The Language of the Stars

Initially, this article was written for a participative themed project between French-speaking bloggers of the Eklablog platform which I ended up administrating on my own after the defection of its original founding members. This should have been my seventieth participation hadn't it been for cancel culture. Never mind, I have recently decided to let go and never look back in order to travel light and be free to come and go, so let the old world die in peace and  focus on the new one waiting to emerge. For now, let's see what the stars foretell as such is the theme inspired by the Horoscope card from the Belline oracle deck I drew for this final session.

Astrology For Dummies

A good friend of mine
Studies the stars,
Venus and Mars
Are alright tonight.

"Venus And Mars", Wings (1975)

Astrology is as old as the human history and its name comes from astro and logos, which in ancient Greek means “the word of the stars” — not to be confused with astronomy which is "the science of the stars", even if in the past, astrology and astronomy were not separated.

Likewise the horoscope comes from horo (“time”) and skopos (“to observe”) and refers to a circular map featuring the position of the stars in constellations drawn for a person based on their birth details (date, time, and location). Nowadays, the term mostly refers to fantasy forecasts based on the average position of your natal Sun, which greatly contributed to discredit astrology. As a reminder, astrology never claimed to be a science, but a means of getting to know oneself as a cosmic being incarnated in the material world to learn and to evolve.

An astrological chart features the astrological wheel representing the celestial sphere divided into twelve equal sections of 30° each called zodiac signs, named after the corresponding constellations visited by the Sun during its annual rotation around the Earth (in truth, the Sun doesn't move, the Earth does but seen from Earth it looks as if the Sun did). Such charts are called geocentric as opposed to heliocentric charts with the Sun as a central point of reference.

Also positioned on this map are the Sun of course as well the nine planets of the solar system: the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars known as the fast-moving or personal planets; Jupiter and Saturn, the social planets which spend  an average of 1-2 years in each sign; and finally Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the slow-moving or transgenerational planets which will take residence in a sign for years nay decades.

Other important elements included in a birth chart are the horizon with its eastern end known as the Ascendant (AS), and the local meridian intersecting the ecliptic in two opposed points, the highest of which is called Medium Coeli (MC). These two fundamental axes, also known as angles (Fig. 3), are used to  divide the celestial sphere in twelve equal or unequal sectors called astrological houses (there are several house systems available, the most widely used being the Placidus system).

Karmic astrology also uses the lunar nodes which are the two points where the lunar orbit intersects the solar ecliptic (Fig. 1); Black Moon Lilith, the second empty focal point of the elliptical orbit of the Moon around the Earth, the first being occupied the Earth itself (Fig. 2); and the Vertex where the ecliptic intersects the main vertical (Fig. 3).

Fig.1: Lunar Nodes
Fig.2: Black Moon Lilith
Fig.3: Vertex and other angles

As previously mentioned, a birth chart is a mapped account of the energies of the time when the soul chose to incarnate into the physical world. For me, astrological signs are energies; planets acts like prisms; and houses are the areas of life in which these energies express themselves. Depending on their positioning in relation to one another and on the angles thus formed, planets affect one another in ways which are either fusional (conjunction 0°), complementary (opposition 180°), harmonious (sextile 60°, trine 120°), conflictual (square 90°) or karmic (inconjunction 150°, which is a mix of unbalanced conflictual square 90° and harmonious sextile 60°) — and with variable strength according to a number of factors to consider.

Why You Were Not Born Under The Sign You Think You Were

Floating down, the sound resounds
Around the icy waters underground.
Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and Titania,
Neptune, Titan... stars can frighten.

"Astronomy Domine", Pink Floyd (1967)

The trouble is that the zodiac we are working with is inaccurate. Currently constellations no longer correspond with the eponymous signs” says French astrologer Pierre Lassalle.

The beginning of the astrological year, the vernal point or zero degree of Aries is supposed to coincide with the first of the twelve sectors or signs dividing the celestial sphere on the annual path of the Sun. Yet because of the precession of the equinoxes (Fig. 4), today on the 21st of March, the Sun no longer rises in the constellation of the Ram (Aries) as it did in 228 AD.

 The slowly-rotating axis of the Earth completes a rotation in 26,000 years and this phenomenon is called precession of the equinoxes where every 21st of March, the Sun moves further backwards in the signs. Because of this gradual offset, the twelve 30-degree sectors dividing the celestial sphere no longer coincide with the constellations they are named after. Indian astrologers are aware of this offset which they call ayanamsa. Chaldeans and Babylonian astrologers of Ancient Persia compensated for this phenomenon and would correct their horoscopes accordingly. But the Egyptians and then astrologers of the Late Roman Empire as well as their successors in the Middle Ages up to modern astrologers forgot the ayanamsa which keeps increasing over the centuries.

In conclusion, traditional Western astrology is actually based on partially wrong data unless it compensates for the ayanamsa (Fig. 5).”

Fig.4: The precession of the equinoxes
Fig.5: Ayanamsa

I shall spare you the details of the many ayanamsas to choose from as astrologers fail to agree on which reference point to use. I for one tested many and the one which feels most accurate is fairly recent (1958) and is based on the Galactic Equator1 at 0° Sagittarius rather than fixed star Spica, which gives an actual offset of 30°22 for all planets and points. However, whichever ayanamsa you may choose, the offset will increase by one degree every 72 years, which means on the day you were born it was a bit lesser than it is today.

