Introverts & Extroverts Have Different Brains: Which One Are You?

Up till now, I would understand the concept of extrovert/introvert in a purely psychological way whereas it seems there is more to this way of being since it would result from or alternatively affect the physiological shaping of our brains. As an introvert myself, I now have a strong argument to oppose those who deplore over and over again my vital recurring need to take some time alone and in quiet at the risk of often being called “unsociable” or “anti-social”. Any introvert will tell you that this is not the case, but since we appear to be fewer to work this way, will our distinctiveness ever be acknowledged for what it is — that is another expression of creation just like different eye/hair/skin colour varieties — and no longer regarded as a flaw or defect. In fact, such derogatory value judgement is also passed on biological rhythms with some people operating better with the rooster crow while others (oops — that's me again) are more in line with the cry of the owl and are deemed “lazy” just because it is unnatural to them to get up early. Also, I cannot help taking offence at the first picture on the video below showing two different women, one being an extrovert while the introvert one is portrayed as being sullen and dull — such a cliché would need some serious reconsideration, don't you think?


Scientists have discovered that the brains of introverts are actually different from those of extroverts. This isn’t too surprising, especially considering all of the research now coming out of the field of neuroplasticity. It refers to various changes that can take place in the brain (including changes in neural pathways and synapses) as a result of shifts in things like: a person’s behaviour or environment; their perception of the environment around them; neural processes; the way they think and feel and more.

We know very little about the brain, and the question that comes to mind here is, are the brains of introverts/extroverts physically different, therefore making their behaviour and responses different? Or are things like their environment, their perception of the world, their emotions, and their thought processes responsible for shaping their brains and making those changes?  Or is it a combination of the two? We do know the latter to be true, but we also know that certain brain formations that differ from the norm are responsible for certain behaviors in certain individuals.


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