Facebook Is a CIA Databank

While this article was written four years ago, nowadays (virtually) everyone knows that social media is being strongly monitored by authorities and intelligence services of all parties. Now, the recent terrorist attacks in Paris have offered France the means and opportunity to step out in the open and initiate emergency legislation to keep spying on us the American way. Those who'd do absolutely anything to remain in denial will probably utter the usual memorised claptrap. No doubt, the snooty and arrogant ignorant know-it-all may argue that for some, evil is everywhere and that anyway, they have nothing to fear since they have nothing to hide (second statement is true, however the first one...). I still take the trouble to reach out with some insightful links, albeit mainly for those who might feel inspired and strong enough to preach the word to their zombified circle. It's a long shot, but you have my wholehearted support.


In my Feb. 16 article ''Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts,'' I argued  that Facebook and Google data mine information about you. This is now public knowledge.

The Associated Press reported November 4 that the CIA has an entire center dedicated to monitoring Facebook and Twitter.  They also monitor TV stations and print newspapers.

"The Open Source Center," established in 2005 by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, has been operating since the 9/11 Commission's  call for foreign counter-intelligence.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


No Toilet Paper

As seen previously with their Nirvana spoof, the Bidochons may not do anything by halves, all the same they remain excellent musicians who also happily master the art of pastiche. See for yourself: check this ultimate “Fabfouresque” video clip and humourously revamped lyrics of "Paperback Writer" — so realistic it sounds like speaking from experience. So what? Don't tell me you never found yourself in such a rock'n'roll situation at least once in your life! You're welcome to share your experience in the comments below.


Pas d'papier water

I gotta get out of here, it's smelling goat
I just can't use my whole press book
I'd love to leave these toilets
But there's no paper oh what can I do?

No toilet paper
No toilet paper

Oh sure, it's unhygienic and it leaves marks
And there's someone waiting at the door
I've a good mind to put my pants back on
Quite a challenge for soapers

No toilet paper
No toilet paper

I may be on the potty, still no jackpot for me
Short of paper, short of ideas
If only I had a postcard
Or some good comics so I could get the hell out of here

No toilet paper
No toilet paper

If that's what it takes, I shall sacrifice
My whole set of tube tickets
Unless I wipe myself on the plastered walls
But it's roughcast, it's sure gonna hurt

No toilet paper
No toilet paper

Original text by TITI WOLF translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Ring

I asked Saturn
Where had his ring gone.
But the Great Silent One,
So high and so mighty,
Summoned me to give back
The ring I never had,
Threatening to slay me
Unless he recovered what was his.

I ran to Neptune
To enquire of the whereabouts of the ring.
He said: “Go ask the Moon
Or her friend Pierrot.
And as he couldn't care less,
He dived back under water
Splashing all over
Saying no more word.

And since I didn't know where to look
Nor which God to turn to,
And since none would help,
I felt rather confused.

I turned to Chiro
To find out about the ring.
He said: “Go ask Sauron
Or his enemy Bilbo.
And suddenly, I remembered
What happened to the bloody precious
Someone eventually found
And threw into the fire.

About this piece

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


European Media Writing pro-US Stories Under CIA Pressure

As previously announced, here's a repost and my full transcript (which required a bit of research on my part) of the interview of Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the largest newspapers in Germany, on alternative media RT News in which he admits having worked for the CIA and that he is now coming forward because he is afraid of a war between the United States, Europe and Russia. A good reminder that there is no such thing as an independent press as claimed by preeminent New York journalist John Swinton at a banquet back in 1880:

There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.

Labor's Untold Story, Richard O. Boyer & Herbert M. Morais (1955)

CIA media pushing for war with Russia

I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public. But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media try to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.

The reason for writing this book was that I'm very fearful of a new war in Europe and I don't like to have this situation again because war is never coming from itself. There is always people behind it to push for war. And this is not only politicians, this is journalists too. And I've just have written in the book how we have betrayed in the past our readers just to push for war and because I don't want this anymore. I'm fed up with this propaganda. We live in a banana republic and not in a democratic country where we have press freedom, where we have human rights.

