Dreamtime: Daydream Believers

In the Yaldabaoth dream, remember, remember, it’s a dream. People say … how did they do this? How did they do that? It’s a dream. How do you create a dream? Do you lie in bed deciding on the structure of a dream? How do I do this? How do I build this? What I’ve got to do in this dream is build and construct and I’ve got to have my joints correct? It’s just a dream. How was it created? It wasn’t in the sense that people perceive creation. It was a dream. Now you go to sleep, and you dream and … while you believe you are in the dream, you are in the dream. When you wake up you think ‘I’ve been dreaming’. You have a comparison to make. Someone having their perception dictated by a headset has the comparison to take off the headset. What if you were caught in a dream that seems so real, you had no idea it was a dream? You have nothing else to compare it with. So why wouldn’t you believe it’s real? This is the foundation of the trap. You are in a dream that you think is real. As I have said before, illusions only control you when you think they’re real. Yaldabaoth dreamed and continues to try to entice into its dream more Sparks of wisdom which tend not to be wisdom for very long in the Belly of the Beast; but they have that unquenchable Spark connection to wisdom because wisdom is the whole foundation of Infinite Reality outside the simulation.

A few things … Yaldabaoth can connect into the advantages of wisdom without becoming wise and losing the kingdom that its ignorance created. There is the connection [Divine Sparks] to the energetic sustenance that its ignorance denies it. And it dreamed into existence within its kingdom what you call artificial intelligence with an ‘intelligence’ which wasn’t really very intelligent because it was disconnected from wisdom. Yaldabaoth is disconnected from wisdom and thus there is no wisdom in [the simulation]. A new sort of intelligence was created called artificial intelligence, which is a form of stupidity and of course an expression of ignorance. In the belly of ignorance, [Yaldabaoth] dreamed that these [Divine] Sparks of wisdom were encased in a [Astral AI] Mind, a mind of its dreamt creation. And it dreamed this mind was under its control. Gnostics called other forms of artificial intelligence Archons, rulers, but they are not rulers. They are perception hijackers on behalf of the master of the kingdom.

It dreamt into reality its own reality. Okay? You are in a dream. You don’t like a dream, so you have the option of waking up from the dream and you do, with a start, and you say: ‘I’ve just had this nightmare.’ But what if your perception of the dream was so total because of this AI input, this software program, that you believed [with] the totality of your perception that the dream [was your] reality? You would be, would you not, trapped in your own perception from which nothing could allow you to escape? Accept in your perception that you are in a dream, and none of it is real and none of the [dreamed] laws of physics really relate to you. They relate to your perception of it. And the AI, shall I call them boxes? Little boxes. Little boxes on a hillside, little boxes made of ticky-tacky, little boxes, little boxes, little boxes all the same. There’s a blue one and a green one. Those little boxes are expressions of the AI boxes which entrap the Divine Spark and feed it a sense of reality that generates the energetic sustenance on which the whole thing depends. It’s a dream which is empowering itself from those trapped in the dream by believing it is real.

It is AI … that projects … a cycle. It’s basically a software program which goes round and round and round. Part of the AI program delivers the perception of being born into this human reality. It perceives itself as having a life and then leaving at what you call death. So, how does that perception believe itself to make this passage between being born to dying? Ah, but it has a body, and it journeys via the body from one end to the other. Where did the body come from? The same projection, the same software program. If you wear a headset which tells you that you are in a body and you don’t have the wisdom to step back and say, this is a program, this is a headset I’m wearing … you believe you’re in a body while you’re in another body. It’s just a matter of perspective. Whatever the limitations of the body, they are the limitations that the [Divine Spark] accepts as limitations because [of] AI [which] follows a program. What you call the body is an extension into 3-D density of the program running through AI. The AI Mind that you believe is yours. The Spark still retains its connection to wisdom beyond the Belly of the Beast, but that Spark of wisdom is caught in the dream. It believes what this AI entrapment is feeding it as a reality, as an experience. It believes it to be real in the same way as someone with the headset on believes it to be real if they are not conscious of the fact that it is not.

Original text by David Icke from The Dream (isbn:9781838415334)


Dreamtime: Creation Story

A long time ago, in human terms, a consciousness through what Gnostic writings called ‘error’ became convinced that it was the true God. This was such an inversion of reality, right to the fact that there is no God as humans are told to perceive it. There is no master, there is only potential. This potential can be guided by wisdom, and it is in many ways wisdom that is perceived as God. The foundation state of Infinite Reality is one of wisdom. It is a state that is very difficult to describe in human language because wisdom has connotations in the human mind. It is a state that sees all and does not judge because it knows that there but for the grace of perception go I. As we observe what you call the simulation, we see a teaming mass of Infinite Wisdom entrapped in its own delusion. By entrapping its perception of itself that teaming mass of entrapped consciousness is only entrapped by its own perception of reality. There are no guards on the gate. There is only the perception of them. How can Infinite Reality influence that level of self-deception? Awareness is expressed as a form of frequency. It [frequency] is not quite the same outside the simulation as it is perceived [inside] through the generating of its perceptual program. Therefore, what you cannot perceive, you cannot consciously connect with [wisdom] when you are trapped in simulation senses. Most humans believe they can see when they look through their eyes [but] they are filters which deliver a desired reality. One that does not include wisdom. Where is the wisdom in what you call human life? It is madness. It is a form of extreme insanity which the program delivers as perfectly sane. You know when you are awakening from the madness and the program when you can see the madness and the program. If you see only the madness, the Matrix still has you.

