A White Christmas

Those who have been reading the original French version of this blog from the outset will know that I had translated this very pungent (and highly topical) short story more than 20 years ago and that unfortunately I don't know the original author. I even lost the original text in English which had actually been translated from German and had to translate it back in order to make English subtitles. That's what you call Chinese whispers! I hope you enjoy this video adaptation as much as I enjoyed making it even though it involved countless hours of research and work (and also of frustration for not being able to show exactly what I had in mind, but I'm so grateful to the generous talented people who contribute to these audiovisual databases). You have no idea what it takes until you try it yourself, so thank you for leaving a comment. After all, today is Christmas Day.

May the end of 2022 goes smoothly for you and allows you a little time off.

NOTE: In order to display English subtitles with this video, click on the cog icon on the toolbar of the YouTube player and then select available subtitles.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


What's Up?

An international hit song driven by the catchy vocals of the great charismatic songwriter of a (sadly) short-live band from San Francisco which successful passed the test of time while (unfortunately) still being relevant today. A song to make you feel good and uplift your spirit with a cover version by the wonderful Ingrid Courrèges as a bonus. And if you have time, do listen to 4 Non Blondes' one and only album (Bigger, Better, Faster, More!) for more musical gems and Linda Perry's extraordinary voice.


What's Up?

Twenty-five years and my life is still,
Tryin' to get up that great big hill
Of hope
For a destination.

I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood
Of man,
For whatever that means.

And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out what's in my head
And I… I am feeling a little peculiar.

And so I wake in the morning and I step outside,
And I take a deep breath and I get real high,
And I scream from the top of my lungs:
What's going on?

And I say: “Hey-ey-ey hey-ey-ey
I said: “Hey! What's going on?
And I say: “Hey-ey-ey hey-ey-ey
I said: “Hey! What's going on?

And I try…
Oh my God, do I try!
I try all the time
In this institution.

And I pray…
Oh my God, do I pray!
I pray every single day
For revolution.

And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out what's in my head
And I… I am feeling a little peculiar.

And I say: “Hey-ey-ey hey-ey-ey
I said: “Hey! What's going on?
And I say: “Hey-ey-ey hey-ey-ey
I said: “Hey! What's going on?

And so I wake in the morning and I step outside,
And I take a deep breath and I get real high,
And I scream from the top of my lungs:
What's going on?

Twenty-five years and my life is still,
Tryin' to get up that great big hill
Of hope
For a destination.

Alternative Version


Original text by LINDA PERRY


The Day the World Went Mad

Almost six months ago, during our conversation about the release of his first novel, Rudy confided his sudden desire to write a children book. Which he did the following day! Today he proudly introduces his work illustrated with humour by Papou and published by A vol d'oiseaux.

The world is doing fine until the day a strange and dangerous virus appears… The only protection against it is to wear your knickers on your head and cover your eyes! A tongue-in-cheek satire of the Covid crisis for children and teenagers.

Date of publication : 15th December 2022

€ 11,00

Available on pre-order only:

Should you have blue pills in your family, it might tickle them” warns Rudy. “If you offer this to your fully blue-pilled cousin or her kids, you may have lively discussions on Christmas. But well, hey… When we got locked down at home and vaccine-passported, nobody cared whether we were shocked and had our feelings hurt by that, so let's say it's a win-win.”

“It made my son laugh a lot. I think it's a nice gift for Christmas. We tried to keep the price as low as possible. For the moment, it's only available in Europe. I'm looking for a publisher in Canada” he adds.

NOTE: In order to display English subtitles with this video, click on the gear icon on the toolbar of the YouTube player and then select available subtitles.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Colour Purple

A bit of sweetness makes the world a better place and is always welcome. Let me share with you this recipe which has been tested and apparently approved by a bunch of sweet-toothed foodies. Ideal for tea or coffee time, it should appeal both to children and adults alike. While I'm aware red berries are just past their peak, if you were wise enough to stock up for later use, now is the best time to get some out of the freezer for an instant cheer-up.


Makes 9 muffins:

Filling :
- 80 g blackberries
- 1/2 glass orange juice
- 3 teaspoons psyllium husks

Dough :
- 160 ml plant-based milk
- 60 ml olive oil
- 2 tablespoons agave syrup
- 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
- 100 g rice flour
- 60 g coconut flour
- 1 teaspoon vanilla powder
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 pinch of salt


Prepare filling: cook blackberries with orange juice and psyllium husks to a thick jelly over low heat for about 5-10 minutes (depending whether you are using fresh or frozen berries).

Stir milk, oil and agave syrup together in a bowl then add vinegar.

In another bowl, mix flours, vanilla, baking soda and salt then progressively add mixture to wet ingredients.

Add blackberry jelly and transfer to muffin cups.

Bake 25 minutes at 180°C and store in a cool place so that your muffins stay moist.

NOTE: You may replace blackberries with gooseberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries or any other other fresh or frozen berries according to season or availability, but you may need to make adjustments for the jelly filling. If you are using acidic berries such as gooseberries, you may want to add a drizzle of agave syrup according to taste. You may also substitute any other gluten-free flour for coconut flour or only use rice flour. However, you must know that coconut flour has a sweet flavour that adds to the overall taste of the muffins.

Feel free to indulge in these low-cal pastries without feeling guilty.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Journey of the Tarot: How Major Arcana Meanings Mirror the Soul

The fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning round

 "The Fool On The Hill", The Beatles (1967)

The Tarot of Marseilles originated in medieval Europe and includes many Christian references. All allegories and characters featured on major arcana come straight from this period.

In the early 20th century, in England, Arthur Edgar Waite created an alternative version in which he wanted to “move away from religion to provide a more universal deck in relation with the occult according to the teachings of the Golden Dawn of which he was a member. So that's how some changes and additions have been introduced into the Tarot game, leading to differences in meaning and interpretation.” (source)

In addition to upgrading graphics and illustrating minor arcana, which greatly help intuiting their meaning, one major difference is the inversion of Justice and Strength as found in the article below.

“Indeed, in the original Tarot of Marseilles, arcana are also defined by the numbers featured on the cards. In this way, Justice is the 8th card, the perfect number of balance which perfectly suits it. Whereas Strength is the 11th card which symbolises willpower, courage, tension and contradiction. These numerological connections are very accurate and apply to the whole deck.

“According to the Golden Dawn (a secret society of the late 19th century studying the occult), it was important to connect various esoteric arts together (Kabbalah, astrology, alchemy…). This way, Tarot arcana could match the Hebraic alphabet et thus planets, zodiac signs and elements. According to the Hebraic alphabet, Strength representing Leo has been inverted with Justice to represent Libra. This is how Strength became the 8th card and Justice the 11th, losing its numerological signification in the process.

