The Way Back Home

This piece wrote itself effortlessly as a response to an excerpt from Tao someone posted on Instagram and I felt I had to share as a video.

Please, activate English subtitles provided not YouTube automatic subtitles which might be inaccurate.

Daily introspection brings harmony to all our facets. Those aspects that are bad can be dissolved. Those that are of advantage can be cultivated. This effort will take many years, but in this gradual way, we resolve ourselves with our subconscious mind and free ourselves from struggle and conflict.

365 Tao

I'm a billion per cent okay with that however something must have been missed for many seeing NOT judging — please note the difference — where they place their support and actions.

In the end, denial and disclaiming labels won't stop the Truth from tearing down the veil of illusion. That's when each one of us will know how much unity they've achieved within.

I don't rule myself out of it as I'm aware there are still many things I have trouble accepting that are creating denial and false beliefs within, mostly at personal level.

This is the most important thing you can do for yourself and for the world. And also the most dangerous thing for those who benefit from human beings to be torn within to keep ruling the world.

It's not about being right or wrong, it's just about realising we're not our ego. Our ego is a tool that keeps us in survival mode even when we're not in danger.

By conditioning our egos to feel threatened all the time, you get a humanity surviving NOT living and disconnected from their True Self. That's how self-proclaimed elites, stars, or whatever they call themselves, decide who is valuable, who is not, and so on.

Our true core is at the level of our heart — not the blood pump nor romantic heart, but Anahata chakra which is the bridge connecting our lower chakras dealing with earth matters and our higher chakras dealing with heaven and spirit.

Our head is just a periscope of which our ego/mind is the pilot. It only understands words and needs a database of experiences and learned knowledge to function. Unlike our heart which is from where our multi-dimensional True Self operates and where we get inspiration, wisdom, connection with the divine/universe and all the stuff we call "spirituality".

This is where we get gut feelings, knowing without thinking. So that's from there (without thinking but deeply feeling) that we need to do the above mentioned work.

That's the place where we cannot get sad nor depressed or angry or over excited. That's where we can find the way out, the light, the grail or whatever you call the balance that every single one of us has to find.

Some of us are not ready. They're just doing their best. That's the most important.

I would end wishing everyone to find their way home (home as the heart centre).

This is not selfish as you've been misled to believe. This is actually the greatest act of love for we are all One. Loving self equals loving all others.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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