The Quantum Eraser Experiment: What Happens in the Present Can Change the Past

As I have mentioned a few times, I by no means decide on the topics of my posts. I just let them happen and follow the flow of synchronicities. Sometimes until the very last minute when I don't have any scheduled article in store. I never choose anything and lately, I keep getting signs and perceptions regarding time travel, Mandela effects, and timeline alterations. Including vague recollections beginning to surface. A friend in Florida just released her new book for starseeds about Conscious Time Travel : How to Travel Through Time, Space, and Dimensions. Mind-blowing. And just recently, she shared this tweet explaining that “the Mandela Effect isn't about CERN or manipulation, but is a result of humanity integrating Soul aspects from parallel densities, as prep for the [vibrational] Shift”. It's not your imagination, the tweet says, that Isaiah 11:6 has changed. It really did once read: “The lion shall lie down with the lamb” instead of ”The wolf shall dwell with the lamb”. Enough to drive nuts all the Saint Thomases and masked fundamentalist flat-earthers!


One of the founding fathers of quantum theory, Max Planck, who is often credited with originating quantum theory – a feat that won him the Physics Nobel Prize in 1918 – once stated:

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as exiting, postulates consciousness.

Fast forward to today and there are a number of experiments in multiple fields showing that Planck was right. Consciousness is fundamental and it is directly intertwined with what we call physical material matter. You cannot explain consciousness in terms of the existing fundamentals like space, time, mass, and charge. As a result, the logical thing to do is postulate whether consciousness itself is something fundamental to the existence of reality, to view consciousness itself as one of these fundamentals, but I digress.

A classic experiment used to examine the role of consciousness and its relationship to matter is the quantum double slit experiment. In this experiment, tiny bits of matter (photons, electrons, or any atomic-sized object) are shot toward a screen that has two slits in it. When there is no measuring device placed at the screen, the tiny bits of matter act as a “wave” and creates an “interference” pattern on the other side where a wall is placed to catch the pattern. Because there was no measuring or observation device used to see what slit the matter went through, we cannot know what path it took. When the pattern on the wall is examined to see what path it took, it represents a wave of possibilities, meaning the matter (particle) went through both slits, and one slit, and interfered with itself, which should be physically impossible. Welcome to the wacky world of quantum physics.

The kicker is, however, when an observation device is set up to observe what slit the particles goes through, the particle then only goes through one, thus collapsing the wave pattern and forming a pattern that is representative of the particle only going through one slit. In other words, the behaviour of the matter changes when we decide to measure it, almost acting as if it was aware that it’s being watched. The pattern on the wall set up behind the slit screen will show this pattern. 50 percent of the time the particle will go through one slit, and the other 50 it will go through the other and form a two slit pattern, just as if they were balls lobbed through one slit or the other.


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