YouTube Is Up to Nefarious Things!

Launched in September 2020, Odysee is a video platform based on the LBRY protocol designed to host videos in a decentralised manner with peer to peer. It relies on the blockchain protocol which allows payments in LBC cryptocurrency rather than resorting to advertisers or advertising. The blockchain system allows users to create a network of decentralised file sharing thus making any attempt to suppress videos impossible. Odysee also has more flexible rules than Vimeo or YouTube regarding moderation and permitted content. However, pornographic and violence-enticing contents are prohibited on the platform.

Due to anticipated censorship, some of my videos are available on Odysee (and Crowdbunker) only. I therefore call on you to join me on this platform rather than on YouTube. Think of all the time wasted due to imposed ads and all the negative energy it creates within. Odysee's redirection application is a real blessing. Of course, it works only for videos available on Odysee, which is becoming more frequent with censorship as many creators are covering their backs, synching their YouTube channels on Odysee. The point is that most people don't know about genuine alternative solutions. So let's do your part and spread the word around.Ey@el

Dear Creators,

We'll keep this brief.

  1. YouTube is testing the requirement that enforces log in to watch videos.
  2. Now Youtube will forcefully insert ads into your videos.

We already know that YouTube sucks, but this new experimentation is next level stupid.

In order to avoid this stupidity, we recommend the following:

  1. If you're creator, uploading your videos directly to Odysee will retain the integrity of your content for your community. The process is simple and we recommend trying it.
  2. If you're a viewer, have you heard of our Odysee browser extension? You can add this plugin to any Chrome based browser and it will redirect you to watch on Odysee anytime you see a video that's on YouTube.

We hope these issues do not become significant and we will stay vigilant to ensure your experience is not compromised.
You can support us by mentioning to the creators you enjoy that they should consider uploading to Odysee directly, and by sharing the Watch on Odysee plugin with users.

Best wishes

P.S.: Some big updates coming within a couple of weeks :)

Original text by ODYSEE


It Equals FOUR!

Most people rarely say what they believe if it differs from group-think unless they are among those they know are ‘safe’. Otherwise every last word is watched and processed for its unintentional and ludicrously-interpreted connotation that you are racist, sexist, ageist or transphobic. Before long in an effort to salvage some self-respect from this spineless submission to tyranny, people persuade themselves that they are not submitting to tyranny at all. They are only doing what they believe is right. At this point your knowing submission to 2 + 2 = 5 becomes a belief in 2 + 2 = 5. Your short and curlies are now in the iron grip of Woke insanity which is only a projection of Cult insanity and Matrix insanity.

Another part of your mind is not yours. Cult control of the global web of governments, corporations, media and institutions of society mean they walk and talk as one unit in their imposition of ‘values’. These ‘values’ are nothing more than weapons of control employed by those so devoid of ‘values’ that they would not know one if it bit them on the arse.

‘Antiracism’ is the cry of racists; ‘anti-sexism’ is the cry of sexists; and ‘equity’ is the cry of those who despise equality of rights and opportunity. ‘Equity’ does not mean ‘equality’ as in equality of opportunity. It means law-imposed racial and sexual bias which is a patronising insult to minorities and women. It is an expression of what I have heard called ‘cosmetic diversity’. This is when you have diversity only of skin colour and sexuality while ensuring that all your appointments, whether black, brown, gay or straight, have the same opinion. It’s all a scam to push an agenda through cosmetic diversity while destroying real diversity – diversity of view and opinion.

Woke’s ‘critical race theory’ is pure racism which insists that we accept the following premise: White people = racists; black people = victims. One is racism while the other patronises and disempowers black people and tells them they must define their lives by what white people do, say, and think. This we are told to believe is the behaviour of ‘antiracists’ who ‘care about black people’.

Wetiko/Yaldabaoth is a state of consciousness inversion and so therefore is the simulation that imposes its will. Everything is upside down, back to front, turned over, flipped and reversed. We do not deal with this by submitting to it. We do that by refusing to play a part in its integration into normality. Anyone is going to tell me what to believe, what I can and cannot say, and what my perceptions of everything must be? A bunch of psychopaths and prats are going to impose this and I am going to let them?

