The Cat and the Mouse

The cat, having been locked down
All spring long,
Was longing to sink his teeth
Into tender mice
And found himself most frustrated
When summer came
To have to keep his distance
To get some grub coming in.

While the mouse, having been dancing
Her heart's content and all she pleased,
Found herself quite upset
To go back to her life of yesteryear,
Forced to hide
And drop the carefree lifestyle
For her own survival.

Hello, petit rat!” said the cat
Who happened to be passing by,
Drawn by the smell of tutu
And inebriated by sanitiser vapours.

“I am not a rat”
Replied the mouse to
The waste-smelling
Masked cad puss.

Whatever you are, tiny ballerina,
You're now trapped like a rat
Sneered the naughty cat
And devoured her
Without further ado.

There is none.
This story is totally immoral.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


5 Myths and Misunderstandings About Astrology – Debunked

Astrology is now considered “a pseudoscience — a belief which its advocates incorrectly present as scientific.” (Source) Very convenient given that since times immemorial, the mighty of this world (meaning the self-proclaimed elites who took power over us) never leave anything to chance and do take careful consideration of astrological factors.

Astrology doesn't define anyone, it's a mapped account of the energies of the time when the soul chose to incarnate into the physical world. For me, astrological signs are energies; planets acts like prisms; and houses are the areas of life in which these energies express themselves. Depending on their positioning in relation to one another and on the angles thus formed, planets affect one another either in a fusional, complementary, harmonious or conflictual way and with variable strength according to a number of factors to consider. In addition, there are various schools of astrology which makes it even more complex for beginners. And also, many otherwise serious and competent astrologers totally ignore karmic elements which, for me, are actually essential to fully understand an individual chart. For holistic astrology is the only one which takes the whole being into consideration (just like specialty medicine vs. holistic medicine).

This article popped up in my news feed at the appropriate time when I was thinking about writing a piece in response to a number of comments from a bunch of prejudiced, misinformed deniers regarding a post by Ed O'Brien on the influence of the Moon. I thus brought the subject back on the table during a live video conference he did on Instagram and he came up with this very eloquent reply, totally in line with what I and the author of the article below are saying:

Someone asks me just now about astrology because I put a post on my site about a month ago (I think it was about the new moon or full moon) and it was interesting because a lot of people — not a lot, SOME people — were really supportive, but then other people were like: “Nah Ed, I'm really disappointed in you. How can you believe that shit! How can you... don't go down that shit!”

And here's the thing, when I was about 20 years old, I'd felt like that because astrology to me was the stuff that you read in the papers — the horoscopes.  “Oh you're Aries and you're a fabulous match, you'll meet a Leo today”, you know all that crap. And the oldest I get, the more interested I am in the old knowledge and the knowledge of what our ancestors knew. We've kind of thrown out a lot of it. And a lot of it was mathematics. I've been reading things about Pythagorrus to understand about music and mathematics and proportions. For instance, in Ancient Greece, one of the disciplines was astrology and it was a science.

It wasn't like your astrologer in your tabloid newspaper. And I don't know about it, but the more I read about it and REAL astrology, the more I'm fascinated by it. I think there is some deep truth there. What I'm not willing to do is to go "it's all bullshit". I'm curious, I'm open, and I want to learn.

A genuine interest he showed when participating in a chain of comments from “insiders” where I was apologising for flooding his initial post, saying that he "loved this chain, so interesting. Don't have a clue as to the specifics but I'm open!”

May you too change your mind and reconsider your position if you are one of those who question the validity of astrology from reading so much crap on clickbait sites abounding on the web. If not, it's okay too as says the author of the article below, but you'll have to find new arguments because the ones you usually use do not hold any water and are pure fantasy.


Astrology can be a controversial subject, with fervent followers and equally fervent detractors. As an astrologer, you quickly get used to people dismissing your subject out of hand. After all, it’s all made up nonsense, right? And there are 13 signs, anyway, not 12. And it’s ridiculous to claim that planets millions or even billions of miles away are causing us to act in a certain way. And they say the sun is a planet when it isn’t. And they say our fate is predetermined, with no free will. And they tell you the earth is at the center of the universe. And anyway the signs don’t even line up with where they used to be. And I’m a Leo but I hate drama. And I’m married to a Gemini and they say that Leo and Gemini aren’t a good match. And why in the world would one twelfth of the whole world’s population be going to have a bad day next Thursday?

