Binary Thinking

It's black, it's white
It's tough for you to get by
It's black, it's white

"Black or White", Michael Jackson (1991)

The system induces us to think in a certain way in order to control us. Duality is the matrix world in which we live in. But do we really have to play along this duality?

Good and evil, black or white, heroes and villains, good or bad. The media enjoy using this bias and force its way into our brains to make us think along those lines. And so many people think this way indeed, even ”conspiracy theorists”.

Let us take the example of Trump who's back in the news: many are ready to defend him by hook or by crook for all the good things he's done – such as increasing job creation for Black and Hispanic communities, exposing fake news, and essentially destroying the foundations of the Deep State. On the other hand, many also hate him because he promoted the vaccine and invited his audience to take the jab. As a result, there's a strong polarity: he is either worshipped – you have to listen, follow him, etc., never challenge what he's doing – or hated, condemned, and assimilated as “controlled opposition and you must not listen to him. However, it is very rare to find a rhetoric which is none of the above. Why is that?

Binary thinking. Black or white.

So if Hitler had said that 2+2=4, what should we have thought? “Great, he's telling the truth, we must follow him“? “No, he's an evil bastard, we must not listen anything he says”? Or none of this?

As you can see in this example, none of the answers is actually true and valid, and it's essentially the same thing for everything presented to us.

In opting for black or for white, we are closing the door to a huge avenue of other possibilities which could be in better adequation with reality. On the other hand, choosing black or white amounts to create a direct opposition as it cannot be grey; it's either black or white. And given that our mind loves to be right and hates being wrong, we are automatically bound to be confronted with those who opted for the opposite colour.

However, we are social beings. We need one another. We are all connected, we all live on the same planet, and we all have the same basic needs.

So why confront them? Why can't we simply choose to dump black and white to come up all with something greyish?

Well, grey is dirty, some may say. This world has been divided because we decided to pick up our colour and wear it on our sleeve as the Truth.

But the truth is that we are 7.9 billion human beings on this planet and each one of us has a different world view, so is binary thinking really useful for the good functioning of our species?

Let us take the example of Trump again: it is abundantly clear that he has contributed a lot in destroying the Deep State and it's equally obvious that despite his praising the vaccine, you should not take it. However, does it make him all black or all white? Is there something else behind all this ? Do we have all the information to know for sure whether he is good or evil? No, in the end, it's all about assumptions, but taking sides and defending our position at all costs brings us into conflict with our brothers and sisters who are also trying to get through this situation. So ultimately, what is the point in playing this game?

For whether he is good or evil, we can challenge the fact that we don't need politics which are also about opposing sides. Besides, remaining in black or white mode holds us in our position and oblivious to anything else. And the Deep State loves taking us there, introducing doubt, surprise, black and white... messy mysteries.

Nothing is all black and nothing is all white. Life is made up of a variety of colours and tones, and that's actually what makes it so awesome. So it may be time for us to get out of binary choices and learn together how to blend our colours so as to create a beautiful harmony on Earth.

Ultimately, the same harmony we want to create in our hearts.

Original text by MICHAEL translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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