The End of the Blogolympics

As Mark Twain would say, I didn't know it was impossible so I did it! It thus took me a whole month, copy-pasting the HTML code of my Eklablog posts onto Blogger all day long. The Labours of Ey@el — an altogether “blogolympic” sport to use the words of fellow Eklablogger Stormalo, which brought me no medal, but the great satisfaction of achieving my goal and working my way out of the hijacking of my content by Webedia.

What is gone

This relocation offered me the opportunity to do a major clear-out and thus alleviate my workload by removing all posts with no added value (with some exceptions), namely reposts featuring no editorial or additional details from me.

Also abandoned are quotes of the day, tube downloads, and cross-references since moving to another platform created broken links and it would have been unduly burdensome, once published, to edit all posts individually (705 to date) in order to fix that.

And of course, comments but I managed to recreate my original guestbook (using entries from Eklablog) where you may leave comments and suggestions about the blog.

Last but not least, the newsletter subscription, which would allow you to receive automatic email notifications every time I posted something, is no longer available on Blogger. However, you may subscribe to my post feed instead and set your feed reader to notify you in real time.

What remains 

As you can scene, the theme and layout are pretty similar to the old platform.

The Homepage still displays all posts starting from the most recent, the only difference being that cover pictures are reduced to thumbnails featuring the first few text lines thus offering a more compact view and preview of post content. And we went from 30 to 7 displayed posts per page for smoother browsing.

Just like on the old platform, you may still access categories using the top horizontal drop-down menu now featuring convenient sub menu entries to explore the topics you are interested in.

The Recent Posts widget does not simply provide a list of post titles, it also features the first lines of text. As for the Archives widget, it is definitely more convenient and operational. If you click on a year, you may browse through all articles starting from the most recent from this chosen year on and access older articles beyond. Same if you click on a month within a year. Otherwise, blog entries are listed within month folders, allowing you to directly access a chosen post.

What has changed 

Categories have become labels, a tag system allowing a single post to have several categories thus refining your search. There was a similar system on Eklablog but it was dysfunctional and totally unreliable.

To browse though categories you may click on any label displayed under post titles; you may also use the top horizontal drop-down menu; or you may use the Categories tab on the right side panel where all labels are listed in descending order according to the number of posts per category.

The Related Articles I used to create manually at the end of articles are now automatically generated by a script based upon labels and display an additional thumbnail for better visual identification. 

All post pictures may be displayed full size as a slideshow if you click on any of them. You may scroll with the mouse to view other pictures instead of opening and closing each picture to view it full size.

Finally, all missing pictures and deleted videos have been replaced. There may still be dead link pointing to deleted pages from external websites and unfortunately I cannot fix that. A possible solution would be to check whether these pages are available on the Wayback Machine.  

What is new

A footer panel featuring all the information and links pertaining to the blog. 

A widget in the right side panel to pin any post which I'm going to use to feature old articles you might want to read or re-read. Another good reason to visit regularly.

Last but not least, a responsive design adapting to any size of screen or device. If you're browsing with your smartphone, DO NOT select Mobile Version as the Desktop Version is designed to adapt to your screen featuring all the navigation options previously unavailable for mobile devices on Eklablog. Thus the top menu will display as a single drop-down select menu while the side panel will be fit under main page, just above the footer panel.

Best of all: no more ads!!!

Thank you so much for your patience and diligence. Given the circumstances, you will easily understand that I had absolutely no time to write or translate any article and need to take a short break. But worry not, I'll get back to it very soon for it's still important to me.

To a valiant heart, nothing is impossible!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


No Rest

Four o'clock in the morning and still we cannot sleep
Turning over turning round, twisting in our sweat
They say there is no rest for the wicked ones
Dear God what have we done?
There is no rest for the wicked ones
Dear God what is this evil that we've done?

Is it that we wanted more than you gave?
Why did you put us then in this smalltown grave?
Humility - is that what you want?
Why did you make us then the way you did?

