The Universe Is Made up of Frequency and Vibration of Energy

One of the fundamental principles of physics is that “nothing is lost, everything is transformed”. This is normal since matter is made up of energy and vibration and you only have to change its frequency (motion of particles) to modify its density and form (i.e., the principles of solidification or gasification). I'm aware that, for those who have been following this blog since the early days, this article might read like a brief repeat of those I've already reposted in the past or more recently. However, I think it's an excellent summary of what could be termed as “Quantum Physics For Dummies” (not in a derogatory sense).

Consider your own body being made mostly of space. Close your eyes and experience the space that you’re made of and the space around you vibrating like a crystal. Then imagine that the rate of vibration of your biocrystal structure in the structure of the vacuum is equivalent to the information pouring in and out of you, in the same way that a crystal radio set tuned to a certain frequency allows you to hear a specific radio station. In the body, if the brain is the antennae of the radio set, the tuning dial is the heart, which defines the frequency of information received through the fluid dynamics rhythm of your body, and which can be altered by your emotional state.

Nassim Haramein Ey@el

All matter on earth consists of atomic material which is in constant motion, vibrating or spinning, manifested in everything within the universe.

All organisms are made out of atoms and molecules, which means literally every living thing is radiating energy and vibration. Every living thing on earth vibrates at its own level with its own sound, determined by the velocity of its frequency.

Motion generates frequencies and in turn, generates sound whether we are able to hear it or not. Everything has a sound, and it’s own level of vibration. The specific sound is determined by the velocity (frequency) of the movement.

All organisms on this planet use vibration i.e., energy, as the primary means of communication. In its original condition vibration is inaudible and invisible, but in its first stage towards manifestation it becomes audible, and its next step is visible.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Have You Fallen for the Big Fat Law of Attraction Lie?

In addition to the article below, a recent quote from Lulumineuse posted on her Instagram account which should support the concept of the LOA and hopefully help you understand why it didn't work for you so far. Yes, doubts, always. A bit like sowing a seed and spending your time digging it up to check whether it's started sprouting.

Entertaining positive thoughts is by no means the ultimate path to ascension. Many people tend to believe such practice will bring them satisfaction and fulfil all their desires often aimed at material gain. Wanting a new car, a new house, their next family trip... Thus they practice a mental activity on purpose which will turn out much harder than they would have thought. Actually, your mind is in no way in charge of manifesting the divine thought nor projecting it onto the heavens of godsend abundance. Your mind alone cannot forge what the Universe undertakes for you. To make demands on the Universe, you must accept to that the Universe makes demands on you. Meaning that you have to become the messenger of your own light, of the workings of Love/the Universal Intelligence in your own sanctuary more than a mere persona who views their desires according to their structural patterns and conditioning. In order to properly align with your genuine aspirations, it is not enough to seek to convince yourself inwardly or to seek to convince the Universe while being afraid of thinking negatively. You need to release yourself from the conditioning which contains all your fears and doubts by consciously entertaining your faith that everything is being taken care of. Once you start cultivating more transparency regarding what stirs up your own emotions and mind, the fog surrounding their activity will clear up, allowing you to align with the higher universal information which will guide your steps without any doubt that it will manifest.

So yes, the LOA is a big scam in the way it is sold to us. Indeed, we are wrongfully told, on purpose, that it works by focusing almost obsessively on the expected result whereas it actually requires us to completely let go off any expectation. I have recently experienced it and it was like having an epiphany for me upon realising that I had already used it several times in the past and I didn't know it. My mind, which is usually extremely creative in producing objections of all sorts, had nothing to argue this time. Hip hip hip hurrah! In short, to set the LOA into motion, you need to imagine, feel and state what you want. Then, you must take action accordingly (for instance, changing a habit may be considered as taking action) and put all your heart and energy into it, then just let go. All you need to do is move on to something else while remaining open to the opportunities that will come your way... when you least expect them. Lucky people are simply applying the LOA (often unknowingly) while surfing on the flow of life. The most important thing is you must learn to remain available in your head. Actually, the principle of the LOA is so simple many people don't believe it (while making it work the opposite way by attracting the very things they fear most). So if you've been trying unsuccessfully and for a long time, try again with the correct instructions this time. Start with small things you're not very much attached to and vaya con dios!


