You Say You Want a Revolution

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know we all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know we all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out

"Revolution", The Beatles (1968)

When dealing with a disease, wouldn't it be better to start understanding the root cause rather than merely focusing on the symptoms? Same with a world operating on a victim/victimiser pattern — why chopping off the tormentor's head if we are to keep the same approach? Why should our drama and issues be sorted out by a Man of Providence or any saviour of sorts? When you understand that everything in this world or elsewhere is related, why questioning the victimiser and not the victim who actually consents to what is done to them without realising it? What if at the end of this morbid game was a mirror into which everyone eventually got to look at themselves to see who they really are? Now, who of he chopping the victim's head off or them watching is the deadliest?

All these questions to illustrate the new year to come where in the midst of this revolution of consciousness, the complicity of thousand-year-old trends of thought and mindsets that have been fueling this madness are actually backfiring before coming to a close end as people are consciously opting out of this vicious cyclic game of cat and mouse.

Original text by ANTOINE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Say “Cheese”!

When a wildlife photographer in England discovered a family of mice in his garden, instead of shooing them away, grabbing some mouse traps, or let the cat loose to help like most people would do, he chose to build them a house and a tiny playground. Accustomed to bird watching, he got attached to the little rodents and decided to make a photoshoot. For them to come to him, he enticed them with a luxury banquet made of nuts, berries, and other goodies George, Mildred and their baby Mini are fond of. And the cats down the road would better behave for Simon Dell is keeping a close watch.

Knowing there are cats just over the fence I thought I would give them a little more safety, so collected some logs and made them a log pile home. The mice are very trusting and know I mean them no harm. I love nature so am happy to live alongside such cute creatures.

So cute, isn't it? And what a nice change from your usual Christmas pups and kitties in stockings.

Say “Cheese” and have a Mice Little Christmas you guys!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: Simon Dell


How to Survive the Red Peril

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle in my head
What the stuff, turkeys and chimes
All on Christmas Eve

Christmas — probably the only holiday one can hardly ignore. You may either love it or hate it. You may be looking forward to it or dread it, but you can never remain indifferent.

There's a good reason to that. For beyond the pagan celebration of the sun's return or its religious hijacking (actually Christ would not be born in December) and the considerable windfall profits that come with it, Christmas is some kind of an inevitable phase acting as a magnifying filter of all human emotions. It carries a lot of joy, elation, expectation, but also a lot of sadness, disappointment, loneliness, and frustration. Christmas is mostly blinged out in every way. It jingles jangles all the way. Hypocrisy, stupidity, squareness, on Christmas you get tutti la Commedia dell'arte!

Christmas is a peril no one escapes and it leaves red marks everywhere: on the rim of glasses; on the cheeks of spoiled kids; on the eyes of the lonely and sad; and sometimes on the wrists of the most hopeless.

So what? Is that wrong to be the Grinch on Christmas Eve? Well, it's still a lesser evil than consenting to these disingenuous social rites and get gut-eaten by emotions we're not entitled to express nor feel. I'm usually the happy and upbeat one even though my life is really no bed of roses. But as an empath, being overwhelmed by ambient toxicity, Christmas tends to act as the straw that breaks the camel's back. So for those like me, here's a couple of tricks I found on the net that might help you survive this red peril.

The Three Commandments

Operation Sabotage

While rocking the tractor might not be the best idea, if someone attempts to pull you out by force, stand your ground and strike a blow back. You may not be thrilled about Christmas, but what about letting yourself wrap up in their views and see what happens? You never know what comes of this. At worst, they might withdraw into their cage and you'd end up with more space.

Lay out all your cards

Goodbye artless hypocrisy, the hell with good manners, let's play your Christmas cards! Though in France, we traditionally send our greetings for the New Year. Please note that even though black humour never killed anyone, be careful that laughing out loud does not pull your head off.

The Christmas Quiz for Dummies

As a last resort, pass them the buck of snow and finish them off with this low-level quiz (hover the red rectangles to display answers).

  1. What do snowmen usually wear on their heads?
    Answer: Ice caps.
  2. What is the difference between snowmen and snow-women? 
    Answer: Snowballs.
  3. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
    Answer: Snowflakes.
  4. What do you call an old snowman?
    Answer: Water.
  5. What falls at the North Pole but never gets hurt?
    Answer: Snow.
  6. Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing?
    Answer: They always drop their needles.
  7. What happened to the thief who stole a Christmas Advent Calendar?
    Answer: He got 25 days.
  8. What do Santa's little helpers learn at school?
    Answer: The elfaphet.
  9. Why did the elf push his bed into the fireplace?
    Answer: He wanted to sleep like a log.
  10. How do you know Santa is good at karate?
    Answer: He has a black belt.
  11. Why did Santa put a clock in his sleigh?
    Answer: He wanted to see time fly.
  12. Where does Santa stay when he is on holiday?
    Answer: At a Ho-ho-ho-tel.

So who's the weakest link, huh?

Happy jingle jangle everyone!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Pond Swan

Wild white swans,
You were hiding away from the wicked,
But, down below on Earth, as you heard
The crying of a princess at night,
Weeping her childhood memories away.

"Les Cygnes sauvages", Michel Fugain (1974)

Eager to see her offspring leave the nest, the Queen Mother organised a speed-dating session to celebrate her son's eighteenth birthday. Pissed off, but not old enough yet to take care of himself, under cover of the night, the prince fluffed his feathers off to the woods. There, a flock of whooper swans flew over him, dropping some dung on his head. Infuriated, he decided to follow them to the pond, determined to shoot one down for breakfast, and came face to beak with a hot chick wearing nothing but white feathers — nothing to do with your ordinary white goose.

The Lady of The Lake had a name: Odette (and no, it wasn't Prince Arthur but Siegfried). Odette was a princess hexed by one jealous satanic mother f***er with a name you don't play around with (Rot something... Rothschild? Rottweiler?) who had decided that if he could not get into her pants nobody would. So, during the day she would dance buck naked on the frozen pool of tears meanwhile in daytime, she would be digging the mud with her feathery companions.

