Keep on Dancing

I hope you had a good Christmas Eve despite the actual situation, and that this wonderful song by HK et les Saltimbanques, covered in France and many other countries during flash mobs, will lift your spirits. I chose this awesome version by our national Ingrid Courage who combines beauty, humour and talent with an XXL-sized heart.

I realise that ugliness rules the World. This World is fabricated by laws which don't exist. Money which doesn't exist either. It's just pieces of paper. It's a Paper World.

The leaders of this Paper World aim at instilling fear, confusion and hatred into the hearts of your families and friends. They who listen to their voices and read their papers.

There is chaos because this World is collapsing like a house of cards, exposing its ugliness. So where do we go from here? Keep doing what you're doing! Nurture your heart with people who make you feel good. Get back to the Real World, based on the laws of nature. Love more than ever.

It appears that we are facing the major challenge of loving those who are rejecting and abusing us. I have the feeling that one day, once this chaos is over, they will understand that we just had figured it out a bit earlier than them.

Last but not least, this World may not exist, but you DO! Your heart is strong, sweet, radiant. You are neither alone nor crazy. There are millions of benevolent hearts.

Lucie Mandeville, film-maker
14 Dec 2021

Merry Christmas everyone!


Danser encore

We want to keep on dancing over and over
Watch our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a chord grid
Oh no no no no no no
We want to keep on dancing over and over
Watch our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a chord grid

We are transient birds
Never compliant nor fully well-behaved
We do not pay allegiance
At all times, at sunrise
We come to break through the silence

And on evenings after
The Good King spoke on TV
To announce the sentence
We show our disrespect
But always gracefully

We want to keep on dancing over and over
Watch our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a chord grid
Oh no no no no no no
We want to keep on dancing over and over
Watch our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a chord grid

The self-certifications we sign
All prescribed nonsense
Woe to him who thinks
Woe to him who dances

Every authoritarian measure
Every whiff of security
Has our confidence vanishing
They're pushing so hard
To lock down our consciousness

We want to keep on dancing over and over
Watch our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a chord grid
Oh no no no no no no
We want to keep on dancing over and over
Watch our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a chord grid

Let us not be daunted
By all them foolish people
Fearmongers galore
Let us keep them at bay
Indecently distressing

For our mental, social,
And environmental health
Our smiles, our wits
Let us not be unresistingly
The agents of their insanity

We want to keep on dancing over and over
Watch our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a chord grid
Oh no no no no no no
We want to keep on dancing over and over
Watch our thoughts embrace our bodies
Spend our lives on a chord grid

Original text by HK ET LES SALTINBANKS translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: ...


Holy Log, Chocolate Log

I don't know how I got the idea for this recipe, but I suddenly felt urged to do it and acted on it without further ado, as if guided by some supernatural force... obviously very fond of chocolate! Besides, isn't chocolate the “food of the gods” (theobromine)? A divine dessert especially for your taste buds (except if you're great at not spilling chocolate all over the plate), and that can be done in a blink of an eye — even last minute if you need to.


Makes two mini Yule logs:

- 200 ml coconut cream
- 2 tbsp psyllium
- 2 tbsp unsweetened raw cocoa
- 2 tsp powdered hazelnuts (or almonds)
- 1 tsp agave syrup (or honey)
- 6 drop blood orange essential oil (or sweet orange)

- 6 thin rectangular rice/quinoa cakes

- 80 g unsweetened raw chocolate
- 3 tsp agave syrup (or honey)
- Hazelnut (or almond) milk

- Grated coconut


Prepare the filling: pour the cream in a saucepan with the cocoa, powdered hazelnuts, psyllium and agave syrup. Stir well, heat gently and bring to a boil, stirring constantly to avoid lumps until it thinkens. Remove from heat and add the essential oil. Stir well and leave to cool. The mixture will continue to thicken.

Now onto the ganache: melt the coarsely chopped chocolate with the syrup and a little hazelnut milk in a double boiler. Stir constantly and progressively add milk as needed to get a smooth sauce neither too thin nor too thick.

