The Year of the Rat

You better watch out,
You better beware,
They're coming from all sides of the country.
You better beware
Return of the rat.

"Return of The Rat", Nirvana (1992)

Today marks the beginning of a new 12-year cycle for the Chinese with the celebration of the Year of The Rat. Rats are very clever animals with a bad name based on long-standing ever persistent myths which are totally untrue.

For example, they have been blamed for the plague whereas this terrible disease was spread by fleas which can infest any animal including humans. Rats are neither unclean (they spend a lot of time grooming) nor aggressive (they'd rather run away) and are actually very useful for mankind.

In Cambodia, Afghanistan and other countries, their sense of smell is used for detecting landmines which won't be detonated by their light weight. They are also able to sense fires and shipwrecks and when you see them flee, it usually forebodes pending disasters. While in terms of sanitary concerns, rats are natural garbage collectors.

In Paris alone, it is estimated that the consumption of waste by rats is around 800 tons per day, or 292,000 per year. In comparison, this is more than two incinerators with an annual budget of 188 million euros. (Source)

Actually, the only rats that can be regarded as pests are those sitting in power. But as the saying goes, “two can play that game1, and we're trapped like rats unless they rat on their decisions.2


  1. In French, the pun literally translates to “to each good cat its good rat”.
  2. In the original text, I've used a different pun that says “take a rat” and means failing to get it right.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


What 2020 Has in Store for You (2)

Cancer: When the goats are away, the crab might eat.
Food won't help untie the knots.
Capricorn: You, lucky devil! All the planets will bend to
your goats. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Leo: Uranus will make you act as if you'd had nails for breakfast.
Aquarius : There's a risk of flooding. Uranus might be
the last straw that breaks the watering can.
Virgo: Your mind might get overwhelmed by Neptune's tides.
Weep it out, you'll see more clearly.
Pisces: All is well, easy pisce, the odds are in your favour.
Time for some high flying while Neptune guards your waters.

NOTE: These horoscopes aren't as wild as you would think. Therefore any self-fulfilling prediction would not be totally coincidental.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


What 2020 Has in Store for You (1)

Aries: Life is a bitch! The planet conspiracy in Capricorn may
drive you nuts. Try not to lose your head.
Libra: You too will be a target for the evil conspiracy in Capricorn.
Better not let the devil add vodka to your Bloody Marys. Sober up!
Taurus: Uranus won't let go of your horns as if you were
a racing car. Mind the speed cameras.
Scorpio: Uranus won't stop pestering you and bringing out
the worst in you. You, nasty creepy crawly!
Gemini: Neptune will encourage you to become a coach potato.
Try to keep your focus on one thing at a time.
Sagittarius: Neptune might make you feel out of step.
You would benefit from practising martial arts.

Since many of you seem to have enjoyed my previous “horoscopes” which some “genuine” astrologers decided to repost with my permission, here's a new batch for the crazy year ahead. In two parts to avoid pages taking forever to load. Please, note however that even though my predictions are somewhat (extremely!) far-fetched, all the planet transits are not something I have made up. So they may contain some elements of truth.

To be continued: more signs tomorrow...

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


How Will the Energy of 2020 Help You Attract Everything You Desire?

According to the disclaimed but obvious disinformation agent and pseudo-free online encyclopedia we all know, numerology is a pseudo-science and ”any belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. It is also the study of the numerical value of the letters in words, names, and ideas. It is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts”. It's a wonder why, from times immemorial the Elites make decisions and take actions based on planetary influences and the vibrations of numbers. Same goes with homeopathy. The worst part is that some people are so sure of their own ways about things that they would go as far as to have you locked up if they could for daring to have a different version of what life should be than the one ordained for you (and for them).

In short, I've always found that numerology aligns strongly with astrology, which in itself is a validation for me, all the more since in practice it turns out to be very accurate. The following article draws a parallel between numbers and planets and seemed perfect to introduce you to the matter even though it's only a superficial glance.

In addition to your personal year outlined in the article, you may also calculate your annual essence which will influence its effects in relation to the vibration of the universal year. For this, you need to add your personnal year number (day of birth + month of birth reduced to a single 1-9 digit) to the number of the universal year (4 in 2020). Using the same example as the article, someone with a personal year 3 in this universal year 4 will be under the influence of essence 7 (3+4) and may feel restricted in their creativity or turn it inward, being more inclined to withdraw rather than communicating. Below are the keywords for each annual essence.

