Day of Grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now I'm found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

Amazing Grace" (gospel)

Today, on the fourth Thursday of November, the United States are celebrating Thanksgiving. Please note, this public holiday is not about sleeping late nor tending to your cacti or eating lots of fats (not so sure about that one, though), but all about thanking God “for the providential New World and fruitful cooperation with its native populations”.

Which goes to show that a bad liver may surely kill you while bad faith won't.

The Final Blow

Right after the celebration of the Native American genocide with God on their side, the final blow is being delivered on the infamous Black Friday — also known as “Mad Friday”  in Quebec (a name I agree with 1000 percent). This is the time when there's a free-for-all rush on stores by ungraceful American housewives — much like a rugby scrum — so violent and thunderous no one can hear you cry for mercy.

It's a black Friday indeed for the police in charge of dealing with the chaos of heavy traffic congestion, accidents, shoplifting and other issues arising from these consumption binges.

What about Saturday?

Vade Retro Jupiter

As the ruling planet of Thursdays, Jupiter symbolises abundance, social fulfilment but also excess and overindulgence. Jupiter in retrograde phase until the end of the year invites us to turn inwards, to be more attuned to our inner voice and to the meaning of life, and change what's not right.

Let's make the best of a bad job and let us be touched by grace.


End notes

  • ^ Sorry, some puns got lost in translation! Basically in French, grace sounds like “grasse” which means fat, hence “matière grasse” (fats). It is also used in idiomatic expressions such “grasse matinée” (literally “fat morning”) and “plantes grasses” (succulents) in the cacti reference.

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