Yes we have pride - is this our sin?
Is it the times that we've been out fighting?
Well I'll tell you all those times -we never really hurt anybody
Or is it that we were eating
While other people were starving?
Is this our crime?

Four o'clock in the morning and still we cannot sleep
Turning over turning round, twisting in our sweat
They say there is no rest for the wicked ones
Dear God what have we done?
There is no rest for the wicked ones
Dear God what is this evil that we've done?

Is it the times we laughed about it all
Through all those whisky nights so far away?
Yes, we betrayed you - is this our crime?


  • But the wicked are like the tossing sea,
    which cannot rest,
    whose waves cast up mire and mud.
    “There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”

    Isaiah 57:20-21

Original text by JUSTIN SULLIVAN


The Eleventh Hour

Oops! I've been spending so many hours copy-pasting articles from one platform to another over the last couple of weeks that I lost all track of days and nearly forgot what day it is.

Yes, today celebrates the eleventh anniversary of la Pensine, ironically halfway between Eklablog and Blogger as this dual number suggests. I'm doing my best for the transfer to be completed by the end of August, the expected date for the migration of Eklablog to Overblog's servers with their standardised designs and ads galore. Well, Blogger is no El Dorado but it's still the least bad solution than having to ask for donations to finance a blog hosting service. So thank you to everyone who has been faithfully following me over the years and chose to keep doing so on this new platform. And, of course, to all the newcomers who jumped on the bandwagon.

Did you know that master number 11 is also known as the “angel number”? In the traditional tarot of Marseilles, it is associated with the arcanum of Strength, a symbol of courage, determination and persistence. Looks like it's exactly what I'm currently experiencing with this tedious and time-consuming migration which should take many more weeks to complete.

As a thank you for your patience and diligence, I would like to share a wonderful story with you.

As a thank you for your patience and diligence, I would like to share a wonderful story with you.

Do like birds do
Birds, they live on fresh air and water
On hunting and fishing
But nothing ever stops them birds from flying higher

"Fais comme l'oiseau", Michel Fugain (1972)

About a month ago, a friend of mine found a baby bird which had fallen from its nest in a car park and seemed to be struggling for life. Following her heart, she brought it home to feed and nurse it despite her five cats on the lookout. Last weekend, we visited a friend in the countryside and brought him Miss Birdie so she could grow freely in a less hostile environment than in the suburbs of Paris. It was a memorable and informative experience, filled with tenderness and laughters. Since Miss Birdie regarded my friend as a surrogate mother, she had become totally domesticated, flying around us, perching on our heads, shoulders, arms, backs; greeting us and playing as young pets usually do. What amused me the most was her tasting chocolate of her own initiative, which seemed to get her high in such a way that she would swoop down like a rocket towards the fridge as I headed to the kitchen to fetch the cake and would smear chocolate on her beak and feathers like a greedy kid. Tonight I heard Miss Birdie just got adopted by a family of sparrows, which makes our friend both sad and happy she could get back so quickly to the kind of of life she was meant for. A free bird life. We can hope she'll come back to pay regular visits to the one who took care of her. We sincerely hope and pray so.

In Amerindian culture, the sparrow is often regarded as a messenger from the spirit world. It is believed that when a sparrow appears, it brings messages of love, joy and good fortune. The sparrow is also associated with community and social ties, reminding people of the importance of coming together and supporting each other. (Source)

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Pictures: Mimi B. and Ey@el


All You Need Is Love, Love – Love Is All You Need

Love beyond any version of the word that human minds can contemplate awaits in 5-D and Infinity. It has been patiently waiting all along for minds to awaken from their induced coma. The heart-opening I have been saying would come for so long – that I was told about during my own awakening in 1990 – is now here for unprecedented numbers in the simulation era. This is the reason those people are being targeted by the forces of schism and inversion. They seek to close our hearts with fear. We must not let them and if we don’t succumb we shall prevail. The Nag Hammadi quote said of the Archon effect on humanity: ‘… they closed their hearts’. Researcher Paul Levy refers to Wetiko as a ‘frigid, icy heart, devoid of mercy’.