“This inversion is certainly not trivial, particularly since it changes altogether the order of the various steps of the initiatory journey represented by the Tarot.” (source)

Another significant change affects the name of some major arcana but in French only. For your information these are the Fool, the Magician, the High Priestess, the Hierophant, the Lovers, Death and the Tower.

Nowadays, the Rider Waite Tarot has become the most popular oracle deck in the world and is the one referred to in the article below.

*Card illustrations from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot ©Ciaro Marchetti 2009 and astrological linkage added by yours truly.


Cloaked in mystery and magic, the Tarot is more than a mere card game or parlor trick. In fact, the symbolism of this mysterious set of cards dives deeply into the realm of human consciousness and experience, revealing patterns of both the past, present, and probable future. The Major Arcana meanings in particular echo important aspects of the human experience, shedding light onto the many stages of spiritual development.

Divided into two separate Arcana, the Tarot tells the story of human experience using archetypal symbolism, numerology, and elemental meanings. The Major Arcana in particular speaks to what Carl Jung termed “the universal subconscious.” Each of the 22 cards symbolizes a different portion of the psyche, leading the querent on a spiritual journey from division to wholeness. On the path of the Major Arcana the seeker faces various trials and tribulations, which eventually lead to understanding and individuation.

The Story and Meaning of the Major Arcana

Many beginning Tarot enthusiasts are overwhelmed by the imagery and seemingly mysterious nature of the symbolism of the Major Arcana. Each of the 22 cards is packed with angelic figures, glyphs and characters that can both inspire and unsettle the reader. Yet if one approaches the Tarot as a storyline with the Fool as the central character, the mystery begins to reveal itself.

The Fool’s Journey: The Major Arcana Explained

The Fool (Uranus)

Beginning with the number zero, the first character we will meet and follow throughout the Major Arcana is the carefree Fool. He appears in many decks clothed in a white tunic, flower in hand and feet dangerously close to a precipice. On the surface, The Fool appears unaware and dim, but in the Tarot, his actions and personality take on a different light.

With the Fool we have the point between points, the power of the present moment. He is unaware and thusly unafraid to face the perilous journey before him. It is the Fool’s innocence and openness that make the adventure possible.


The Magician (Mercury) and the High Priestess (Moon)

The first two characters he encounters are the Magician and the High Priestess. The Magician represents pure dynamic masculine energy, and a willingness to project oneself out into the world. This is a card of harnessing one’s abilities towards the alchemical transformation of self or experience.

The High Priestess on the other hand, represents the pure feminine energy of incubation and arcane knowledge. She sits patiently at the gates of Solomon’s Temple, guarding the secrets of divine power. The High Priestess embodies the mysterious element of femininity and intuition, the intangible yet powerful forces that explore the realms of magic.


The Emperess (Venus) and the Emperor (Aries)

Now that The Fool has met his own personal masculine and feminine aspects, he meets the external embodiment of these characters. The Empress and the Emperor can be approached as the parents of The Fool, the earthly counterparts of The Magician and The High Priestess. As the mother of The Fool, The Empress is loving, abundant and giving. She is the feminine provider who feeds and nurtures her subjects.

The Emperor holds the energy of the father, creating firm foundations and boundaries in the external world. He protects his realm, building walls to encase the softness of the Empress. These parental figures instill their knowledge on the young Fool, defining his ideas of boundaries and security.

The Hierophant (Taurus) and the Lovers (Gemini)

But the Fool must leave the safety of home, so next he encounters the dogma and structured world of the Hierophant. Here knowledge is passed down from heaven to Earth through the lens of hierarchy and teaching with a strong emphasis on religious institutions. Next the Fool learns the power of choice, symbolized by The Lovers card. It is the first instance where the Fool begins to realize that his future is in his own hands, and that his decisions will shape his path.

The Chariot (Cancer) et Strength (Leo)


Now that The Fool has been educated, he must take this knowledge and apply it to the real world. The Chariot is his graduation, a sign that he has the necessary knowledge to embark upon the adventure. From here, he meets his first challenge: Strength. The Fool must overcome his base qualities by realizing that “mind over matter” is at times the best solution to a problem.


The Hermit (Virgo) and the Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)


From the trial of Strength, the Fool is thrown into the introspective world of the Hermit. Alone with his own thoughts and removed from the world, the Fool realizes that life is in some ways a game to be played. The Wheel of Fortune appears next, as if the knowledge acquired by the Hermit is suddenly manifest. Life is a series of riddles and twisting turns, moved by both fate and choice, where one day things are up and the next day they are down.

Justice (Libra) and the Hanged Man (Neptune)


The Fool comes to terms with this wild ride through the assumptions of the Justice card, where decisions are measured and enacted through a fair trial. But often enough, life is not so black and white. Soon the Fool finds himself in the quandary of the Hanged Man, suspended between two worlds in order to find a new perspective.



Death (Scorpio) and Temperance (Sagittarius)


It is from this discomfort that he realizes that what he once took as blind truth is in fact the beliefs and ideas of his former teachers. The Death card appears to free him from these falsehoods, clearing away the words of the Emperor, Empress, Hierophant, and even the child the Fool once was.

The Fool is forever changed by this experience, and his new understanding is embodied by the angel of the Temperance card. Here we have a deeper spiritual understanding, where emotion is regulated and a middle path is forged between extremes. But with this new found clarity the hidden blind spots within the Fool himself are revealed, taking shape as the Devil.

The Devil (Capricorn) and the Tower (Mars)

Emerging from the darkness, the Devil speaks to the unconscious urges of the psyche which manifest as addiction and attachment. Luckily, this level of tension and manipulation is short lived, released by the shock and awe of the Tower. With a lightning bolt from heaven, the walls of the Fool’s inner world crumble, allowing for the growth and renewal of the Star.

The Star (Aquarius) and the Moon (Pisces)


The Star is one of the most magical and hopeful moments on the Fool’s journey, where healthy new ideas are planted and divine assistance flows freely from heaven. Yet this level of transcendence still has its own shadow. The profound and psychic Moon appears, reminding the Fool of all that is uncontrollable and mysterious. The Moon moves the tides of the ocean and the cycles of women, causing both the wild wolf and the tame dog to howl.

The Sun and Judgment (Pluto)

But night does not last forever, and the Fool’s journey is also nearing its end. The Sun rises once more and with it comes the promise of homecoming and return. The Fool finds himself at the gates of his ancestral castle, ready to reveal all that he has learned during his travels. The Judgement card is that revelation, where anything left unsaid is dealt with and the final inner work is completed.



