2023, the Chariot of Triumphant Truth

Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and Titania
Neptune, Titan, Stars can frighten
Lime and limpid green, a second scene
A fight between the blue you once knew
Floating down, the sound resounds
Around the icy waters underground

"Astronomy Domine", Pink Floyd (1967)

I must confess that, for the last couple of years, I found it increasingly harder to honour tradition and send season's greetings. Not that I care not about what may befall you, but rather because I kind of suffer from some jinx syndrome! As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions… So, for once, I've decided to try another approach: to have no expectations, no wishes and surrender to the Will of the Divine, the Universe, the Naked Emp… oops, not Him (Macron)! So anyway, you know what I mean. Well, hope you do.

It is important that you regain your sovereignty so that you can draw on the power of the love within you to withdraw from this destiny which isn't yours (which isn't ours) and make the right decision to always act according to your own conscience and conviction as they say. The only problem is when these two are at odds with each other. Incidentally, this is the core issue of this year 2023 which just brought the chickens home to roost. Ouch!

2+0+2+3 = 7

In sacred numerology, number 7 is the Steering Power related to Zayin, the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and to the Chariot which is also the seventh arcanum of the Tarot of Marseilles.

The Divine Spark of the powerful yellowy orange vibration just like the colour of fire, the force of which will consume all the past and its painful memories, thus releasing all physical or psychic heredity through the radiation on my purifying spark.” (Source)

After year-6 vibe of the parting of the ways in 2022, throughout which everyone had to decide which way to go, namely the way of fear or the way of love; mind over heart; the heebie-jeebies over faith — it is now time to leave the past behind and embrace change.

The Chariot drawn by a pair of horses representing power, strength and the desire to move forward, is the union of two opposing forces acting together. The blue horse (air/mind) staring at the red horse (fire/action) may be understood as thinking before acting as numerology-wise, number 7 is related to the mind. Decision making feeds on past experience which provides the objectivity and insight required for thoughtful action.

Indeed, during a universal year 7, we need to loosen up, relieve stress and let go of unnecessary pressure, keep a sense of proportion, refocus on what is essential, and put matters to rest. Since number 7 often brings surprises, sudden changes as well as downturns in all areas, those who won't open up to spirituality and refuse to do some soul-searching are most likely in for a rough ride. It won't be in anyone's interest to give into impatience or hit the panic button and act hastily. For every effort will be made to confuse us.

The Clash of the Titans

Astrology-wise, 2023 marks the end of the historical show of strength between the two mastodons Saturn and Uranus which led to the brain-infection crisis and all the totalitarian abuses it has been used for. The square between the two rulers of Aquarius should still be effective at the beginning of the year, but is progressively dissolving.

Since ancient times, Saturn (from which stems the name "Satan") always had a bad name, being regarded as “Evil” or as “the Lord of Karma”. But surprisingly, it's Saturn and not Uranus which is actually involved in all the reversal of moral values and common sense, says sidereal astrologer Valérie Lagrifoul.

All those from the false matrix, all those who defend it and all those who sell us this rhetoric actually present Uranus as the one promoting gender reassignment whereas, in truth, it's Saturn, Saturnalia, bringing back to over-sexualised matters.

Saturn, she goes on, is the half-empty glass, the realm of the finite and of immovable limitations. In individual charts, Saturn pinpoints our fears and the boundaries of our inner prison. Saturn brings us back to reality whereas Uranus gets us out of reality. Uranus breaks down barriers and allows us to move beyond reality, to change, to offer ourselves the opportunity to embrace possibilities beyond Saturn's boundaries. In this sense, Uranus is truly revolutionary, but individuation and self-awareness are also the reasons why we refuse to be forced into a mould of fatality.

Uranus says: “I want to believe I am a sovereign being and that I have co-creative power over my life and over my world.

Saturn says: “No, everything is inevitable, everything is written in stone.

So, over the past two years, Saturn has been squaring Uranus, which is a very hard aspect with Saturn representing power and establishment, authority and the negative side of patriarchy — what is immovable because they have decided so — and Uranus representing the liberating forces. These two clashing energies are progressively separating, giving way to two paths; two timelines; two possible individual (and collective) paths. And in 2023, as the Saturn-Uranus square is coming undone, these two ways are parting.

Some will refuse the confrontation with reality brought about by Uranus and will decide to go down with the old delusive world based on lies, corruption and reversal of natural laws. We're going to have to accept their choices and let go of dissolving blood-ties so as to move forward and create new soul families. We shall need to let them go and remain anchored in our chosen path.

Please, note that Pluto, the Great Reformer, has just left Sagittarius (belief systems, religions, international finances) and entered Capricorn, the sign of power and establishment. The timing is just perfect, but its deep profound effects won't be felt anytime soon and may take at least a decade.

And is it purely coincidental that asteroid Amor (unconditional love) happens to conjunct the galactic centre on this first day of the year?

In 2023, I wish you to gather the courage to break your chains and pass the threshold to your personal freedom.


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