If you see, the German media, especially my colleagues who day by day write against the Russians, who are in transatlantic organisations, and who are supported by the United States to do so, well people like me, I became honorary citizen of the state of Oklahoma in the United States. Why? Just because I wrote pro-American. I was supported by the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. Why? Because I should be pro-American. I'm fed up with it, I don't want to do it anymore and so I've just written a book not to earn money — it will cause a lot of trouble to me — just to give the people in this country, in Germany, in Europe and all over the world a glimpse of a view what goes on behind the closed doors.

The genocide of Iraqi Kurds with German-made poison gas

There are many examples for that. If you just go back to history, into the year 1988 — if you go to your archives, you'll find that in March 1988, in Iraq, the Kurdish people have been gassed with poison gas. That is known all over the world. But in July 1988, they sent me to a town called Zubaidat, that is on the Iraqi-Iranian border. It was war between the Iranians and the Iraqis and I was sent there to photograph how the Iranians have been gassed with poison gas — German poison gas. You call it lost and yprite mustard gas made by Germany. And I was there to make photographs of how these people have been killed by poison gas from Germany.

When I came back to Germany, there was just one small photo in a newspaper, The Frankfurter Allgemeine, and there was one small article. Not writing how brutal, inhuman and terrible it was to kill people with German mustard gas decades after the end of World War II. So this was a situation where I felt misused for having being there just to give a documentary of what had been done, but not being allowed to cry out to the world what we have done behind closed doors. Up to today, it is not well-known in the public that was the German Public House there had been hundreds of thousands of people gassed in this city of the Zubaidat.

Non-official cover (NOC)

Now you ask what I have done for intelligence agencies? So, please see, most of the journalists you see in foreign countries claim to be journalists — they might be journalists, European or American journalists, but many of them, like me in the past, are so-called “non-official cover”. That's how the American call them. I have been a non-official cover. Non-official cover means what? It means you do work for an intelligence agency, you help them if they want you to help them, but when you are locked or when they find out that you're not only a journalist but a spy too, they will never say: “This was one of our guys”. They will not know you, that means non-official cover.

So I have helped them in several situations and I feel ashamed for that too now. Like I feel ashamed that I have worked for very recommended newspapers like The Frankfurt Allgemeine because I was bribed by billionaires, I was bribed by the Americans not to report exactly the truth.

I just imagined in my car while I was driving to these interviews, I just tried to work out in my brain what would have happened if I would have written a pro-Russian article in The Frankfurt Allgemeine. Well, I don't know what would have happened, but we were all educated to write pro-European, pro-American, but please, not pro-Russian. So I'm very sorry for that, but this is not what I understand for democracy and for press freedom. I'm very sorry for all that.

How young journalists get corrupted

Yes, I understand your question very well. Germany is still a kind of a colony of the United States. You'll see that in many points like the majority of the Germans don't want to have nukes in our country, but we still have American nukes. We're still kind of a colony of the Americans and being a colony, it is very easy to approach young journalists through — very important here — transatlantic organisations.

All journalists from really respected and recommended big German newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations — they are all members or guests of those big transatlantic organisations. And there, in these transatlantic organisations, you are approached to be pro-American. There is nobody coming to you and say: “Well, we are the Central Intelligence Agency. Would you like to work for us?” No, this is not how it happens. What these transatlantic organisations do is they invite you for seeing the United States. They pay for that, they pay all your expenses and everything, so you are bribed to get more and more corrupt because they make you good contacts. You don't know whether these good contacts are let's say “non-official covers” or people officially working for Central Intelligence Agency or other American agencies so you make friends. You think they are friends and you cooperate with them. They ask you: “Oh, could you do me this favour? Could you do me that favour?” So your brain more and more is brainwashed though this guys.

And your question was: “Is it only the case with German journalists?” No, I think it is especially the case with British journalists because they have a much closer relationship. It is especially the case with Israelis, of course with French journalists — for a part, not that big as with the German or British journalists. It is the case for Australian journalists, for journalists from New Zealand, from Taiwan... there is many countries. Countries in the Arab world like Jordan, for example, like Oman. There is many countries where this happens, where you find people to claim they are respected journalists, but if you look behind them you'll find they are puppets on a string of the Central Intelligence Agency.