The Law of Attraction is big business. It’s what’s given “The Secret” author Rhonda Byrne a net worth of over $100 million dollars – the theory that if you think positively and focus hard enough on the outcome of what you desire, the Universe will manifest it into your reality, before your very eyes. So it comes as zero surprise that countless more identikit self-help gurus, thought leaders and spiritual experts have hopped hot onto the bandwagon like eager bunnies since Byrne’s book was published back in 2004.

In slightly different guises, they all peddle pretty much the same exact taglines – That what you focus your mind (and feelings) on the most, is what the Universe will provide for you. So positive thinking and feeling equals positive outcomes (equals even more positive bank balances).


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Dark Mark

It was a colossal skull, comprised of what looked like emerald stars, with a serpent protruding from its mouth like a tongue. As they watched, it rose higher and higher, blazing in a haze of greenish smoke, etched against the black sky like a new constellation [...] which had now risen high enough to illuminate the entire wood like some grisly neon sign. [...]

“It's the Dark Mark, Harry!” Hermione moaned, pulling him as hard as she could. “You-Know-Who's sign!”

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire © J.K. Rowling, 2000

In commemoration of a fake revolution, based on a convenient rewriting of history as often is the case, we may not be entitled to the traditional fireworks (literally and figuratively in such a world of delusion1), but after a whole series of damp squibs, they are definitely not going to spare any efforts in trying to light the fuse to the powder keg. For sure, it's bound to lead to fireworks anyway, I'd bet my life on it!2

And when the people are angry3, crowned heads do fall. That's the purpose of the game of chess. Who's the Bishop?4 Who's the King? Who's smoking joints?5 Who cares!6 But isn't it ironic that humanity should be affected by a coronavirus named after its shape reminiscent of the solar corona (corona is the latin word for 'crown') or halo and that of the Sol Invictus of the Greco-Roman antiquity? The same radiated solar crown worn by the Statue (status) of Liberty designed by Gustave Eiffel, a token of brotherhood friendship from the French Freemasons to the American Fremasons for the centennial of the Declaration of Independence of the United States (on 4th July).

That COVID-19 (19 for the year of its release emergence) conveniently coinciding with NASA warning that the coming solar cycle 25 could produce 'monster flares' within the next few years and which appears to be kicking off (though we haven't seen anything yet), suggesting that “we could be in for a wild ride, as many have recognized a historical link between increased solar activity and major disruptive and revolutionary events for human societies”. (Source)

You need to know that the energies from the Sun enter our energetic field through the crown chakra located on the top of our head (consciousness) and that the nineteenth Tarot arcana happens to be the Sun. But there's more: number 19 is considered a karmic number relating to misuse of power and subjugation. In French, using bird language, you may hear covid as 'co-empty' for 'emptying consciousness' and use the term covided which has the word 'ovis' in it, which is the genus name for sheep. It's all a matter of perception, as you were. It's just my honest view of the situation as it is and should not be taken for more that what it is. Though others might certainly decide otherwise. As always when egotic ignorance tries to fill the void with noise and keeps going after their own reflection in the mirror, failing to realise the 'other' is actually themself.

Also, the word revolution refers to spirals and twirls as well as to the return of a planet or celestial body to its initial place. Incidentally, three planets of our solar system happen to be in their own sign right now for at least six more months (except for Neptune bound to reside in Pisces for five more years).

It's all correlated by astrological energies with Mars in Aries (the living force, sheep) to joust horns with the three villains in long-term residence in Capricorn (hierarchy), namely spoilsport Saturn (also ruler of the sign) and Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld whose power is amplified by good old Jupiter, the Roman Zeus. In short, it could fuel the fire as mentioned above and mean “an expansion of the forces of chaos and anarchy, or/and an expansion of the forces of purification and transformation” as Corina from Astro Magic explains.