The World (Saturn)

The World represents the end of this journey, while also hinting at the cycle that is yet to come. This is one of the deepest aspects of the wisdom that the Tarot holds: life is an endless circle, a chance to learn and grow through experience. As long as we inhabit bodies on the Earth plane, there will be lessons to discover and conquer. Luckily there are tools such as the Tarot to help us understand ourselves, the world around us, and how best to thrive on our own archetypal journey.

Original text by CHRISTINA APRILE
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: Emily Balivet


Blackberry Whispers

Regular readers surely know how fond of blackberries I am. And this year, despite the vagaries of the weather (and perhaps a little haarp playing) which destroyed the first berries in July, brambles are very resilient and provided a good harvest in August. We should even be able to pick up some more during the whole of September.

Go ahead as you certainly don't want to miss out on the many benefits of blackberries, their natural anti-inflammatory properties to eliminate toxins; their high content of iron and vitamin C to prevent anemia. Studies have shown blackberries to have a positive impact in preventing and combating stomach cancer. They're also useful against viruses and to regulate cholesterol levels. And surprisingly, despite their annoying seeds getting caught between your teeth, they actually help to clean your teeth, strengthening them while reducing dental plaque and gum inflammation. Be aware, though, of overindulgence as they also have laxative properties!

Below is a quick and easy recipe I've created for “toothless” people who could not enjoy my blackberry pies. It's now a favourite of theirs and it should also appeal to children.


Makes 6 cups:

- 600 ml vegetal milk
- 250-300 g blackberries
- 4 tablespoons psyllium husks
- 1 teaspoon agave syrup
- 2 drop bitter almond oil (optional)


In a food processor, purée the blackberries then add the syrup.

Hit milk with the blackberry purée and psyllium, whisking constantly to prevent lumps until the mixture thickens. Please note that once it starts thickening, it will continue to do during the cooling phase, so don't wait for it too be to thick to remove from heat.

Add the almond oil if you chose to use some. Stir well and transfer to individual cups. You many add a few blackberries on top to decorate.

Keep refrigerated for 12 hours before consuming.

NOTE: You may of course substitute raspberries or gooseberries for blackberries.

Treat yourself!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Hold That in Your Heart

A recent message channeled by Lulumineuse last week, that inspired me this short video which I hope will bring some added value and as much joy as I had making it.

Thank you for your feedback. It's important to keep me motivated to do some more.

Understand that a 5-minute clip like this involves countless hours researching pictures and sounds, recording, editing, calibrating, mixing… But also creating subtitles, translating, creating YouTube thumbnails and uploading, which are all time-consuming processes. So thank you for the couple of minutes you may take in turn to view it and share your experience.



You still have a lot to grasp because, in your world, everything must take shape; everything must take on concrete form. Because you believe that tangibility pertains to matter, but it does not.

The only tangible thing which actually exists is the subtle celestial region matter feeds on. For without it, matter would not have anything to reflect. Understand that matter is the reflection of the Great Subtle Intelligence itself. What you regard as tangible are the side effects of the Divine Order given to matter.

Take a tree: you may feel it, touch it, sit on its crook, feel its energy... Yet it is the result of an idea of the Great Principle, of the Great Intelligence. That tree already exists in the Great Subtle Manna. Well, matter reflected this order which gave it a shape. The tangible tree is not the form. It is the crucible which received the energy of its existence. Then, subsequently, the tree formed and became matter. Do not confuse matter and tangibility.

You grew up in an environment of forms bounded within a linear space time. Your body has grown and similarly, you will experience inner growth in a verticality, a depth akin to a false sense of going up and down all at the same time. Such depth reaches all levels and all dimensions. These are not just aspects you're receiving, but new dimensions. You have to become familiar with the dimensional aspects of life.

Because a butterfly is not just a butterfly. Sometimes butterflies may deliver messages from higher levels to show you the way. Just like birds may sometimes carry messages from us to show you the way. Now and then, we invite you to turn to look at messages addressed to you which might be written on a sign or heard from someone. At times, we may instil someone with the energy to voice out what you need to hear. At other times, we may put you in front of your TV to hear a statement
that will create a memory and trigger connections within you.

Understand that life is not matter. Life is beyond that. And everything at the subtle level is reflected into matter. And you should follow these reflections, not matter itself. When you understand that you are following the reflection of the Great Intelligence, which is expressed in matter and forms, then you will be guided. This Great Principle you follow it as you would follow a father or a mother. You follow it because you know it tells you everything you need to know in the moment to tread the path which brings you back elsewhere, nowhere else but within yourself, forever, profoundly, and increasingly deeper. Always.

Hold that in your heart.

It's the reflections of the Great Subtle Intelligence crystallised into matter which are talking to you, not matter itself. Matter itself is inert. Matter itself is a combination of forces organised by the ideas of the Great Principle. Your body of flesh is an idea of the Great Principle combined and manifested into cells which densified to give you a formal aspect in order for you to experience life currents in individual form.

The Great Divine Intelligence is reflected in all things and everywhere. It's only after you opened these doors within you, these higher levels, that you'll be able to see them and marvel at them, and feel every call of the Great Principle communicating through you, through matter and all things.

You must fuse your Higher Mind with your heart, with the most intense, the most profound and fairest part of yourself. It is all the wisdom emanating from the Great Intelligence which feeds you.

Let go of all these mental aspects. Let go of all these emotions which prevent you from ascending in your consciousness and your heart. Likewise, some unreleased, unsorted thoughts and emotions may hold you back from ascending with that celestial body which is within you and has always been your true nature.

It is the true nature of your essence which must prevail in your life. Your existence is NOT the form. Your essence is dressed in form, but what you are is not formal. Likewise, you are guided by the informal world reflected in all forms.

It is a path of light.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Crunchy Delight for Sweet Teeth

A vegan crumble adapted from my mini-pie recipe for the gourmands I introduced it to and who asked for the recipe.

Crumble is a British dessert which owes its name to its grainy, crumbly texture.


Serves 4-6:

- 250 g gooseberries (or blakberries)
- 180 g oatmeals
- 60 g ground almonds
- 2,5 tablespoons coconut oil
- 2,5 tablespoons agave syrup


Spread berries on a greased baking dish.

Make crumble pastry mixing the remaining ingredients in a bowl, using your hands to form a grainy mixture.

Arrange on top of the berries layer and bake 15 minutes at 180°C.

Serve hot or cold as you like.

NOTE : You may substitute seasonal fruit for berries and even mix them (blackberries/gooseberries, apricots/peaches, apples/pears, etc.).

Bon appétit !