The Prince obviously dug her mucho at first sight. And since love is the most powerful energy of the whole universe in the world, their love story immediately started scuppering the evil s***t, rousing the satanic mother f***er. Upon which the blood of the little lovebird ran cold (which was inevitable after dancing barefoot on ice all night long) then hot while attempting to ruffle the s***bag's feathers. But Odette interfered for the Rottweiler was not to die before the spell was broken or else she would be left low and wet in the pond until the endless end of times.

Then what? Guess what: ring her up to the altar. That simple! Except the satanic mother f***er had his daughter Odile passing up for a black swan Odette. Siegfried (who was either colour blind or most likely had had one too many) didn't smell the swan and married the goose. That's when the hot chick (swany) popped up and the greenhorn realised he had been suckered.

Too late! Odette would have to dig the mud forever until the endless end of times and if she had to eat worms, she'd rather get eaten by them. So into the water beyond she plunged before permanently losing her human form. Unable to face the prospect of being married to a goose and being in-law with a Rottweiler, Siegfried, too, threw himself head over heels into the frozen lake.

But since love is the most powerful energy of the whole universe in the world, the satanic mother f***er was all scr***d up and ultimately, the two lovers got reunited in fluffy heaven.

This is how, every time we get snow during the winter, it's actually the angels fighting over the favours of Her Majesty of the Lake (and not the effects of global warming as you are made to believe).

Happy Solstice everyone and beware of moonstrokes!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Watch French Police Officers Remove Their Helmets In Solidarity With the People

Don't know about you, but I have to say that, at this time, the Yellow Vests is one issue that angers me. Not in the way that you might think though. What actually irritates me greatly (an understatement to say it infuriates me) is hearing/reading the mainstream media and ESPECIALLY the too many ordinary citizens still locked inside their mind programming, looping over a manipulated idea, solidly embedded in rock as Excalibur was. The idea that the Yellow Vests are merely hooligans, that as a result of their actions the economic situation is going to get worse, they'll scare tourists off, they'll ruin the holiday season, and that all things considered, this movement must have been organised by the Far-right, even TerminaTrump to overthrow Rothchild's puppet MaKron Ultra. So much naivety, denial, (stupidity?), all of these and more amaze me. Do I need to elaborate? I think the article below should suffice  as it perfectly reflects my beliefs and more.

And now, the Yellow Vests are trending in Europe as pictured above.

Watch out for "thought contagion" as sing Muse!


Mass protests, I have come to realize, are very complicated phenomena. They can give rise to a wide swath of interpretations about their purpose and legitimacy. Their initial thrust seems to be fueled by a deep discontent, a reasonable grievance about unjustifiably oppressive activities or policies on the part of the authority.

The way in which protests are dealt with often is predicated on how well the authority can convince the general public that the protests are wrong. Now in totalitarian regimes, a brutal and deadly crackdown has historically been the solution (think Tiananmen Square). But in our so-called ‘democratic’ countries, it is not quite as simple. Absent of being able to label protesters as violent radicals who are not behaving in the interests of the nation, the authority may actually have to pay attention to the grievances of the protesters. That’s why a tried-and-true tactic of Western authority has long been to radicalize protests by instructing violent mercenaries to infiltrate the movement and steer demonstrations to run amok in order that the authority can put a violent smear across the entire campaign and legitimize a police crackdown.

But what happens if the police side with the protesters?


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Happy F***sgiving!

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but picks and pokes can make a joke1. It is Thanksgiving today in Trumpland — a celebration of harvest and gratitude. Over here, in France, it's a bit the opposite: we celebrate our ungratefulness for blossoming taxes while the government reaps what we sowed.

Last Friday, Nicola Sirkis of Indochine paid a special tribute to the President of The United States (POTUS) of whom he's a big fan during a live broadcast of their show at the Accor Hotels Arena in Paris, introducing "Trump le monde" (Trump the world), a song he wrote in his honour and which was unfortunately (or conveniently) replaced by commercials. However, Nico's fingers did manage to fall through the censors' net. So if you can use a VPN (or live in France), you may want to watch this “censored” part while still available online HERE.

Now you may wonder about the remainder — the two less glorious raised fingers pictured above: Thom Yorke's was directed at activists of the anti-Israelian BDS movement, while Noel Gallagher's was aimed at Thom Yorke... among others.

After Halloween, what about celebrating F***sgiving too? Then on the next day, we'd have Johnny's Friday2 for “Black is black, there's no turning back”. Alternatively, we can always have Beaujolais nouveau as a consolation. And the month of sundays to stay in bed after drinking ourselves to death.


  1. The original pun was inspired from a French saying that didn't really work in English. It literally says “Hand games villain games, finger games skun games”.
  2. Johnny Halliday who passed away last year and had national funerals was regarded as the French Elvis.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Quantum Physics for Dummies

Following an article on time travels I wrote last month in French for a community project called Eklabugs, I came across this long piece in Michael Crichton's Timeline novel — also adapted on screen, but haven't seen it — in which a scientist explains the basic principles of quantum physics to a bunch of students in a comprehensive but simple way. I thought it would be a good idea to share it here. For those who'd like to read more, the story takes place in Dordogne, south-western France, in a mediaeval excavation site where a group of American archaeologists is sent via a quantum computer back to the Middle Ages in the midst of the One Hundred Year's War to rescue a professor stuck there...


