The Hut on Fire

Thank you for subscribing to my YouTube channel to help me gain visibility and incite me to make more inspirational short videos like this one. You may also subscribe to my Odysee and Crowdbunker channels that both protect my videos against potential censorship (some videos are actually available solely on these two platforms) for extra support. Thanks again. It will only cost you a couple of clicks and you'll be able to discover many other enlightening contents from other people the censors don't want you to see.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Jingle All the Way!

Jingle bells,
Jingle bells
Jingle all the way.
Oh! what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.

"Jingle Bells", Frank Sinatra (1957)

By dint of hearing bells jingle all the way, Tinker Bell has mutated into the Mad Hatter, singing "Brother John" on top of her head—the latter, by chance, remaining firmly screwed into her neck in spite of the darts and fits of the Queen of Hearts, stubbornly obsessed with being a pain in the neck and getting the head of anyone above and below daring to stand up to her. Could it be that her heart has lost its reasons that reason itself ignores? No one knows. And if no one gets it, it means everyone's lost it. That's quite devious, I admit, but never mind, it's a big deal. And at the end of the tale, damn the cost, the Royals don't count. Whatever the fat death knells alarming all the way may say, on the day of the Three Kings, we shall omit the trinkets. End of the line.

Merry Christmas everyone!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Celebration of Light

Actually, I had planned to publish a totally different video today, but it would appear that it was meant otherwise as, in the last moment, I was literally guided to that simple yet wonderful text by Lulumineuse. Every stage went so smoothly: reading, translating, finding the right pictures and music — everything felt effortless as if I had an invisible team supporting me. And on the shortest day of the year, what could be more relevant than this reminder to reconnect to our own inner light.

Happy Winter Solstice everyone!Ey@el

The celebration of light invites each being to delve deeply into their own light. It is a symbolic celebration to remind us that light does exist within us and and can be the key to find the meaning of life.

Wherever this celebration is held, lights shine brightly, illuminating the streets, houses and hearts. They remind us that even in our darkest hour, there is still a glimmer of hope to be found within. We just have to look for it, to dig deep within ourselves to find this inner light which is our true essence.

Only by reconnecting with our own light, we may illuminate the shadows that lie on our path. It requires courage, perseverance, and faith in ourselves. For finding the meaning of life cannot be done overnight, but during an inner journey, through the profound exploration of our being.

Delving into our own light, we may also enlighten others. We become beacons in the dark, providing warmth, solace, and guidance to those who cross our path. The light we share with others is contagious. It can ignite sparkles of life, hope, and joy in those who need it.

The celebration of light is thus an invitation to embrace our own light, to let our true essence shine and illuminate the shadows which cloud our path. It's a reminder of the beauty and power within each one of us. So, let's delve into our own light to illuminate the world around.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


3 Unexpected Ways to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Life Path Number

To find what your life path number is, you need to calculate it. It's a very simple operation: simply add up all the digits making up your birth date. Then reduce the resulting number by adding up its digits again to get a number between 1 and 9. In case you get 11, 22 or 33 which are master numbers, take note as explain in the article below, then reduce to 2, 4 or 6.

Let's take the example of someone born on 7th January 1976.

Their life path is:
7+1+1+9+7+6 = 31

To get a number between 1 and 9, we need to add up (reduce) again:
3+1 = 4

Note that some master numbers might be hidden (such being the case for me) and will only appear if you add up your birth number verticallly as below:

+      1
+ 1976
= 1984

After further reduction, we get:
1+9+8+4 = 22

22 is a master number with the vibration of number 4 (2+2) with the essence of double 2. No need to do the second calculation if once reduced, the first gives you something other than a 2 or a 4 that might reveal a hidden 11 or 22.


So you’ve found out your Life Path number!

You’ve been handed the key … It makes a lot of sense, but … what next?

What do you need to DO with this number, to align the path you are currently walking with the one you’re supposed to?

Like a lot of stages on the journey to awakening, the very first bolt of lightning is often the most exciting, but staying on the path, and continually taking steps to fuel and nurture evolution is where a lot of people lose their way. But not this time!

Here are 3 essential ways to unlock your Life Path, and use the wisdom of this power-filled number to find true purpose and alignment in your life!

1. Get intimate with your Archetypes

The energies that flow through numbers can also be described through archetypes, and if you’re serious about getting to know your numbers, you’ll need to make friends with your archetypes.

Archetypes are universally recognized expressions of particular types of energy, and are woven throughout our history, mythology, culture, and our everyday lives. The psychologist Carl Gustav Jung identified 12 basic types, and he believed that these existed in the collective human subconscious, manifesting to a lesser or larger degree through each of us.

Some of the most common archetypes are the Hero, the Rebel, the Mother and the Lover, for example, but there are literally hundreds more, as the main ones all contain many sub-aspects that have their own particular characteristic and traits.
The job of numerology is to bring our archetypes from the subconscious to the conscious mind. And by doing this, you can begin to see the many strengths that they have to offer you, as well as the challenges too.

Below are the main archetypes associated with each number:

The list isn’t exhaustive and may contain archetypes you don’t recognize in yourself, or miss some that you do. But we’re all different, and this is the magic of life!

  1. Warrior, leader, pioneer, King, Queen
  2. Lover, diplomat, peacemaker, intuitive, innocent
  3. Child, artist, creative, muse, inventor, dreamer, jester
  4. Architect, creative, builder, planner
  5. Magician, explorer, seeker, wanderer, pilgrim
  6. Mother, caregiver, lover
  7. Mystic, dreamer, visionary, philosopher
  8. Manifestor, King, Queen, influencer, mentor, professional
  9. Server, expert, scholar, advisor, philosopher, academic

The archetypes contained in the master numbers are connected to the numbers they reduce down to AND the number they’re a double expression of, though on a higher (spiritual) plane.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Sound of Freedom

We're living in a time when it's dangerous to label each other. Labelling is the worst thing we can do to each other because that breaks any path of communication. So I hope that people come to see the film and that we stop this collective thinking — this collective opinion. We should have our own opinion. I've been in many circumstances where people already had an opinion of the film without even seeing the film. It's just based on other people's opinion. And I hope that here, in France, people go and experience the film for themselves and create their own opinion based on what they think.