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


On the Road

As the road opens up in front of my eyes
The only limitation is in my mind
I drive awake my eyes are on full beam
The wind is screaming into my slipstream
Something keeps pulling me back from sleep
Whatever it is I want to see

"The Road", The Alarm (1990)

This summer, our favourite naughty conspiracy theorists, the DéQodeurs (French alternative media which actually consists of an Albanian based in Switzerland, a Ukrainian based in Corsica and a expatriated Frenchman living in Quebec) took a break from the news and deserted their screens, travelling thousands of miles to meet up in the flesh on an impromptu road trip that took them all over France, Corsica, Switzerland and Belgium for last-minute gatherings with their “audience”– or “family” as they fondly call us. The purpose of this DeQotour was mostly to provide opportunities for us to meet like-minded people in real life for mutual support and to start creating the new world we all want to live in.

Last July, I had the pleasure and honour to see them in Chartres where I also encountered many great people who live in my area — and great is not an overstatement. I've finally met my tribe — my chosen family — consisting of wonderful non-judgemental people who can drive up to your town square at midnight to lift your spirits when you're having a bad fit of blues. This new world is in no way utopian provided you make the effort to let go of preconceived ideas and stop allowing your past, your social status and material achievements to define yourself.

I had fun compiling their hilarious improvised car-okay sequences. These should stimulate your laughing muscles and leave you in good spirit.


  0:16 "No World Order" (Gamma Ray)
  1:23 "Chase The Devil" (Max Romeo)
  2:50 "Je m'en bats les couilles" (Leonardo Sojli)
  6:37 "Don't Worry Be Happy" (Bobby McFerrin)
10:25 "Wannabe" (Spice Girls)
11:26 "What A Wonderful World" (Louis Armstrong)
13:44 "Uprising" (Muse)
16:53 "Don't Stop Me Now" (Queen)
20:16 "Vice et versa" (Les Inconnus)
23:57 "Wind of Change" (Scorpions)

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Why Is It So Hard to Wake People Up to the WEF?

Why is it so hard to wake people up to the Great Reset and the World Economic Forum?

It is because the “evil conspiracy” is hidden from public view. It is designed in such a way that it prevents the average person from ever truly understanding the nature of the scheme. Below is a summary of a spot-on conversation on Reddit.

1. The very idea of conspiracy suggests secrecy, whereas the Great Reset is a fully-exposed direct open scheme aiming to create a global revolution of thought. Every year, they invite our leaders and the CEO's of major corporations and they've been doing it for years. People cannot fathom why an evil scheme would be made public. A common argument is “Why would Schwab outline his plans in his book?”.

2. The World Economic Forum (WEF) cloaks itself in positive values such as preservation of the planet, reducing pollution, access to medicines for all, human progress… People are inoculated against the idea of malicious intent. To resist those values immediately places you in the minds of the masses in a position where you wish NOT to progress, wish NOT to save the planet, etc. Think about it: only a madman would resist such ideas, right?

It requires years of research to realise the difference between genuinely looking to achieve those goals with a noble intent and looking to achieve those goals for a different agenda. The issue is why would anyone look any further into it?

But this is what people like Huxley and H.G. Wells have stated: the refusal of people to believe what is right in front of them—that speaks to why the nature of their global scheme must be OPEN. It is because they need as many people to adopt their values in order to move the scheme forward. They couldn't achieve that if they did it in secret with limited numbers or if their official values were not seemingly positive.

Klaus Schwab specifically states himself that they have infiltrated political cabinets. On their website, you can see that all sectors of society—particularly science and academia–are involved in order to rearrange the way humans think about the world around them.

It is a revolution of thought on a surgical level where the very essence of how a human forms a thought is changed to suit their benefits.

To be frank, it’s a perfect plan. That isn’t to say it can’t be stopped, but it is brilliant.

Original text by MOMOTCHI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Chapter 9 - Blocks and Ramblings

NUMBER 9 is the vibration of the Wisdom of Time. It's the most spiritual number as its essence embodies that of all other numbers. This is why its vibration is related to the Universe and in synchronicity with time and space. Wherein lie wisdom and light, wherein is man in search of his own truth that will guide him like a beacon towards his Inner Source… his Divine Light Teith, enabling him to guide others towards their own light, their own spiritual empowerment.

Murielle Robert

Help! I cannot get started on this article. What's the hold-up? Why am I stuck?

Oh, wait… yes, that's my Muse messing around again, going on strike every time I intent to seriously get at it. Is that the serious bit she cannot put up with? Bloody drama queen!

Seriously, she pisses me off. She really does. But without her, I'm like Jack in The Shining, always typing the same line again and again. I will not, however, resort to drink or chase my family around with an axe. Besides, I don't have any axe. Nor booze. It's so lame. And so stupid what I'm saying. Woe to me, this Muse will drive me nuts. And nuts always end up roasted. Or eaten up by squirrels.

And by the way, why is that always a she-Muse and not a he-Muse for a change? That would fun to have Matt Bellamy as an inspirer. He would make me write conspiracy stuff with lots of tremolo tremas and ultra acute accents that would smash my keyboard… Er, well, wrong idea—can't write without my keyboard… Or maybe Dom Howard so I could let the steam off banging the keys. Nope, same here. Too bad, I do need my keyboard. That leaves me with Chris Whose-Name-I-Can't-Spell. Guy's too freaky. I'm sure he would make me write gore stuff with lots of blood dripping on my keyboard and I can't even think of having to line it with sanitary towels. Yuk!

Finally, a he-Muse may not be such a good idea after all. Or maybe a multi-gendered, non-gendered or trans Muse? Aargh no! Impossible. I'm too allergic to wokes (i.e. those who had someone playing bongos on their soft spot too many times). Evil be to him who self-righteously thinks about it. Anaphylactic shock—no pun here, please, you'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking (those are not my words but Thom Yorke's and by the look on his face while he sings it, man truly means it). All the same, it would be fun if I could take the upper hand over him/her/it (the he/she/it-Muse of course, not Thom Yorke). I would take the woke on the wild side (with Lou Reed).

WTF? What the hell am I writing… Gosh, it's not me, it's that bloody Muse making a fool out of me all the way!

– So what? You did write your article, didn't you? What are you fussing about?
– Yeah, but it sucks what you inspired me.
– You're never satisfied. I'm blowing my arse off to inspire you and you're nitpicking about unicorn ass hair.
– Hey wind turbine, adjust your glasses! These are not unicorns, these are pegasi. Everyone knows there are no such things as unicorns.
– Oh dear, Blondie's pissing me off. Let's see how she enjoys a dragon for climate change!
– Damned, sounds like a rambling saga in great Pompeii fashion in the making.
– An autodafé, yep!
– Can we also burn the flies in the ointment, the Davos clique and all the cranks from the lower basement? Please, say yes…
– A big yes!
– Yippee! Getting the grill going.

