The Year of the Rabbit

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall,
Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call.
Call Alice
When she was just small...

"White Rabbit", Jefferson Airplane (1967)

Get ready to go down the white rabbit hole (though, in this case, the rabbit should be black as it symbolizes the water element in Chinese astrology) for today we're leaving the aggressive warlike energies of the Tiger to embrace the more relaxed atmosphere of the lunar year of the Water Hare/Rabbit (or Cat in Vietnam).

Just for the record, the Hare is the emblem of self-sacrifice. The story is told that when the animals brought their gifts to the Buddha, the Hare had nothing to offer but his own body. He threw himself on to a fire, but only after carefully combing his fur to remove any insects that would have died through this action. As a reward for his selflessness, the Buddha transferred the Hare to the Moon, there he can still be seen to this day, at his cauldron distilling the elixir of life.

Also, according to the Chinese clock, the Hare hour is dawn, when rabbits and hares are at their most active.

As a rule, the Rabbit year should be a time of peace and conciliation, especially with the Water Rabbit year. This is generally when past sacrifices will be generously rewarded, when all the seeds of sustained effort we sowed eventually bear fruit, the sweetness of which depends on the purity of intent of our hearts. The Rabbit year thus promises greater co-operation between nations. It should also favour the rule of law and broad judiciary reforms at global level.

This is borne out by (sidereal) Western astrology with the new moon in Capricorn, the sign of power, establishment and institutions .

According to Yasmin Boland (Moonology), a new moon in Capricorn means hard work is paying off and heralds a new start requiring a new plan and strategy: “You need to take a look at the long term and think about where you want to be in 12 months or even five years' time.” The keywords are therefore hard work and discipline.

New plans and strategies will also be required globally as this new moon conjuncts Pluto (the Great Reformer) opposing Black Moon Lilith (the Shadow, unconscious fears).

When two of the darkest, most destructive forces in astrology oppose each other, there will be loss but the only thing to fear is the fear itself. Which is, in itself, a sign of wisdom as Professor Lupin pointed out to Harry in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, where the boggart (a polymorphous creature taking the shape of our most primal fears) would always manifest to him as a dementor (a creature of darkness feeding on human emotions and sucking at their soul).

A Pluto/Black Moon Lilith opposition on a new moon (where consciousness meets the subconscious) seeks to bring unevolved shadow aspects of yourself to the surface by way of your subconscious mind for you to confront them just like Harry had to learn how to confront his fear of the dementors (fear of fear) producing a patronus which required him to dig deep within himself and draw on happy memories i.e. the love of his parents. Love will always be the answer to all our fears. Courage is not the absence of fear but the refusal to let fear control you.

The new moon which is the hallmark of the start of the Black Rabbit year is definitely a karmic one. Knowing that karma is just the reaping of what you sowed, it can only be a fair year.

The Pluto/Black Moon Lilith opposition on the Capricorn/Cancer axis deals with darkness, death, sexual abuse and trauma, paedophilia, satanism… All these hidden things should finally be exposed (apocalypse means revelations), marking the end of all the corrupt institutions.

However, as mentioned earlier this month, it won't happen overnight. The rabbit hole is way too deep.

Many more battles will likely have to be fought, but the right and fair should be consolidated. New forces will rise, supported by the Venus-Saturn conjunction also in Capricorn fostering emotional maturity.

During a Rabbit year, better not chase two rabbits and risk getting caught in a snare. Let's emulate the tortoise for slowly and steady does it.

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