Chapter 9 - Blocks and Ramblings

NUMBER 9 is the vibration of the Wisdom of Time. It's the most spiritual number as its essence embodies that of all other numbers. This is why its vibration is related to the Universe and in synchronicity with time and space. Wherein lie wisdom and light, wherein is man in search of his own truth that will guide him like a beacon towards his Inner Source… his Divine Light Teith, enabling him to guide others towards their own light, their own spiritual empowerment.

Murielle Robert

Help! I cannot get started on this article. What's the hold-up? Why am I stuck?

Oh, wait… yes, that's my Muse messing around again, going on strike every time I intent to seriously get at it. Is that the serious bit she cannot put up with? Bloody drama queen!

Seriously, she pisses me off. She really does. But without her, I'm like Jack in The Shining, always typing the same line again and again. I will not, however, resort to drink or chase my family around with an axe. Besides, I don't have any axe. Nor booze. It's so lame. And so stupid what I'm saying. Woe to me, this Muse will drive me nuts. And nuts always end up roasted. Or eaten up by squirrels.

And by the way, why is that always a she-Muse and not a he-Muse for a change? That would fun to have Matt Bellamy as an inspirer. He would make me write conspiracy stuff with lots of tremolo tremas and ultra acute accents that would smash my keyboard… Er, well, wrong idea—can't write without my keyboard… Or maybe Dom Howard so I could let the steam off banging the keys. Nope, same here. Too bad, I do need my keyboard. That leaves me with Chris Whose-Name-I-Can't-Spell. Guy's too freaky. I'm sure he would make me write gore stuff with lots of blood dripping on my keyboard and I can't even think of having to line it with sanitary towels. Yuk!

Finally, a he-Muse may not be such a good idea after all. Or maybe a multi-gendered, non-gendered or trans Muse? Aargh no! Impossible. I'm too allergic to wokes (i.e. those who had someone playing bongos on their soft spot too many times). Evil be to him who self-righteously thinks about it. Anaphylactic shock—no pun here, please, you'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking (those are not my words but Thom Yorke's and by the look on his face while he sings it, man truly means it). All the same, it would be fun if I could take the upper hand over him/her/it (the he/she/it-Muse of course, not Thom Yorke). I would take the woke on the wild side (with Lou Reed).

WTF? What the hell am I writing… Gosh, it's not me, it's that bloody Muse making a fool out of me all the way!

– So what? You did write your article, didn't you? What are you fussing about?
– Yeah, but it sucks what you inspired me.
– You're never satisfied. I'm blowing my arse off to inspire you and you're nitpicking about unicorn ass hair.
– Hey wind turbine, adjust your glasses! These are not unicorns, these are pegasi. Everyone knows there are no such things as unicorns.
– Oh dear, Blondie's pissing me off. Let's see how she enjoys a dragon for climate change!
– Damned, sounds like a rambling saga in great Pompeii fashion in the making.
– An autodafé, yep!
– Can we also burn the flies in the ointment, the Davos clique and all the cranks from the lower basement? Please, say yes…
– A big yes!
– Yippee! Getting the grill going.

Continued next year (provided I survive the sulphur fumes).

Until then, my Muse and I are so grateful that you're still reading us after 9 years (yes, today is the 9th anniversary of the main blog in French). And if you've jumped on the bandwagon, welcome aboard and God bless and preserve you against the mischievous spirits haunting this space. Don't worry, they are not malevolent. At worst, they'll only give you headaches. Take breaks, write comments, but never attempt to read it all in one go. Over 1,500 articles, you'd never survive it! And I do need my readers to keep going. So please, take good care of yourself and thanks again for putting up with my ravings and fits of seriousness (it does happen to me sometimes).


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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