Exiting From Causality

People won't wake up to a given but to an experienced truth. They are reaching the epilogue of both their individual and collective causality. They will have to experience their causality so that it can reveal itself as a Truth – a Universal Law (of God).

They will be experiencing their self-inflicted dissonances until they carry out the necessary inner revolution that will release them: turning inwards.

Not all of them will be able to do that and will leave this planet at some point to pursue their experience at the causal plane in coordination with some place else. This is why it is a global examination and not just a global adjustment of conscience. It is an harmonic adjustment of Earth to assist with its birth as Mother Superior – as an Advanced Mother Sphere.

Exiting from causality is the New World. In order to exit from causality and achieve self-realisation, humanity must act with and no longer against the Law. For that, it will need to learn about the Law, and in order to learn about it, understand its manifestations – the “universal algorithm”.

The study of the Law will be conjunct with the science of human relationships which stems directly from it.

Finally, the information field has been deliberately saturated so that those who are trapped in their intellect, get overwhelmed by the amount of true or false information. This, however, serves the Plan above the plan in its perfection as sensitive souls only follow the information from within. Some souls are releasing their attentive ear as a call urging them to open up and attune to a new frequency, a new way of envisioning and perceiving Life, which is a Higher Intelligence.

People are misguided about revelations for the time of the Apocalypse is not about external revelations for within. The original meaning of the word  “apocalypse” is how you feel inside when a veil is lifted and you experience an epiphany – an inner realisation. Not just one, but a multitude – in a causal chain, precisely.

For once we adjust to the Law, the Law speaks to us and the veils begin to fall. And that is when you can see.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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