Deleting fear of what others think of what we say, do, and believe is the first base of taking your mind back from the simulation and its architects and operatives. Without this first step there can be no other steps. At all levels of mind the answer comes down to self-respect. Do we have the self-respect to insist on reaching our own conclusions and sense of reality or have we so little respect for ourselves that we allow others to tell us what to think and whether we think at all? Once we concede self-respect by submitting to tyranny and madness, only submission remains.

Mahatma Gandhi said: ‘I cannot conceive of a greater loss than the loss of one’s self-respect.’ But, as he also said, and this is the point: ‘They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.’ Here lies the key to freedom. Self-respect will never bow to tyranny. Every tyranny in all ‘history’ is the result of self-respect being conceded by the masses and every tyranny has been overthrown by those who refuse to give it away. Fascism is not imposed by fascists. It is imposed by the population conceding its self-respect to fascists who disrespect freedom and diversity of view. You can’t have self-respect if you meekly accept disrespect.

The few have always controlled the many for a simple ever-repeating reason. The many give their power to the few through acquiescence which is the result of deleted self-respect. At the top of national and global pyramids is the inner core of the Cult and you would get their number in a single room. They impose their will, their agenda, on the next level which acquiesces to that will and imposes the same on the level below them. So it continues all the way down the pyramid – imposition-acquiescence-imposition-acquiescence. A very few levels below the Cult inner-core you are already dealing with people who have no idea there even is a Cult or an agenda. The sequence continues on the basis of doing what your perceived ‘superiors’ tell you without question or resistance. Eventually you reach the mass of the people at the foot of the pyramid and if they acquiesce to the levels that impose upon them – government and law enforcement – a circuit of imposition-acquiescence is completed which allows the will of the Cult inner-core to prevail nationally and globally.

In this way, and only in this way, a handful at the top dictate the fine detail of billions of lives and the direction of human society. This is exactly what has happened so obviously in the ‘Covid’ years. If ever there was an example of removing the cause to delete the problem this is it and the antidote is self-respect. Unquestioning acquiescence is the cause and that is what has to stop to remove the problem.

Original text by DAVID ICKE from The Trap (isbn:9781838415327)


June-July 2024: Chaos Ahead

Dear readers,

August this year will mark the 11th anniversary of the launching of la Pensine Mutine, still active thanks to my regular readers — whether you were here since day one or just joined along the way. And who knows, you may be just finding out reading this. It's also, obviously and especially because of my work. However, a blog without readers is what you may call a diary!

Now, at a time when the world is on the edge of a precipice, the internet is at stake. Social media, which are used to channel views and confine them in perception bubbles (or echo chambers), have gradually been hogging the minds of people, leading to significant drops in blog attendance. Hence blog platforms no longer generate sufficient profits and are closing down one after the other. Fortunately it won't be the case for Eklablog — that fabulous small start-up taken over by French media company Webedia (Canalblog, Overblog, Allociné, etc.) in 2016. That's the good thing about it, but…

Yes, there's a snag — a downside. As a matter of fact, we've just been notified, earlier this week, that the platform would be migrating onto Webedia's, supposedly “more stable” and more modern, notably with the implementation of HTTPS protocol. The catch is that, in spite of all the care and measure taken to preserve contents (the essential part), neither themes nor blog post filing system might survive the migration. Included in the potential disaster may be all the hard work ensuring you a more convenient browsing and reading experience as it won't be possible anymore to edit HTML and CSS codes unless you subscribe to a premium offer.

I'm already giving away a great deal of my time and skills on this blog for free, understand that I cannot, on top of that, pay for something others buy with donations, paid subscriptions or ads. Besides, I simply can't afford it. And the idea of having to stop blogging does break my heart.

There is, however, no need to worry as I do not intend to and if God or the Universe permits, I shall adjust to this new way of blogging.

