Where Were You Hiding When the Storm Broke?

This song is perfect to illustrate the situation at this present moment on the timeline humanity is on. Not that things have changed much since 1984 when the song was written (and far back in time), but unless the toxic releases of hand sanitiser and the compulsory wearing of face masks have damaged your brain cells through hypoxia (lack of oxygen), we definitely have our backs against the wall now and have reached the much-feted crossroad mentioned in all biblical, economic, conspiracy, evolutionary prophecies (take your pick). In short, no need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that now is the time to take sides as they say. I'm aware it may sound rather simplistic, perhaps outrightly unrealistic, but the situation is actually very simple despite all the relentless efforts to make you perceive it as intractable and highly complicated (so that you leave it to self-proclaimed experts to decide what is best for you, giving up your free will and the responsibilities that go along with it). It all comes down to fear vs love. As both cannot live together, it is delusory to think you can remain neutral because that, too, is motivated by fear — fear of coming down off the fence.

So what the heck are this gang of spiky-haired weirdos dressed like American Civil War soldiers? Please, don't laugh, they used to be my favourite band aeons ago! As previously mentioned, I even had a dedicated fanzine, interviewed them on many occasions and attended lots of shows. So, you move on, you grow out of it, but some values remain because they pass the test of time. And now I have Ed O'Brien to share these good memories with. :D

“Going out in a blaze of glory”, remember that, Ed? You bet he does and it made him laugh. Because you see, I had long been making assumptions about what Thom Yorke had said about him being “a secret Alarm fan” and I longed to ask him the question. And the opportunity finally presented itself last April in a Q&A on Reddit: “They always take the piss out of me cause I went to see the Alarm in Oxford in May '85” Ed told me. “Such a great gig, seats got thrown... Mike Peters is a lovely man and a United fan”. Yes, just like Ed O'Brien, Mike Peters is really a lovely person indeed (and a Manchester United fan). He must now be delighted to know that one of his fans of yesteryear is part of the greatest rock'n'roll band in the world since the Beatles. I made sure he does by posting the information to his wife who approved and retweeted it. As Ed says (he who wouldn't listen to Led Zeppelin until he reached the age of 30 because of the dictates of musical correctness), “Fuck the taste police!”. A statement Nicola Sirkis (of popular French band Indochine who's been ridiculed for so long and now sells out stadiums and celebrates his 40 years of career) would definitely approve. Listen to what makes you feel good and follow the flow of life, not the trail of opinions.


Born into a war and peace,
Forced to choose between right and wrong,
Each man kills the things he loves
For better or for worse.
Face to face with a ragged truth,
Mixed up and torn in two,
Turned you back on the only thing
That could save you from yourself.

Where were you hiding when the storm broke
And the rain began to fall?
When the thunder and the lightning struck
And the rain and the four winds did howl?

After all time building up
Comes inevitable knocking down.
(One by one)
Come deceivers, liars, gamblers,
Pickpocket entourage.
(Two by two)
Selling out is a cardinal sin,
Sinning with a safety net.
They say all things come in threes,
(Three by three),
Here comes the third degree:

Where were you hiding when the storm broke
And the rain began to fall?
When the thunder and the lightning struck
And the rain and the four winds did howl?

All cards are marked,
All fates will collide.
The truth is the truth
Or the truth is surely a lie.
Get back in your shelter
If you can't come down off the fence.
And one more question:

Where were you hiding when the storm broke
And the rain began to fall?
When the thunder and the lightning struck
And the rain and the four winds did howl?

Original text by MIKE PETERS


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