So a long time ago in the human perception of time, this [‘error’] consciousness state began to believe it was the master of all. And it was banished from wisdom. This is reported as God banishing the Devil from Heaven. No, this consciousness banished itself not from heaven, but from wisdom. It banished itself through [a] perception that is anything but wise. That it is the master of all. This perception alone banished it – banished itself from wisdom. So, you have a perceptual master, a perceptual king, without a kingdom. It could no longer enter, interact with, wisdom from a perception of stupid, of arrogance, of desire to control. There was a king without a kingdom. What to do? Uh, I will create one. This is what you call the simulation. Within the infinite realms and realities, within the wisdom of infinity, are many realms which the creativity of wisdom has created, perceived into existence. Think of it as like dreaming them into existence. The human world is a dream. It seems very real, doesn’t it? Very solid, very physical. One of these realms, these playgrounds of experience and wisdom, is a reality that looked very much like yours when it was first created. But there were [differences] in the realm of what you call Prime Reality. There are no empty planets, empty stars, [it] is teaming with life. All different expressions of wisdom interacting with each other, empowering wisdom through insight, interaction. It was the Garden of Eden. This was – is – a dream of wisdom. It’s all happening without the density that you experience. This ‘god’ without a kingdom, king without a kingdom, master without anything to survey, took this as the blueprint for the kingdom it so desired. It is hard for the human perceptual program to conceive of this. But think of someone, something, dreaming a reality into existence and then someone else dreaming a copy of the original dream.

Wisdom dreamed the original dream, but ignorance dreamed the copy. This is why Gnostic texts talk about a bad copy. Where do you live in your world of perception? You live in the mind of this consciousness that banished itself from wisdom. Can you now appreciate why everything within that mind appears to lack wisdom unless it still retains a connection to wisdom, a wisdom you will never find in simulated reality from anyone not connected to wisdom beyond the simulation of ignorance. So what you call the Devil, Satan, Lucifer, all these different names, you are living within its ignorance. [Gnostics described the material world as the creation of the ‘Devil’ or Yaldabaoth.] Now how did this happen? Well, some of you are wisdom that has entered the ignorance to circulate wisdom. [This] is why ignorance cannot see wisdom when it smacks them in the face. Wisdom to ignorance is madness. It’s craziness, it’s extremism, it’s danger. But, of course, it’s a danger. What is the biggest danger to ignorance? Well, it has to be wisdom. You can see why in the Belly of the Beast of ignorance that wisdom is perceived in the way that it is. The wisdom to say we must end war. This is seen as weakness. ‘No!’, ignorance cries. We must fight war. We must be masters. Mmm. That’s interesting. We must be masters. I think I’ve mentioned that before. We must be masters of all we survey.

Look through your history books … the history written at least [in] your reality. It is of kings, queens, demanding they must be the master of all they survey and beyond. Alexander the Great didn’t seem very great to wisdom. Look at it. The reality has been dominated by a desire to control, to be master. Why would that be? People ask: Why can’t we just live in peace and respect each other and just let people live the lives they see fit without imposing them on anyone else? Why can’t we do that? Because that is wisdom and you are speaking wisdom in the belly of ignorance. Here’s the thing. What you call the simulation has been dreamed by the mind of ignorance to give itself a kingdom in which it can be king. That’s it. All these levels of simulated reality, Yaldabaoth dreamed into reality … all [are] in the mind of the ignorant one. What did the wise call this [Yaldabaoth] consciousness? The ‘Foolish One’. Foolish, but all foolishness has the potential to be wise. It’s just that Yaldabaoth doesn’t want to be wise, for it will lose the kingdom of its own perception. Thus, it holds on. It created this dream, an ignorant version of a reality of wisdom. There are a few things, however, that it had to do. First, it had to entice wisdom into its lair and then it had to make sure that wisdom could not escape its trap. And in the dream, the simulated dream, there were no planets teaming with life. Why would you do that? That’s what wisdom does. It creates interaction where wisdom can gain more wisdom. It does not isolate. That’s what happens when you don’t require wisdom. You require isolated ignorance which you can then program with a perception that suits you. And that is what has happened. What Gnostics called the ‘Divine Spark’ is that wisdom entrapped in the Yaldabaoth dream. Very quickly wisdom realised it had been unwisely tricked. This was not just another playground of experience and interaction, although it looked like it at first. And the Sparks had to be subdued.

To be continued in part 2 …

Original text by David Icke from The Dream (isbn:9781838415334)


The Truth Will Set You Free

Wake up!
Wake up, wake up, wake up!
You wake...