When Intelligence agencies write your articles

I'm sorry for interrupting you: I'll give you one example. Sometimes, the intelligence agencies come to your office and they want you to write an article. I'll give you an example not from stranger other journalists from me and myself. I've just forgotten the year, I just remember that the German Foreign Intelligence — Bundesnachrichtendienst, it is just a sister organisation of the Central Intelligence Agency, it was founded by the American intelligence agency — so one day, the BND, this German foreign intelligence agency, came to my office at The Frankfurter Allgemeine in Frankfurt and they wanted me to write an article about Libya and about Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. I had absolutely no secret information regarding Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and Libya but they gave me all this secret information and they just wanted me to sign the article with my name. I did that but it was an article that was published in The Frankfurter Allgemeine that originally came from the Bundesnachrichtendienst, the German Foreign Intelligence Agency. So do you really think that this is journalism intelligence agencies writing articles?

Oh yes, that article I have reprinted it partly in my book. That article was how Libya and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi secretly tried to build a poison gas factory. It was a story that was printed worldwide two days later but I had no information on that. It was the intelligence agency that wanted me to write this article. This is not the way journalism should work that intelligence agencies decide what is printed and what's not.

I'll give you a very good example if you say no: we have a rescue unit in Germany with helicopters for traffic accidents. They call themselves the Yellow Angels. There was one guy who didn't want to cooperate — he was a pilot of the helicopter service of the Yellow Angels in Germany. This guy said no to the Foreign Intelligence Service, Bundesnachrichtendienst, when they approach him and wanted him as an non-official cover to work for the German foreign intelligence agency, to pretend to be somebody from the Yellow Angels. So what happened was that he lost his job and the judge decided they were right because such a guy could not be trusted. He was kicked off his job because he didn't cooperate with the Foreign Intelligence Service. I knew what'd happen if I didn't cooperate with intelligence services.

The truth won't die

I have had six times my house searched because I was accused by the German public prosecutor of leaking state secrets. They hoped that I wouldn't do that ever again but I think it's worth it for the truth will come out one day. The truth won't die and I don't mind what happens. I've had three heart attacks, I have no children so if they want to bring me to court or to prison so it's worth it. For the truth.

Original text by UDO ULFKOTTE transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Corporation Corridors

Quite popular as a musician among French audiences, Murray Head once attempted to depict his cultural ambiguity on a TV show in France claiming “my right leg's in France, my left leg's in Britain, and my balls are in the Channel” (all in perfect French). His best and most memorable song is probably "Say It Ain't So" (to be featured some time later, I promise). So why did I pick up this one instead? Have a guess! Actually, the last time I listened to his Shade album from which this track comes from, it was probably three decades ago. It happens all the time: all of a sudden, out of the blue, a tune — some lyrics keep going round in my head. Experience taught me there's always a good reason for it, so I say thank you and like Muse « I wait patiently for a sign ».


Do you ever get that feeling
People closing doors behind you?
All alone again, surrounded
By the normal things you do,
Like a rabbit in the headlights,
You get rooted to the spot.
Now they baffle you with choices,
Will they leave you here to rot?

Corporation corridors,
How I wonder what's in store for me.
Corporation corridors,
Help me find an open door
Believe in me, I'll play your game
Please don't ignore me or my name

Do you ever get that feeling
People running scared around you
Sacrificing their opinions
For the uniform they wear
Corporation pays the mortgage,
Telephone and shiny car
Sell your morals for promotion,
Pass the buck and you'll go far

How I wonder what's in store for me
Corporation corridors,
Devoted I'll obey your laws
Grant me my security
A corporate identity and I'm yours
I'm yours

You're the answer to my problems
Can you help me run my life and find some friends

Do you ever get that feeling
People making out they like you
All the time they're busy working
On the plan to run you through ?
If you really want to beat them
You can do it through the system
Secret lies in infiltration,
Anonymity's the clue

Make a point in being faceless,
Keep your instinct well alive
Making sure you leave no traces
And you won't tell any lies.