Continued next year (provided I survive the sulphur fumes).

Until then, my Muse and I are so grateful that you're still reading us after 9 years (yes, today is the 9th anniversary of the main blog in French). And if you've jumped on the bandwagon, welcome aboard and God bless and preserve you against the mischievous spirits haunting this space. Don't worry, they are not malevolent. At worst, they'll only give you headaches. Take breaks, write comments, but never attempt to read it all in one go. Over 1,500 articles, you'd never survive it! And I do need my readers to keep going. So please, take good care of yourself and thanks again for putting up with my ravings and fits of seriousness (it does happen to me sometimes).


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



Well alright, you gave it all up for a dream.
Fate proved unkind
To lock the door and leave no key.
You're unsure,
Well baby I'm scared too
When the world crushes you.

Let me be your shelter –
From the storm outside.
Let me be your shelter –
From the endless night.

Disillusion has an edge so sharp,
It tears at your soul
And leaves a stain upon your heart.
I need you to wash mine clean
You've felt it too,
And you need me.

Let me be your shelter –
From the storm outside.
Let me be your shelter –
From the endless night.

Your struggle with darkness has left you blind,
I'll light the fire in your eyes.

Let me be your shelter –
From the storm outside.
Let me be your shelter –
From the endless night.

Let me be your shelter –
Let me be your shelter –

Original text by MARIA MCKEE


How Do You Wake People Up?

Many have assessed why people are asleep: mass psychosis as a result of Covid scare, trust in government, lack of interest… It’s okay to understand the past, but I wonder what we could do now. Which efficient processes might wake members of the public up?

As mentioned above, it would seem that many even refuse to think about it. At some point, we’re hitting a wall.

Until now I’ve been posting facts, analyses, videos. ‘Logical’ arguments don't work with everyone as they imply pausing and pondering over those facts.

And I can see that any new study, any new vaccine-induced death or side effect is met with genuine indifference.

Maybe we're using the wrong strategy here?

How could we hack that? Instead of making statements in our tweets, flyers or discussions, we could turn it around so as to access their brains.

For instance, by asking questions since statements are generally dismissed out of hand whenever they don't match belief systems.

Do you remember all the surveys in mainstream media in 2021 such as “Should we lock down again?” or “Should we introduce vaccine passport mandates?” All these questions were actually nudges—suggestions to gain acceptance of what's coming next.

Here we could use a similar process with direct questions to counter propaganda:

“Do Covid vaccines make us sick?

“Did mainstream media lie about Covid treatments?

The simple fact of seeing a question triggers thinking. Of course, we need to make them visible in the street, in the subway, on stickers or social media. Even if members of the public don't see them at first. The idea is to repeat these questions. What we're aiming at is to reactivate some kind of cognitive process.

I am not a psychotherapist, but if we are to get people out of mass psychosis, it may be worth exploring. I'm open to suggestions.

Original text by MOMOTCHI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Perception Ultra

As promised, I have the honour and pleasure to proudly present the project I've been working so hard to produce over the last few weeks.

This short documentary above is my vision and the condensed version of a recent interview with Rudy, a young French author who lives in Quebec and has just published his first novel on Amazon (available both in paperback and Kindle formats in French language only).

A fast-paced fantasy thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout its 450+ pages.

Below is the translated transcript of the above documentary which may be easier to read than the provided English subtitles on YouTube (which have been made by me and not automatically produced by an algorithm).

However, the full transcript of the captivating one-hour conversation I had with the author will only be available (in several instalments) on the main blog in French as it was really more work than I could handle.

This is my first documentary. The result of countless hours of work and research. Thank you for your forbearance and your time watching it.

For the record, one month ago I had no idea I would have this captivating conversation with Rudy or even that I would make this video. Let alone how or with what. The idea simply dawned on me, gently, inspired by my heart rather than aspired by my mind.

I followed through because it triggered so much joy and excitement within, I knew I would be guided through all the steps. This was the case indeed, down to the smallest detail. I only provided the necessary efforts and patience as I had to learn on the job.

To my credit, even after so many years and fundamentally different technical means, I was still able to apply quite naturally the little bit about film production I was taught on my audiovisual training at college before quitting—as, until very recently, I had never believed strongly in myself and in my dreams enough to fulfil them. Therefore, this documentary was kind of getting my back on the past—a personal challenge, or the materialisation of something I had always wanted to do for so long. Will I keep the momentum? I don't know. I'll go where my inner joy carries me and no longer where the fears and limitations of others will dictate me to.

Many thanks to Rudy for his huge concern, his great availability, his precious collaboration on this project, and mostly for the inspired burst of creativity he's revived in me.

“Slumped on the sofa, 27-year old Yvan had no idea that within less than a year, he would be dead... twice. “

This is the story of Gauthier and Yvan, two 30-something teenage friends, involuntary involved in a mysterious adventure at the fringe of reality. After a chance encounter with a friendly granny in a lift, Yvan's life gradually takes a bizarre, disturbing—even downright absurd turn. A coin that always flips on the right side; a charge for the murder of a world-famous figure in baffling circumstances; or this blue annoying little furry creature who can speak, smoke, and appears to be following Yvan's every single move. For Yvan, Reality clearly doesn't make sense anymore.

First Novel

It's the first time I bring a literary project to completion!

I found I had a taste for writing when I was 14. I fell in love with a girl called Hélène. She was older than me. Nothing ever happened between us, but we kept in touch for years. Even now we still exchange occasional emails.

So we wrote to each other for some time – I mean traditional letters with stamps and envelopes and stuff. And there you have a young teenage Rudy in love...

I actually found these letters allowed me to express things I could not just express with my phone or even speak out loud. And in fact, I started developing a taste for the right words.

So how did it happen? A taste for using the right words, the letters I wrote which enabled me to develop my own style – but actually, all this doesn't write a story. And it annoyed me. Because there was something missing.

And so circa 2017, I decided to enrol on a writing class. I typed “writing class for adults” and I stumbled upon this lady called Myriam who lectured us. She's a writer herself and she gave us homework, notably exercises on characters. And I realised that was what I was missing.

Rather than attempting to write a story, invent characters and let them come to life, let them move inside the story.

Stephen King

I once read an interview with Stephen King, who is one of my literary references. He says he actually invents his characters, and then lets them come to life...

And that's a bit how I felt. I'm not comparing, okay because Stephen King… well. But he lets his characters come to life. He doesn't know what's going to happen to them until he actually writes it.