Dip a rice cake into the ganache and use a fork to manipulate it outside the saucepan and get rid of the excess chocolate. Place it on a dish and cover with a thick layer of filling. Repeat with another rice cake and layer of filling and finish with another rice cake. Make sure the whole set of layers is entirely covered with chocolate ganache and smooth it all out.

Repeat the process for the second mini log (or more if you increase the proportions to make as many as you need).

Place for an hour in the freezer then refrigerate until serving.

Decorate with grated coconut.

NOTE: You may use sweetened cocoa and chocolate instead. In this case though, do not add agave syrup (or honey). Orange essential oil is optional, but it really enhances the taste of this dessert. If you don't have any, you may use a bit of orange liquor such as Grand Marnier for instance, but it may not suit children's taste.

Enjoy without guilt, all these ingredients are perfectly healthy and will do great for your body and soul.

Merry Christmas!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Dropping Like Flies

Won't let you bury it, won't let you smother it, won't let you murder it...” sang Muse in 2007. Who and what? The Truth? Mankind? Today, the waters have been muddied to the point no one can tell a quisling from a mole or a mere opportunist. While amongst those patronising accomplices, some are tragically facing death threats against their loved ones, others are simply succumbing to the paranoid android syndrome like the Radiohead song: “When I am king, you will be first against the wall with your opinion which is of no consequence at all”. The latter are the worst because they are not asleep and willingly traded the immortality of their soul for that (oh so illusory and impossible) of their ego which they totally identify with. The very same people at the top of the food chain who claim to be the strongest are actually the weakest links of humanity. They're so scared of us they want to control us up to the very air we breathe, but ultimately they are just flies. And they will fall down. Because this is the natural way of things to deal with entropy. And gosh, do we know how much they loathe natural order to the extent of wanting to destroy it so as to create their own. Foolish fools! These weirdos' system is simply unsustainable. They know it, but still they'll keep trying to implement their agenda until the very end (that's how lunacy works).

In this brand new song I got the great honour to hear a preview of (thanks so much for the privilege!), our Scot friend Gordon McNeil aka Gordo {Bot} evokes the feeling of powerlessness that befalls us upon contemplating the global hypnosis that's taken over all segments of the population, but mostly the youngest, conditioned by AI at birth.

The 2030 date he mentions in the lyrics is a reference to the globalists' Agenda 2030 to depopulate 95% of the world population. It's all happening now and it started with Agenda 21 also known as “Sustainable Development”. Do your own research. Contrary to what the lie aggregators — the self-proclaimed fact checkers — say, Jacques Attali (French economic and social theorist, writer, political adviser, Freemason and also member of the Bilderberg group) did really say the following words in 1981 in an interview with journalist/doctor Michel Salomon in a book entitled The Future of Life:

The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid.

Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically.

Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that!

We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment.

We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself.


Dropping Like Flies

Fear owns the heart
Fear owns the mind
I fear for our children
And the people of my generation
Who turn a blind eye

Take your head out the phone and look to the sky
It’s happening now, they’re dropping like flies
Take your head out the phone and ask yourself “Why?”
It’s happening now, they’re dropping like flies

2030, please don’t be late
Now's not the time to be sleeping
The playbook is open
And it doesn’t read well

Take your head out the phone and look to the sky
It’s happening now, they’re dropping like flies
Take your head out the phone and ask yourself “Why?”
It’s happening now, they’re dropping like flies

Original text by GORDON MCNEIL


The Whole System Is at War With Life

The whole system is at war with life:

  • Prohibition on use of plants for healing.
  • Prohibition on use of essential oils.
  • Addition of toxic chemicals in water, food, air, soils, bodycare and cleaning products.
  • Mass manipulation to force healthy populations to inject themselves with an untested harmful product against a minor illness.
  • Complete negation of natural fundamental laws in favour of totalitarian and dictatorial laws.
  • Elimination of creativity at early ages.
  • Complete negation of spirituality.

All the things that make us who we are are completely ignored, ridiculed, and turned into “sectarian aberrations” and other qualifiers, so that people unconsciously perceive Life as their sworn enemy.

You can't put every ounce and fibre of your being into fighting against life and expect anything other than death.

Not necessarily physical death, but undoubtedly the death of your soul.

The death of the jewel which lies within each and everyone of us and makes us not quite ordinary beings.