Alejandro Monteverde

Sound of Freedom by Mexican director Alejandro Monteverde is probably the most controversial movie at the moment. On the one hand, it's a box office smash in America where it hit number one overnight with $14.3 million tickets sold in 2,634 theatres right ahead of Indiana Jones 5 with $11.7 millions in 4,600 theatres (that's twice more). On the other hand, it's being slagged off by Western media as a “conspiratorial” movie featuring “a misrepresentation of the reality of human trafficking” (Wikipedia) while some simply claim it's a “third-rate movie” (BFMTV).

Sophistry's Misfortunes

Filming began in 2018. The majority of the film was shot in Colombia with additional scenes in South California. Sound of Freedom initially had a deal with 20th Century Fox, but when the studio was purchased by Disney, it shelved the film as its subject “did not match Disney's rather consensual editorial line”. Eventually purchased, four years later, by Angel Studio, an independent platform, Sound of Freedom was finally released on 4th July as America celebrated Independence Day, and (in a limited number of theatres) in France via Saje Distribution on 15th November.

Please, note that one of the arguments fuelling the controversy in mainstream media is based on the Christian convictions of the parties involved.

We were shocked by the controversy around the release of the movie in the USA, last July, as there was such a gap between that and the content of the movie” stated Saje Distribution in a press release following the announcement of the theatrical release of the movie in France. “So far, the movie was obviously impacted by the political antagonisms in America.

According to French daily Le Parisien, the movie in itself is not conspiratorial, but it would be easy to use it as such: “Conspiracy theories are all implied but never clearly mentioned.” Same goes for Le Monde, claiming that Sound of Freedom “is not a conspirationist movie per se”, but “driven by a cast receptive to this kind of rhetoric”.

Human Correctness

Which is absolutely mind-blowing when you watch the movie unbiasedly. Which side are we supposed to take, by the way, if saving the children is not politically correct?

That is the question independent French journalist Karl Zéro and director Alejandro Monteverde pondered on: “This subject does not belong to any political party. This subject belongs to the human race and we need to transcend that.

I don't know anyone who is for child abuse, at least publicly” says Monteverde. “So I thought it would be something that was going to unite us. Which it did with the public. There was a massive division in the media and attacks, but it's always been about creating awareness, because I believe children should be protected by the world.

Based on A True Story

Sound of Freedom is a thriller based on the incredible true story of Tim Ballard, a former federal agent (brilliantly portrayed by Jim Caviezel) embarking into a rescue operation and risking his life in order to liberate children from the hands of sex traffickers in Colombia.

Left: The real Tim Ballard
Right: Tim Ballard in the movie

Father of nine, Ballard was fully unaware of child trafficking until the CIA appointed him to catch paedophiles. That is when he came to realise that the means allocated to fight this issue — which is far greater than people imagine — were seriously inadequate. Hence in 2013, he decided to quit his official job to create his own non-profit NGO called Operation Underground Railroad standing for O.U.R. Rescue.

He teamed up with former U.S. marines and people from the film industry to film his operations and make hard-hitting documentaries. So far, he's released three, but I could only find two of them. These are Operation Toussaint and The Abolitionists.

The idea of making a feature film that would strike a blow at even more people naturally followed” says Karl Zéro.

Sound of Freedom is thus a mix of various operations in Haiti and Colombia.

At the end of the movie, we are told that:

Tim [Ballard]'s testimony about the Colombian operation led the United States Congress to pass legislation increasing international cooperation in child trafficking cases.

Human trafficking is a 150 billion dollar-a-year business. The United States is one of the top destinations for human trafficking and is among the largest consumers of child sex.

There are more human trapped in slavery today than any other time in history — including when slavery was legal.

Millions of these slaves are children.

A Deeply Moving and Poignant Film

Having seen Sound of Freedom in its original version, I found it both beautiful, poignant and deeply moving, which naturally leads to rethink many things through. It's a decent movie which, unlike a majority of Hollywood (and TV) productions today, doesn't resort to horrifying visuals and gratuitous violence to shock the minds of the viewers.

This is a movie not without some suspense, featuring beautiful pictures and excellent actors — including the children. Nothing is seen, everything is suggested, which is what actually makes it so effective.

Sound of Freedom is a multifaceted film which thus provides food for thought. That's probably its most upsetting aspect. For beyond the main message aiming at raising public awareness of child trafficking, is the idea of redemption conveyed by the Vampiro character — also known as Batman and based on a real-life character with a few alterations for script commodity — a former money launderer for an infamous drug cartel who, after a sudden awakening, decides to use his ill-gotten money to rescue children.

This just shows that changing course and breaking free of the spiral of evil can be possible. Of course, as Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov says, there's always a price to pay, but there is a way out. No wonder why it's so inconvenient.

When you have learned to act well, when all your actions and all your words are inspired by kindness, purity and disinterestedness, they will not entail any ‘karma’ but will attract beneficial effects. This is called dharma.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Day of Grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now I'm found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

Amazing Grace" (gospel)

Today, on the fourth Thursday of November, the United States are celebrating Thanksgiving. Please note, this public holiday is not about sleeping late nor tending to your cacti or eating lots of fats (not so sure about that one, though), but all about thanking God “for the providential New World and fruitful cooperation with its native populations”.

Which goes to show that a bad liver may surely kill you while bad faith won't.

The Final Blow

Right after the celebration of the Native American genocide with God on their side, the final blow is being delivered on the infamous Black Friday — also known as “Mad Friday”  in Quebec (a name I agree with 1000 percent). This is the time when there's a free-for-all rush on stores by ungraceful American housewives — much like a rugby scrum — so violent and thunderous no one can hear you cry for mercy.

It's a black Friday indeed for the police in charge of dealing with the chaos of heavy traffic congestion, accidents, shoplifting and other issues arising from these consumption binges.

What about Saturday?

Vade Retro Jupiter

As the ruling planet of Thursdays, Jupiter symbolises abundance, social fulfilment but also excess and overindulgence. Jupiter in retrograde phase until the end of the year invites us to turn inwards, to be more attuned to our inner voice and to the meaning of life, and change what's not right.

Let's make the best of a bad job and let us be touched by grace.