Thus, many of you were not born under the sign you think you were.

As Michel from NostreDame website points out, “most people are used to their birth sign provided by an inaccurate astrology and what experience and other things taught me is that they don't like it to change, especially those who have been attributed a fire sign such as Aries or Leo, symbolising strength and success-mindedness, all well suited for a phallocratic society dominated by money and other competitions”.

To those of you who have had their horoscope done and found it resonated much with them, I'd say it's a bit normal since apart from the energy backdrop for the planets and points, the rest of the chart remains unchanged — the houses the planets fall into and their relation to one another are the same. However, they may gain or lose strength and change ownership as when house cusps (the line defining the end of one house and the beginning of the next) shift to the previous sign, they fall under the lordship of another planet (except when the shift is from Aquarius to Capricorn as both signs are ruled by Saturn).

For instance, I would fully identify with the impulsive and deep-felt emotions of my Aries Moon. However nothing in my birth chart would show the strong intuition and emotional-sponge side of me which is actually my hallmark. But the precession of the equinoxes does as my Moon actually falls in Pisces, the sign of empathy. As for my fiery and passionate emotions, they come from a trine from Mars (ruler of Aries) at home in Scorpio.

The Real Energies At Play

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun! Here comes the sun!
And I say it's alright.

"Here Comes The Sun", The Beatles (1969)

Likewise, at world level, the historical Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the last winter solstice didn't actually take place in Aquarius but in Capricorn, the sign of establishment and traditions also ruled by Saturn. As for Uranus the Great Awakener the later is having an intense show of strength with, it doesn't bask in the materialistic and hedonistic Taurean placidity but in the fiery aggressive Arian energies. Watch out ahead!

As we can see with governments strengthening their restrictions on freedom so as to fan the flames and incite people to revolt (remember when Jacques Attali2 warned there would be a revolution before 2022?). Why would a government consciously aim at being overthrown? You should seriously think about that.

Unlike what Nikki Harper wrote, basing his arguments on tropical astrology, roles are not reversed where “Saturn in Aquarius is the rebel with Uranus in Taurus fighting tooth and nail to keep things just as they are”, but  both are actually standing in their right place in the symbolic scheme of things: Saturn is clinging to its power, seeking to strengthen its grip whereas Uranus wants to throw it all away without further ado. The good news is that this square is not taking place in fixed signs (Aquarius/Taurus) but in cardinal signs (Capricorn/Aries) where the confrontation between the two horned beasts (the Goat and the Ram) is not likely to end up in a draw with a penalty shoot-out. Explosive is what describes the situation best. So be careful not to get carried away in the truest sense of the word. In this regard, the transiting North Node in Taurus (aka the Bull, another horned beast) asks us to stay grounded, keep a cool head, and proceed cautiously.

In addition, Pluto the Great Reformer is still residing in Sagittarius (except for those who use the traditional Hindu ayanamsas), the sign of dogmas, evolution, belief systems and also international finance. The draining of the swamp, that's Pluto. All the filthy scandals emerging from the sewers, that's Pluto again. The great purge of traditional structures will only begin after he finishes his last retrogradation in Sagittarius and settles down in Capricorn. In a way, Uranus presently rocking the tower of Babylon is actually laying the groundwork for Pluto.

Last but not least, Neptune the Great Illusionist is not home yet in Pisces but still in Aquarius (mass media, politics, technology) where he gives his best in cover-ups, conjuring tricks, lies and media propaganda.

The New Age Scam

When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
And peace will guide the planets
And love steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

"Aquarius", Hair (1968)

The Age of Aquarius is an evolutionary stage for humankind which is said to have begun in 2012 or during the historical Great Conjunction which took place in Aquarius on the last winter solstice. In truth, according to sidereal astrology (and depending on the correct ayanamsa), it will still be several hundreds of years until we actually enter the Age of Aquarius. One thing for sure is that the Great Awakening it is supposed to bring about is mostly connected with the elevation of the vibratory frequency of the Earth which, after stagnating forever at 7.8 Hz, started to increase in 2008 to peak up at 57 Hz in 2020. This is the reason why the degenerate psychopaths who control the world desperately want to tamper with our DNA in an attempt to prevent us from ascending in vibration and thus escaping their prison.

To conclude, I would like to remind you what tradition has always advocated: Astra inclinant, sed non cogunt, that is “the stars incline, but cannot force”. Only those with no or insubstantial knowledge of astrology still view it as deterministic, believing our fate is already settled to the last detail (dixit Pierre Lassalle).

Thank you for reading this article in full. I really hope it brought you a fresh perspective on astrology and why not, inspired you to want to find out more.


  1. ^ The Sun's December solstice position (in the northern hemisphere, the lowest point on its annual path; in the southern hemisphere, the highest) was in the constellation of Sagittarius, one of two constellations in which the zodiac intersects with the Milky Way. Every year, on the December solstice, the Sun and the Milky Way, appear (from the surface of the Earth) to come into alignment, and every year precession caused a slight shift in the Sun's position in the Milky Way. Given that the Milky Way is between 10° and 20° wide, it takes between 700 and 1,400 years for the Sun's December solstice position to precess through it.  (Source)
  2. ^ Jacques Attali is a French economic and social theorist, writer, and former adviser to French President François Mitterrand, supported a pandemic-driven mass killing in his 1981 book "Verbatim." (Source)

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