A hundred years ago," Gordon said, "physicists understood that energy — like light or magnetism or electricity — took the form of continuously flowing waves. We still refer to `radio waves' and `light waves.' In fact, the recognition that all forms of energy shared this wavelike nature was one of the great achievements of nineteenth-century physics.
"But there was a small problem," he said. It turned out that if you shined light on a metal plate, you got an electric current. The physicist Max Planck studied the relationship between the amount of light shining on the plate and the amount of electricity produced, and he concluded that energy wasn't a continuous wave. Instead, energy seemed to be composed of individual units, which he called quanta. "The discovery that energy came in quanta was the start of quantum physics," Gordon said.
"A few years later, Einstein showed that you could explain the photoelectric effect by assuming that light was composed of particles, which he called photons. These photons of light struck the metal plate and knocked off electrons, producing electricity. Mathematically, the equations worked. They fit the view that light consisted of particles. Okay so far?"
"And pretty soon, physicists began to realize that not only light, but all energy was composed of particles. In fact, all matter in the universe took the form of particles. Atoms were composed of heavy particles in the nucleus, light electrons buzzing around on the outside. So, according to the new thinking, everything is particles. Okay?"
"The particles are discrete units, or quanta. And the theory that describes how these particles behave is quantum theory. A major discovery of twentieth-century physics."
They were all nodding.
"Physicists continue to study these particles, and begin to realize they're very strange entities. You can't be sure where they are, you can't measure them exactly, and you can't predict what they will do. Sometimes they behave like particles, sometimes like waves. Sometimes two particles will interact with each other even though they're a million miles apart, with no connection between them. And so on. The theory is starting to seem extremely weird.
"Now, two things happen to quantum theory. The first is that it gets confirmed, over and over. It's the most proven theory in the history of science. Supermarket scanners, lasers and computer chips all rely on quantum mechanics. So there is absolutely no doubt that quantum theory is the correct mathematical description of the universe.
"But the problem is, it's only a mathematical description. It's just a set of equations. And physicists couldn't visualize the world that was implied by those equations - it was too weird, too contradictory. Einstein, for one, didn't like that. He felt it meant the theory was flawed. But the theory kept getting confirmed, and the situation got worse and worse. Eventually, even scientists who won the Nobel Prize for contributions to quantum theory had to admit they didn't understand it.
"So, this made a very odd situation. For most of the twentieth century, there's a theory of the universe that everyone uses, and everyone agrees is correct — but nobody can tell you what it is saying about the world."
"What does all this have to do with multiple universes?" Marek said.
"I'm getting there," Gordon said.
Many physicists tried to explain the equations, Gordon said. Each explanation failed for one reason or another. Then in 1957, a physicist named Hugh Everett proposed a daring new explanation. Everett claimed that our universe — the universe we see, the universe of rocks and trees and people and galaxies out in space - was just one of an infinite number of universes, existing side by side. Each of these universes was constantly splitting, so there was a universe where Hitler lost the war, and another where he won; a universe where Kennedy died, and another where he lived. And also a world where you brushed your teeth in the morning, and one where you didn't. And so forth, on and on and on. An infinity of worlds. Everett called this the "many worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics. His explanation was consistent with the quantum equations, but physicists found it very hard to accept. They didn't like the idea of all these worlds constantly splitting all the time. They found it unbelievable that reality could take this form.
"Most physicists still refuse to accept it," Gordon said. "Even though no one has ever shown it is wrong."
Everett himself had no patience with his colleagues' objections. He insisted the theory was true, whether you liked it or not. If you disbelieved his theory, you were just being stodgy and old-fashioned, exactly like the scientists who disbelieved the Copernican theory that placed the sun at the center of the solar system — and which had also seemed unbelievable at the time. "Because Everett claimed the many worlds concept was actually true. There really were multiple universes. And they were running right alongside our own. All these multiple universes were eventually referred to as a `multiverse.' "
"Wait a minute," Chris said. "Are you telling us this is true?"
"Yes," Gordon said. "It's true."
"How do you know?" Marek said.
"I'll show you," Gordon said. And he reached for a manila file that said "ITC/CTC Technology."
He took out a blank piece of paper, and began drawing. "Very simple experiment, it's been done for two hundred years. Set up two walls, one in front of the other. The first wall has a single vertical slit in it."
He showed them the drawing.

"Now you shine a light at the slit. On the wall behind, you'll see..."
"A white line," Marek said. "From the light coming through the slit."
"Correct. It would look something like this." Gordon pulled out a photo on a card.

Gordon continued to sketch. "Now, instead of one slit, you have a wall with two vertical slits in it. Shine a light on it, and on the wall behind, you see..."

"Two vertical lines," Marek said.
"No. You'll see a series of light and dark bars." He showed them:

And," Gordon continued, "if you shine your light through four slits, you get
half as many bars as before. Because every other bar goes black.">

Marek frowned. "More slits mean fewer bars? Why?"
"The usual explanation is what I've drawn - the light passing through the slits acts like two waves that overlap. In some places they add to each other, and in other places they cancel each other out. And that makes a pattern of alternating light and dark on the wall. We say the waves interfere with each other, and that this is an interference pattern."
Chris Hughes said, "So? What's wrong with all that?"
"What's wrong," Gordon said, "is that I just gave you a nineteenth-century explanation. It was perfectly acceptable when everybody believed that light was a wave. But since Einstein, we know that light consists of particles called photons. How do you explain a bunch of photons making this pattern?"
There was silence. They were shaking their heads.
David Stern spoke for the first time. "Particles aren't as simple as the way you have described them. Particles have some wavelike properties, depending on the situation. Particles can interfere with one another. In this case, the photons in the beam of light are interfering with one another to produce the same pattern."
"That does seem logical," Gordon said. "After all, a beam of light is zillions and zillions of little photons. It's not hard to imagine that they would interact with one another in some fashion, and produce the interference pattern."
They were all nodding. Yes, not hard to imagine.
"But is it really true?" Gordon said. "Is that what's going on? One way to find out is to eliminate any interaction among the photons. Let's just deal with one photon at a time. This has been done experimentally. You make a beam of light so weak that only one photon comes out at a time. And you can put very sensitive detectors behind the slits — so sensitive, they can register a single photon hitting them. Okay?"
They nodded, more slowly this time.
"Now, there can't be any interference from other photons, because we are dealing with a single photon only. So: the photons come through, one at a time. The detectors record where the photons land. And after a few hours, we get a result, something like this.

