It Equals FOUR!

Most people rarely say what they believe if it differs from group-think unless they are among those they know are ‘safe’. Otherwise every last word is watched and processed for its unintentional and ludicrously-interpreted connotation that you are racist, sexist, ageist or transphobic. Before long in an effort to salvage some self-respect from this spineless submission to tyranny, people persuade themselves that they are not submitting to tyranny at all. They are only doing what they believe is right. At this point your knowing submission to 2 + 2 = 5 becomes a belief in 2 + 2 = 5. Your short and curlies are now in the iron grip of Woke insanity which is only a projection of Cult insanity and Matrix insanity.

Another part of your mind is not yours. Cult control of the global web of governments, corporations, media and institutions of society mean they walk and talk as one unit in their imposition of ‘values’. These ‘values’ are nothing more than weapons of control employed by those so devoid of ‘values’ that they would not know one if it bit them on the arse.

‘Antiracism’ is the cry of racists; ‘anti-sexism’ is the cry of sexists; and ‘equity’ is the cry of those who despise equality of rights and opportunity. ‘Equity’ does not mean ‘equality’ as in equality of opportunity. It means law-imposed racial and sexual bias which is a patronising insult to minorities and women. It is an expression of what I have heard called ‘cosmetic diversity’. This is when you have diversity only of skin colour and sexuality while ensuring that all your appointments, whether black, brown, gay or straight, have the same opinion. It’s all a scam to push an agenda through cosmetic diversity while destroying real diversity – diversity of view and opinion.

Woke’s ‘critical race theory’ is pure racism which insists that we accept the following premise: White people = racists; black people = victims. One is racism while the other patronises and disempowers black people and tells them they must define their lives by what white people do, say, and think. This we are told to believe is the behaviour of ‘antiracists’ who ‘care about black people’.

Wetiko/Yaldabaoth is a state of consciousness inversion and so therefore is the simulation that imposes its will. Everything is upside down, back to front, turned over, flipped and reversed. We do not deal with this by submitting to it. We do that by refusing to play a part in its integration into normality. Anyone is going to tell me what to believe, what I can and cannot say, and what my perceptions of everything must be? A bunch of psychopaths and prats are going to impose this and I am going to let them?

Deleting fear of what others think of what we say, do, and believe is the first base of taking your mind back from the simulation and its architects and operatives. Without this first step there can be no other steps. At all levels of mind the answer comes down to self-respect. Do we have the self-respect to insist on reaching our own conclusions and sense of reality or have we so little respect for ourselves that we allow others to tell us what to think and whether we think at all? Once we concede self-respect by submitting to tyranny and madness, only submission remains.

Mahatma Gandhi said: ‘I cannot conceive of a greater loss than the loss of one’s self-respect.’ But, as he also said, and this is the point: ‘They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.’ Here lies the key to freedom. Self-respect will never bow to tyranny. Every tyranny in all ‘history’ is the result of self-respect being conceded by the masses and every tyranny has been overthrown by those who refuse to give it away. Fascism is not imposed by fascists. It is imposed by the population conceding its self-respect to fascists who disrespect freedom and diversity of view. You can’t have self-respect if you meekly accept disrespect.

The few have always controlled the many for a simple ever-repeating reason. The many give their power to the few through acquiescence which is the result of deleted self-respect. At the top of national and global pyramids is the inner core of the Cult and you would get their number in a single room. They impose their will, their agenda, on the next level which acquiesces to that will and imposes the same on the level below them. So it continues all the way down the pyramid – imposition-acquiescence-imposition-acquiescence. A very few levels below the Cult inner-core you are already dealing with people who have no idea there even is a Cult or an agenda. The sequence continues on the basis of doing what your perceived ‘superiors’ tell you without question or resistance. Eventually you reach the mass of the people at the foot of the pyramid and if they acquiesce to the levels that impose upon them – government and law enforcement – a circuit of imposition-acquiescence is completed which allows the will of the Cult inner-core to prevail nationally and globally.

In this way, and only in this way, a handful at the top dictate the fine detail of billions of lives and the direction of human society. This is exactly what has happened so obviously in the ‘Covid’ years. If ever there was an example of removing the cause to delete the problem this is it and the antidote is self-respect. Unquestioning acquiescence is the cause and that is what has to stop to remove the problem.

Original text by DAVID ICKE from The Trap (isbn:9781838415327)


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