Actually, neither I nor any astrologer I have ever dealt with has said or believes these kinds of things, all of which are based on fundamental misunderstandings of what astrology is and what it claims to do. I make no effort to convince anyone that astrology can be a useful psychological and spiritual tool; that’s up to each of us to discern for ourselves. If you’re cautiously interested in astrology, though, but have been put off by some of these myths and misunderstandings, here’s a rundown of the top five astrology myths – debunked. Understanding where astrologers are coming from may help you better decide whether this is something you’d like to pursue or not.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Crunchy Delights

How do you indulge into some sweet delight without spoiling your health with sugar, saturated fats and tons of chemicals designed to make you sick and eat more and more?  Well, you could make your own crunchy chocolate bars with natural healthy ingredients. This recipe is ultra quick and dead simple to make. Plus it tastes like heaven.


Makes 100 g :

- 30 g rice (or quinoa) cakes
- 50 g raw unsweetened cocoa powder
- 60 g coconut oil
- honey (optional)


Crumble rice cakes in a large bowl. Add cocoa powder. Melt coconut oil in a double boiler and pour on the mix. Sweeten (if you wish to) with a touch of honey according to taste and mix thoroughly. Transfer into small individual silicone moulds . Freeze for a couple of hours then unmould and keep in airtight container either in the freezer or fridge.

NOTE: I use muffin cups which makes 9 small cakes which I keep in the freezer to keep them all crunchy. Actually, you can eat them right off the freezer, no need to unfreeze. Try and see what suits you best.

Have a bite with a handful of gooseberries (or any other sour berries), it's a real delight!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Sit Back

As a rule, I never repost more than a song per month, but it's summertime and this track resonates so much with the previous one I absolutely couldn't postpone it to September (which is likely to be an eventful and chaotic month).

So this is another musical crush. I discovered CelMar's music through his highly enlightening spiritual videos with Lulumineuse on his YouTube channel which always end with this song which fits perfectly with what's going on these days. His other songs are in the same spirit. Although I've never been fond of reggae, I got hooked immediately by this tune — which proves that music is not a matter of genre, but all about vibrations resonating (or not resonating) with ours. Incidentally, in his Soundcloud bio, he explains that he likes composing different styles of music in the same mindset: “ Live the present moment”. “All my songs may be downloaded for free and without restriction” he says on his website. “If you feel they contributed something to you and wish to get even by giving back, you may send me love, gratitude, or make a donation. Thank you.”

And you know what? Rémy's music is exclusively recorded in 432Hz! Which should be highly welcome by Ed O'Brien when I intiated the topic to him, last April. The following month, he went into details in a live video event on Instagram where he explained to those who told him it was all rubbish that unlike what they seemed to assume he doesn't go with everything he reads, but loves experimenting with what resonates with him (gosh, I could hear myself talking here!). So he did a sort of blind test: recorded the same track in three different tunings including the 440Hz standard, then played them back at random without knowing which was which and the one he liked best turned out to be the 432Hz tuning. I told him a musician friend of mine had opted for 432 after I mentioned it to him and found it makes him feel better and eases his voice. “Yeah, I agree” he replied. “The guitar sounds better at 432 than the stuff at at 440, I'm telling you. I think, in my humble opinion.”

UPDATE 28th August 2020 : Rémy was thrilled by my initiative of translating his lyrics, yet admits being unable to sing in English. So he proposes to email the karaoke version of this track to anyone who can sing and would like to make an English cover using the translation below. If you post it online, please, send me a link via the comments section or contact form so that everyone can hear it. I also put a note on the main blog in French. I have totally revised my intial translation so that it is singable. Thanks to my American friend B. for her proofreading and few suggestions. Can't wait to hear your covers!

UPDATE 13th September 2020 : Here are the English covers with my translation. Well done girls, you're fantastic!