End notes

  • ^ Sorry, some puns got lost in translation! Basically in French, grace sounds like “grasse” which means fat, hence “matière grasse” (fats). It is also used in idiomatic expressions such “grasse matinée” (literally “fat morning”) and “plantes grasses” (succulents) in the cacti reference.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



The flu is here no more
Did it make you terrified?
You looked for contagion
Within the big lie
You bonded together
In a criminal world

You're so superficial
And think that you're special
But you're a sheep
You're a weirdo
Why the hell do you live in fear?
What's going on here?

I don't care if it hurts
You've given up control
You're gonna wreck your body
And sell out your soul
I hope that you notice
Everyone's still around

You're so superficial
Yet think that you're special
But you're a sheep
You're a weirdo
Why the hell do you live in fear?
What's going on here?

Oh... Oh...
He's conning us again
He's conning us
A con...

Wearing your face nappy
You'll get what you want

You're so superficial
Do you think that you're special?
Well, you're a sheep
You're a weirdo
Why the hell do you live in fear?
What's going on here?
Yeah, what's going on here?

Original text by CHARLIE CHESWICK



One song that's more relevant than ever today is "War", originally written under the famous Motown label to be performed by The Temptations and finally recorded by Edwin Starr to become a major hit and probably the most popular protest song ever. During the following decades, it has been covered by countless artists. Clearly, music doesn't soothe minds — at least not for everyone. As a bonus, I'm also including an excellent cover by The Jam, which is my favourite because that's how I got to hear this song first. May it become a mantra.Ey@el

War, huh yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, oh hoh, oh
War huh yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, say it again y'all
War, huh good God
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, listen to me

Oh, war, I despise
'Cause it means destruction of innocent lives
War means tears to thousands of mothers eyes
When their sons go off to fight and lose their lives

I said
War, huh good God y'all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, just say it again
War whoa Lord
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, listen to me
War, it ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker
War, friend only to the undertaker

Oh war, is an enemy to all mankind
The thought of war blows my mind
War has caused unrest within the younger generation
Induction, then destruction — who wants to die ?

War, good God, y'all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, say it, say it, say it
War, uh huh, yeah, huh
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, listen to me
War, it ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker
War, it's got one friend that's the undertaker

Oh, war has shattered many young man's dreams
Made him disabled bitter and mean
Life is much to short and precious to spend fighting wars these days
War can't give life it can only take it away, ooh

War, huh, good God y'all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, say it again
War, whoa, Lord
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, listen to me
War, it ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker
War, friend only to the undertaker

Peace love and understanding tell me
Is there no place for them today
They say we must fight to keep our freedom
But Lord knows there's got to be a better way

War, huh, good God y'all
What is it good for?
You tell 'em, say it, say it, say it, say it
War, good Lord, huh
What is it good for?
Stand up and shout it, nothing
War, it ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker

Cover version by The Jam

Original text by NORMAN WHITFIELD


Devil Inside

Here comes the woman
With the look in her eye,
Raised on leather
With flesh on her mind,
Words as weapons sharper than knives,
Makes you wonder how the other half dies.

Here come the man
With the look in his eye,
Fed on nothing
But full of pride.
Look at them go,
Look at them kick,
Makes you wonder how the other half lives.

The devil inside...
The devil inside...
Every single one of us the devil inside.

The devil inside...
The devil inside...
Every single one of us the devil inside.

Here comes the world
With the look in its eye,
Future uncertain but certainly slight.
Look at the faces,
Listen to the bells,
It's hard to believe we need a place called hell.

Original text by MICHAEL HUTCHENCE


How to Add Audiobooks to Calibre Library

Until now, I had to store my handful of audiobooks in my Kodi music library since it wasn't possible to add them to  Calibre alongside my other books, which wasn't very convenient not to have everything in the same place. Especially when you have the same audiobooks in other formats (digital or hard copies). But now, that's ancient history since Calibre's developer Kovid Goyal finally has implemented this missing functionality.

How to Add Your Audiobooks to Calibre

  • Click on Add books - Add Empty Book (CTRL+MAJ+E).

    Thereupon you need to enter the number of books you wish to add, author's name, series title and book title (these options are especially helpful if you had a whole series or collection of books by a same author and wish to save the trouble of manually filling in these fields for each book) then click OK to valid.

  • Your book is now displayed in the cover browser (or list depending of how you have configured Calibre to look like) and you may fill in the missing information by clicking on Edit metadata individually and proceed as you would for ebooks.
  • Once done with the metadata, click on Add Books - Add data files to selected book entries then select all the audiofiles of your audiobook folder and click OK.
  • Select your book again and right click to Open Book Folder - Open Book Data Folder.

    In the data folder where Calibre has previously copied all your book audio files, select all files and open them with your media player to create a m3u playlist which you may save in a temporary folder.

  • Back to Calibre, Edit metadata individually then Add new format for this book and select the m3u playlist you've just created with your media player and click OK.

    You will now be able to play your audiobook by clicking on this format in the book details as you do for ebooks.

NOTE: Same as for ebooks, you may delete original audio files and playlist as Calibre has copied them all in its library.

A New Easier Way to Catalog Your Printed Books in Calibre

  • Six months ago, I explained how to add printed books to Calibre by creating as many dummy TXT files, which was quite a tedious task. Now there's a much easier and quicker way to do that as we saw while adding audiobooks since all you need to do is Add books - Add Empty Book then edit metadata as previoulsy explained.
  • If you've used my old method, you may delete the dummy text files using unneccessary space on your hard disk by selecting your books and Delete specific format files for selected books.

    Thereupon a list of format will be displayed according to what's available in your selection of books. Just tick TXT then OK and you're done.

NOTE: If you have books both in paper or digital format, no need to create several entries for the same books. Instead create customized columns for printed book formats which you may then fill in manually where applicable. I have also added a field for audiobook length.

Hoping this tutorial will be of any use to you.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Way Back Home

This piece wrote itself effortlessly as a response to an excerpt from Tao someone posted on Instagram and I felt I had to share as a video.

Please, activate English subtitles provided not YouTube automatic subtitles which might be inaccurate.

Daily introspection brings harmony to all our facets. Those aspects that are bad can be dissolved. Those that are of advantage can be cultivated. This effort will take many years, but in this gradual way, we resolve ourselves with our subconscious mind and free ourselves from struggle and conflict.

