Make Your Resource States Immediately Available

The notion of anchoring is one of the central concepts of NLP (neurolinguistic programming — Ed.). It concerns a natural phenomenon which consists in associating an external stimulus to an internal state. The memory trigger is a famous example of spontaneous anchoring. By eating a sponge finger cake, Proust remembers in greatest detail a scene from his childhood. In this case, the trigger is a taste (stimuli) which awakens nostalgia (internal state). There are many other possibilities of anchorings. We can have associated the first notes of a song to a very joyful evening or the image of a beach with the sensation of relaxation. Most anchors are unconscious, but we can create them deliberately. Then, instead of undergoing a particular mood, we can choose it. Anchoring is one of the simplest ways of taking control of your mood and having access to an array of resource states.

We call ‘resource states’, the states which are optimal to live a situation (courage, relaxation or concentration) and ‘limiting states’ those which hinder and damage us (stress, fear, lack of motivation, etc.).

Managing internal states consists in choosing the adequate internal state in a given situation, being able to engage it and knowing how to remain in this state during the situation. In parallel, we learn to avoid entering invalidating states and to deactivate them. We can also create beforehand positive anchors which will be activated when needed.

Being able to draw from one’s wealth, the question to ask is: ‘What is the most appropriate internal state to face this situation?

Find a previous situation where you lived this positive state. Mentally relive the scene with your five senses until you intensely get in touch with the resource state then associate it to a sensory anchoring: a pressure on the skin or a small victorious “Yes!” Personally, I like the anchoring which consists in closing the fist as if we were holding our internal state in our hand. So that the anchor works, you need to place it as soon as you enter this resource state entirely. Then, by doing the exact same gesture, the resource state returns with the same intensity. Do not choose a gesture that is too common; the anchor would be quickly worn out by other requests. Contrary to behaviouristic practices, if the anchor is well placed, it is not necessary to repeat it, to guarantee longetivity.

All the resources necessary for your evolution are inside you. You can now condemn the access to your old highways of gloom, discouragement and rumination. Anchor all these beautiful resources which you have in you: your state of awakening and curiosity, your benevolence, your optimism…

For example, now, which resource do you need to integrate your overefficiency? I would personally suggest you anchor a curiosity and pure wonderment like a child who discovers a park with swings. So you shall study yourselves by thinking “What a beautiful brain! It is fantastic to be able to be a lemur in my tree-like thoughts! Yahoo, it’s so fast in my head!

Original text by CHRISTEL PETITCOLLIN from I Think Too Much: How to Channel Intrusive Thoughts (isbn:9782813220646) translated from French by S.A. TEDMAN

Cover picture: Lucas Pezeta


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