Identify Spiritual Guidance

Be Aware That You Communicate with Your Guide on a Daily Basis

You lights – ABSOLUTELY EACH ONE OF YOU – communicate with your guides! Well, so what is this revelation?? A magical solution?

There's only one difference between someone who consciously communicates and thus can hear their guides and someone who calls them but says they don't get any feedback. There's only one difference between someone who creates their life and someone who is ruled by life.

The one and only thing that differentiates a human being who consciously addresses their Higher Self – the access portal to all planes – their multidimensionality, their guides, their angels, their intervening groups, the Celestials… is: the conscious difference between idea and thought!

In order to simplify as far as possible, below is a little sketch which could just, uh… change your life! I wish to thank in advance my wonderful guide who teaches me everyday with great wisdom and to whom I'm eternally grateful. This sketch truly represents the daily phone line which enables us to communicate at anytime in full awareness.

Here it is!

So what? Is that all, Lulu? Nothing else? Just a light bulb and a cloud?
Well, yes!!

Sleeping or partly conscious humans naturally tend to take credit for all ideas, submit them to their thoughts and create an equation out of it! Tut there is a huge difference between ideas and thoughts! To illustrate it… TADAAAAA! Here's another sketch below:

The fundamental difference – and believe me, I'm using my words carefully here – lies in the difference of the intender!

Intender: Someone who intends something to a specific person for a specific purpose as opposed to the intended receiver.
Etymology: to intend (in French both words have “destin” as the same root, which means “destiny”).

Although both for an idea or thought you remain the intended receiver, as for the destinator it is much different!

How is it reflected on a daily basis?

Well, to illustrate that, let me tell you a story – among a million ones – from one of the lights I'm keeping up with on her development. She told me this: “Lulu, I have asked to cure so-and-so, but I didn't get any answer or maybe I cannot hear. So I had the idea to call Raphael and did this…

Uh! How can you say “I've had an idea” and then take the credit for it? Why can't we say “I've just created an idea”? Well, because our subconscious knows it's something we have received!

Our Whole Days Are Literally Strung with Ideas!

Ideas are sown among the most common everyday things and become achievements… or don't!

Let's take an example I'm very fond of: you are quietly reading a book on your comfy couch, a quilt on your lap. It's been stained for years, but it's soooo soft…

Okay, let's be honest!

Suddenly you have an idea: the earth is tilting 30° North-North-East? Ducks really have three legs but the fourth is an hologram and nobody has noticed yet?

Nope. It's far simpler than that!

Right now, you feel like having a nice cup of (organic) tea… Wow! The idea of space! Well, yes, this is not an idea that could change the world and yet… it could change your life!

So while you're sitting and are having this idea, the first thing that crosses your mind is to submit this idea you've received to your thoughts… and thus, there are two possible scenarios:

First case: I've had the idea to make a cup of tea… Yep! I feel so comfy under my quilt… besides, I don't know if there's some of my favourite blend left… Oh, well, I'm too lazy to get up, so maybe later.

Second case: Yahoo! What a great idea, I'm getting up right now to make it! Besides, it's an opportunity to stretch my legs.

These two cases are very commonplace… and we're facing this kind of situation every day without noticing it unless we have become fully aware of the reality of the INTENDER behind this!

We all have a continuous flow of ideas and that's when our dear friend Free Will comes in and enables us to respond favourably or not to the suggestions of our guide or the one who speaks through the portal of our “deep self” within. So day by day, hour by hour, second by second, we constantly scrutinise most of their advice through our mind which decides whether or not we will respond to the guidance suggested by our “deep self”!

Indeed, every minute is spent confronting our “deep self” and our personality until one day I get a phone call saying: “Lulu, are you sure I'm the one who chose this life?”, “Lulu, do I deserve this?

Yes, yes, and yes! Can you remember that cup of tea you refused to make in the first instance? Well, your guide had implanted the idea in you to go to the kitchen to make some tea. From then on, you might have looked at the clock and realised you had still one hour left before picking up Loulou at school or your mum at the railway station. You might have put your book down and used this hour to do something else… and so on! In truth, your whole day might have been affected, maybe not broadly speaking, but certainly in the smallest details.

Do you actually know what you're going to do within five minutes precisely? Which stance, thought, action? Nope! Guides, our “deep self” and all the inner plans within you do! That's why day by day, they give you hints which may become tomorrow's great achievements.

So you are free from the help you're given! You are free to decide, to choose between ideas and thoughts, but the fundamental thing is that without an idea, tea would never have been created! All creation stems from an idea. Ideas are the principle of the sacred feminine. Creation is the principle of the sacred masculine.

Remember: Creator-Father, feminine intuition. How many times did you hear that? You can't have one without the other and both are part of us. When we become fully aware of the intender, we become fully aware of the free choice to merge the idea into creation.

From a very early age, we naturally operate on this principle. When you were a child, you would pick up pencils and a blank sheet and had the idea to draw a lovely house. The drawing is the creation of your idea! In other words, you most naturally managed to transmute the high vibration of the idea into matter. You made the unmanifested manifested! You turned that which already exists in the very high vibration and very low density of the idea into a drawing in densified matter. You have densified the vibration of the idea in your frequency plan.

Through the merging of these two principles and with your choosing to listen to you, your “true self”, your “deep self”! Anyone regaining awareness that ideas do not come from their individuality consciously become again the multidimensional being they actually are, the one who takes responsibility for their life through their choices. The choice to follow through ideas or thoughts. The choice to combine both, to get them to work together or confront them. The choice to follow your “deep self” or your personality!

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: Kevin Hugues


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