365 Tao

I'm a billion per cent okay with that however something must have been missed for many seeing NOT judging — please note the difference — where they place their support and actions.

In the end, denial and disclaiming labels won't stop the Truth from tearing down the veil of illusion. That's when each one of us will know how much unity they've achieved within.

I don't rule myself out of it as I'm aware there are still many things I have trouble accepting that are creating denial and false beliefs within, mostly at personal level.

This is the most important thing you can do for yourself and for the world. And also the most dangerous thing for those who benefit from human beings to be torn within to keep ruling the world.

It's not about being right or wrong, it's just about realising we're not our ego. Our ego is a tool that keeps us in survival mode even when we're not in danger.

By conditioning our egos to feel threatened all the time, you get a humanity surviving NOT living and disconnected from their True Self. That's how self-proclaimed elites, stars, or whatever they call themselves, decide who is valuable, who is not, and so on.

Our true core is at the level of our heart — not the blood pump nor romantic heart, but Anahata chakra which is the bridge connecting our lower chakras dealing with earth matters and our higher chakras dealing with heaven and spirit.

Our head is just a periscope of which our ego/mind is the pilot. It only understands words and needs a database of experiences and learned knowledge to function. Unlike our heart which is from where our multi-dimensional True Self operates and where we get inspiration, wisdom, connection with the divine/universe and all the stuff we call "spirituality".

This is where we get gut feelings, knowing without thinking. So that's from there (without thinking but deeply feeling) that we need to do the above mentioned work.

That's the place where we cannot get sad nor depressed or angry or over excited. That's where we can find the way out, the light, the grail or whatever you call the balance that every single one of us has to find.

Some of us are not ready. They're just doing their best. That's the most important.

I would end wishing everyone to find their way home (home as the heart centre).

This is not selfish as you've been misled to believe. This is actually the greatest act of love for we are all One. Loving self equals loving all others.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


A Midsummer Night Delight

A recipe inspired by my love of tasty treats and the bagfuls of juicy blackberries I picked up by the river, coping with the hot sun, unfriendly bugs and tangles of sharp thorns and stinging nettles. To cut it short, that's an all-burned, bitten and scratched yours truly in tatters who thought her hard labour deserved two treats in one. That's how I came up with the heavenly idea of combining my brownie recipe with my chocolate pie recipe. The result turned out so divine I had to share it with you (I mean, the recipe, no point in licking up your screen!).


Serves 8:


- 450 g sweet potato
- 15 fresh dates
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 3 tablespoon raw cocoa powder
- 70 g ground almond
- 60 g oatmeal
- 1/2 teaspoon salt


- 225 g cashews
- 80 ml water
- 60 g coconut oil
- 1 pinch salt
- 2 tbsp raw cocoa powder
- 3 tbsp agave syrup
- ¼ tsp vanilla powder
- 100 g blackberries
- chocolate chips


Make cake: peel the sweet potato, cut it into pieces and boil for about 15 minutes. Drain and purée.

Pit and cut dates in small pieces and mix with 6 tablespoon of water. Add sweet potato purée, vanilla and cocoa.

Grind oatmeal to make flour. Add ground almond and salt and add to dough.

Transfer to a square baking pan lined with baking paper. Bake 40-50 minutes at 180°C.

Mix all the ingredients for the topping and process to a thick smooth dough.

Remove cooled cake from pan and arrange on a serving plate. Cover with topping before it hardens and smooth with a spatula.

Decorate with fresh blackberries and sprinkle with chocolate chips for crispness.

Allow to chill in the fridge for at least 6 hours before serving. Tastes even better if you can wait overnight.

NOTE: Also tastes great with gooseberries and why not try with raspberries or other berries which generally blend well with chocolate.

I haven't tried it yet, but it would be nice to bake the dough in muffin pans to make cupcakes and use a pastry bag to arrange chocolate cream on top.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Perception Ultra: Characters

A bit more than a year ago, I published my first docu-interview with Rudy for the release of his first self-published novel on Amazon (available both in paperback and Kindle formats in French language only).

A fast-paced fantasy thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout its 450+ pages, a second volume of which is presently in the making.

Initially I didn't want to produce a longish video lest it would put off viewers and had chosen instead to cut it down to the bare essentials, setting aside the parts relating to what inspired the creation of the various characters in the book. So one year after, here is today an appendix to this initial documentary addressing more deeply the personal aspect of this literary work and which is especially designed for those who read the book, who intend to or to those who stil hesitate and whose curiosity might be raised by this little reminder I had great fun making.

English subtitles (made by me and not automatically produced by an algorithm) are also available on YouTube.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Chocolate Bliss

For those who aren't lucky to go on holiday this year, as a consolation here's a tasty  quick and super easy recipe (no cooking required) to indulge into a sweet chocolatey bliss. Tested and approved by my beloved gang of gourmets.


Makes 12 mini pies:


- 180 g buckwheat flakes
- 60 g almond powder
- 2½ tbsp coconut oil
- 2½ tbsp agave syrup


- 225 g cashews
- 100 ml water
- 60 g coconut oil
- 1 pinch salt
- 2 tbsp raw cocoa powder
- 3 tbsp agave syrup
- ¼ tsp vanilla powder


Mix all the ingredients for the pastry together in a large bowl using your hands to get a consistent, grainy mixture. Add some coconut oil if necessary.

Scoop the dough in the silicone moulds, about one heaped tablespoon each. Use a glass jar, the same diameter as the moulds to press the crust on the bottom and sides. Let it sit for 5 minutes in the freezer to harden and bake for 15 minutes at 180°C. Once cooled, unmould and arrange on a large dish or plate.

Mix all the ingredients for the topping and process to a thick smooth dough.

Scoop over the pie crusts and allow to chill in the fridge for about 6 hours.

NOTE: You may use oatmeals instead of buckwheat flakes if you are not gluten intolerant. Although the gluten in oats is a different molecule than the one found in wheat, which is far less aggressive and in lower concentrations. However, if you're very sensitive to gluten, you may still experience inflammatory responses. Buckwheat does not contain gluten but its greatest advantage is to contain all the essential amino acids the human body needs.

You may choose not to bake the crust. If so, let sit 30 minutes in the freezer. You may also add some cocoa to colour the crust.

Blessed art thou Saint Chocolate, amen!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


As I Began to Love Myself...