Essence 1 (AP 6 + AU 4) = Beginning, progress, action.
Essence 2 (AP 7 + AU 4) = Partnership, cooperation, emotions.
Essence 3 (AP 8 + AU 4) = Expression, communication, creativity.
Essence 4 (AP 9 + AU 4) = Efforts, discipline, dedication.
Essence 5 (AP 1 + AU 4) = Change, transformation, travel.
Essence 6 (AP 2 + AU 4) = Responsibility, balance, intimacy.
Essence 7 (AP 3 + AU 4) = Reflection, slowdown, withdrawal.
Essence 8 (AP 4 + AU 4) = Career, business, finances, power.
Essence 9 (AP 5 + AU 4) = Achievement, conclusion, change, foreign counries.

I hope this will be of any use to you. You may also compare with similar past cycles every nine years back, that is in 2011, 2002, 1993, etc., still bearing in mind that numerological studies take in account many more parameters that make ever similar cycle very different.


2020 Numerology is a Universal year 4 (2 + 2 = 4). Symbolically, the number 4 is like a square or the walls of a house. This is why the collective focus for 2020 is on intricately building a secure foundation for the future. It will manifest as a heightened awareness of our actions and their results. You will be attracted to fine-tuning methods and the following details. Universal year 4 resonates with the energy of Uranus which is the planet of the future and is yellow over deep-green in the Color Mirrors system. Therefore there will be a focus on today as it will impact the future.

The influence of Uranus is change and disruption of the old order. It indicates that it is time to clear everything that no longer serves you.

It is time to let go of old beliefs, structures, people and places that are not in alignment with your truth. This is the planet of the future and is about clearing everything that will not fit into the golden age of Aquarius.

The Universal 4 year in Numerology encourages us to focus on our organization skills and approaches to work. It also gives you the strength you need to pursue your desires. It motivates you to rise to the challenges you face as well as to defeat the obstacles ahead of you.

Bottle number 20 in the Color Mirrors system is called Awakening and is magenta over copper. The awakening is the soul awakening to its true self and understanding the essential truth that there is no separation. These colors say that we never left home in the first place. As we realize that the Creator is in everything we begin to understand that where we are in this moment is where heaven is. We are the Creator in a physical form and the copper connected to the magenta is where we begin to understand that we are bodies as souls – of heaven and of earth. This vibration will obviously be amplified two-fold in 2020.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Brasil Effect

I don't know about you but I feel like we're sitting on the edge of a gigantic pressure canner about to blow... or implode anytime. Never mind, there's a big bang in the making, that's for sure. Whereas the energies of 2020 are supposed to promote pragmatism, accountability, solidarity and balance, given the current state of the human condition and the extent of the damage done to a great many of our disconnected peers, I have serious doubts about an alleged transition to a golden age. I assume it won't be for everyone. And I do not mean to sound elitist, arrogant or whatsoever, I'm just being realistic. It has nothing to do with your culture, your level of education, you social class, your age or you physical condition, but only with your commitment to do the necessary inner job that will impact the morphic field we're all steeped in. This is no abstract construction but a well-documented and proven scientific reality. Inevitably, it has been officially repressed and massively ridiculed because division and the delusion that all power resides on the outside are the building blocks of the current powers that be.

So no, love won't fall on us and turn us all into Beanie Babies as seen in the musical clip below, but the upcoming energies will certainly incite us to find it within ourselves and align our vibrations on its frequency (which is the highest on the vibratory scale). So, until we receive “new codes” from a possible incoming solar flash (see my previous post), I wanted to share with you the magic of this beautiful soulful, uplifting track which is all about reconnection and revelation. In French, magic sounds like soul operating. And you know what? It only takes two letters to turn music into magic (yes, that bloody 2 again, it's everywhere!). So here is the gem EOB granted us last month and which I have since been listening to in a loop every day, (eagerly) awaiting the release of his next single and forthcoming album (at long last) that should come out very shortly.


This bad dream has got me
Falling like... I'm falling like...
It's in me and it's in you.

As above and so below
Falling like... I'm falling like...
How much more of this to take
To see you smile and laugh again?
But you can't.

Feeling like I'm on my knees,
Darling, darling can't you see.
I think I know
That it's time to go.

But there's no way home,
The flame is gone.
It's over now
No one to blame, no.
And there's no fear now
But you know...

Eden days,
Golden nights
Spent with you :
I love you.

And I feel the love falling,
Feel the love again...

And I feel the love falling,
Feel the love again...

And I feel the love falling,
Feel the love again...

And I feel the love falling,
Feel the love again...

Ed O'Brien, 2019

About this song

EOB, as previously mentioned, is Ed O'Brien, the second last member of Radiohead to embark on a solo career besides his activities with the band — Colin Greenwood (who actually plays bass on this track) has not taken the leap yet.

“‘Brasil’ is a state of mind, not a place or time” says Ed. For him, it all started at the end of his tour with Radiohead in 2012 when he and his family moved out to Brasil.

