Astrology Actually

As I already explained a couple of years ago when I started this blog (unfortunately the article I'm referring to is only available in French), I've always been very fond of astrology but not that of the magazines which I enjoy scoffing out in a jocular way as illustrated in my latest posts. I have tons of books on the subject, especially regarding the karmic aspect which a former astrologer from a once very respectable French astrology magazine had introduced me to through our many exchanges of correspondence and phone-calls in the 1990's — a highly controversial area of astrology which has its own critics same as mainstream science calling quantum physics junk science and energy medicine quackery. In short, it's always the same old song (we're talking about facts not universal rules I would be making out in case some naysayers might still want to nitpick about my single observation): whichever sphere of knowledge is concerned, limited minds cannot help seeking to restrict perspectives lest it should challenge their own belief systems. As Einstein once said, “great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds”. And also: “Imagination is more important than knowledge”.

I'm not going to debate the issue. I would just like to share my view about astrology which is that no-one is born under a lucky or evil star as unfortunately written in some books (Nostradamus, get back to your dog hole!), and that the planet arrangement at the time of physical birth (or reincarnation) is but the reflection of our soul's journey, its achievements and the lessons we still have to learn (karma). By no means the stars set out our personality or fate. Stars propose (their energy), we dispose. Of course, this is only my own personal point of view and never mind if it doesn't resonate with you, you may not want to read the article below. But there certainly is some valuable insight to be gained there for those who cannot stand determinism, inevitability, and immutability (which are the characteristics of the Matrix) and seek to find who they are (and to understand what the problem is and why so as to find a way to move forward).

May the Force be with you!


Astrology is a robust system of scholarship that tells us our minds are directly affected by celestial influences; it is just not widely accepted in our current era. The history of astrology goes back at least five thousand years, to Babylonian times. Astrology was taken seriously as a science by Tycho Brahe, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and Pierre Gassendi—all of whom were pioneers in developing modern physics and astronomy.

The Signs of the Zodiac

Now, let’s visualize the earth’s 365-day orbit around the sun as a cycle. Let’s say that the sun is generating an energy field that influences how we think and feel. Let’s say our position in this energy field has a direct effect on our minds and bodies. Let’s say that different areas of the sun’s energy field will make us think and feel in different ways. Let’s say there are twelve equally spaced regions in the sun’s energy field that we drift through in each earth cycle, or year. Let’s say that each of these regions has a unique “personality” that causes us to feel a certain way. This would then explain the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Skeptics are quick to point out that being born under a certain sign does not guarantee a certain type of personality in any scientifically provable way. However, matching up a particular sign to a particular personality type is only “newspaper astrology,” which was invented by R. H. Naylor in 1930. Naylor was a British astrologer who made a stunningly accurate prediction in his second newspaper column. He warned that British aircraft might be in danger, and on that same day, the British airship R101 crashed in northern France. This catapulted Naylor into the public eye virtually overnight. The resulting hunger for a regular newspaper column led him to pioneer a highly simplified method, where he wrote personalized descriptions for each sign of the zodiac. To this day, many magazines and almost all newspapers feature Naylor-style astrological forecasts for their readers.

The real science is far more complex than that. In fact, modern astrologers believe that Naylor’s “newspaper astrology” has done incredible damage to their field, since the twelve zones around the sun we call “signs” are only one of a series of competing influences. If there were no planets involved, the power of these twelve zones would probably be much stronger.

Energetic Influences of Planets and Moons

Interestingly, Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, the father of “synchronicity” and an associate of Dr. Sigmund Freud, revealed that the meanings of the twelve signs of the zodiac are not arbitrary—they represent an encyclopedic knowledge of human psychology. “Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”Each sign represents an archetype—a specific type of personality—which we will learn about later in this book. These patterns are written into the mind of the galaxy itself, according to the Law of One series.

If the signs of astrology have an effect, then what about planets and moons? Let’s begin with our closest neighbor. The idea that the moon’s position has an effect on us is ancient and is the source of the word lunatic. University of Miami psychologist Arnold Lieber studied the homicide data in Miami-Dade County over a fifteen-year period—1,887 murders—looking for a lunar effect. Dr. Lieber, whose results were published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, found that the murder rate did rise and fall with the phases of the moon, very steadily, throughout the entire period he studied.

Staff members at the Toledo Blade newspaper did a computer analysis of all Cuyahoga County police reports from the beginning of 1999 through the end of 2001—120,000 in total—and found that there were 5.5 percent more violent crimes and 4.6 percent more property crimes on nights when there was a full moon. Additionally, burglaries of unoccupied homes rose by 16 percent, resisting arrest rose by 34 percent, and aggravated assault went up by 35 percent. In 2007, British police announced that they had found similar results in their own studies of crime and decided to deploy more officers to counter the effect. Inspector Andy Parr said, “I would be interested in approaching universities and seeing if any of their postgraduates would be interested in looking into it further. This could be helpful to us.

If the moon has a statistically significant effect on violent crime, then perhaps the positions of the planets affect how we think and feel as well. Beginning in 1949, Michel Gauquelin analyzed the astrology of thousands of notable historical figures and found that certain types of people were more apt to be born with planets in key positions. Gauquelin started out as a total skeptic and was quite surprised to discover that the real-world data thoroughly contradicted his original assumptions. Gauquelin’s most well-known finding is the Mars effect, in which sports champions and military personnel are much more likely to have Mars appear just above the eastern horizon at their time of birth, which is known as the “rising” point, or directly overhead, which is known as the “culminating” or “midheaven” point. Michel and his wife, Françoise, analyzed more than sixty thousand people in eleven different professions and found strong correlations with five different planets. Mercury influences politicians and writers; Venus influences painters and musicians; Mars influences doctors, athletes, military personnel, executives, and scientists; Jupiter influences actors, military personnel, executives, politicians, journalists, and playwrights; and Saturn influences doctors and scientists. Certain planets were negatively correlated with certain professions as well—meaning that these planets were farther away from the rising or culminating points than usual in these people. Mercury is farther away from athletes; Mars is farther away from writers, painters, and musicians; Jupiter is farther away from doctors and scientists; and Saturn is farther away from actors, journalists, writers, and painters.52 These results were originally found in French data, and the Gauquelins later proved that the data was valid for American and other European professionals as well.

After Michel Gauquelin’s death in 1991, his findings were further replicated by Suitbert Ertel and Arto Müller using a data set of members of the French Académie Nationale de Médecine, Italian writers, and German physicians. Furthermore, three different skeptic groups gathered their own data on athletes and validated the Mars effect—in some cases begrudgingly. After fifty years, no skeptics have been able to definitively debunk Gauquelin’s findings. In fact, in their 1996 book, The Tenacious Mars Effect, Suitbert Ertel and Kenneth Irving revealed that the scientific evidence has proven to be even stronger than Gauquelin originally found.

Science doesn’t matter when people refuse to believe certain facts. If they want to deny that something is happening, for whatever reason, it can be utterly impossible to convince them otherwise. Skeptics often used hostile and dubious methods to attempt to debunk Gauquelin’s findings about the effects of the planets on human personality and behavior. It’s human nature to fiercely attack anything that makes us feel threatened. The shame of having passionately believed something that turns out to be incorrect can be almost impossible to face—particularly if you’ve paid tens of thousands of dollars and worked for many years to acquire that knowledge. However, attacking new discoveries is the exact opposite of true scientific inquiry, which teaches us to follow the data—no matter how unfamiliar or bizarre the trail may be.

Original text by DAVID WILCOCK from The Synchronicity Key
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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