"What we see," Gordon said, "is that the individual photons land only in certain places, and never others. They behave exactly the same as they do in a regular beam of light. But they are coming in one at a time. There are no other photons to interfere with them. Yet something is interfering with them, because they are making the usual interference pattern. So: What is interfering with a single photon?"
"Mr. Stern?"
Stern shook his head. "If you calculate the probabilities-"
"Let's not escape into mathematics. Let's stay with reality. After all, this experiment has been performed - with real photons, striking real detectors. And something real interferes with them. The question is, What is it?"
"It has to be other photons," Stern said.
"Yes," Gordon said, "but where are they? We have detectors, and we don't detect any other photons. So where are the interfering photons?"
Stern sighed. "Okay," he said. He threw up his hands.
Chris said, "What do you mean, Okay? Okay what?"
Gordon nodded to Stern. "Tell them."
"What he is saying is that single-photon interference proves that reality is much greater than just what we see in our universe. The interference is happening, but we can't see any cause for it in our universe. Therefore, the interfering photons must be in other universes. And that proves that the other universes exist."
"Correct," Gordon said. "And they sometimes interact with our own universe."
"I'm sorry," Marek said. "Would you do that again? Why is some other universe interfering with our universe?"
"It's the nature of the multiverse," Gordon said. "Remember, within the multiverse, the universes are constantly splitting, which means that many other universes are very similar to ours. And it is the similar ones that interact. Each time we make a beam of light in our universe, beams of light are simultaneously made in many similar universes, and the photons from those other universes interfere with the photons in our universe and produce the pattern that we see."
"And you are telling us this is true?"
"Absolutely true. The experiment has been done many times."
Marek frowned. Kate stared at the table. Chris scratched his head.
Finally David Stern said, "Not all the universes are similar to ours?"
"Are they all simultaneous to ours?"
"Not all, no."
"Therefore some universes exist at an earlier time?"
"Yes. Actually, since they are infinite in number, the universes exist at all earlier times."

Original text by MICHAEL CRICHTON from Timeline
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Dark Side

Here is it at last: the long-expected new Muse album — another themed record entitled The Simulation Theory exposing the impeding threat of transhumanism and the matrix of delusion we all live in. In the same fashion as the above clip and its three predecessors plus the next "Pressure", released a couple of weeks after this one, and which taken together seem to form a story — the illustrated cover looks just like a 1980's scifi movie poster à la Back to The Future meets Tron. Naturally, it makes some sense that the music is more electro-orientated with lots of synths. T tracklist includes very telling titles such as "Algorithm", "Propaganda", "Break It To Me", "Get Up And Fight", "Blockades" (Blocus), and "The Void" which I haven't had the opportunity to listen to yet.

I for one loved this track at first listen. Partly because for some reason it reminds me of this brilliant cover the threesome did of Chvrches's "Lies", but mostly because lyricwise Matt Bellamy's words perfectly echo how I'm experiencing right now — that is how every human being is feeling more or less and not just Starseeds.

For as human consciousness is awakening thus raising the overall vibration of this planet (know as the ascension process), everything no longer aligned with this higher frequency is being disturbed, upset, and forcefully brought up in plain light in an ultimate desperate attempt to reverse the tide. This is exactly what we are witnessing right now at every level. These are hazardous times for every one — most especially for those who still cling to the illusion — to get (irreversibly) drawn to the “dark side of the force” as illustrated in the StarWars movies. It is now time to break the cycle of forced reincarnations which keeps every soul eternally trapped on this prison-planet (which might sound offending to your belief systems). And we will succeed for we have now reached a critical mass to restore the balance. The evidence is all around. Despite the all-out attempts to divide and hijack, things are changing fast. Never forget the importance of what you focus on is what you feed with your energy. So be aware of the dark side but stop feeding it with your fears and never lose track of the outcome you want to manifest. This is THE only way and the reason why every thing is done to keep in in a constant flow of scary and stressful situations.

This notwithstanding, Matt Bellamy impersonating Michael J. Fox aka Marty McFly is totally awesome! However, the most fun part for me is the fact that the futuristic urban setting looks so much like the original design of this blog.


I have lived with darkness —
For all my life, I've been pursued.
You'd be afraid
If you could feel my pain
And if you could see the things I am able to see.

Break me out...
Break me out...
Let me flee!

Break me out...
Break me out...
Set me free!

I hail from the dark side —
For all my life, I've been besieged.
You'd be scared
Living with my despair
And if you could feel the things I am able to feel.

Break me out...
Break me out...
Let me flee!

Break me out...
Break me out...
Set me free!

Break me out...
Break me out...
Let me flee!

Break me out...
Break me out...
Set me free!

Save me from the Dark Side...

Break me out...
Break me out...
Set me free!

Original text by MATT BELLAMY
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


David Wilcock on the Rules of the Illuminati

So this is it, the last and final installment of the series of excerpts from the extensive 85-minute video interview with David Wilcock conducted by Joe Martino on  Collective Evolution I have been transcribing for you.

This one is very short in comparison, but the content is no less of crucial significance to grasp the whole thing David has been talking about. You sure could find more details about all these ceremonies and rituals he's referring to abundantly documented in David Icke's books for instance. Or watch again, with a different perspective, the Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom movie amongst others. Now you'll understand why in 1984 or more recently Hunger Games, the masses are forced to watch TV. And why you should avoid watching mainstream news and get your information from independent alternative sources.

Hope these materials will have enlightened you or at least brought your awareness one step closer to realizing that you are actually way much more than what they would like us to believe we are.


One of the things that I learnt from whisteblowers from the Cabal itself is that they have to work within something that they call the rules — so this is very, very important, I really want to make sure that this gets into the film. The rules are a body of spiritual principles that they must to follow in order to be allowed to exist.

What do I mean by “allowed to exist”? I mean that they are aware of benevolent forces that will prevent them from achieving their goals unless we give them permission to enslave us.

Now, think about that: “What? I didn't give them permission!”

So why did they put this plan for three world wars on display in a book that's hung open behind glass in the British Museum Library of London? And those three world wars that they're outlining are exactly World War I, World War II, and the War On Terrorism. Because the rules state that they have to tell us what they're doing. Therefore, if we allow it to happen, we have consented to tyranny, we have consented to enslavement.