“We had a truly profound experience living in that extraordinary country, made new connections with people and places, and happened to go to Carnaval in Rio in 2013. Truly the greatest show on Earth: an explosion of light, melody, rhythm and love. For me, one of those musical eureka moments. As our time out there came to an end, we headed home and I found myself intuitively heading for the Welsh Hills. With a copy of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, a couple of guitars, an amp, and some pedals (of course), I rented a cottage in the Cambrian Mountains and the songs that make up the album started to flow out.”

“At this time I also happened to come across Carl Sagan's beautiful words which accompany that iconic photo of the Earth, known as the Pale Blue Dot. Check them out if you don't know them. Truly words for our times.”

Unsurprisingly, this two-in-one song, which starts as a folk ballad before shifting into some sort of rhythmic trance induced by Colin Greenwood's ubiquitous bass over clear-ringing guitars and synths, is all about unconditional love. And the pictures of Andrew Donoho, who confesses Radiohead is the reason why he gravitated towards directing music videos, really add an extra dimension to this nearly 9-minute track — a rather unusual length for a single.

Lovecraft, Kubrick, and Junji Ito are amongst Ed O'Brien's favourite sci-fi authors, but unike his bandmate Thom Yorke, whose experimental album Anima depicts the quite murky atmosphere of his nightmares, he's always wanted to “to reinterpret their horrific premises into a more poetic and optimistic notion.”

“‘Brasil’ was one of those tracks just dripping with magic from the very beginning,” recalls Andrew Donoho. “Everything started clicking very quickly. Empathy, togetherness, wonder, spirituality, and exploration resonated from the song and the references, and I wanted to write a large scope, otherworldly concept weighted in humanity. Ed and I both shared a love of space and the abstract concepts surrounding time, so I started building a narrative around transcending the physical barriers of our bodies and the temporal barriers of linear experience.”

What if an alien or higher being were to come to earth to help us achieve a greater existence, and not to destroy us? What would it look like if everyone on earth shared thoughts, experiences, and actions?” asks Ed. “The theory that humans, as a species, actually represent one large, singular organism has always fascinated me, and I wanted to explore that concept visually through a variety of different character perspectives, mediums, and impressionistic visual effects. All these layers and ideas culminated into our narrative for ‘Brasil.’

Those of you who have been following me for a long time and probably start to know me well by now may certainly understand why I was so eager to share this with you at the start of this new year. Clearly, there will always be someone to call him an old 50-something high-flying hippie. Well, as John Lennon would sing:

I may be a dreamer
But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one.

"Imagine", John Lennon (1971)

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2020: An Earth Odyssey

Sing for absolution, I will be singing
And falling from your grace.
There's nowhere left to hide,
In no one to confide.
The truth burns deep inside
And will never die.

"Sing For Absolution", Muse (2003)

Every time we enter a new year, we're so confident that the one we just left behind was the worst and so we raise our expectations for the best to come only to find out, once that new year is over, that we had been wrong all along.

In accordance with the 2020 vibration (which also happens to be similar to my own life path's), I shall just mention a couple of so-called “esoteric” facts. Please, forgive me if it hurts your straightforward belief system. In this regard, I wish you all the best during the increasing challenges you may meet in the forthcoming months. But who knows, the last to come to awareness may not be the last to change, notwithstanding the big spiritual egos clouding our essence as they feel special for using their channeling skills whereas this ability lays dormant in everyone of us, not just in a specific group of “chosen ones” (too bad for their business).

So in numerology, 2020 reduces to 2+0+2+0=4 which is the number of earth, matter, practicality, pragmatism, logic, consistency, but also stubbornness and control. It is related to the Emperor in tarot tradition.

2020 is also the combination of two 2's (association, collaboration, diplomacy and duality) and two 0's (infinite possibilities, the mightiest number, the Source, all there is as when you add both positive and negative polarities of each number, it always makes zero). A mirror year amplifying the vibration of number 20 similar to the Judgement or Reconnection card. An angel coming down from Heaven blows a trumpet, symbolising spiritual awakening or Revelation.

Add some astrology to the whole mix and you get the 4 annual vibration reflected in the bundle of slow-moving planets in Earth signs (Capricorn and Taurus) including the South Node representing created karma, which will be transiting the galactic centre on the summer solstice.

There are also some talks about an upcoming dreaded solar flash our “controllers” are so concerned about, that would input news codes in our global consciousness (watch out for the 02.02.2020 portal). Incidentally, this fits rather well with what Murielle Roberts writes about Reishthe Divine Spark radiating from atop, ascending in humility, ‘bowing down your ego to hear your Heart’ and release your karmic memories so as to travel light in constant communication with your Higher Self”.

A blasting New Year (starting with eclipses, drums, trumpets, powder kegs and all the hoopla) I wish the least chaotic as possible if not meeting our expectations.

Let's stop wishing, let's create and let go!

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