Charlie Chaplin is best known today as a comedian who starred in silent films from 1920 through 1950, recognizable even today by his iconic moustache and hat. While many people can still identify him as a silent film star, few people know just how insightful and intelligent he was.

The scene from The Great Dictator in which Charlie speaks of our connectedness as human beings, our inherent rights on the planet, and how we have lost our way because of greed, is perhaps our greatest indication of the mind behind the man. Even though he passed away some 50 years ago, his legacy lives on and he continues to inspire us daily with amazing insight, wisdom, and humour. The following poem offers his unique and perceptive understanding of self-love. (Source)

P. S.: English subtitles for this video are available on YouTube. Many thanks to La Luciole for his help researching archive footage. I would also like to dedicate this article to my late great uncle Charley from Kansas who was a contemporary and great fan of Charlie Chaplin.


As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.

As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.

As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.

As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.

As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.

As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.

We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE”!

Original text by CHARLIE CHAPLIN


Let Go of the People Who Aren’t Ready to Love You

Those words by Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal the Cannibal in The Silence of the Lambs) — “Let go of people who aren't ready to love you yet! This is the hardest thing you'll have to do in your life and it will also be the most important thing: stop giving your love to those who aren't ready to love you yet” — that have been shared on social media, since 2020, in a meme format but also as part of an essay-length piece — were actually not written by Hopkins.

The original text, which appears to have been slightly modified and attributed to the British actor, was indeed published two years before Hopkins name was mentioned, by essayist Brianna Wiest on Thought Catalog. She's also published similar works in a book. I just wanted the truth to be re-established.

That said, this phenomenon of misattributing quotes to famous figures is quite common on social media and I would urge you to be thorough and vigilant as regards the sources of whatever you're sharing, lest you inadvertently spread false truths and ultimately lose credibility.

I hope you enjoy my video adaptation. Please, go and like it on YouTube and Crowdbunker.


Let go of the people who aren’t ready to love you. It is the hardest thing you will ever have to do, and it will also be the most important: stop giving your love to those who aren’t ready to love you.

Stop having hard conversations with people who don’t want to change. Stop showing up for people who are indifferent about your presence. Stop prioritizing people who make you an option. Stop loving people who aren’t ready to love you.

I know that your instinct is to do whatever you can to earn the good graces of everyone you can, but that is also the impulse that will rob you of your time, your energy and your sanity.

When you start showing up to your life wholly and completely, with joy and interest and commitment, not everyone is going to be ready to meet you there.
It doesn’t mean you need to change who you are. It means you need to stop loving people who aren’t ready to love you.

If you’re left out, subtly insulted, mindlessly forgotten about or easily disregarded by the people you spend the most time with, you’re doing yourself an incredible disservice by continuing to offer your energy and life to them.

The truth is that you are not for everyone, and everyone is not for you. That’s what makes it so special when you do find the few people with whom you have a genuine friendship, love or relationship: you’ll know how precious it is because you’ve experienced what it isn’t.

But the longer you spend trying to force someone to love you when they aren’t capable, the longer you’re robbing yourself of that very connection. It is waiting for you. There are billions of people on this planet, and so many of them are going to meet you at your level, vibe where you are, connect with where you’re going.

But the longer you stay small, tucked into the familiarity of the people who use you as a cushion, a back burner option, a therapist and a ploy for their emotional labor, the longer you keep yourself out of the community you crave.

Maybe if you stop showing up, you’ll be less liked.

Maybe you’ll be forgotten about altogether.

Maybe if you stop trying, the relationship will cease.

Maybe if you stop texting, your phone will stay dark for days and weeks.

Maybe if you stop loving someone, the love between you will dissolve.

That doesn’t mean you ruined a relationship. It means that the only thing sustaining a relationship was the energy you and you alone were putting into it.

That’s not love. That’s attachment.

The most precious, important thing that you have in your life is your energy. It is not your time that is limited, it is your energy. What you give it to each day is what you will create more and more of in your life. What you give your time to is what will define your existence.

When you realize this, you’ll begin to understand why you’re so anxious when you spend your time with people who are wrong for you, and in jobs or places or cities that are wrong, too.

You’ll begin to realize that the foremost important thing you can do for your life and yourself and everyone you know is to protect your energy more fiercely than anything else.

Make your life a safe haven in which only people that can care and listen and connect are allowed.

You are not responsible for saving people.

You are not responsible for convincing them they want to be saved.

It is not your job to show up for people and give away your life to them, little by little, moment by moment, because you pity them, because you feel bad, because you “should,” because you’re obligated, because, at the root of it all, you’re afraid to not be liked back.

It is your job to realize that you are the master of your fate, and that you are accepting the love you think you’re worthy of.

Decide you’re deserving of real friendship, true commitment and complete love with people who are healthy and thriving.

Then wait in the darkness, just for a little bit…

… And watch how quickly everything begins to change.

Original text by BRIANNA WIEST


Sweet Break

In these increasingly tough times, I would suggest a well-deserved sweet break. With a revisited classic delicacy, all in gluten and sugar-free vegan fashion, the smoothness and refined taste of which should reconcile you with the present moment. Please note it does fill you up — but it won't endanger your figure. Actually, it's even a very healthy treat.


Makes 8 brownies:

- 600 g sweet potato
- 12 medjool dates
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 3 tablespoon raw cocoa powder
- 70 g ground almond
- 60 g oatmeal
- 1/2 teaspoon salt


Soak dates in hot water for 15 minutes.

Peel the sweet potato, cut it into pieces and boil for about 15 minutes. Drain and purée.

Drain dates but keep water. Pit and cut in small pieces and mix with 6 tablespoon of soaking water. Add sweet potato purée, vanilla and cocoa.

Grind oatmeal to make flour. Add ground almond and salt and add to dough.

Transfer to a square baking pan lined with baking paper. Bake 40-50 minutes at 180°C.

Remove from pan and allow to cool before cutting into 8 servings.

Store into an airtight container in the fridge.

Enjoy this guilt-free treat!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


How to Add Physical Media to a Digital Book or Video Library

How frustrating to have built up an extensive collection of books and DVD/Blu-rays (or VHS tapes!) and being unable to remember which items you have and where to find them because it takes so much space on your shelves that most often, you need to store them in double or even triple storing. Nearly a decade ago, I had explained how to catalogue your collections with Ant Movie Catalog but ever since it became quite obsolete as much easier and more effective (multiplatform) new software such as Calibre for books and Kodi for films are now available. However, these applications have been developed for digital media. So how do you add your physical media to manage all your collections in the same place?