Now, if you get into the secret history of the Cabal, this was rediscovered by Queen Elizabeth — the original Elizabeth we've heard about from the 1500's. Queen Elizabeth's royal astrologer, a man named John Dee, who is the prototype of the wizard with a long beard, the hat, and what he did was to rediscover, through these ancient documents that were in the Vatican, the technology of how to access what they considered to be spiritual beings that were useful to them, but that we would consider to be demonic or evil beings.

© David Dees

These beings need to be accessed through a very complex set of rituals and ceremonies — you cannot just ask for them to show up. You have to follow very elaborate and specific protocols. If you follow those protocols, it's like having an IP address which is what we use to go online in order to go to a website. Any website has its own IP address. These spiritual beings such as Baal or Moloch, which they still do ceremonies for today such as in Bohemian Grove — there is a giant stone effigy of an owl, that's the god Moloch. The god Moloch was all the way back to Rome and Carthage in which they were offering child sacrifices to this god in exchange for power.

So John Dee rediscovered the technology of how to draw the magic circles, how to say the right incantations, how to actually do black magic on a governmental level. This is what people are going to have so much trouble with once disclosure happens that these people actually practice black magic and they are very, very good at it.

Original text by DAVID WILCOCK transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


The Safe Way to Successfully Deal With Time Change

As every year, public authorities remind us of security measures to ensure a relatively safe clock change. Simple rules we tend to forget sometimes. Here's a quick user-friendly reminder.

Eye protection: unlike previously (2005, 2008, and last year), the time change will take place at night. Therefore no eye protection is necessary. No need to bring out those polarised glasses from last year handed out by the government. However, for those on the far west of Brittany, since the time change over there will start earlier at 7pm (8pm Paris time), it is recommended to wear sunglasses. Everywhere else in France, there should be no cause for alarm. Overseas departments and territories will not be affected by the time change.

Please, remember that the time change line is merely symbolic. Crossing it is both odourless and painless. However, should you experience any discomfort or particular impediment (less than 1% of the population encounter this issue), you are encouraged to seek advice from your doctor.

Here's a simple trick to cope with the time shift: spread the winter/summer time change over a week or more. Thus, by shaving a few minutes off every day, you should be on winter time within a couple of days with minimal after-effects. Important: don't forget to synchronise your calendars with the “Easy Winter Time” App for iPhone and Android for a smooth presattable gradual winter time change.

Some doctors advise to stay up all night to avoid having to adjust to the loss of one hour. Among other things, massive consumption of energy drinks or coffee, vitamins, and orange juice should help you to stay awake and observe the imaginary time change line across French skies.

Animals aren't affected by the time change. According to scientists, most stories of animals congregating to high places a few minutes prior to time changes are unfounded.

Check your food and petrol supplies. Even though the time change should not create any unrest, make sure you're well stocked with sugar and raw materials. Battery, petrol, and ammunition supplies are also recommended. Check your water and gas entry/exit points.

What about you? Do you have any tips to share for a safe clock change?

Original text by LE GORAFI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


How to Apply Twilight Effects on Daylight Photos

It's been almost a year since I last posted some photo edit tutorial. It was about time. Since we're switching to winter time this weekend, I suggest to make an easy drastic makeover and transform a quiet dayscape into a dramatic twilight scenery. For this purpose, I have used The GIMP (Linux version), but any decent photo editing software should do the trick.

© Virevolte


  • dayscape with overexposed/flat sky, easy to detour
    highly contrasted twilight sky (or scenery from which you can use the sky)
  • G'MIC filters (si you're using GIMP for Linux/Windows)


1. Duplicate your original picture and add an alpha channel for transparency.

2. Using the magic wand, select the sky then click on Suppress. Depending on the type of picture you're using, you may need to use the freehand tool instead or the eraser.

3. Copy the sky you want to replace the one you've just erased with and paste it as a new layer, moving it under the existing layer. Adjust size and position to cover the missing area. In my example above (for which I've used a stunning picture taken by Virevolte), I had cheat and use the cloning and smudge brushes as I did not want to strech — and distort — the layer to make it fit. I also applied an horizontal mirror effect to match existing light sources.

4. The last step is probably the longest since you may have to try a lot of different settings until you get what you want which will mostly depend on the picture you're using. In short, you need to apply a series of adjustments and effects to your original layer so as to match the background sky's hue, contrast and light. I have used the Basic Adjustments filter (G'MIC) to change the hue and reduce the gamma value (-9) in order to darken colours. I have also edited the background sky to boost shadows with the Light Glow filter (G'MIC) just reducing opacity.

In my second example above (a picture I took in Holland in the early 1990's), I have reduced gamma and saturation of the landscape to darken it and increase constrast in the same proportions. I have then adjusted colour balance, desaturated a selected colour, and since it wasn't twilightish enough, I have tweaked the output level and reduced gamma some more. Last but not the least, I got the dramatic effect I wanted using Paint Shop Pro 8 (works fine on Wine) to apply the Low Key filter (Color Efex Pro 3).

That's all folks! Hope my current inspiration will inspire you in turn. And if you ever published your work online, please, feel free to post the links in the comments section below, I'd love to see them.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Song For A Dream

Released last month on 13th September, that is one year after their 13 album which it is part of, this fourth single by Indochine is amongst my top favourites and the one which certainly finds the best echo in me. Incidentally, the band had honoured with a retweet as a treat for my birthday last year, which had really moved me (thank you guys!). The accompanying road-trip styled promo clip all filmed in Chile is both very emotional and upsetting on account of the harsh reality depicted in it -- in great Indo fashion since "College Boy". Like "Un singe en hiver" (A Monkey In Mid-Winter), the lyrics of this song are purely autobiographical. Nicola Sirkis is completely open about his troubled relationship with his father (which had been exposed by the media in the early 2000's, right after the tragic passing of his twin brother Stéphane who had been suffering from a lethal disease), about how he still misses his brother and how he lost his faith in God as previously mentioned in a recent radio interview, with the recurring theme of crucifixion, hallmarked by the wobbly cross of their new logo, also present. At the same time, as a founding member and sole remainder of the original line-up, Nico (as fondly called by his fans) had to carry a heavy burden in order to keep his dream alive through thick and thin and make it come true again. Whether you like the music or not, it commands both admiration and respect (except if you're an ass and it only inspires you contempt and jealousy, which unfortunately is still quite common in France). Nico has unshakeable faith in his dream and is a living example of the amazing power residing in all of us. Thank you.


