The Month to Decide

As mentioned in my last post, Lulumineuse is one of the three people who are having a highly positive influence on my life at the moment. I won't introduce her here since her website, social media accounts and all the tools she now offers for free on BeLight are only available in French. I'm aware of all the naysayers, still wrapped up in their own fears and bitterness, who will probably take the opportunity to throw in their usual arguments such as “You're all suckers manipulated by gurus” or “Another one jumps the bandwagon to make a quick buck” and... it's a long and emetic list (do your own search for the meaning of this medical term, all you know-nothing-who-claim-to-know-it-all!). To put it in a nutshell, I do not share to receive opinions, but to help. Those who are willing to move on. And when I talk about helping, it's not about assisting. Nobody can ever do the job in your place. 

I have tried many things in attempt to extricate myself from my inner mess and until now, I would always feel frustrated by all these highly theoretical advice and great words (most often holier-than-thou) which seem totally disconnected from the ordinary person and make you feel like you're lousy, undeserving, lazy, weak, faulty (take your pick!). We are not in this physical world to live in a bubble. We are here to experience matter and to learn, create, manifest with our ideas, materialise, make tangible. We therefore need PRACTICAL advice not theory. And that's exactly what Lulumineuse aka Lulu (short for Lucille) does with the tools she offers which are simple, CONCRETE examples applicable by everyone, and they... DO work!

Knowing that a lot of you feel helpless with what is about to happen next (including the Indigos on the French blog who write me to ask for help — go and check Lulu's tools!), here is a translated transcription of a recent channelling Lulu received for August and the Q&A she posted in her Instagram stories. She was spot on regarding the many psychic attacks or via other people targeting all those who are awakening. The intent is to hold us back by exhausting our energy. And it does work until we remember what the purpose is. In these times of crisis, just stop what you're doing and pick up anything that you like doing and immerse in it to raise your vibration and stop following the train of thoughts and emotions triggered by the “attack”.

Remember that those we call “sheople” and who tease, trigger, and insult us are actually hypnotised. Just like we used to. You may have seen that scene in the maze in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when Cedric Diggory is being attacked by bewitched Viktor Krum and Harry comes to rescue him. As Cedric is seeking vengeance, Harry reminds him that Krum is under a spell. And that's the situation we're in where “sheople” are mesmerised by fear. We are not afraid because we chose love. But their attacks are useful in the sense that they highlight the remaining fears we still need to purge/transmute. Indeed, when we respond to their provocations, it tells us that somehow we are scared of them, of what their ignorance could do to us. Let's thank them instead for acting as coaches. I understand it's easier said than done, but now is no longer the time to delay the inner job — it's URGENT!

It does hurt but I'm working on it ;)


We're attending to your questions which are voicing your fears. Fear is NOT your friend! Instead, fear prevents inner peace and thus clairvoyance. Feeling. Experiencing. Aligning.

August requires you to immerse yourself in this inner work, to take the tests of faith, to implements the teachings, to test and experience them. It's a transition, an examination.

Remember all this has a luminous purpose! No-one is ever abandoned in the Universe. Never.

Critical in which way?

Fear vs. Love. Humanity needs to take a stand, to open up.

Just want to say thank you. You provide us with tools, may each one of us put them to use now.

Their implementation will be valuable!

Is it some kind of an assment/deep cleaning of previous leftovers in order to embrace the new?

It is! With new elements, something that makes all the difference, raises new questions and new viewpoints and also new perspectives of life.

What can we do to meet these energies?

All the work lays within. Radiate, choose your thoughts, your actions. Keep your focus on Love. Understand that there is nothing that matters more.

Will there be another lockdown for France?

This is part of the plan, but it will meet massive resistance from the public as well as from people directly involved who will disagree with the decisions.

I've heard about sizeable earthquakes in France (Riviera).

Not just in France.

Will it fall into place after the 8/8 Portal?

Beginning on 16th August. Maybe earlier or later, but there will be a deep break, as if the month had been cut in two.

Will extraterrestrials make themselves seen in France?

On three occasions they told me they would. Where, I don't know. It will depends on how the populations respond but mainly on the positive impact of such a manoeuvre. Try not to focus on France, see the world as one single country.

Is it now the time to embark upon new thought-out projects?

Yes, it is time to get rid of what's holding us back and go ahead. Our projects will be supported provided they serve a higher purpose.

Do the disasters occurring now have anything to do with the energies?

Some do, but others have been orchestrated. Everything will gain momentum again.

I have mixed feeling about not doing anything or getting started.

This month is not the time to do nothing! It will be harder if nothing has been done. But you need to put your heart into it, otherwise you'll face many limitations.

How can we support/protect/explain to our children what is going on?

You don't have to explain it all. Children need Love, security, and a comforting loving presence. For the rest, they should have fun, enjoy nature, radiant people, simple pleasures.

I wish you all that this month serves as a springboard for you to soar, to move on and choose Love. Make a strong commitment to this choice within and doors will open.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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