Well, luckily I've found a way!

The following tutorials assume that you already know how to use Calibre and Kodi and that have created digital libraries for all your books and movies. If not, please, refer to relevant online tutorials.

How to add your printed books to Calibre

1. Configure Calibre's importation pattern

You need to do that as shown in the animated GIF below (sorry it's all in French, but you should recognise the steps as described right after).

  • Click on Preferences (Ctrl+P).
  • Import/export - Adding books section.
  • Read metadata tab.
  • In the Regular expression field, in the drop down menu, select the following pattern:
    (?P<title>.+) - (?P<author>[^_]+)
  • Enter a file name (do not forget the file extension) to check it does work and that everything before the dash ends up in the Title field while everything that comes after ends up in the Authors field. Make sure to add a space on both sides of the dash.
  • If your Test is okay, then Apply and Close.

2. Create dummy digital books

This second step assumes that you have already created a list of all your printed books according to the preset pattern above.

  • Open your file manager and Create New Folder (which you may delete after use) in which you will add all your dummy digital books.
  • Right click Create New Document - Blank Document (on Windows it may be New Text Document).
  • Rename this text file according to the preset importation pattern and do not forget the TXT extension.

I recommend creating a generic Title - Author.txt file and duplicating it as many times as you need and rename it accordingly.

3. Add books to your library

When you're done, you'll have to import your dummy books in Calibre.

  • Click Add books - Add books from a single folder (A) and select your temporary folder.
  • Then proceed as you would do for digital books.
  • When the importation is done, you may delete your temporary dummy book folder as Calibre has copied them in your library.

NOTE: I advise you to use Edit metadata individually so as to be able to choose the correct information and the book cover that suits you best. I also recommend adding new metadata sources (Preferences - Advanced - Extensions - Metadata Sources) such as Goodread and Babelio for instance. you may also note that I have created custom columns to indicate printed book formats (hardback/paperback). I intend to create another to keep track of where my printed books are stored on my shelves. Shouldn't take too long with the Edit metadata in bulk function.

How to add your DVD/Blu-rays to Kodi

1. Create dummy videos

Creating dummy videos is about similar to creating dummy books except that you cannot create blank video files from your file manager. I have therefore made one you may download (right click to Save):

Unlike with Calibre, the folder you're going to create to add your dummy movie files will not be temporary. So you'll need to create it directly in your video library. The next steps are the same as for books but renaming will only use Title and optionally date (see relevant online tutorials for Kodi).

2. Add a new video source to Kodi

You may now tell Kodi where to look for your dummy video folder just like you did for your other sources. Select Movies as a category for scrapers.

Then right click on this new source to Scan for new content.

3. Specific cases

Some of your videos may not be found by metadata scrapers. Either because such data for your movie doesn't exist or because it is regarded as a mini series.

In the former case, you'll need to create a NFO text file named exactly as your movie file and add your own artwork in the same folder (see online Kodi help documentation to find out how to do that).

In the latter case, you'll need to create another folder as a new source for Kodi and use TV Series as category to use the appropriate scraper. Then move all the relevant dummy video files to that folder.

If you have series on discs, proceed the same way using a folder per season and a dummy.mp4 per season folder. Name our dummy file same as the series title adding S for season plus the season number followed by E for episode followed by the episode number dash another episode and episode number and so on. Kodi will fetch the thumbnails and information for each episode you indicate in the filename even if you only have one dummy file.

Series (Year) S01E01-E02-E03.mp4

NOTE: In the above example, I only had a couple of episodes per season so I looked up the correct number on TMBD and named my dummy files accordingly and Kodi does display the right episodes and not those I do not have on my DVD.

My only regret is not being able to add a custom field to indicate where my DVD's are store on my shelves unlike with Calibre.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Time Is Going Through a Pole Shift

The ancient yogis recognised that the Cosmos has emerged out of the Godhead and that, at some point, it is again withdrawn back into the Godhead. The force of the outflowing of the energy from the Source in God is called the Pravritti energy and the force that withdraws it back again is referred to as the Nivritti.

And you notice these terms both have the suffix of “vritti” which is thought. Because they recognise that the entire Cosmos is a thought in the mind of God. It never actually leaves the mind of God.

It is simply a thought that develops itself into its fullness of all its symbolic implications. And then when it has fulfilled its complete potentiality, it returns to itself. And although the cosmos from within that thought seems to last a huge amount of time, it's an instantaneous thought. Because God is beyond time.

But the Pravritti energy that is the energy of expansion, the energy of life and growth and development — and you could say even conquest, just as in history the conquests of the empires that then lose their energy and begin to die and lose their power.

And now we are at the end of that final empire that is in an exhausted state that is global.

The power of life has been exhausted and now it is the Nivritti energy; the energy of death, of destruction; the energy of the winter season of time; the energy of the Return.

It is a moment that for those who are still within the property wave will feel very disappointing very hopeless very much like they have lost their mojo, their capacity to remain in sync with what needs to be controlled and guided.

But now everything is in chaos. The power of concentration has been lost by most beings and there's a complete distraction and dissipation of mental energies.

And so the yogis said that when we come to the end of time you will recognize it by that dispersion and chaos, by the loss of Dharma; the loss of coherence; the loss of goodness, of purity; of all that sustains life; all that sustains culture; all that makes life worth living. So that then the death drive can take over in a way in which people actually want to be free of the pain and suffering of a meaningless life — a life which no longer works; a life which no longer has juice; a life which no longer has that power of magic; a life in which the miraculous aspects of reality have been deadened because the soul has lost its power by having come under the control of the robotic ego.

And so it is robotic artificial intelligence that takes over at the end when human intelligence is exhausted.

But it's at that moment that the yogis have planted the seeds that will awaken their own being in their final lifetime to take that Nivritti energy and use that as their fuel and propulsion, letting go of the Pravritti desires and intentions and giving all of their energy to the surrender — to the return to the Godhead.