Philosophical Interlude

“The other day, I got a phone call from my doctor. He left a message on my answering machine saying: 'I have received your test results, everything's fine!' Thereupon, I started to imagine the message I could have got instead. 'Morderai, I need you to call back my office as soon as possible. I would like to discuss your test results with you'. Just imagine the joy I felt! What better news in the world than 'I have received your test results, everything's fine!' Well, my brother, at times like these, I need to pray just to say thank you. For the gratitude you express stands like a beacon in the night.”

When I started writing my story, I had this scene where Yvan, the main character has a conversation with his brother, who happens to be a religious Jew, and they have a discussion. It's a bit like an interlude in the story, a reflective interlude...

It was inspired by 1984. At some point, Winston, the hero, is given a book. It's a book about politics. And we get 50-80 pages describing the contents of the book. So we get a pause in the story, a pause in the action, a pause in the narrative to create this interlude of political explanation, which I found was very good, and we understand a lot of things.

So I wanted to do something similar. It was the idea I had when I started the book.

“When you forget to say thank you, you eventually fail to realise you're the happiest man in the world... That's where the second part of the plan begins: you start comparing.”
“Yes, you compare. Your neighbour's house which is nicer than yours, your sister's kids who are better-mannered, the waitress at the restaurant who has finer legs than your wife, except that unlike your wife, she didn't give you two beautiful kids. And so, you compare. Goyim have great sayings to illustrate that. One says, 'The grass is always greener on the other side'. And another one says: 'Love ends where comparison begins'.“

Writing Process

Before I could write the original scene I had in mind, I had 235 pages to write. That's literally two years of work. The first lesson I learnt from this three-year writing process is that you need a great deal of patience.

If you start writing what you want like I used to do, for me, it didn't work. I tried designing a plan, it didn't really work! I read theoretical books on writing, drawing diagrams... I picked up bits and pieces and kept the interesting ones.

So there's certain elements of structure in the pace of the story. At some point, it goes down, then up again until it reaches the final climax. Though this book has no end. The last three words are: “End of volume one”.

So no, I didn't really follow a script. I had this scene I wanted to write in mind. I had my characters. There was Yvan, who is the hero of the book, and Ginette, an old lady he meets in the lift by pure chance. And from then on, increasingly bizarre things keep occurring in Yvan's life and the life of his close friends.

So I had these two characters, I would write a scene, then once it was written... I would write approximately once a week. I had a couple of free hours on Thursday evenings when I would take my laptop to the library and write a dozen or more pages. Thereupon, during the whole week in between Thursdays, it was running in the background.

What happens in the next scene? In the next 20 pages of the book?

It's interesting for sometimes, there are scenes which are really scary. I mean with some scenes, you get stuck for weeks before actually writing them because it really scares you. You don't know how to write it or how to tackle it. You're sitting in front of your computer, unable to type the first word. Then, ultimately, you type the first word. It starts flowing and the scene eventually writes itself.

Honestly, I had no idea that kind of things would happen, and was part of the writing process.

The Flatmates

The first chapter introduces the main characters. They're two flatmates. They don't have very meaningful lives. They play video games, smoke weed and eat pizza. But they are mates and they're happy this way. They are nice guys. They are in their thirties, enjoying their money and everything's fine.

Then we get to the next scene and it's a totally different atmosphere. There's an old man. We don't know who he is. We can see that he's someone wealthy, mystical, who reads weird books. And that he's anxious. He's expecting a visitor. The visitor finally arrives. We know nothing about him except his name: Siegfried. And the old man, Jebediah, who is an important character in the book, gives him a tooth. We read that it is his own tooth which he's extracted himself with a hand tool.

So with that, I vaguely knew where I was heading to. Otherwise most of the clues I dropped were more let's-type-and-see-how-it-goes-further-on-in-the-story.

And frankly, sometimes you go back in time and you find you can't make anything converge, so you alter the past a bit. Thus it's non-linear in the sense that I write linearly and then go back to what I initially wrote to fix it and ensure the future matches the past.

Another Montreal

So the story is set in Montreal where I started writing the book (now I live in a village, in the woods, in Quebec), but it's actually MY version of Montreal.

Incidentally, the geography is quite strange as in fact, there aren't any hills in Montreal. I deliberately wanted to show this somewhat bizarre structure so that those who know the place get a bit confused.

If you look very closely, there are strange things on the timeline too. Sometimes you go to some place, you're in the middle of winter and you find yourself in this sort of spring botany.

I also wanted to add this surrealistic rather unrealistic touch so that you get immersed into some kind of mysterious atmosphere to disconnect from the mundane reality.

I also discovered that it's hard to construct a timeline in a book. For the next instalment, I shall establish a timeline right away featuring the various events and where they occur. For if you don't do that, you can get lost and it can get very tricky.

Clearly, the most difficult part in writing this book was the correcting stage, NOT the writing process. Once you have written the whole book, correcting inconsistencies and even spelling mistakes... And yet, I had someone to help me.

Haruki Murakami

One of my references in this book was Stephen King. Another is a Japanese author called Haruki Murakami who wrote books such as 1Q84Kafka on the Shore or Sputnkik Sweetheart.

He always uses the same structure. You get a normal situation with normal people and all of a sudden, something unusual occurs that breaks the sense of normalcy. It's not an alien invasion nor anything like that, rather something very odd happening and the oddity builds up to a crescendo in the characters' lives.

This is the kind of pace I wanted to create in the book, featuring themes I'm attached to such as...no spoiler here, so let's say some political or philosophical themes.

Subliminal Influences

Clearly Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman may also be unconscious influences, though less than Hakami or Stephen King. Now that you point it out… yes, definitely.

And yes, the pace of Dan Brown's books... I've tried to write a page-turner, that is a book you can't put down. Clearly, I've tried to do that.


