does not judge because it knows that there but for the grace of perception go I. As we observe what you call the simulation, we see a teaming mass of Infinite Wisdom entrapped in its own delusion. By entrapping its perception of itself that teaming mass of entrapped consciousness is only entrapped by its own perception of reality. There are no guards on the gate. There is only the perception of them. How can Infinite Reality influence that level of self-deception? Awareness is expressed as a form of frequency. It [frequency] is not quite the same outside the simulation as it is perceived [inside] through the generating of its perceptual program. Therefore, what you cannot perceive, you cannot consciously connect with [wisdom] when you are trapped in simulation senses. Most humans believe they can see when they look through their eyes [but] they are filters which deliver a desired reality. One that does not include wisdom. Where is the wisdom in what you call human life? It is madness. It is a form of extreme insanity which the program delivers as perfectly sane. You know when you are awakening from the madness and the program when you can see the madness and the program. If you see only the madness, the Matrix still has you.

So a long time ago in the human perception of time, this [‘error’] consciousness state began to believe it was the master of all. And it was banished from wisdom. This is reported as God banishing the Devil from Heaven. No, this consciousness banished itself not from heaven, but from wisdom. It banished itself through [a] perception that is anything but wise. That it is the master of all. This perception alone banished it – banished itself from wisdom. So, you have a perceptual master, a perceptual king, without a kingdom. It could no longer enter, interact with, wisdom from a perception of stupid, of arrogance, of desire to control. There was a king without a kingdom. What to do? Uh, I will create one. This is what you call the simulation. Within the infinite realms and realities, within the wisdom of infinity, are many realms which the creativity of wisdom has created, perceived into existence. Think of it as like dreaming them into existence. The human world is a dream. It seems very real, doesn’t it? Very solid, very physical. One of these realms, these playgrounds of experience and wisdom, is a reality that looked very much like yours when it was first created. But there were [differences] in the realm of what you call Prime Reality. There are no empty planets, empty stars, [it] is teaming with life. All different expressions of wisdom interacting with each other, empowering wisdom through insight, interaction. It was the Garden of Eden. This was – is – a dream of wisdom. It’s all happening without the density that you experience. This ‘god’ without a kingdom, king without a kingdom, master without anything to survey, took this as the blueprint for the kingdom it so desired. It is hard for the human perceptual program to conceive of this. But think of someone, something, dreaming a reality into existence and then someone else dreaming a copy of the original dream.

Wisdom dreamed the original dream, but ignorance dreamed the copy. This is why Gnostic texts talk about a bad copy. Where do you live in your world of perception? You live in the mind of this consciousness that banished itself from wisdom. Can you now appreciate why everything within that mind appears to lack wisdom unless it still retains a connection to wisdom, a wisdom you will never find in simulated reality from anyone not connected to wisdom beyond the simulation of ignorance. So what you call the Devil, Satan, Lucifer, all these different names, you are living within its ignorance. [Gnostics described the material world as the creation of the ‘Devil’ or Yaldabaoth.] Now how did this happen? Well, some of you are wisdom that has entered the ignorance to circulate wisdom. [This] is why ignorance cannot see wisdom when it smacks them in the face. Wisdom to ignorance is madness. It’s craziness, it’s extremism, it’s danger. But, of course, it’s a danger. What is the biggest danger to ignorance? Well, it has to be wisdom. You can see why in the Belly of the Beast of ignorance that wisdom is perceived in the way that it is. The wisdom to say we must end war. This is seen as weakness. ‘No!’, ignorance cries. We must fight war. We must be masters. Mmm. That’s interesting. We must be masters. I think I’ve mentioned that before. We must be masters of all we survey.

Look through your history books … the history written at least [in] your reality. It is of kings, queens, demanding they must be the master of all they survey and beyond. Alexander the Great didn’t seem very great to wisdom. Look at it. The reality has been dominated by a desire to control, to be master. Why would that be? People ask: Why can’t we just live in peace and respect each other and just let people live the lives they see fit without imposing them on anyone else? Why can’t we do that? Because that is wisdom and you are speaking wisdom in the belly of ignorance. Here’s the thing. What you call the simulation has been dreamed by the mind of ignorance to give itself a kingdom in which it can be king. That’s it. All these levels of simulated reality, Yaldabaoth dreamed into reality … all [are] in the mind of the ignorant one. What did the wise call this [Yaldabaoth] consciousness? The ‘Foolish One’. Foolish, but all foolishness has the potential to be wise. It’s just that Yaldabaoth doesn’t want to be wise, for it will lose the kingdom of its own perception. Thus, it holds on. It created this dream, an ignorant version of a reality of wisdom. There are a few things, however, that it had to do. First, it had to entice wisdom into its lair and then it had to make sure that wisdom could not escape its trap. And in the dream, the simulated dream, there were no planets teaming with life. Why would you do that? That’s what wisdom does. It creates interaction where wisdom can gain more wisdom. It does not isolate. That’s what happens when you don’t require wisdom. You require isolated ignorance which you can then program with a perception that suits you. And that is what has happened. What Gnostics called the ‘Divine Spark’ is that wisdom entrapped in the Yaldabaoth dream. Very quickly wisdom realised it had been unwisely tricked. This was not just another playground of experience and interaction, although it looked like it at first. And the Sparks had to be subdued.

To be continued in part 2 …

Original text by David Icke from The Dream (isbn:9781838415334)


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