Pose ton cul

Sit back
Sit back
And let your ideas guide you
Sit back
And feel the Truth within

Back to school again
And I need to go
And study
To be fitter, handier

Back home again
Can't wait to play
Or watch TV
Feels so good to break away

My life is all about
Making one
With a job
(Thou shalt do this or that)
And when I wanna break free
I hear that voice
Telling me

Sit back
And let your ideas guide you
Sit back
Don't let'em program you

You need to sit back
And wipe all the past away
Sit back
And feel the Truth within

Monday again
And I need to go
And listen to
My boss or my banker

Back home again
Can't wait to smoke
Drink or stuff my face
Feels so good to drift away

My life is all about
Having to
Meet all requirements
(Must do, have no choice)
And when my mind's a tangled mess
I hear that voice
Telling me

Sit back
And let your ideas guide you
Sit back
Yeah, you ain't just a jobber

You need to sit back
And wipe all the past away
Sit back
And feel the Truth within

Saturday again
And I need to
Go and join the protest
Fight and lose an eye

Back to the polls again
Can't wait for tomorrow
To shift masters
Feels so good to sign away

My life is all about
And complaining
(I am the victim)
And when there's no one left around
I hear that voice
Telling me

Sit back
And let your ideas guide you
Sit back
And stop criticising

You need to sit back
And wipe all the past away
Sit back
And feel the Truth within

Original text by RÉMY GUYON translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Smells Like Midsummer Night's Spirit

Quality perfumes are not only very expensive, but most of them contain harmful chemicals such phtalates and glycol, both infamous endocrine disrupters (which affect your thyroid and reproductive organs). Basically, you pay a fortune to get poisoned and pollute the atmosphere, whereas a perfume is normally supposed to provide well-being and raise your spirits (and not designed to mask odours — for that, use soap and shower instead).

So here is a recipe to make your own sweet and delicate woody fragranced eau de toilette suitable for both men and women. All this for a much lower cost, pollutant-free, and with genuine well-being effects as an added bonus.


Makes 50 ml :

- 50 ml organic denaturated surgical spirit
- 50 drops amyris EO
- 35 drops Atlas cedar EO
- 20 drops rosewood EO
- 50 drops benzoin EO


Transfer spirit into a glass spray bottle and add all other ingredients. Shake to stir well and leave to stand for at least 4 weeks in a cool dark place to allow the fragrance to infuse. Shake the bottle now and then.

NOTE: If you find the fragrance doesn't stay long enough, leave it to stand longer and always make sure you shake the bottle before use. You may substitute Ho Wood for rosewood oil (more expensive) as they have quite similar fragrances. Same as for amyris which can be replaced with sandalwood (although amyris is much cheaper). Benzoin is what provides a warm, spicy, vanilla-like scent but it is also used as a perfume fixative.

You're now all set to captivate wood spirits!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Month to Decide

As mentioned in my last post, Lulumineuse is one of the three people who are having a highly positive influence on my life at the moment. I won't introduce her here since her website, social media accounts and all the tools she now offers for free on BeLight are only available in French. I'm aware of all the naysayers, still wrapped up in their own fears and bitterness, who will probably take the opportunity to throw in their usual arguments such as “You're all suckers manipulated by gurus” or “Another one jumps the bandwagon to make a quick buck” and... it's a long and emetic list (do your own search for the meaning of this medical term, all you know-nothing-who-claim-to-know-it-all!). To put it in a nutshell, I do not share to receive opinions, but to help. Those who are willing to move on. And when I talk about helping, it's not about assisting. Nobody can ever do the job in your place. 

I have tried many things in attempt to extricate myself from my inner mess and until now, I would always feel frustrated by all these highly theoretical advice and great words (most often holier-than-thou) which seem totally disconnected from the ordinary person and make you feel like you're lousy, undeserving, lazy, weak, faulty (take your pick!). We are not in this physical world to live in a bubble. We are here to experience matter and to learn, create, manifest with our ideas, materialise, make tangible. We therefore need PRACTICAL advice not theory. And that's exactly what Lulumineuse aka Lulu (short for Lucille) does with the tools she offers which are simple, CONCRETE examples applicable by everyone, and they... DO work!

Knowing that a lot of you feel helpless with what is about to happen next (including the Indigos on the French blog who write me to ask for help — go and check Lulu's tools!), here is a translated transcription of a recent channelling Lulu received for August and the Q&A she posted in her Instagram stories. She was spot on regarding the many psychic attacks or via other people targeting all those who are awakening. The intent is to hold us back by exhausting our energy. And it does work until we remember what the purpose is. In these times of crisis, just stop what you're doing and pick up anything that you like doing and immerse in it to raise your vibration and stop following the train of thoughts and emotions triggered by the “attack”.