I wish I were alive
And no longer afraid.
I wish I could love my father,
I wish I knew how to do that.
I wish I could understand him,
I wish he could wait.
I wish I were important,
I wish I were a desire.
I wish I were impossible,
I wish you could be cured,
I wish I could see you grow up
And ease your pain.

Down with the crosses,
My dream will come true!
Down with the devils,
There are no gods!

You may challenge my dreams
Or destroy my soul,
We will be an amazing dream.
It's just my my life,
It's just my soul
We will be an perfect dream —
An amazing life.
I'd like to have a perfect dream.

I wish I were a warrior,
A fearsome one.
I wish you could be back,
I wish I could feel good,
Receive refugees,
Go back in time.
I wish I could stop ageing
And never have bought into it —
I wish I could try.

Down with the crosses,
My dream will come true!
Down with the devil,
There are no gods!

You may challenge dreams
Or destroy souls,
We will be an amazing dream.
It's just my my life,
It's just my soul
We will be an perfect dream —
You will be a perfect dream.

I was told
All my fears would go away,
And every night
I would dream of an amazing life.

And every night,
I wish I could have a perfect dream
And forget
That tomorrow our realities...

I wish I were alive
And a better person.
I wish I could love my father,
I wish I knew how to do that.
I wish I could watch you grow up
I wish I could see you stop suffering
I wish I could go back in time
When nothing really mattered.

Original text by NICOLA SIRKIS translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Scientific Proof That Negative Beliefs Harm Your Health

If you've been following me on Twitter (or on the main blog in French), you'll know that the power of the mind over the body is actually what I'm experiencing right now. For those who don't or can't read French, ealier last month, I ended up in hospital after a nasty fall in the woods where I broke my hip (greater trochanter/thigh-bone) and had surgery altogether with a great cocktail of unhealthy chemicals including some opioids to relieve pain. I may be a “spiritual warrior” (sic), I'm no less human and when you're in agony you take the antimony whatever it takes. Besides, not much of an option when you're out of it.

At least temporarily. That is because when in pain, the mind is more vulnerable to external thoughts and when medics advise you to take your painkillers “even if you're feeling fine now because then you won't be able to get up and your physiotherapy will take much longer”, you tend to buy into it and take their junk in. Except tranquillisers and the like don't agree with me at all and mess up my brain big time to the point where I feel so disconnected, altogether it was rather preferable for me to cope with the physical pain instead. I'm afraid it might sound weird to those who've never really experienced as yet how it feels to be connected to your soul, but those who do will have an idea of how excruciating it can be. A little reminder that came as a great helper to get myself out of the mental fog I was temporarily in and which made me realise that even though I needed skilful engineers to fix my broken body, as for the healing process I knew better what was best for my body.

So I decided to ignore the nurse's ditty (a lovely empathic woman though) while she left the colourful little pills on the bedside in case of, while mentally arguing that not only would I flush them all into the toilet, but my pain would disappear in no time and I would impress the hell out of them with my speedy recovery. And I did because I truly believed in it and I wanted it so much (same way as I was in agony after I'd been told precisely how bad and how long my suffering would last). You should have seen me racing around the hallways with my walker not even three days after surgery! I would have plenty of stories like this one to tell you about the placebo (Latin for « I will please »)/nocebo (“I will harm”) effects, and I'm sure you'd have to.

To conclude this lengthy preamble, I'd say that the safest form of prevention is to learn mental alchemy, that is how to develop mindfulness so as to be able to transmute parasitic negative thinking before it can migrate to the shady areas of your psyche and poison your mind first then your body.


The medical establishment has been proving that the mind can heal the body for over 50 years. We call it “the placebo effect,” and we know that when patients in clinical trials get nothing but sugar pills, saline injections, or fake surgeries, but believe they might be getting the new wonder drug or miracle surgery, their bodies get better 18-80% of the time.

While many are aware of the seemingly mysterious placebo effect, fewer people know about its evil twin, “the nocebo effect.” When I was researching my book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself, I became convinced, without a shadow of a doubt, that a combination of positive belief and the nurturing care of the right healer can activate the body’s natural self-repair mechanisms and help the body heal itself.

But was the opposite also true? Do negative beliefs about our health or harsh care from insensitive doctors harm the body?

Turns out they can.


Original text by translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


David Wilcock on the Cabal

As promised, here is my transcript from the next twenty minutes or so of an extensive 85-minute video interview with David Wilcock conducted by Joe Martino on Collective Evolution.

A note to the occasional visitor who might have found this article via Google: please, do not misread it. You have to understand that, even though it's clearly stated, what follows is but a presentation of the belief system and rational of the Cabal and NOT a reflection of what David Wilcock or even myselt think. I know this might sound redundant, but I'd rather not underestimate the power of religious indoctrination nor the potential stupidy and arrogance in some people.

The next and final excerpt will be about how we tacitly agree to how they treat us. Stay tuned...


What do I mean when I'm talking about the Cabal? One of the names that people are familiar with will be the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the New World Order, the Illuminati...

What are we really talking about here? Ultimately, we are talking about organized crime. We are talking about crime syndicates that work on a crow's-eyed governmental level because they do not take any of their high-ranking top people and actually run them for office. The people who run for office are never more than middle level within these corporations. We have multiple insiders, whistleblowers, some of whom I've spoken to directly, who have witnessed American presidents acting like simpering little wimps in front of this high ranking Cabal members because they are terrified of them.

This Cabal has at its core, believe it or not, the Luciferian belief system. You say to yourself “Who in the world could possibly want to construct a religion around Lucifer?” Well, it's very clever, it works like this: you have ancient mystery school teachings and the ancient mystery school teachings date back to the legendary civilization of Atlantis which is real.