Look at Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Whitty, Trudeau, Freeland, Biden, Johnson, Macron, Draghi, Ardern, Morrison, ad infinitum. What do you see? Frigid, icy hearts, devoid of mercy. Levy adds that the way to ‘defeat’ evil is not to try to destroy it by playing Wetiko’s game. It is rather to find the invulnerable place within ourselves where evil cannot vanquish us. That ‘place’ is love and 5-D awareness. We should never forget that Wetiko and its manifestations in form need us. We don’t need them.

Wetiko/Yaldabaoth/Satan/Saytan/Iblis and its Cult are dependent on us to survive. Levy writes:

A vampire has no intrinsic, independent, substantial existence in its own right; it only exists in relation to us. The pathogenic, vampiric mind-parasite called wetiko is nothing in itself – not being able to exist from its own side – yet it has a ‘virtual reality’ such that it can potentially destroy our species [...] The fact that a vampire is not reflected by a mirror can also mean that what we need to see is that there’s nothing, no-thing to see, other than ourselves. The fact that wetiko is the expression of something inside of us means that the cure for wetiko is with us as well. The critical issue is finding this cure within us and then putting it into effect.

The character in The Matrix known as the Merovingian, says: ‘It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity.’ The Merovingian is a symbolic agent of the Matrix and so he would think that.

Without experiencing love of the Infinite kind, and what love makes you do and stand for, it would appear to be insanity to Wetiko. But this love is what holds infinity together; it’s the foundation, the first and last, of everything.

Once you are touched by it and access its gifts of wisdom and knowing you are never the same again. I know that is true. It touched me on a hill in Peru in 1990. We speak of the human spirit when we are really speaking of expanded awareness beyond ‘human’. We are capable of amazing creativity and acts of courage, determination, kindness, and love. We see it all the time amid the madness and self-destruction.

These are all expressions of our natural state, our default position – love in its Infinite Sense. Wetiko cannot stay where love reigns and the entire foundation of its focus is to block the manifestation of love within its target hearts and minds. The realisation that we are not ‘human’, but a state of expanded awareness trapped in the illusion of ‘human’, will trigger our conscious connection to who we really are – love. Simply love. We have been manipulated to forget that and it is time to remember. What happens from here depends upon it. Love is not limited to attraction. In its true sense it does not require attraction. Nor is love a word that ushers so easily from the lips whether or not you mean it or understand it. People who have told me most often how much they love me and support my work have provided some of the biggest challenges to me and my work and I have seen those who talk about love so full of hatred that they seek to destroy others. Words are easy.

Love in its purest form is not so easy to express in a world that seeks its elimination. But we must seek to be that love, for it is who we really are.

This love is not ‘I love you’. It is ‘I love’. This love is not the human love of mere attraction. It comes not from the groin, but the heart which is our connection to the Infinite Love that we are. This love is without fear for it knows there is nothing to fear. We are Infinite Forever and we remain so no matter what our current experience may be. This love will always do what it knows to be right and will never be swayed from that by fear of consequences. To consider consequences is to consider not doing what you know to be right and this love would never do that. This love is not to be felt. It is to be. It is not a feeling, it is a being, an isness.

This love comes from a transformation of self-identity. Know that the body and the world of ‘human’ is illusion. Hold that awareness always. Know that you are Infinite Consciousness and you will reconnect with the True ‘I’ – love. The energy of worldwide freedom marches and events is so different because of this. Love is the energy, the being, the perception, the isness, that will change our reality and return us to paradise. We only have to open our hearts and live what they tell us to live.

Who am I? I am All That Is, Has Been, And Ever Can Be, having a brief experience called ‘human’.

Who are you?

The same.

Live it, be it, and everything shall change.

Original text by DAVID ICKE from The Trap (isbn:9781838415327)


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The Panther of the Lake

It's almost Halloween. On this occasion, I intended to repost an article by Alanna Ketler about what black cats actually symbolise and ...

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