Remember that those we call “sheople” and who tease, trigger, and insult us are actually hypnotised. Just like we used to. You may have seen that scene in the maze in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when Cedric Diggory is being attacked by bewitched Viktor Krum and Harry comes to rescue him. As Cedric is seeking vengeance, Harry reminds him that Krum is under a spell. And that's the situation we're in where “sheople” are mesmerised by fear. We are not afraid because we chose love. But their attacks are useful in the sense that they highlight the remaining fears we still need to purge/transmute. Indeed, when we respond to their provocations, it tells us that somehow we are scared of them, of what their ignorance could do to us. Let's thank them instead for acting as coaches. I understand it's easier said than done, but now is no longer the time to delay the inner job — it's URGENT!

It does hurt but I'm working on it ;)


We're attending to your questions which are voicing your fears. Fear is NOT your friend! Instead, fear prevents inner peace and thus clairvoyance. Feeling. Experiencing. Aligning.

August requires you to immerse yourself in this inner work, to take the tests of faith, to implements the teachings, to test and experience them. It's a transition, an examination.

Remember all this has a luminous purpose! No-one is ever abandoned in the Universe. Never.

Critical in which way?

Fear vs. Love. Humanity needs to take a stand, to open up.

Just want to say thank you. You provide us with tools, may each one of us put them to use now.

Their implementation will be valuable!

Is it some kind of an assment/deep cleaning of previous leftovers in order to embrace the new?

It is! With new elements, something that makes all the difference, raises new questions and new viewpoints and also new perspectives of life.

What can we do to meet these energies?

All the work lays within. Radiate, choose your thoughts, your actions. Keep your focus on Love. Understand that there is nothing that matters more.

Will there be another lockdown for France?

This is part of the plan, but it will meet massive resistance from the public as well as from people directly involved who will disagree with the decisions.

I've heard about sizeable earthquakes in France (Riviera).

Not just in France.

Will it fall into place after the 8/8 Portal?

Beginning on 16th August. Maybe earlier or later, but there will be a deep break, as if the month had been cut in two.

Will extraterrestrials make themselves seen in France?

On three occasions they told me they would. Where, I don't know. It will depends on how the populations respond but mainly on the positive impact of such a manoeuvre. Try not to focus on France, see the world as one single country.

Is it now the time to embark upon new thought-out projects?

Yes, it is time to get rid of what's holding us back and go ahead. Our projects will be supported provided they serve a higher purpose.

Do the disasters occurring now have anything to do with the energies?

Some do, but others have been orchestrated. Everything will gain momentum again.

I have mixed feeling about not doing anything or getting started.

This month is not the time to do nothing! It will be harder if nothing has been done. But you need to put your heart into it, otherwise you'll face many limitations.

How can we support/protect/explain to our children what is going on?

You don't have to explain it all. Children need Love, security, and a comforting loving presence. For the rest, they should have fun, enjoy nature, radiant people, simple pleasures.

I wish you all that this month serves as a springboard for you to soar, to move on and choose Love. Make a strong commitment to this choice within and doors will open.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Seven Years Good Luck

Seven Chinese brothers swallowing the ocean,
Seven thousand years to sleep away the pain,
She will return, she will return...

"Seven Chinese Brothers", R.E.M. (1984)

Seven years spent, not swallowing the ocean nor playing Sleeping Beauty as depicted in this septuplet story, but sharing my personal ideas, beliefs, creations, passions (and outbursts too), and discoveries on the French version of this blog. Over one million and a half pages seen with 104 more articles and 95,000 more visits this year (still on the main blog). I thank you from the bottom of my heart for still being so many to read me, even though I regret that your comments are so rare. I also know it's a general trend which sadly affects most blogs, not just La Pensine.

7 is both a magical and mystical number. You have it in the 7 tones of the diatonic scale, the 7 colours of the rainbow, or the 7 chakras of the human body (funny how the 7th chakra happens to be the crown/coronal chakra if you get the hint there!). And the 7th arcanum of Tarot, the Chariot or Steering Power

And rest is greatly needed here, even if I never go on holidays — especially after all the issues we've had to deal with. And all the more so since we really haven't seen anything yet and the peak of “enjoyment” should be reached by September. Yippee!