Come and join the corporation now!
Step into the corridor,
Come and clock-in at the station now.
Welcome home 1984!

Original text by MURRAY HEAD
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Facebook: Users Who Didn't Apply the French Tricolor Filter on Their Profile Picture Will Get Flagged

To avoid any misunderstanding, let me say that the following article is a spoof from satirical online newspaper Le Gorafi (Le Figaro spelled backwards) and therefore is purely dark humour of course — a complete hoax (theorically that is).


In the teeming jumble of the actual state of emergency and dumper-load of circulars, decrees and other administrative searches, one measure has almost gone unnoticed.

Yet, it concerns all Facebook users in France who didn't apply the tricolour filter to their profile picture after the Paris attacks as intelligence services shall have their records kept under S.7 for “antisocial behaviour” and “conspiracy tendencies”.

This means that an impressive total of 22 million users (of the 30 million in France) should thus get “flagged” by the DGSI and monitored to check on their integrity and patriotism.

A dereliction of civic duty casting doubt on their love for the nation

General Director of the French National Police Jean-Marc Falcone (DGPN) believes in the merits of this decision: “We do know that the terrorists were mostly young French individuals and also that they were Facebook users” he said. “Therefore, it makes sense for us to start monitoring all young French Facebook users to ensure such tragedy never happens again.

Same story Place Beauvau (location of the French Ministry of Interior in Paris) where we are told this measure also addresses the insecurity felt by those who did choose to apply the said filter: “Most are upset that their 'friends' refused to display this true sign of solidarity,” explained a principal private secretary with a hand on his heart. “Many of them now feel threatened by these individuals who failed in their fundamental civic duty, thus casting doubt on their attachment to our country and its values.”

As further testimony of the recent global solidarity towards France, the EU also proposed the creation of a centralised database of all European citizens who didn't post any status or picture of Paris in the days following the terrorist attacks.

Original text by LE GORAFI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Astroturf and Manipulation of Media Messages

As previously introduced in a reposted article about mainstream media journalists coming out to tell the truth to the public about the manipulation and distortion of information, Sharyll Attkisson is an investigative reporter based in Washington D.C. As a correspondent for CBS News for twenty years, she was rewarded for her great professionalism with many Investigative Emmy Awards. She's currently writing a book addressing “the unseen influences of corporations and special interests on the information and images the public receives every day in the news and elsewhere.” The following talk, “given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community”, is a blessing for anyone who might sometimes get confused as to distinguish between alleged conspiracies and fake myth debunkers. Definitely a must-watch/read especially for those who often take Wikepedia's word for granted.


Consider this fictitious example that's inspired by real life. Say, you're watching the news and you see a story about a new study on the cholesterol-lowering drug called Cholestor. They say Cholestor is so effective that doctors should consider prescribing it to adults and even children who don't yet have high cholesterol. Is it too good to be true?

You're smart, you decide to do some of your own research. You do a Google search, you consult social media Facebook and Twitter, you look at Wikipedia, web indies and non-profit websites and you read the original study in a peer-reviewed published medical journal. It all confirms how effective Cholestor is.

You do run across a few negative comments as a potential link to cancer, but you dismiss that because medical experts call the cancer link a “myth” and say that those who think there is a link there are quacks and cranks and nuts. Finally you learn that you own doctor recently attended a medical seminar. The lecture that he attended confirms how effective Cholestor is. So he sends you off with some free samples and a prescription. You've really done your homework. But what if all isn't as it seems?  

What if the reality you found was false? A carefully constructed narrative by unseen special interests designed to manipulate your opinion. A Trumanshowesque alternate reality all around you. Complacency in the news media combined with incredibly powerful propaganda and publicity forces mean we sometimes get little of the truth. Special interests have unlimited time and money to figure out new ways to spin it while cloaking their role. Surreptitious astroturf methods are now more important to these interests in traditional lobbying of congress — there's an entire industry built around it in Washington.