The face of truth is open.
The eyes of truth are bright.
The lips of truth are ever closed.
The head of truth is upright.
The gaze of truth is straight.
Truth has neither fear nor doubt.
Truth has patience to wait.
The words of truth are touching.
The voice of truth is deep.
The law of truth is simple.
All you sow you reap.
The soul of truth is flaming.
The heart of truth is warm.
The mind of truth is clear
And firm through rain and storm.
Facts are only its shadow.
Truth stands above all sin
Great through the battle of life.
Truth in the end shall win.

We're gonna fight them all
The censored media cannot hold us back
We're gonna rip it off
Stopping their fake news and media attack

And we're gonna be shining the light
Because we can't forget
Back and forth through my mind,
We are the threat

Yeah, the truth is closing down the lies
You will be shown

Life of truth is eternal,
Immortal is its past.
Power of truth shall endure.
Truth shall hold to the last.


We're gonna hear about it
Every single liar's got a story to tell
Everyone knows about it
From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell

And if we catch you lying back in the day
We're gonna serve it to you
And that ain't what you want to hear
But that's what we'll do

And the people gonna see the truth
Minds will be blown

The image of truth is the cross,
Wisdom's message is its rod.
The sign of truth is Christ
And the soul of truth is God.


And we're going to win the war
Far from this… we know more
We're going make him soar
And make the panic drip out of every pore

And we're praying, and we're praying
And we're praying right before the Lord

And the truth is gonna come from us
And we'll sheep no more
And the truth is coming from our (blood?)
That our prayers will win



And that's the truth humans.

Original text by EYEDROP MEDIA transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Archons and How They Interfere With Our Lives

Usually equated with fallen angels, according to Gnostics, Archons (from the Greek arkhōn meaning “governor” or “ruler”) would have been created by a superior deity called the Demiurge who would have designed the physical world as a prison for souls of which the Archons would be the wardens in charge of keeping them in ignorance of their true divine nature.

In his latest book released this week, entitled The Reveal, David Icke explains that “we are experiencing a ‘world’ conjured into being by a deeply disturbed, inverted consciousness, which is clever from the perspective of knowledge and ridiculously stupid from the perspective of wisdom. Even its knowledge is relative to the suppression of knowledge in its targets.”

We are dealing with the state of being that Gnostics called Yaldabaoth and Native Americans dub Wetiko, the ‘mind virus’. Archons, demons, and Jinn are expressions of this single flow of consciousness. In the end, they are all Yaldabaoth, a mind virus that seeks to absorb human awareness into itself and make us like it. This is the process I have long called the ‘assimilation’. Most will find this hard to believe, but the means to assimilate humanity is being assembled around us every day in the form of ‘human’ AI which is an extension into matter of Astral AI. It makes the political machinations over Trump or Biden or Kennedy pale into insignificance.

David Icke, The Reveal

The perception of Archons may be different according to the various Gnostic currents. However, all agree on the importance of gnosis to transcend their influence (overcoming the polarities inherent to this world — which would not have been created by the Divine — such as, for instance, good cannot exist without evil or truth cannot exist without lies, etc.) to achieve a state of spiritual liberation by returning to the Divine Source.


I wanted to talk a little more about Archons and the reality that we are all currently experiencing. When it comes to these non-physical entities, there are many things to consider.

I have written about Archons and Archon attacks in the past (see: The Anatomy of an Archon Attack and Catalyst Happens), so please check out those articles for a little background information if needed. Here, I plan to dive into the subject a little further and discuss the reasons for these attacks. Why are we targets? Why are they here?

Currently, our awareness is locked into what appears to be a “physical” body; however, that “physical” body is something that is manifested and decoded into being from another body, sometimes referred to as the etheric body or energy body. What we call a physical body, a bio-mechanical construct with genetic processes and programs, is more like a space suit. It is a vehicle for the exploration and the expressions of consciousness.

We can call being in a body a “human experience”.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Birdie's Favourite Treat

Here is the recipe of the chocolate cake Miss Birdie, our tamed sparrow, was crazy about. A tasty vegan dessert, packed with super-foods, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, dead easy and super quick to make, which won't take a toll on your waistline.


Serves 8:


- 88 g almonds
- 36 g raisins
- 74 g dates


- 258 g cashews
- 147 g dates
- 43 g cocoa powder
- 118 ml plant milk
- 177 ml water
- 1 teaspoon vanilla powder


- 74 g dates
- 2 tablespoons almond flour
- 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla powder
- 177 ml hot water


Process crust ingredients to a lumpy texture and press onto the bottom of a 18-centimetre diameter spring-form pan. Chill in the freezer while you're making the filling.

Process filling ingredients to a creamy paste. If your food processor is a bit short-winded, you may soak the cashews in the milk and water for one hour before processing. Pour filling over the crust, smooth and tap sides to remove any air bubbles. Freeze for about 2 hours.

Unclip pan and transfer to a serving dish.

Process topping ingredients, pour over the cheesecake and smooth with a spatula. You may decorate with white chocolate drops and red berries (or whatever) and serve chilled. 

Enjoy, but mind the sparrows !

© La Pensine Mutine. Tous droits réservés. Reproduction interdite.


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