Hold That in Your Heart

A recent message channeled by Lulumineuse last week, that inspired me this short video which I hope will bring some added value and as much joy as I had making it.

Thank you for your feedback. It's important to keep me motivated to do some more.

Understand that a 5-minute clip like this involves countless hours researching pictures and sounds, recording, editing, calibrating, mixing… But also creating subtitles, translating, creating YouTube thumbnails and uploading, which are all time-consuming processes. So thank you for the couple of minutes you may take in turn to view it and share your experience.



You still have a lot to grasp because, in your world, everything must take shape; everything must take on concrete form. Because you believe that tangibility pertains to matter, but it does not.

The only tangible thing which actually exists is the subtle celestial region matter feeds on. For without it, matter would not have anything to reflect. Understand that matter is the reflection of the Great Subtle Intelligence itself. What you regard as tangible are the side effects of the Divine Order given to matter.

Take a tree: you may feel it, touch it, sit on its crook, feel its energy... Yet it is the result of an idea of the Great Principle, of the Great Intelligence. That tree already exists in the Great Subtle Manna. Well, matter reflected this order which gave it a shape. The tangible tree is not the form. It is the crucible which received the energy of its existence. Then, subsequently, the tree formed and became matter. Do not confuse matter and tangibility.

You grew up in an environment of forms bounded within a linear space time. Your body has grown and similarly, you will experience inner growth in a verticality, a depth akin to a false sense of going up and down all at the same time. Such depth reaches all levels and all dimensions. These are not just aspects you're receiving, but new dimensions. You have to become familiar with the dimensional aspects of life.

Because a butterfly is not just a butterfly. Sometimes butterflies may deliver messages from higher levels to show you the way. Just like birds may sometimes carry messages from us to show you the way. Now and then, we invite you to turn to look at messages addressed to you which might be written on a sign or heard from someone. At times, we may instil someone with the energy to voice out what you need to hear. At other times, we may put you in front of your TV to hear a statement
that will create a memory and trigger connections within you.

Understand that life is not matter. Life is beyond that. And everything at the subtle level is reflected into matter. And you should follow these reflections, not matter itself. When you understand that you are following the reflection of the Great Intelligence, which is expressed in matter and forms, then you will be guided. This Great Principle you follow it as you would follow a father or a mother. You follow it because you know it tells you everything you need to know in the moment to tread the path which brings you back elsewhere, nowhere else but within yourself, forever, profoundly, and increasingly deeper. Always.

Hold that in your heart.

It's the reflections of the Great Subtle Intelligence crystallised into matter which are talking to you, not matter itself. Matter itself is inert. Matter itself is a combination of forces organised by the ideas of the Great Principle. Your body of flesh is an idea of the Great Principle combined and manifested into cells which densified to give you a formal aspect in order for you to experience life currents in individual form.

The Great Divine Intelligence is reflected in all things and everywhere. It's only after you opened these doors within you, these higher levels, that you'll be able to see them and marvel at them, and feel every call of the Great Principle communicating through you, through matter and all things.

You must fuse your Higher Mind with your heart, with the most intense, the most profound and fairest part of yourself. It is all the wisdom emanating from the Great Intelligence which feeds you.

Let go of all these mental aspects. Let go of all these emotions which prevent you from ascending in your consciousness and your heart. Likewise, some unreleased, unsorted thoughts and emotions may hold you back from ascending with that celestial body which is within you and has always been your true nature.

It is the true nature of your essence which must prevail in your life. Your existence is NOT the form. Your essence is dressed in form, but what you are is not formal. Likewise, you are guided by the informal world reflected in all forms.

It is a path of light.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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