Holders of An Advanced Technology

We now know for example these ruins in Turkey, Göbekli Tepe, are at least 13,000 years old because we've carbon-dated the dirt that these stone circles were dug out of. We know they've been buried for 13,000 years. We can no longer deny that in fact there are ancient stone monuments that predate any civilizations that we normally know of here on Earth.

And the problem is that whoever built these pyramids had the whole civilization, the technology to build it right out of the box. We don't see a gradual progression where we're looking for shards of pottery and we're trying to find how we can retrace the footsteps of a civilization that takes the necessary thousand of years to build up to the point where it could do highly technological act.

No one has been able to build pyramid-like structures with those large blocks of stone with today's technology. The largest cranes in the world can't lift them. The Japanese tried to do it with one-feet scale and they completely failed. They could not build the Great Pyramid replica at only one feet the size! So somebody had advanced technology.

The Fallen Angels From The Bible

The implication is that this technology was not local to Earth, but this was a refugee group or multiple refugee groups who actually came to Earth, perhaps on the run from a cosmic battle of some kind. And in fact, this is the occult secret story of Lucifer — Lucifer, the Fallen Angel. And in fact, there is a secret book that was withheld from the Bible called the Book of Enoch. And in the Book of Enoch what you hear about is a race of cannibalistic giants who crash-landed on Earth and are called the Fallen Angels. And they are, in fact, eating people here on Earth, but they're twice our size.

They were ordered not to reproduce with the women of Earth, but they did anyway. And then what's happening is, women give birth to this new race that they call Nephilims and this is mirrored in the Book of Genesis, but the Book of Enoch has a lot more in there. And we now know that this is a genuine authenticated ancient text, because independent copies that say the same things and have been back-dated have been found in Ethiopia and other places such as ??? going way back to the 1700's.

So this book explains that a group of people came here from somewhere else with advanced technology and that they did in fact set up control systems here on Earth. The Book of Enoch is a predecessor to Genesis which also has Noah's Ark and the Flood — in fact, Enoch is Noah's great grandfather. So what appears to have happened is that this great flood was authorized.

The Civilization Of Atlantis

The Atlantean flood wiped out the civilization of Atlantis because Atlantis was a colony. It was not native people that had originated here on Earth, it was a vast civilization that had transplanted itself here. And when they came here, they brought with themselves all of their books — all of their ancient texts that go back 500,000 years. The full records of their civilization are that. Those texts were stored in the library of Alexandria in Egypt because some of these people survived the flood. And then, the Romans sacked and burnt the library of Alexandria, but before they burnt it, they took out all of the good stuff and they relocated it to the Vatican library.

So I have insiders who actually sat down with me and described to me going in the Vatican library and reading books that were made by extraterrestrial civilizations before they ever came here. These books include highly technical diagrams of interstellar spacecrafts and gigantic mother-ships. And these books are very, very ancient. Some of them have ??? types of pages, very glossy; some are actually all graphic, you open them up and this image just comes up and it can show you, interact with your consciousness, it tells you what you want to hear. Anything you want to know, it'll just it show it to you.

So you have to understand now that the repository of these documents is in the Vatican. Therefore, there are people who are in a need-to-know basis who actually have access to that knowledge. They understand that they are the descendants of an extraterrestrial race that came here, that had elongated skulls. And when you look at the images of the Egyptian pharaohs like Akhenaten, like Nefertiti, like her daughter Meritaten, what you see is this highly elongated skull.

We have scientists like Brian Foerster who are in Peru and they are actually finding new examples of these skulls with elongated craniums and whereas the normal human skull has two features, these only have one. They have all kinds of abnormal sutures including (we have these nerve flexes that come out of our jaws here whereas they have it at the back of their head). These do not appear to be anything having to do with head binding. So the point is elongated skulls show up all over the world. They have been found in Bosco in South Africa, they have been found in Siberia. There are graves of royalty in France that have been dug up and in which they have elongated skulls. Elongated skulls have been found in North America and in South America. They are literally worldwide.

Descendants of An Extraterrestrial Race

And so, what we're really dealing with and I write about it in my new book The Ascension Mysteries — the whole second half of the book (250 pages) is a comprehensive dietgram of the 500,000 year history of these people, where they started, how they got here, how they turned into the Cabal. So it literally does appear, as strange as this must sound, that there are people with extraterrestrial physiology, elongated skulls — some of them have lost the elongated skulls, others still have them, and if they have them, they wear these miter hats that you see in the Vatican. They never take those hats off, so you couldn't tell if anyone has got an elongated skull under their hat.

It does sound really bizarre, but just imagine now that you tell a group of people secretly that they are the descendants of an extraterrestrial race that were the gods, that have many tens of IQ-point higher intelligence than everyone else on Earth, that spread themselves out across the world, that became the prevailing ruling caste everywhere. They had advanced technology when they first got here that allowed them to circumnavigate the world, to build pyramids, to build elaborated structures — not all the pyramids are built by negatives, but there are some that were — and they effectively created dominion over the Earth.

They have been defeated by what we call the Elohim, the positive extraterrestrials that you hear about in the Bible and other religious texts again and again. The Elohim have caused mass catastrophes to happen — Sodom and Gomorrah being another example, fire and brimstones coming out of the sky.

The Advent of Christianity

These things are not mythological. We know that the Earth has periodical catastrophes. Some of these catastrophes have apparently been authorized in order to dramatically reduce the ability of these people to control our planet. But there is a remnant that is still here, they are very advanced and they have an internal cohesiveness that tells them they are the Chosen, they are the Elect, they are the given special people.

So what happens you have a religious group that is taking iconography from various cultures including the Egyptian trinity of Isis, Osiris and Horus, taking Celtic mythology, taking Asian mythology, taking Hindu mythology, putting all this together trying to distill the best out of it. And then along comes Christianity and this teacher, Jesus comes along and says that this has to stop. He's overturning the tables for the money-changers, he's essentially rewriting the covenants.