I didn't lie to you when I wrote in my post on the Year of the Rat that “we're trapped like rats unless they rat on their decisions” (which in French was a different pun saying “take a rat”, meaning failing to get it right). You'll also note that mentioning the plague wasn't that far-fetched either! Seriously, I kept repeating that I could feel something huge coming and there you are, a couple of days ago, Ed O'Brien (who needs no introduction) tells me the same thing in a reply to a comment on Instagram: “Felt something like this would happen. Didn't know the details but felt this coming. Entering a new age.”

Incidentally, Ed happens to be one of the three people who have made the greatest impression for me in this year 2020 (which is far from being over). They have had such a positive and inspiring influence in all respects and I feel so honoured to have been able to interact so much with them through social media, which aren't necessarily a bad thing depending how you use them. So these other two persons are Christelle Dabos (author of the Mirror Visitor quadrilogy, the final volume of which has been a major disappointment for many who expected a different ending, but not for me) who, through her live chats hosted on Discord, taught us a lot on writing and made us discover new authors — and Lulumineuse whose precious PRACTICAL tips helped me make quantum leaps both in my personal and spiritual evolution (I'm aware this is the same thing, but unfortunately for some it still isn't).

I shall try, if I can find the time for it, to talk about this more in details, but for now, let's enjoy the sunny days and take this opportunity to let go of all our burdens and regain strength in view of the next big blow after the holiday season. Therefore, I shall not reconduct another season of Polaroid Android, your summertime series, but will keep the spirit alive with more personal and trivial posts.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for your faithfulness in those wonderful seven years following me.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



Freedom has always been, and today more than ever, the root of all challenges and fights in this prison-Matrix with invisible yet pervasive bars. The thing is too few people understand that freedom starts in your head. When you create your own prison with your own thoughts, beliefs, expectations, fears... How others perceive us is a prison. The lack of love for self is a prison. Sorry if it sounds like a motto I'm bringing in at every corner, but it always comes down to the simple equation of love vs. fear. Yes, life is that simple. Our conditioning and false beliefs are actually what makes it complicated. A good way to keep us away as far as possible from that simple truth. Fear locks us in, creating a sense of insecurity which leads us to give up our freedoms in the physical world. Fear isolates people in sealed boxes of pro-this/anti-that.

Ironically, fear makes us put more trust in others than in ourselves. Cognitive dissonance. Love (not the love that owns and binds by contract) frees us. Love yourself and you'll free yourself from the perception of others and from the need to conform. Love yourself and you won't let yourself be dictated the limits of possible or not possible as love will connect you to the infinite universal wisdom which is unlimited.

A huge thank-you goes to Trevor for allowing me to repost this snippet from a song he's currently working on with his bandmates from a distance (due to lockdown) and for sending me the complete lyrics and also assisting with the translation of an idiomatic phrase for my French speaking readers. So pleased to hear he hasn't lost his gift for crafting catchy tunes and that this great voice of his still does it. This song is pure joy. It's like a ray of sunshine despite the grim world it portrays. Don't know about you, but I can't wait to hear this full track completed even though, to me, this acoustic version does feel complete in its own right. Good vibes yeah, yeah, yo!


Billy starts another day
Signs in for another day
The morning is hot
But the sun it don’t shine

He’s saving for a piece of real estate
Don’t mind him working late
He might just make the price
With overtime
And he sang

Freedom, yeah, yeah, yo
Freedom, yeah, yeah, yo

He doesn’t feel safe on the subway
He doesn’t feel safe on the highway
His wife can’t sleep at night
So he buys a gun
And Billy shoots in a straight line
In a land of sunshine
Bread and cars and T.V. for everyone
And he sang

Freedom, yeah, yeah, yo
Freedom, yeah, yeah, yo

Be a millionaire it’s easy
Like the people on the T.V.
Billy thinks of high school
Where he learned to play cool
Where he learned to be told
And fly the flag

There’s a hole in the sky but Billy don’t care
Fear and famine everywhere
For a regular guy, aint life a drag

Original text by TREVOR STEEL


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