On the upside, the website should hopefully be easier to browse on smartphones; blog posts may now be assigned to several categories (as it is sometimes quite challenging to pick up a single category); and archives should also be more functional. However, I would be surprised if I didn't have to edit each post individually. And that may take a great deal of time I would rather use writing or translating articles. I promise to do my best and keep you up to date.

For the moment, everyone on Eklablog is panicking. Every blogger wonders what to do. Especially those who cannot afford premium subscriptions, who are completely baffled by new technologies, and for whom blogging was a therapy and/or their (only) contact with the outside world. As I found out there were actually quite many of them. Incidentally, I've just joined a Discord server on which we are trying to get organised and help each other to get over the worst together. It should be more convenient as it is not on the platform.

According to Webedia's spokesperson on Eklablog, the migration process is expected to begin in June-early July and will be gradual as there are over a million blogs to process. So don't be surprised if it's a bit of a mess, but please, don't go away for it will only be temporary. I had meant to take some time off this summer and so I have scheduled a number of articles that you should still be able to read. Follow me on X or Telegram to be informed in real time when new posts are available. And, of course, I shall keep making videos. Maybe podcasts as well.

As for ads, once the migration process has been completed, I shall post an article providing hacks for a comfortable reading experience. Hopefully (toes and fingers crossed), la Pensine Mutine may be able to celebrate its 11th anniversary on 8th August relatively unscathed. I wish so much I could have achieved one million visitors, however it may be a harsh blow if the counters are reset to zero. As always, we'll deal with it.

Take care,

Updated 20th June 2024

After experimenting with a test blog on OverBlog, I'm currently in the process of reorganising categories and tags (which should later become main categories and categories respectively) in order to minimise post-migration mess. I'm also deleting some useless stuff. I found out that many videos have been deleted as well as some pictures. I don't have time to fix that now (though I might ask for your help when the process is finalised). Presently, what's most important is to complete the tagging before migration on OverBlog servers and I don't know when it will begin. So don't worry if stuff keeps changing. I shall do my best and keep you posted as promised. This shouldn't affect scheduled posts. See you on Sunday for a new article. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Original text by ... translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Karma and Psychopaths

The things that happen in your life will be determined by how you think about and treat others.

David Wilcock

I don't think it's necessary to introduce David Wilcock given the number of book excerpts and video transcripts I have posted here. I have just edited this 20-minute excerpt from his live video of last week in which he talks about the “first distortion of the Law of One” i.e. karma and how psychopaths are luring and tempting us into self-destruction, making us forget that we are all One consciousness. More specifically, he explains how anger (however justified) is a trap and how it's both urgent and essential to work on that. In this day and age, this reminder is of crucial importance.

Indeed, it's not difficult to see that the elites are doing their best for us to be angry and hate them. Why? To move us to another timeline. David Wilcock also mentions that famous channeller Edgar Cayce would have been manipulated with false information by a negative entity because he was angry at his haters.

It is with good reason that when we're angry, we say that we are “beside ourselves”, that we “flip our lid”, “go off the rails” or “blow out”. Anger is a devastative energy. It pertains to our ego; it breaks down our physical and subtle bodies and disconnects us from our Higher Self and Source. We “lose control”. We “see red”. Who's in control then?

More insidious is suppressed anger which pulls the wool over our eyes and gets us stuck, always attracting more reasons to fuel our rage (law of attraction). Psychopaths do have a knack for driving us nuts. It's very hard not to hate them. Unfortunately, our society has become a manufacturer of psychopaths. Just look at the news. There's enough for brains to shut down.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Choice

Thank you for subscribing to my YouTube channel to help me gain visibility and incite me to make more inspirational short videos like this one. You may also subscribe to my Odysee and Crowdbunker channels that both protect my videos against potential censorship (some videos are actually available solely on these two platforms) for extra support. Thanks again. It will only cost you a couple of clicks and you'll be able to discover many other enlightening contents from other people the censors don't want you to see.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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The Panther of the Lake

It's almost Halloween. On this occasion, I intended to repost an article by Alanna Ketler about what black cats actually symbolise and ...

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