We have incarnated to experience life.

Not to perpetuate death.

The system will always do everything it can to keep us away from what makes us who we are.

Are we going to continue listening to it without changing our ways and keep advancing towards death?

It's not a question of making enemy with the system or else we continue to perpetuate it.

Either way, it's accidentally bringing about the greatest awakening in human history.

It serves to point out where we should not go, what we should not do, and what opens doors for us to where we really want to go.

So yes, it takes courage to free ourselves, but shall we continue to perpetuate who we are not by nature?

Each and everyone of us is responsible for what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen.

So what are you going to do, right now, to create a world that suits you best?

For as long as we keep waiting for others to wake up, we're only creating a sleeping world.

Is this what we want?

What does it take to get a freer world?

Wait until we get our freedoms back? Or just take them back?

Stick to the same operating modes? Or pick new ones?

Entertain the same beliefs biased by the system? Or adopt new ones?

There's an important point here: whatever your choice, it is yours and must be honoured.

On the other hand, it is important to face it with honesty and take responsibility for your actions or lack of.

The power to change our lives, now and right away, is therefore in our hands.

We can create the world we want right now.

We are our own authority and nothing and no one can ever change that.

Original text by MICHAEL translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Images in Air

Imagination belongs to those who dream impossible dreams.

Remy Donnadieu

Is there such a thing as an impossible dream? Probably not because, as Mark Twain would put it, “we don't know about it, but we do it anyway”. Our imagination and our ability to turn our dreams into reality (fix our mental pictures on the silver film of tangible density) are only limited by the false beliefs we entertain in our heart (core), whether suggested, rooted, or stemming from our own fears.

If according to the saying, “nothing is impossible for a willing (wakeful) heart”, therefore only the woke get stuck on the development process for having inadvertently (or willingly) been exposed to false safelight. How sad!

However, no free pass, pass-through, Nazi pass, etc.... is required to access Images in Air. All you need is letting go, muzzling your ego (no need to smother it with a mask or a pillow), putting your fears aside (giving way), and sailing with the winds of adventure.

Aside from night dreams, there are thousands of different ways to access the magic kingdom. One (my favourite) is to get carried away by the words (or pictures) another traveller in the Timeless Vastness captured on screen or paper.

Normally I would now introduce my two best picks, both made in France, but since one of them is a psychological thriller only available in French, there is no point reviewing it here. However, if you can read this language, please, follow the link to the original article.

Fortunately, no need to understand French for my second pick. A lovely gift idea to treat yourself or those you love.

Image In

Intuition is a natural process. You only learn how to listen to it.

This card game was designed to help you develop your intuition. All you need to do is give free rein to your inspiration. Pick up cards as suggested on the instruction poster/leaflet, trying to feel them. For instance, is it light or dark coloured? Does it have warm or cold colours? What kind of emotion does it stir in you? Sadness? Joy? And so on. You may thus fine-tune your perceptions as you go. But you're also free to invent your own rules, to use it as a divination oracle, or to tell stories. The only limit is your imagination.

Image In by Lulumineuse (22-card deck),
Be Light Éditions (ships in the EU and overseas).

A while ago, Lulumineuse explained how she had released a card game to learn to develop your intuition: “I note that the people who have embraced the inner mechanism for totally loosening up (meaning that you let go completely and your persona doesn't know what's on the cards), when you allow the flow of information which is not coming from you to go through you, then you may see what's on the card. And that's how you can see that the people who did the inner job of letting go do find what's on the cards.”

For now, I'm only using it as an oracle. The details of the illustrations are so rich and suggestive and remind me so much of the wonderful books of my early childhood that it makes it easier to reconnect with my inner child, Keeper of the Keys to access Images In Air. Actually, each postcard-sized picture tells a story you may imagine, develop and complement with other cards. So, not only this game can serve as a medium for channelling your intuition, but it may also be a fantastic trigger for your imagination and and inspiration. Much more than any traditional divination card deck as the cards have no number, caption, description, or even key words. All the answers are within. The cards can only provide hints and clues, and the fact that there is no defined interpretation prevents your mind and limiting preconceived ideas from interfering. I just love it!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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