The definition of astroturf

What is astroturf? It's a perversion of grassroots as a fake grassroots. Astroturf is when political, corporate or other special interests disguise themselves and publish blogs, start Facebook and Twitter accounts, publish ads, letters to editors or simply post comments online to try to fool you into thinking an independent or grassroots movement is speaking. The whole point of astroturf is to try to give the impression of widespread support for or against an agenda when there's not.

Astroturf seeks to manipulate you into changing your opinion by making you feel as if you're an out liar when you're not. One example is the Washington Redskins name. Without taking a position on the controversy, if you simply were looking at news media coverage over the course of the past year or looking at social media, you probably had to conclude that most Americans can find that name offensive and think it ought to be changed. But what if I told you 71% of Americans say the name should not be changed? That's more than two thirds.

Astroturfers seek to controversialise those who disagree with them. They attack news organisations that publish stories they don't like, whistleblowers who tell the truth, politicians who dare to ask the tough questions and journalists who have the audacity to report on all of it.

Sometimes, astroturf will simply shove intentionally so much confusing and conflicting information into the mix that you're left to throw up your hands and disregard all of it including the truth. Drown out of link between a medicine and a harmful side-effect, say vaccines and autism, by throwing a bunch of conflicting paid-for studies, surveys and experts into the mix, confusing the truth beyond recognition.

Wikipedia: astroturfers' favourite instrument

And then there's Wikipedia: astroturf's dream come true. Build as the free encyclopedia that anyone can have it, the reality can't be more different. Anonymous Wikipedia editors control and co-op pages on behalf of special interest. They forbid and reverse edits that go against their agenda. They skew and delete information in blatant violation of Wikipedia's own established policies with impunity always superior to the poor schlubs who actually believe anyone can add to Wikipedia only to discover they're barred from correcting even the simplest factual inaccuracies. Try adding a footnote or fact or correcting a fact there on one of these monitored Wikipedia ages of “pages” or spoof. Sometimes within a matter of seconds you'll find your edit is reversed.

In 2012, famed author Philip Roth tried to correct a major fact there about the inspiration behind one of his books character just cited on a Wikipedia page, but no matter how hard he tried, Wikipedia's editors wouldn't allow it. They kept reverting the edits back to the false information. When Roth finally reached a person at Wikipedia — which is no easy task — and tried to find out what was going wrong, they told him he simply was not considered a credible source on himself!

A few weeks later, there was a huge scandal when Wikipedia officials got caught offering a PR service, discute and edit information on behalf of paid publicity-seeking clients — another opposition to Wikipedia's supposed policies. All of this may be why when a medical study looked at medical conditions described in Wikipedia pages and compared this to actual peer at reviewed published research, Wikipedia contradicted medical research 90% of the time. You may never fully trust what you read on Wikipedia again. Nor should you.

The unseen interests behind Cholestor

Let's now go back to that fictitious Cholestor example and all the research you did. It turns out that the Facebook and Twitter accounts you found that were so positive were actually written by paid-professionals hired by the drug company to promote the drug. The Wikipedia page had been monitored by an agenda editor also paid by the drug company. The drug company also arranged to optimise Google search engine results so it was no accident that you stumbled across that positive non-profit and all the positive comments. The non-profit was of course secretly founded and funded by the drug company. The drug company also financed that positive study and used its power for editorial control to omit any mention of cancer as a possible side-effect. 

Once more, each and every doctor who publicly touted Cholestor or called the cancer link a myth or ridiculed critics as paranoid cranks and cracks or served on a government advisory board that approved the drug — each of those doctors is actually a paid-consultant for the drug company. As for your own doctor, the medical lecture he attended that held all that positive valuations was in fact like many continuing medical education classes sponsored by the drug company.

And when the news reported on that positive study, it didn't mention any of that. I have tons of personal examples from real life.

The National Sleep Foundation example

A couple of years ago, CBS News asked me to look into a story about a study coming out from the non-profit National Sleep Foundation. Supposedly this press release coming out said the study concluded “we are a nation with an epidemic of sleeplessness and we don't even know it. And we should all go ask our doctors about it.” A couple of things struck me about that.