And then, suddenly, there is great power because this is where the Ark of Time is headed. And now you can ride the wave instead of trying to flow against the current of what Time is teaching and leading us to.

And if you are aware of that and can surf the Nivritti energies, then you will find that this is the most blissful and auspicious moment in all of history. Because we are approaching the Godhead again in full consciousness, so that we can return to that Ultimate Reality and be that God's self while still embodied and be able to bring the energies ever higher in the Ascension back to the Godhead and lead the wave of those Energies and guide them and Shepherd all of the Lost Souls back to that Supreme Source from which we have come.

And by recognizing it as a blessing, as the ultimate realisation of goodness and of the source of life itself, then we recognize that this is the moment of renewal in which death and rebirth are together.

But if we are not willing to die to the Pravritti ego, then we cannot ride the Nivritti souls yearning to return to God and we will be in conflict with ourself.

And in that internal conflict and resistance between the ego and the soul, there will be ever more agony and even more karmic suffering because the screw has to turn to such a level that you'll want out, that you'll want freedom from the bondage that life has become.

And you'll want freedom from The tyranny that the world has become. You'll want nothing more than to return to that God Consciousness, to the Kingdom of Heaven and produce another kind of dream of beauty and goodness and joy that has been completely lost from the world.

But to do that, there must be a one-pointed and absolute surrender to that source of all goodness and love and life. And the perfection of that presence that without that life becomes impossible and becomes one nightmare after another.

And so once we have attuned to the vibrational frequency of the Godhead that is attracting us with electromagnetic energy back to its own Heavenly Essence, then life again becomes beautiful and the Kingdom of God is present Here and Now.

And you are able to see it because you will see with the eye of Shiva — no longer with the egoic perspective but with that understanding that we are shifting from time to Eternity in order to regain the power of creation.

Original text by SHUNYAMURTI transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Red Army Blues

When I left my home and my family,
My mother said to me:
“Son, it's not how many Germans you kill that counts,
that's how many people you set free”.
So I packed my bags and I brushed my cap,
And I walked out into the world.
Seventeen years old, never kissed a girl.

I took the train to Voronezh –
That was as far as it would go,
Exchanged my sacks for a uniform,
Bit my lip against the snow.
I prayed for Mother Russia
In the summer of '43
And as we drove the Germans back,
I really believed God was listening to me.

Then we howled into Berlin,
Tore the smoking buildings down,
Raised the Red Flag high,
Burnt the Reichstag brown.
I saw my first American man
And he looked a lot like me.
He had the same kind of farmer's face,
Said he came from some place Called Hazard, Tennessee.

When the war was over,
My discharge papers came.
Me and twenty hundred others
Went to Stettiner for the train.
"Kiev!" said the Commissar
"From there your own way home".
But I never got to Kiev.
We never came back home.
The train went north to the taiga.
We were stripped and marched in file
Up the Great Siberian road
For miles and miles and miles and miles,
Dressed in stripes and tatters
In a Gulag left to die,
All because Comrade Stalin feared
That we'd become too westernized!

I used to love my country.
I used to feel so young.
I used to believe that life
was the best song ever sung.
I would have died for my country
Back in 1945.
But now only one thing remains:
The brute will to survive.

Mike Scott, 1982

About this song

This song tells the story of a Russian soldier in World War II who is part of the conquering Red Army, which took Berlin in 1945 to defeat Hitler. When he returns home, instead of a hero's welcome, he is sent to a gulag to die, as Joseph Stalin fears he and his fellow soldiers, having mingled with Americans and other Europeans, will spread Western ideals.

The song is based on two books: The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer (1965) and The Diary Of Vikenty Angarov by Victor Muravin (1978). The first is from the perspective of a German soldier while the latter is an account of a Russian soldier:

These two books were very inspirational to me, and so I wrote the song. And I remember my girlfriend at the time was a huge Roxy Music fan, and one of her favorite songs was 'A Song For Europe,' in which Bryan Ferry sang, “Jamais, jamais, jamais” at the end of the song. So, I nicked that chord sequence, devised this lyric based on these two books[…]

I was highly inspired and every time I went to the end of a verse, I wanted a real killer line, like, “Seventeen years old, never kissed a girl”. That wasn't from the books. That wasn't from 'A Song for Europe.' That was from my heart. So, I wanted a killer line at the end of each verse to really pique the listener there.

~ Mike Scott

It's interesting to note that Mike Scott changed the lyrics on many occasions to adapt to his live audience. This way, in Germany, he won't say 'Germans' but 'Nazis' to mark the difference.

Also, in recent live versions (and on the official website), in the first verse, hte mother says: “It's the number of Germans you kill that counts, go set your country free”.

Mike Scott explains the reason why:

Years after this song was released I received a letter from a Russian man who said every word of the song was true except the line “It's not how many Germans you kill that counts, it's how many people you set free”. He told me “people went to the war to kill Germans”. I realize that when I wrote the song I allowed youthful idealism to distort the sense and truth of the song with an out of context pacifist sentiment. I have now changed it.

Here's another live version I couldn't make my mind whether to pick up over the one I finally decided for, in which Steve Wickham's magical violin replaces Anthony Thistlewaite's captivating saxophone.

There's also this remastered version with choirs that stir up your guts:

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


A Ukrainian Seeking Peace

Never mind territories. It's not important. What matters are human lives.


Nikolaï was born in Ukraine in the late 1980's when it was still part of the Soviet Union and grew up there surrounded by his half-Russian half-Ukrainian family. A couple of weeks ago, he was approached by Sud Radio, a French mainstream radio station, to share his story and view of the situation in Ukraine, which he did in a much unbiased and apolitical way. However, with War is Peace being the new normal, some powerful vested interests sent out their minions to do the dirty work and the video was quickly deleted. A very stupid move that resulted in the video going viral in French-speaking countries. Now, if you truly stand for Peace, you can do the same with this dubbed version in English with embedded subtitles for the hearing-impaired. You don't have to be pro-Poutine nor pro-Zelensky — just pro-Life. Please, share this video.


Bourdin Invites a Ukrainian Who Is Seeking Peace

J.J. BOURDIN: Let's hear more on the war between Ukraine and Russia. A year of warfare with this account from Nikolaï who lives in Bastia. Good morning Nikolaï!

NIKOLAÏ: Good morning Jean-Jacques! Good morning to all your guests!