Then in the aftermath of that event, you have an organized society that rises up in which all of these ancient mystery schools are said to be evil. These ancient mystery schools believe they're the Chosen Ones. And so when they saw the institutions of Church suppressing science, suppressing sexual freedom, suppressing independent thought asking you to conform or die, creating these very intense inquisitions in which people are tortured and forced into confession, they believed that the Church itself and therefore Jesus was actually evil and that they were good.

The Chosen Ones of Lucifer, The God of Light

So what they did is they went in the Bible and they said “Then who's the good guy?” It must be Lucifer the god of light, the god of wisdom and truth. Why was Lucifer thrown out of Heaven? Because he rebelled, because he saw that it was a setup, that it was all rigged, and that was evil.

And they believe — you've got to understand that whether you believe this or not is irrelevant, this is their religion, this is what they actually believe. I've talked to many people who's given me different pieces of information about this from first-hand insider sources or they themselves are first-hand insiders — these people honestly believe that they are the descendants of gods, that they are the Chosen, that they are God's special people, that we are delusional and that the True Creator is this wisdom principle that they think of as Lucifer, that wisdom principle that gave us mystery school teachings, and that the enemy which they call Adamite — the adversary, that we would call the Christian God — came to try to defeat them.

Then they even take it a step further and they look at texts like the Bible and they say that where it says in the end times that God will take the money from the wicked and restore it to the just, that we as a planet are the wicked and they are the just. So this how they justify their financial corruption. They don't believe that we deserve the money. In fact, they believe that if they did not dominate us and that if they did not control us and play all these games, that we left to our own devices would destroy our planet.

The Depopulation Agenda

So in some twisted rational, they believe they are saving the Earth, they believe humans are bad for the environment, we cause pollution so they have to reduce population.

Then they seed that into movies like The Matrix where Agent Smith says that humans are like a virus on the planet. This is one of a variety of ways in which they will usually embed their teachings into the villains.

Look at the Batman Begins, the latest new series of Batman films that came out in the past. In the first Batman reboot movie, again with Christian Bale playing Batman, it's the villain who actually articulate the Cabal's perspective. It's the villain who advocates population reduction, who describes why these things are necessary. Then look at the second one where you have Heath Ledger playing The Joker. Everything about what The Joker says in the second Batman film is totally what they believe.

They actually believe that creating these fake terrorist attacks that kill large numbers of people is a sad but necessary evil that they have to do in order to secure control of us to prevent us from destroying the whole planet. You have high level people who believe this adamantly and are financing things like vaccines that actually have co-factors and certain things in them that overtime can be combined with other co-factors to try to create population reduction.

The Purpose Behind Freemasonry

So this is a very serious problem, but it is not just the Internet community that is hipped to this — that's another thing I really want to point out here. There has been a very powerful high level counter-insurgency within the highest levels of government on Earth. It has been going on since the 1700's, it started in Russia. This is really where the Alliance against this Cabal got started. And that Alliance has been working on plans that must take many, many years to complete.

The people in this Cabal have used secret societies like the Freemasons in which they guard their secrets through complex rituals in which the person who is an aspirant to that order has to learn how to keep a secret, has to learn secret handshakes, secret pass-phrases, secret codes... And what that does is that it creates a body of people from which you can do recruitment. Because when you recruit from these people, they have now taken a blood oath that if they ever betrayed the secrets of the order they would be killed.

And when you go up to the 7th degree in Freemasonry (it's just called the Royal Arch Masonry), you swear that you will do anything within your power to free a fellow Mason from harm's way even if he's committed acts of murder or treason against his own government. There was a book called Light on Freemasonry, it was published in the late 1800's when all this stuff came out, it was actually mid-1800's and that book listed all of what people hear in Masonry all the way up to 33rd degree. When you get up to 30th and 31st degrees, they said that the goal of the organization is to crush the heads of the serpents of religion.

Mass Entrancement

Now, granted, organized religion has caused a lot of problems, but what they really mean is not that all religions should be excluded. It's that they want only their religion to exist on Earth and if you don't follow their religion then you will be killed.

So what they've been doing is they've been giving us their religion. They showed it to us in — for example the most recent Olympics opening and closing ceremonies were loaded with Cabal symbolism. They do it at Grammys, they do it at the Super Bowl halftime show. They go out there in music videos, in movies, in video games, in television shows, and they're showing us Luciferian symbolism.

The reason why they're doing this is that they want us to become entranced by the idea of this religion, to have it be cool, to have it be trendy. So one of the things they do is this symbol which is 666, each finger is one of the stems of the six. So you'll see people do stops like this. You'll also see them put their finger over their eye like this — it's the All-Seeing Eye or they'll do this a lot, you'll have this kind of symbolism. So they're out there putting out these sigils and signs and codes and symbols and they do it through things like pop music so people start watching whatever's popular and they're seeing flames and they're seeing people dancing around Baphomet horns and they're seeing all this really strange stuff.

Their goal again is to acquaint us with their religion so that if they get their goal realized — which is to create a massive world economic collapse, greatly reduce population, and then come out as our liberators, giving us this technology, giving us what they consider to be freedom. We would actually be trading our sovereignty for a much greater level of tyranny.

The Counter-Efforts of The Alliance

Thankfully, people such as the Russians as I said since the 1700's have been aware that this plan was in place and have been actually working to stop it. That effort is now so organized and so vast that there is no chance that the Cabal has to pull through this. Their cannot realize their goals. They are being defeated and I have meticulously traced on my shows and teachings on Gaia [his YouTube channel] so many examples of how they're doing this. I have written many, many articles. Insiders from the Alliance talking about what's going on, revealing this knowledge to us.

So there is going to be some sort of a major event, a mass arrest and once that happens, they have 26 DVD's worth of information of shows that will be airing on all the cable channels. They will be featuring, in many cases, surprisingly high ranking public figures that we all know who have done this covertly. Some of them will be military/political leaders and they will be on these films, telling us all this kind of stuff that I'm telling you right now. And it's going to be a massive awakening, but it appears that this will be very positive because we will be coming into a reality in which the arrests have taken place.

Original text by DAVID WILCOCK transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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