Do You Like Mozart?

Do you like Mozart? The Big Music? Here is a tag created many years ago with one of the wonderful characters designed by Féeline as a teaser for my forthcoming article in French for a blogger community project called Eklabugs. I really wish I had more time to write an English version as well as it's dealing with the AUM or seed sound and the quantum aspect of music as builder of the Universe with large excerpts from David Wilcock's free Convergence book series available to read online HERE.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Glyphosate: EU Postpones Decision to Take All Bribes From Lobbies in Consideration

The Commission chose to postpone the 11/9 controversial vote in order to calmly benchmark bribes.

Much is at stake, and even moreso the amounts we've been offered” President of European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said yesterday. Indeed, since last September, negotiations in Brussels over the ban of the carcinogenic pesticide have created an even tenser atmosphere than at Israeli checkpoints.

The 300,000 lobbyists located in the Belgian capital are actually displaying the best of their abilities to try to influence the decision of the EU in a “more pragmatical” way. According to a judicial officer, the Commission would have already received “contributions, gifts, and other donations for 943 million euros — tax-free, of course”. This generosity is said to come from several major sponsors from Big Pharma and the food industry, all committed to a common funding pot and putting on a marvellous show of unity. Only Monsanto, no longer concerned about its corporate image for quite some time now, has ruthlessly admitted its involvement in the ongoing influence campaign.

“Contributors to the vitality of the legislative debate in Europe”

According to President Juncker, “the Commission wishes to make a well-informed decision”. And in order to do so, they intend to carry out a comprehensive comparative study of the stack of bribe records that keeps piling up on their desks for months. “There is a clear genuine involvement from the industry professionals on the issue” said one commissioner on his way to a 3-week prepaid holiday in the Bahamas. “It's a great feeling to be able to engage in mutual understanding with our counterparts in the private sector” added another before stepping into his brand-new Jaguar.

Unfortunately, the exact source of what looks an awful lot like a full-on bribery operation will not be divulged. “To ensure transparency and fairness, we wish to respect the confidentiality of those who contribute so generously to the vitality of the legislative debate in Europe”.

Original text by LE GORAFI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Neo-Nazi Group Mistakenly Prints 10,000 T-Shirts in Honour of Nelson Mandela

This was hardly a brilliant idea. A dozen members of some dark identity group in Finland have just turned into a national joke and the laughing stock of the whole Internet after ordering by mistake 10,000 t-shirts with a picture of the former South African leader, whom they hate above all else.

According to Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat's coverage of the story on their website, the group named Ryhmä Kirjoittamaton Suprematist Harrastaja (RKSH) or White Supremacist Amateur Group, has made what one might call a very costly blunder.

While preparing for a European identity rally to be held in late November in Hungary, they had meant to get ten of thousands of t-shirts printed to be sold at the event. A plan now seriously compromised.

Indeed, our jolly friends ended up with a batch of 10,000 garments delivered to their door, sporting the face of Madiba together with the praising slogan “More than just a man, a mentor”.

A mishap arising from a typing mistake in the order placed on the Internet: “Initially, we wanted to use a picture of Mandela with "Rakastan kalaa"  (I hate this man) underneath. But the person who processed our order wrote "Lakastan calaa" which totally means the opposite” explained group leader Yügha.

The RKSH members didn't realise the mistake until three weeks later when saddled with the goods. Now, the young Neo-Nazis, of whom the oldest just turned 29, sound visibly affected. “It's very hard, we invested a lot of money into this project and no-one will purchase these” said Jaska, another member of the group.

An effort to minimise losses

Right now, the bunch of friends is exploring ways to best monetise this major setback since the T-shirt company won't take the goods back nor issue a refund to the unfortunate Neo-Nazis. “We'll see whether we can sell some at reggae or world music concerts. But that means that a couple of us would have to be willing to sacrifice themselves and let their hair grow while pretending to enjoy this kind of music. Got the feeling it's gonna be tough... oh, fuck...” said Yügha obviously dispirited.

