Our Freedoms

Almost everybody in France knows "Femme libérée" (liberated woman), a hit song from the 80's. Not really my cup of tea (not to say not at all), but Ingrid Courrèges changed it all. Not just the music she rearranged, but also and most importantly the lyrics she turned into a politically hard-hitting pastiche, using music to voice out what an increasing number of people are thinking for themselves, not just in France but all over the world. I tip my hat to this talented young lady for her courage and her right, well-chosen words. And also her humour which gives healthy perspective.

Our Freedoms (what remains of them...)

After an eventful week featuring the controversy on Hold-Up1, the summoning of D. Raoult and L. Fouché2, hospital closures, the arrival of the vaccine, the extension of lockdown and state of emergency, mandatory masks for children, tough protests from dissenters and 'non-essential citizens' all met with escalating repression and nonsense from the PTB... These are my thoughts as a 'not so liberated woman anymore' using Cookie Dingler's famous hit song. “We are all awake, let's step out of the line”.

Love, peace, and humour.

Ingrid, 14th November 2020

Nos libertés

So that's what France looks like at the onset of winter
We all put a mask on and it's the same as yesterday
A curfew, another lockdown,
A hard blow to human rights

Don't give it up
It's so fragile
I mean your freedom
Is what's at risk

Don't let them wreck
The whole Civil Code
By letting them decide
They're killing our rights

Always more deaths on TV
Switch on BFM, it's like Pearl Harbor
They want to scare us talking about war
So as to facilitate their sanitary dictatorship

Don't let them rule
It's only a matter of time
Till the army
Turns up on your doorstep

Don't give it up
It's so fragile
I mean your freedom
Is what's at risk

What about if we let doctors make prescriptions?
But without any sick people, no need for a vaccine anymore
To play along the rules of Big Pharma
No extra beds, we're in dire straits

GP's are forbidden
To treat patients
Plaquenil stock deliveries
Are being blocked

Don't give it up
It's so fragile
I mean your health
Is what's at risk

You can go out only to work
If you want to have fun, touch yourself
If you are told you're not essential
And that your life is superficial

Then you feel broken
Their hostile measures
Which you never saw coming
Serve as your April poison prank

Don't give it up
It's so fragile
I mean your freedom
Is what's at risk

If you don't support the single world-view
You're a conspiracist, an egomaniac
Demonstrating, for them no way
Does freedom of speech still exist?

No, you get gassed
By their projectiles
As soon as we gather
They send in their henchmen

Don't give it up
It's so fragile
I mean your freedom
Is what's at risk

Is it possible to be so inadvertently wrong?
Are the powers-that-be having a psychotic episode?
They might as well say "Take the vaccine or go to jail"
For each wave to leave a residue of submission

Let's not give them up
They're so fragile
I mean our freedoms
Our lives are not futile

Let's not give up
Let's not be so acquiescent
We are all awake
We need to step out of the line

© Ingrid Courrèges & Florian Martinez, 2020

About Ingrid Courrèges

Aged 36, Ingrid gained popularity in 2015 in participating in TV talent show The Voice (unfortunately she did not make it further than the first round of battles) and experimented a variety of artistic ventures (including cabaret) before creating her own One Woman Show, a musical play entitled Y a-t-il un beau gosse dans la salle ? (Is there a hunk in the hall?), pastiching French songs while making great use of her talent as a comedian.

A former health worker in public hospitals, she has been a musician since she was a child. So after a serious burn-out, in order to step back into life, she decided to move to Paris and take singing, dance, and drama classes... that is everything she truly loves doing. And the public support and response made her realise she had found her true path in life.

Today” she says “I take care of people just like when I worked in hospitals, but now I do it with songs and good vibes.”

When asked whether the popularity of her pastiches on social media had any positive impact on her career, Ingrid honestly responds that it hasn't, because there is no money to be made in covering songs, even when it involves a genuine rewriting process. She does it only for the people. And also because she enjoys it.

I am a human being before being a civil being. I do not belong to French society. I belong to nature, to the planet. I am entitled to free circulation and therefore I take this right. And I do that without a mask. I only put on a mask when I meet people at risk, but otherwise I am not afraid. I do that freely for my own well-being.” (Source)

A good way to make the red pill more appealing to the naysayers who cover their ears, holding out their BFM3 bible (Bullshit & Fake-news Media) and crucifix, yelling “Vade retro Conspiracist!” whenever you gently try to explain with supporting evidence that this orchestrated health crisis is only an excuse to advance their Agenda 21 and set up the New World Order already implemented in China. Never underestimate the power of music. Whereas it can be used to hypnotise crowds, it can also be used to wake them up.

So I invite you all to follow Ingrid's YouTube Channel (while it's still online) and share her videos, download her pastiches, and play them to the people around you as background music. Use the same methods as the MSM, repeat endlessly but gently and kindly for the issues at stake are dead serious. You can count on me to repost (and translate) more pastiches from the beautiful Ingrid. Many thanks, Ingrid!


  1. ^ Hold-Up is an unbiased French documentary investigating the many aberrations and discrepancies in the way the health crisis was handled by the French government, featuring first-hand testimonies by eminent scientists, doctors, virologists, geneticists... which was met with virulent criticism and immediate censorship from the powers that be, labelling it as fake news as expected, the result of which made the movie even more viral and available to all when it was originally on a pay-to-view platform. They'll never learn!
  2. ^ Pr. Didier Raoult and Dr. Louis Fouché have both been indicted for alerting public opinion on the lies and manipulation behind the handling of the health crisis. Once again silencing them could only infuriate public opinion and trigger questions in those not brain-dead yet. Let's bless their stupidity which actually further advance the truth.
  3. ^ BFMTV is a French news channel with a large audience serving the state propaganda like many around the world.

Original text by INGRID COURRÈGES and FLORIAN MARTINEZ translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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