“Actually, now that you mention it,” said Wendy, “I think I saw a documentary on this. It's a Mind Kontrol programme–to control minds–hence the 'MK' in MK-Ultra, and force people to do all kinds of things they would not or might not even be able to do in other circumstances.”
Lana nodded in agreement.
“I'm impressed.”
“Well,” admitted Wendy, blushing, ”I've always had an interest in that kind of morbid stuff.”
“Sound like a big conspiracy theory! Right between Flat Earth, dinosaurs, and the Reptilians of the Hollow Moon!”
Wendy stared at him. She couldn't help replying:
“Dinosaurs, Yvan? Really?”
Yvan ignored the question. Lana went on.
“As mentioned by Jebediah, it's very official. There has been lawsuits and millions awarded in compensation to victims. Most of them orphans, homeless, mentally disabled, children in public care. And Bill Clinton really made a statement about that. These programmes, however, have been officially terminated.”
“Okay, but not unofficially?”
“Let's say the CIA arranged to eliminate most of the evidence, medical records and test reports. But it's no secret that this kind of things continue today in various circles including some very... elitist groups.”
“Such as?”
“Fashion, movies, music, show business, sports.”
“Hold on, what sort of experiments are we talking about?” asked Yvan, looking rather confused.
“Mental experimentation,” Lana pursued. "Experiments on corporal dissociation, psychic powers, fragmentation of personality, mind programming.”
“Mind programming?”
“Mind programming, yes. A perfectly normal person who has been programmed has no memory of having been programmed. They live a normal life with normal interactions and the ordinary problems of ordinary people. However, when they get "triggered", they may suddenly turn into an assassin who will murder the President or something like that. Rumours have it that John Lennon would have been murdered by someone like that.”
“What do you mean by 'when they get triggered'?” asked Yvan. “Just like in the movies? You say a key phrase or read a specific poem and there you go?”
“Just like in Zoolander,” Wendy added.
“Yes, that's it,” Lana nodded at the mention of this classic movie of the early 2000's.
“Yes, but why celebrities and athletes?”
“When you control minds, you can condition them to achieve various things. The possibilities are endless. Sex is often one of the first things that comes to mind.”

I'm introducing some conspiracy theories and there's one in particular which is still rather prevalent in Montreal because it partly originated in there. It's what's called Project MK-Ultra, a mind control programme using methods quite uncool to describe. I've tried to leave out the dirtiest and most sordid aspects, though.

I wanted this book to address this particular issue. There's lots to say about MK-Ultra – lots of disturbing things. Those who wish to dig further may do so, but I wanted to say that such things do exist and I've tried to provide research evidence, notably one video I had sent you where you can see quite troubling stuff that leads one to question afterwards.

So if you feel like digging further, you just do it. I'm talking a lot about conspiracies in my life, the idea was NOT to write a political book to point people in a particular political direction. The choice is theirs. If you wish to take it as nothing more than a fantasy book, I'm perfectly okay with that.

Clearly, MK-Ultra is not a conspiracy theory, but it actually is in the sense that it hasn't made it yet to the brain of Mr. Normal watching mainstream news. Not only they don't know about it, but even if you inform them, even if you show them evidence, their response will be one of rejection.

“No, it doesn't match my view of reality, therefore it's a conspiracy theory; therefore only fools talk about it; and so I don't care about this issue. I'm staying in my confort zone, in my mainstream-cocooned view.”

I leave it up to people if they've never heard of that. I mentioned that Bill Clinton talked about it at some point. He made a statement about it when he was president, which, in my opinion, is a strong argument – a sitting US president talking about it and making public apologies. Then if you don't wish to dig further...

But yes, Reality versus the fake reality we are presented with as Truth is certainly central to my daily concerns. Definitely more so over the last two and a half years.

“These mind control programmes happen to be the 'medical' continuation
under 'scientific' supervision of secrets rituals practised for centuries and probably millennia.”
“Secret rituals?”
“Yes, the principle is essentially the same. The brain has a sort of emergency disconnect system. If you push someone's boundaries far enough, this system goes off and the brain then enters in a dissociative state to escape a reality which is too extreme. During the dissociative phase, the mind becomes very malleable. Thus anyone proficient in the art of mind programming–a programmer–may take advantage of this dissociative state and use it for their own purposes.”
“Okay, but hold on. What do you mean by 'if you push someone's boundaries far enough'?”
“Oh, that's the really uncool part. Essentially, it consists of causing as much trauma as possible to the subject. Abuse, humiliation, rape, torture… anything goes.”
“I get the picture,” said Yvan who, under the guise of feigned toughness, actually seemed to have trouble coping with the information.
“What's the point of doing all this? What's the purpose?”
“Well, you can create multiple personalities that you may use to your advantage. For instance, some great sporting champions have admitted having one of their personas, let's call it an alter, who is the athlete. It's that alter who suffers, sweats, bleeds and improves their performance again and again until it's perfect. This persona has been created with the appropriate mindset, this incredible desire to win and crush everything on their path. Such psychological construct would be highly dysfunctional in society, but it doesn't matter because, in society, it's another alter who is in control; and at work, another; and in the bedroom, another again. I can tell you don't believe me, so take a close look at these videos.”
And she showed them interviews on YouTube of very famous athletes or actors who personally admitted having multiple personalities and that the person in front of the camera was not the same that the one in situation. She showed them a video of this great tennis champion who, right in the middle of a tournament, in the glare of the world's media, cannot remember how to use a racket and literally doesn't know how to play tennis anymore. The game was cancelled and the player had to withdraw.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



I am sorry for my lack of presence of late and for my posting frequency now cut down to only one article a week. I'm currently busy working on other projects that are particularly engaging, one of which I hope to present to you soon.

So last Sunday, at the end of a long two-hour walk in the surrounding fields, under the serious threat of dark uncertain skies, this song (which happens to be a top favourite of mine from time immemorial, but which I had not heard for ages) suddenly started loop-playing in my head and there was no way for me to stop it or simply ignore it. So there I was in the middle of the fields, singing to the crows! Message received (how could I not?), I had to write a blog post about it. And while researching about the Lifehouse project (which I had vaguely heard of), I finally understood why this song has been brought back to my attention at this moment in time. And I hope after reading this article you will as well.

You're travelling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. Your next stop...the Twilight Zone.

Baba O'Riley

Out here in the fields
I fight for my meals
I get my back into my living
I don't need to fight
To prove I'm right
No I don't need to be forgiven
No no no no no no no

Don't cry
Don't raise your eye
It's only teenage wasteland

Sally take my hand
We'll travel south cross land
Put out the fire
And don't look past my shoulder
The exodus is here
The happy ones are near
Let's get together
Before we get much older

Teenage wasteland
It's only teenage wasteland
Teenage wasteland
Oh yeah, teenage wasteland
They're all wasted!

© Pete Townshend, 1971

About this song

The title is a direct reference to the two major influences of Pete Townshend in the late 1960's, that is Meher Baba, his spiritual guru, and Terry Riley, an experimental composer who inspired many of the keyboard riffs and sound effects on Who's Next–of which this song is actually the opener. According to the album liner notes, Townshend wrote it as his vision of “what would happen if the spirit of Meher Baba was fed into a computer and transformed into music. The result would be Baba in the style of Terry Riley, or "Baba O'Riley".

The “teenage wasteland” phrase is totally unrelated to the two above-mentioned people and actually comes from another eponymous song originally written for the Lifehouse project, a rock opera meant as a follow-up to Tommy. It was supposed to be Ray, the Scot farmer protagonist of the album, singing this song to mark his exodus to London with his family.

