Something Human

All you sensitive, perceptive people and those of you awakening from the kind of universal trance we've all been unknowlingly and unwillingly immersed into, may certainly agree that the current energies have changed. That something huge is happening right now on this planet. Something invisible our rational minds won't grasp, yet that we can all feel with great strength and intensity. According to some astrologers it's because of the many eclipses occurring this summer magnifying planetary influences, but it's not the only reason. Five planets including all the “generational” ones (planets which revolution around the zodiac wheel takes decades hence influencing generations of people born at the same time) are in retrograde motion, some kind of freeze frame, where all the energies come to a standstill for us to take the time to infuse and assimilate.

I'll spare you the details, however I felt it was important to mention since Muse's new single, just released a couple of days ago, is actually echoing this overall sensation. Especially the line where Matt Bellamy sings “I'm about to break through”. For this is how I feel too and not just I. Obviously, I'm not talking of those whose “circuits” have been blown beyond repair and can never hope to ever awaken and may certainly keep challenging us in times to come. The important thing is that our minority attains the adequate level to vibrationally defeat the effects of the oppressive minority (“Let's burn all the money, absolve all the lies, and wake up unscathed — the big picture's gone, replaced with visions of you”). We are exhorted to “face all our fears come out of the shade” and transcend the negative. Incidentally, that was the message I channelled while replying to some commenters on social media, that it is much quicker and less energy-consuming to transmute the negative (low vibrations) rather than attempting to eradicate it. The reason why violence, agitation and anger will do achieve nothing but fuelling and amplifying these energies as they operate on the same frequency range. Those who are too deadlocked and deeply identify with their ego can never grasp that and hope to ever get out. The ongoing war is not happening outside but within as Matt reminds us in the first verse of the song (“I know it's self imposed”).

This is a violent, kitsch and flamboyant video in pure Hollywood fashion (Muse's trademark), reeking up of cognitive dissonance as so often. I have long questioned Muse's integrity, however my current level of awareness, my research, readings, interactions, perceptions and other deep personal and extrasensory experiences have all enabled me to now intuitively grasp that, in this matrix of illusion, nothing is ever all black or white and that you may have to play it real smart to save your own skin. For whoever infiltrates the big league and operates from within need to resort to all sort of clever tricks (and conquer their own fears) in order to stay in the chess-game and keep undermining — or neutralise their influence on the masses. Obviously, as I said, the message won't get through everyone, but it's all about reaching a critical mass so as to rebalance the forces in play. For more information on that, please refer to my many posts on quantum physics.

Something Human

My circuits have blown,
I know it's self imposed,
And all I have shared —
And all I have loved
Is all I’ll ever own,
But something has changed:
I feel so alive.

My life just blew up,
I'd give it all up,
I’ll depressurise.
Aahh 10,000 miles left on the road...
Aahh 500 hours until I am home.
I need something human
Human, human, human, human...

Let's face all our fears come out of the shade,
Let's burn all the money,
Absolve all the lies,
And wake up unscathed —
The big picture's gone,
Replaced with visions of you.
Now life can begin,
I've cleansed all my sins,
I'm about to break through.
Aahh 5000 miles left on the road...
Aahh 200 hours until I am home.
I need something human
Human, human, human...

And I need the touch,
And something human, human, human...
Aahh Less than a mile left on the road...
Aahh I will be crawling through your door.
I need something human
Human, human, human...
And I need your love,
And something human, human, human...

Matt Bellamy, 2018

About this song

I feel like we’re moving into this age of virtual reality and also simulated reality,” says Bellamy, hinting that will be one of the themes of the forthcoming album, recorded in between shows during this extensive endless 18-month tour and due out in November. “The idea of fantasy becoming real, simulations becoming something that’s part of our everyday life. Whether it be in the realms of science, where they’re simulating black holes, the beginning on the Big Bang and all that stuff, or whether it be in entertainment. I feel like this age is coming where the simulation really becomes fundamental to how we interact with our everyday lives, but also with our understanding of the universe and science and so on. For that very reason we live in age where because you can be anything or anywhere you want in a simulation.

To mainstream media, he told that the odd side reason regarding the visual style of the video (and of their shows in general) is that “the age we’re in right now feels quite a bit like the early ‘80s, in terms of there’s some correlation in the political changes that are happening in the world, and there’s some sort of reaction where people are tuning out a bit to what’s going on because it’s too troubling and too complicated to understand. So some people are choosing to revert into nostalgia and fantasy and dream-like states to escape reality.

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