First, I recognised the phrase “ask your doctor” as a catch phrase promoted by the pharmaceutical industry. They know that if they can get you foot to the door of the doctor's office to mention a malady, you're very likely to be prescribed the latest drug that's marketed.

Second, I wondered how serious an epidemic of sleeplessness could really be if we don't even know that we have it. Right? It didn't take long for me to do a little research and discover that the National Sleep Foundation non-profit and the study — which was actually a survey not a study — were sponsored in part by a new drug that was about to be launched on the market called Lunestar: a sleeping pill.

I reported the study as CBS News asked, but of course I disclosed the sponsorship behind the non-profit and the survey so the viewers could weigh the information accordingly. All the other news media reported the same survey directly off the press release as written without digging past the superficial. It later became an example written up in the Columbia Journalism Review which quite accurately reported that only we, at CBS News, had bothered to do a little bit of research and disclose the conflict of interest behind this widely reported survey.

How to recognise signs of propaganda and astroturf

So now you may be thinking: “What can I do? I thought I'd done my research. What chance do I have separating fact from fiction especially if "seasoned" journalists with years of experience can be so easily fooled?” Well, I have a few strategies which I can tell you about to help you recognise signs of propaganda and astroturf. Once you start to know what to look for, you'll begin to recognise it everywhere.

First, hallmarks of astroturf include use of inflammatory language such as “crank, quack, nutty, liar, paranoid, pseudo” and “conspiracy”.

Astroturfers often claim to debunk myths that aren't myths at all. Use of the charge language tastes well. People hear some things are myths, maybe they find it on Snopes and they instantly declare themselves too smart to fall for it. But what if the whole notion of the myth is itself a myth and you and Snopes fell for that?

Beware when interests attack an issue by controversialising or attacking the people, personalities and organisations surrounding it rather than addressing the facts: that could be astroturf.

And most of all, astroturfers tend to reserve all of their public scepticism of those exposing wrongdoing rather than the wrongdoers. In other words, instead of questioning authority, they question those who question authority.

You might start to see things a little more clearly. It's kind of like taking off your glasses and wiping them and putting them back on and realising for the first time how far they've been all along. I can't resolve these issues, but I hope that I've given you some information that will at least motivate you to take off your glasses and wipe them, and become a wiser consumer of information in an increasingly artificial paid-for reality.

Thank you.

Original text by SHARYL ATTKISSON transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Vital Role of Hydratation

As you already know, our body is 75% water and while it is possible to survive a long time without any food (up to 6 weeks or longer), two or three days without consuming any water inevitably leads to death.

Every day, our emonctories, that is our kidneys (urine), colon (stool), lungs (breath), and skin (sweat), eliminate 2.5 litres of water. When our intake is insufficient (beverages and food), in order to survive our body retains water by slowing down the elimination of waste and toxins, ultimately resulting in more or less severe health issues depending on our age, physical condition and build — infants, children, the elderly, and the sick are most at risk.

Indicators of dehydration

You must be aware that dehydration sets in long before you get a strong sense of thirst or the following symptoms:

  • Dry mouth: saliva is 99% water and as well as playing a major part in the pre-digestion of food, it also protects our teeth and mucous membranes from bacteria that live inside our mouth.
  • Dry irritated eyes: tears are also made of water. They support oxygenation and protection of the cornea. Insufficient lacrimation may result in conjunctivitis, keratitis and serious infections while also impairing our vision.
  • Dry skin and dull complexion: the skin is usually irrigated by blood capillaries and sweat glands that also serve to regulate body temperature and eliminate toxins. Dehydrated pore eventually get clogged while toxins get back into the blood stream. Without sweat, the uneliminated dead cells of the epidermis begin to scale, attracting pollution particles and dirt, rendering the skin vulnerable to infection and inflammation by preventing it from breathing.
  • Joint pains and cramps: since cartilage is 80% water, when our body get dehydrated, it gives priority to vital organs and takes water wherever it finds it.
  • Cravings: oddly enough, when the body is thirsty, the brain sends a signal of hunger even when we're full. Since water boosts metabolism, eating without drinking promotes weight gain.
  • Dark urines and less urination: when kidneys eliminate less water, the concentration of toxins in urine is increased hence its darker colour (though you should be aware that some drugs and vitamin supplements can also lead to darker urine). As a rule, we should go to the bathroom about 7-8 times a day.
  • Constipation and digestive disorders: insufficiently hydrated faeces no longer move inside the bowel and may harden into lumps. The most serious case is called fecaloma which obstruct the transit and may result in self-poisoning. The lack of water also increases gastric acidity and may cause heartburns and acid reflux.