J.J. BOURDIN: Thank you for joining us, Nikolaï. Let me sum up… Correct me if I'm wrong : You are Ukrainian. You were born in Dnipro in 1987. 1987, that was during the era of the USSR. You came to France in 2002. Half your family is Russian, the other half is Ukrainian. How's this war like for you?

NIKOLAÏ: Well, listen… it's exactly as you said. Very, very weird. For even today, being in touch with my family… one side is very… Actually, it's amazing because of how they hated Zelensky just before the conflict began. Now they're rooting for him. And the other half, who also lives in Ukraine, is even afraid to speak on the phone for fear of being sanctioned by the SBU… you know the political police you get during wartime.

J.J. BOURDIN: Yes, political police you get everywhere else by the way.

NIKOLAÏ: Exactly.

J.J. BOURDIN: On the Ukrainian side, huh?

NIKOLAÏ: Exactly.

J.J. BOURDIN: Your Russian side of the family… I mean your Russian family, are they still living in Ukraine?

NIKOLAÏ: Yes, yes, of course. Especially since my family is on the eastern side. You know, really on the border of the trouble areas of Donbas where the conflict initially started.

J.J. BOURDIN: Oh yes, okay… So obviously, they are afraid to speak out. And the other Ukrainian family who was… but I've had several accounts supporting that… they were anti-Zelensky and are now of course rooting for the Ukrainian power because they are patriots.

NIKOLAÏ: Well, no. Not because they are patriots! I'm sorry because, at some point, as soon as the conflict began, all opposition parties in Ukraine were banned. All the TV channels that kind of offered an alternative to the ruling power have either been closed or co-opted by the Ukrainian power. You have to take that in consideration as it didn't happen just like that. Then, overnight, Zelensky became an angel whereas he was one of the most corrupt guys in the world. And he was featured in the Pandora Papers. I don't know how a criminal, a Mafioso suddenly came out as a hero,
while actually he's just a clown who was brought into office by very powerful Ukrainian oligarchs such as Kolomoyskyi.

J.J. BOURDIN: No, but Nikolaï, you're contradicting yourself!

NIKOLAÏ: Er… in what way?

J.J. BOURDIN: You're saying that all your family was rooting for Zelensky. Are they or are they not?

NIKOLAÏ: They are NOW. They are now because all day long they are being subjected to state propaganda with no other option.

J.J. BOURDIN: But are they for that reason or rather because they condemn the Russian invasion?

NIKOLAÏ: Well, they do condemn the Russian invasion, of course, since Russia had been presented to them as the absolute aggressor with no other option.

J.J. BOURDIN: Wait… so according to you, Nikolaï, they condemn Russia because of how it's been presented to them? Not because they're getting bombed?

NIKOLAÏ: Well, that does obviously help! The thing is, when you get bombed, most of the time you don't know who's shooting. You're hidding in a bunker or a basement and you're scared. Then you watch the news to hear who's been shooting at you. Are we told the truth? I leave it to the discretion of newscasters.

J.J. BOURDIN: Okay. Nikolaï, do you want Russia to invade your country?

NIKOLAÏ:  No, I don't want Russia to invade my country. I want this war to end as soon as possible. I want Zelensky's government to be held accountable. For let's not forget the crimes committed in Donbas. There were so many and they're still being committed. I wish there were negociations. I want Ukraine to reembark on the path to democracy, namely that we get back to the polls to elect an new government to put a more balanced team in place. Because, at some point, in Ukraine, we had forces… you know, you also have the far right in France. We know what far right forces are like… Well, in Ukraine, we have the same thing. It was a very small group of nationalists and, at some point, they got propelled at the highest levels of power in a way… er… brutally and they did things that resulted in the current situation we're in that got the Russian-speaking population to be repressed.

J.J. BOURDIN: The current situation does not result from this. The current situation is because a country has invaded another.

NIKOLAÏ:  No, of course, the current situation pre-dates that. You know… you are French, you must know Montesquieu? Sorry, on one hand you've got the war makers, but those who are ultimately responsible are the ones who make war inevitable.

J.J. BOURDIN: Yes, it's sadly true. I do agree Nikolaï.

NIKOLAÏ:  We totally agree. The situation in Ukraine has escalated over 8 years ago.
And today, with the Russian capital actually being located approximately 300 kilometers away from the Ukrainian border, Ukraine's position to become pro-NATO was clearly not sustainable for Russia. Vital interests were at stake. Remember the Cuban crisis where it's all very simple. When the Russians tried to install missiles in Cuba, look how the United States responded. They nearly set the world ablaze.

J.J. BOURDIN: No missiles were ever installed in Ukraine to threaten Russia. No Western country ever said that they aimed at invading Russia. None did, Nikolaï.

NIKOLAÏ:  Invading Russia is just not possible! However, putting them at a competitive disadvantage, that's another story.


NIKOLAÏ:  That's another story. There is one more thing I would like to say : war is wrong. And in politics, there are no good guys and bad guys. There are only interests. That's it. And here, one country's vital interests have been targeted and turned into this fratricidal warfare. For they are brother nations. And what's going on in Ukraine greatly upsets me.

J.J. BOURDIN: I can understand…

NIKOLAÏ:  And I just want to say that the role of the West… why I will not accept it? Because today, by actually sending weapons to Ukraine, by supporting Zelensky and further impelling him along the war path — and yet, that's changing now — they make my Ukrainian brothers today actually being mobilised and butchered in Bakhmut and other places where they get slaughtered for whose's interests? I wish we could regain peace. Never mind territories, it's not important. What matters are human lives.

J.J. BOURDIN: Yes, human lives matter on both sides, my dear Nikolaï.

NIKOLAÏ:  Of course. Of course.

J.J. BOURDIN: Russian soldiers too are being sent to the front, often with obsolete equipment as you know it, Nikolaï. They are being slaughtered too. Well, Nikolaï, I will have to cut this conversation short for we have another topic at hand. Less concerning, but all voices are good to hear and all voices are being heard in here. You know, I'm absolutely committed to that. Anyway, thank you for calling, Nikolaï.

NIKOLAÏ:  Well, thank you for your invitation and peace be with you all!

J.J. BOURDIN: Thank you very much.


Original text by NIKOLAÏ transcribed and translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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