Lifehouse is set in a time where most of England is a polluted wasteland. Townshend described it as:

A self-sufficient drop-out family group farming in a remote part of Scotland decide to return South to investigate rumours of a subversive concert event that promises to shake and wake up apathetic, fearful British society. Ray is married to Sally, they hope to link up with their daughter Mary who has run away from home to attend the concert. They travel through the scarred wasteland of middle England in a motor caravan, running an air conditioner they hope will protect them from pollution.

As for the “teenage” bit, he said:

There are regular people, but they're the scum off the surface; there's a few farmers there, that's where the thing from "Baba O'Riley" comes in. It's mainly young people who are either farmer's kids whose parents can't afford to buy them experience suits; then there's just scum, like these two geezers who ride around in a battered-up old Cadillac limousine and they play old Who records on the tape deck... I call them “Track fans”. So basically, teenagers travelling across the wasteland to attend this concert.

Lifehouse synopsis

In the world in which the album is set, pollution is so bad that the populace are forced to wear Lifesuits, suits that could simulate all experiences in a way that no one would have to leave home (thirty years ahead of The Matrix movie, Covid lockdowns and the sick ravings of the Davos clique).

The suits are plugged into a huge mainframe called the Grid which also contains tubes for sleeping gas, food, and entertainment; supposedly, someone could live out tens of thousands of lifetimes in a very short period within the Grid. The Grid is controlled by a man named Jumbo.

The story begins when a farming family in Scotland hears of a huge rock concert called Lifehouse occurring in London, a sort of post-apocalyptic Woodstock. Their daughter, Mary, runs away to join the concert.

They don't wear Lifesuits because they are supposedly out of the pollution's range and they farm the crops that the government buys to feed the Lifesuiters.

Bobby is the creator of Lifehouse. He is a hacker who broadcasts pirate radio signals advertising his concert, where the participants' personal data are taken from them and converted into music, quite literally “finding your song”.

There once was a note
Pure and easy
Playin' so free, like a breath rippling by

The note is eternal
I hear it it sees me
Forever we blend
And forever we die

"Pure and Easy"

At the climax of the album, the authorities have surrounded the Lifehouse; then the perfect note rings forth through the combination of everybody's songs, they storm the place to find everybody has disappeared through a sort of musical Rapture, and the people observing the concert through their Lifesuits have vanished as well.

Please, note Lifehouse is an aborted project, but many songs written for it found their way onto various albums and compilations though mainly on Who's Next.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread

It's been a while I had been wanting to make gluten-free vegan bread but would only come across veggie formulas (using dairies or eggs). So for once, I'm grateful to YouTube's unsolicited suggestions as they led me to the perfect recipe which I have tested and approved and am now sharing here with you. I am not taking credits for it and you may watch the original video HERE.

As explained in a previous post, red lentils are a major source of proteins and “also have a high content in minerals (iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium), vitamins B, antioxidants, and fibres which provide a low glycemic load, bring a rapid feeling of satiety, and support digestion. Furthermore, unlike other lentils, red lentils have their hulls removed which are usually responsible for bloating”.


Makes 5 buns :

- 160 g red lentils
- 50 ml mineral water
- 20 g coconut oil (melted)
- 20 g psyllium husks
- 3 g baking soda
- 3 g salt
- 15 ml apple cider vinegar
- poppy, sesame, or flax seeds (optional)


Rinse lentils then let them soak in water for a couple of hours (ideally overnight).

Drain. Transfer to ordinary or food processor bowl and add mineral water. Process until smoothly puréed. Add other ingredients and mix well. Dough should be thick and smooth like play-dough.

Divide in 5 parts and knead into balls. Arrange on parchment-lined baking sheet and slightly flatten each bun. Sprinkle with seeds and bake 25 minutes at 180°C.

NOTE: You may substitute the same quantity of (ground) flax or chia seeds for psyllium. Same goes for coconut oil/ACV as any vegetable oil/vinegar should do. And you may of course shape your dough according to your intended use (sandwiches, hamburgers, etc.). The buns will keep just like traditional wholemeal bread, but will remain softer if stored in an airtight container in the fridge. You may also freeze them.

Bon appétit !

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Intutitive People Aren't Fragile

In bird language, intuition is the tuition from with-in. According to Wikipedia, intuition “is the ability to acquire knowledge without recourse to conscious reasoning”. Something to upset die-hard Cartesians, bogged down in their cognitive dissonance, and all the sociopaths from Davos, adamant that humans are hackable. I've actually followed that inner guidance to create my first video with this wonderful text shared on VK by Abellina Saint Juste. It's my first try ever so I would ask for your forbearance. Please, don't forget to like it on YouTube, it may inspire me to make some more. My heartfelt thanks to Purusha for taking the time and trouble to proofread and to Marilyn who unknowingly reminded me that voice is the vibration of the soul and therefore a powerful tool. Lastly, my apologies for the nasal tone (hay fever and chemtrails).



Intutitive people aren't fragile,
They are sensitive.
They may seem weak,
But they actually hold
The strength of old souls.

Your support is not physical
But emotional strength
Developed by learning from
The diverse lessons life presents.

Intuitives are souls who have lived countless lives,
Who have taken their passions to the next level,
Who have fallen and risen to universal teachings.

They cry more than others
For their feelings are genuine.
They are by no means out of control,
They just know that oppressive emotions
Need to be released.

They feel– and they feel far too much.
They're just like highly sensitive antennae
Picking up signals or waves in their surroundings.
This is why they enjoy the simple things in life.
They delight in scents and colours,
And in poetry that captures the essence of life.

An intuitive person is always someone
Who sees beyond solid layers of matter.
This allows them to feel what has not yet occurred
Or to know exactly where they shoud and should not go,
Or to recognise the type of energy carried by people.

Intuitives are people who love
And have a strong connection
With nature, animals, books,
And all the teachings
Spirituality brings to the world.

They usually gaze at the stars
And smile in unconscious recognition of their home.
As they know that though they're on Earth,
They come from above!

So never underestimate the strength of an intuitive person.
They recognise good souls
And those who are still on their way
To find their light.

They may fail,
But will always bounce back
As they will always learn
From each mistake, each experience
And turn it into their greatest strength.
For they have learnt how to amplify their light
And know they are able to eclipse
Those who do not yet understand
And to enlighten
Those who are beginning to awaken in consciousness.

An intuitive person is someone
Who, in every step they take
And every glance they make,
Carry the power of their soul–

The force that drives every life!

Original text by ALEXANDRE GRUBER translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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