Jupiter symbolizes our spiritual teacher in this world. Pluto represents the transcendent force of Shiva in the eternal dance of death and rebirth, the Law of entropy and fertile chaos. [...] As you move through the intense depths of Pluto remember to get a good discipline to expunge fear and selfishness from your energetic field, and purify the spiritual intention at the core of your Being” she further advises.

The numerological vibration of the day (1+4+7+2+0+2+0=16=1+6=7) only comforts the feeling of impending surprises with a 7 obtained from the reduction of a 16 which is represented by the Tarot arcana of the Tower and which Quebec numerologist Murielle Robert calls the 'releasing wake-up call'. We are requested to “dismiss the old structures which are no longer of any use to you. It is now time to get rid of the heavy coats of the past. Your pains, fears, wounds, and long-standing grudges need to find an outlet, get fresh air before the wind sweeps ashore on your emotions. Leave the past behind in order to move forward.”


  1. ^ There's an intentional pun here as in French, fireworks is 'feux d'artifice' which could literally translate to 'fires of delusion'.
  2. ^ Another pun as in French, to bet your life on something is literally to 'put your head on the block' in direct reference to the guillotine during the French Revolution.
  3. ^ In French, there's an expression to mean angry, that is literally to 'become bangers' (or 'firecrackers' for our American readers).
  4. ^ In French, the word for bishop in chess is the same as for 'fool'.
  5. ^ Again, in French, another word for joint is 'pétard' which is the same used for bangers (or firecrackers).
  6. ^ The slang for 'nobody cares' in French actually sounds like the word 'fool' (on s'en fout).

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Steering Power

The date today is 2020.07.07, sometimes referred to as a mirror date. In numerology, 7 is a very spiritual number associated with planet Neptune which is actually transiting (for still many years to come) its own zodiac sign of Pisces, encouraging us to dive into the depths of our subconscious. And like astrology, numerology is a very ancient esoteric art dating back to Antiquity and directly related to sacred geometry and the basic principles of quantum physics (although the way I put it might be fairly inaccurate). It's only natural (and comforting) that it should be complementary to other esoteric arts such as tarot.

In that respect, number 7 correlates with the Chariot arcanum which Canadian numerologist Murielle Robert calls the “Steering Power”:

THE STEERING POWER is the perfect principle of climbing the ladder every human will have to use in order to attain a level of self-mastery while remaining focused on their own direction. This requires to navigate through life's stresses and challenges to reach the highest highs, avoiding getting lost in performance and success at all cost. Every stage of life will thus become an increasingly evolutive experience in spite of all failures and pitfalls. Empowerment at all levels will become their own Source and essential resource. (Source)

Similarly, 2020 is a 4 year (2+0+2+0) in analogy with the Creative Power she describes as “the masculine principle of incarnation” and the use of the four natural forces to “assert and implement the projects set up by the feminine principle”. Also, July 2020 has an 11 vibration (7+4), a master number associated with the Creative Force, which is “the principle of the inner force applied with the strength of faith in one's own power. Gentleness and serenity allow for a better channelling of energy, enabling it to reach full power and mastery.”


As the Steering Power says: “You don't create the life that awaits you, you head towards it.

Now, let's suppose that you decide to carefully nurture your inner state of being into a fertile ground for the good seeds you plant in it. That everyday you're on the lookout to embrace the good thoughts and feelings which supports this open enlightened mindset. That, on a regular basis, you ensure to get rid of what hinders you, of what weighs you down and is irrelevant. That every day, you do the work requiring daily alleviating of your inner space to receive higher aspirations and awareness.

What does result from this inner undertaking?

A harmonious flow starts emerging within you, progressively gaining momentum, power and strength. That's the Steering Power. And this energy that you have fostered leads you straight to opportunities, people and chances to fulfil your higher purposes and ideals.

It's the flow that every human being fosters within which determines their direction and the next stage of their journey toward self-love.

But are they aware at all of the flow they're nurturing within?