The effects of chronic dehydration

When the body is chronically dehydrated, it might result in:

  • Urinary infections
  • High cholesterol
  • Confusion, anxiety
  • Premature ageing
  • Decreased muscle content
  • Osteoporosis

Caution: over-hydration may also kill

Whereas water deprivation inevitably leads to death, drinking too much water at once can be deadly too. Be aware that the maximum amount of fluid the body can take is an average of 0.4 to 0.6 litres per hour.

This type of accident usually occurs during intensive sport sessions when one tends to over-drink. The condition is known as exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH), in which the kidneys become overwhelmed by the large quantity of liquid it’s forced to process. The body's naturally occurring sodium can’t keep up with the amount of water, leading to swelling in the cells. If after consuming large amounts of water during physical activity you feel light-headed, dizzy, sick or puffy, you may have over-drunk. It is safer to drink small quantities at a time on a regular basis rather than emptying up the bottle all at once.

In most severe cases, over-hydration may cause vomiting, headaches, confusion, agitation, delirium and seizures resulting in irreversible brain damage and possibly coma and death.

Life and health is all a matter of balance

As usual, it is never a good idea to toggle between extremes. The infographic below (right-click to display picture and enlarge it) should help you make informed decisions and feel like a fish in H2O!


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The Curse of Notre Dame

The city of Paris was established by the Sicambrian Franks in the 6th century after they became known as the Merovingians (Rasmses-Piso-Bush). It was named after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. [...] Paris in those days was confined to an island of the River Seine which is now known as the Ile de la Cite or Isle of the City. The Notre Dame  Cathedral, built by the Templars on a site of former [Moon Goddess] Diana worship, stands on the Ile de la Cite today and this is where the Templar Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was toasted to death. The Merovingians, ancestors of the Windsors, established the city of Paris on a major vortex point which is why the Notre Dame Cathedral  is built on that spot. [...] Outside the original Paris — and now very much inside the modern city — the Merovingians established an underground chamber for the worship of the goddess Diana and for the blood rituals and sacrifices to her. This site dates back at least to 500-750 AD and it was here that kings in dispute over property would settle the issue in combat.

David Icke, The Biggest Secret

The Curse of Notre Dame or how to make use of a missed snapshot: this is the story behind these two graphic designs I created after a failed attempt at capturing the lit cathedral on the near-full moon spring-like evening of the winter solstice (on 22th December 2015) with a crappy digital camera. I thus had to maximise highlights to clarify the result at the cost of an extremely grainy rendering, so graphical it gave me the idea to use it as a background picture. Which version do you like best: the revenge of Esmeralda (Flamboyant Gothic) or the release of gargoyles (classic Gothic style)?

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Life Through Rose-Tinted Glasses

Breaking news: we have just officially entered 2016. What, just now? No way, impossible! Yes we have... Pff!

I'll spare you the usual impersonal greetings and ready-made phrases for, this year, I have decided to see life through rose-tinted glasses in spite of the unceasing flood of darkness which appears to be breaking down on us. Shields Cheer up, 2016 is going to be a great one. Let's live it up!

Like good old Gandalf, I fell into the abyss and like him, I shall rise again and pass this new threshold dropping those greyish rags for a new light vesture to go fight my ultimate battle. Hands off all you sheeple, zombies, transhumans, inhumans... you shall not pass! Take heart, lucid dreamers who wish to create another reality, different from the dystopia being promoted in the here and now, this world is ours!

Let me end with a quote from another famous wizard, that is Dumbledore: “Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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The Panther of the Lake

It's almost Halloween. On this occasion, I intended to repost an article by Alanna Ketler about what black cats actually symbolise and ...

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