Original text by LE GORAFI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


A French Summer

Un été français

Another day in my life
I don't wish to stand by,
Another dull monday
Where nothing but time passes me by.
Tuesday, got butterflies in my stomach
From confinement and compliance;
Wednesday, longing for another life —
Wish I could call it a day just to have the choice.

When I get cornered
I fancy a French summer —
A perfect summer
Where nothing could happen to me.
Sorry for the national frost,
Such a hellish country —
Slow death on the way!

Thursday, I'm in the wrong place,
And everything you promised me
Just like on a black Friday
When I forgot everything and the part of my life.
And I'm feeling a bit lonely,
Too old to die in winter.
Wish I could stand in the sun,
But I'm still needed over here.

When I get cornered
I fancy a French summer —
A perfect summer
Where nothing could happen to me.
Sorry for the national frost,
Such a hellish country —
Slow death on the way!

Nights spent on a rooftop,
Gazing at the storms,
Exposed to the danger
Of lightning on your face,
And stars by your side,
And our imperfect dreams
While lasts this French summer
And we forget everything.

Nights spent on a rooftop,
Gazing at the storms,
Heavens for the taking,
And flying fish,
And stars by your side
(When I get cornered...)
And our imperfect dreams
(I fancy a French summer...)
While lasts this French summer
(A perfect summer...)
And our imperfect dreams
(Where nothing could happen to me).

© Nicola Sirkis, 2017

About this song

Nicola Sirkis: Just imagine if the far right had won the elections in France... We're in the same configuration [as America and the rest of the world with Trump].

In "Un été français", you actually depict France as a “hellish country” and a “national chill”...

Nicola Sirkis: Every five years, we get that big carnival. Delusion, promises, and broken dreams. But this is what democracy's all about.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


How to Apply Russian Doll Effects on Photos

Ever seen that effect where frames are embedded within frames ad infinitum — or multiple mirror reflections? Why don't you do that with your pictures... well, at least with those that contain a frame or mirror. For this very basic yet a rather tedious tutorial, I've used GIMP but you may easily do it with any other image editor.


  • a picture featuring a frame (or mirror) large enough to add other frames
  • Instructions

1. Open a copy of the image you wish to manipulate and add alpha layer (with Paint Shop Pro: convert to raster layer) so as to be able to create a transparent zone.

2. Selection the area inside the frame with the appropriate tool which depends on the zone to detour (magic wand, freehand or selection tool) then press suppress to get a transparent zone.

3. Duplicate layer several times according to the size of your original frame and the depth you wish to create. Hide all layers except the second one from the bottom.

4. Use the Scale tool (with Paint Shop Pro : Deform tool in Scale mode) to resize the layer so that it can fit into the transparent frame in the layer below.

5. Move the resized layer under the original one and reposition into the transparent zone. To prevent moving layers inadvertly, you should link them.

6. Unhide third layer and apply step 4 and 5, adjusting tho the smaller transparent zone.

7. Repeat with each remaining layer.

NOTE: For the above example, I've added an extra frame to place over the cardboard shape as you can see, and after step 2, applied a drop shadow on a separate (unmerged) layer. Finally, I enhanced the output with a series of effects (Levels, Refocus, and several GMIC filters) to improve sharpness, contrast and colours.

For this second example, I had fun experimenting Perspective and Shear tools to turn and skew layers. I had to cheat using the Clone and Smudge brushes to fill the empty spaces.

For this final example, I've applied several GMIC filters (forgotten which ones) to boost the colours of the original picture and create a psychedelic efect. I've also colourised each frame  using the Hue-Saturation settings from the Colours menu. Then, in each layer I had to select hands to recolour them to original flesh tone (using Colours - Map - Swap colours).

Cool, isn't it? Fancy losing yourself in the maze of your imagination? What's holding you back? Have a try!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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