When your life is absorbed in so many concerns, it doesn't leave much space for greater aspirations nor higher purposes. Those are even dismissed as dreams sometimes, as if they could never be manifested. We work in total inner disharmony, frustration and disconnection from our innermost wishes. We create this flow that always leads us further away from ourselves. And then we wonder “Why is it so hard?” “Why me?” “Why can't things go my way?

It's precisely because you're going against the flow within that you create this counterflow without in the same fashion. Likewise, you also create a force, a power that makes you feel like the odds are always against you. Whereas you are the only one who can go within and decide to shift direction. Especially during testing times.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: Kevin Carden Photography


Where Were You Hiding When the Storm Broke?

This song is perfect to illustrate the situation at this present moment on the timeline humanity is on. Not that things have changed much since 1984 when the song was written (and far back in time), but unless the toxic releases of hand sanitiser and the compulsory wearing of face masks have damaged your brain cells through hypoxia (lack of oxygen), we definitely have our backs against the wall now and have reached the much-feted crossroad mentioned in all biblical, economic, conspiracy, evolutionary prophecies (take your pick). In short, no need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that now is the time to take sides as they say. I'm aware it may sound rather simplistic, perhaps outrightly unrealistic, but the situation is actually very simple despite all the relentless efforts to make you perceive it as intractable and highly complicated (so that you leave it to self-proclaimed experts to decide what is best for you, giving up your free will and the responsibilities that go along with it). It all comes down to fear vs love. As both cannot live together, it is delusory to think you can remain neutral because that, too, is motivated by fear — fear of coming down off the fence.

So what the heck are this gang of spiky-haired weirdos dressed like American Civil War soldiers? Please, don't laugh, they used to be my favourite band aeons ago! As previously mentioned, I even had a dedicated fanzine, interviewed them on many occasions and attended lots of shows. So, you move on, you grow out of it, but some values remain because they pass the test of time. And now I have Ed O'Brien to share these good memories with. :D

“Going out in a blaze of glory”, remember that, Ed? You bet he does and it made him laugh. Because you see, I had long been making assumptions about what Thom Yorke had said about him being “a secret Alarm fan” and I longed to ask him the question. And the opportunity finally presented itself last April in a Q&A on Reddit: “They always take the piss out of me cause I went to see the Alarm in Oxford in May '85” Ed told me. “Such a great gig, seats got thrown... Mike Peters is a lovely man and a United fan”. Yes, just like Ed O'Brien, Mike Peters is really a lovely person indeed (and a Manchester United fan). He must now be delighted to know that one of his fans of yesteryear is part of the greatest rock'n'roll band in the world since the Beatles. I made sure he does by posting the information to his wife who approved and retweeted it. As Ed says (he who wouldn't listen to Led Zeppelin until he reached the age of 30 because of the dictates of musical correctness), “Fuck the taste police!”. A statement Nicola Sirkis (of popular French band Indochine who's been ridiculed for so long and now sells out stadiums and celebrates his 40 years of career) would definitely approve. Listen to what makes you feel good and follow the flow of life, not the trail of opinions.


Born into a war and peace,
Forced to choose between right and wrong,
Each man kills the things he loves
For better or for worse.
Face to face with a ragged truth,
Mixed up and torn in two,
Turned you back on the only thing
That could save you from yourself.

Where were you hiding when the storm broke
And the rain began to fall?
When the thunder and the lightning struck
And the rain and the four winds did howl?

After all time building up
Comes inevitable knocking down.
(One by one)
Come deceivers, liars, gamblers,
Pickpocket entourage.
(Two by two)
Selling out is a cardinal sin,
Sinning with a safety net.
They say all things come in threes,
(Three by three),
Here comes the third degree:

Where were you hiding when the storm broke
And the rain began to fall?
When the thunder and the lightning struck
And the rain and the four winds did howl?

All cards are marked,
All fates will collide.
The truth is the truth
Or the truth is surely a lie.
Get back in your shelter
If you can't come down off the fence.
And one more question:

Where were you hiding when the storm broke
And the rain began to fall?
When the thunder and the lightning struck
And the rain and the four winds did howl?

Original text by MIKE PETERS


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