Your Horoscope for 2017 (2)

Libra: The world's too heavy on your shoulders.
If you're worried about losing your balance, ask for help.
Scorpio: Your self-destructive tendencies will eventually catch you up.
Don't be such a masochist.
Sagittarius: A freedom-lover, you will not stand anyone trying to rein
you in. Don't get on your high horse.
Capricorn: You never let anyone stand in your way.
Still, try not to set your sights too high.
Aquarius: While focusing on the big picture, you may turn your back
on some details. Take care not to damp anyone's spirits.
Pisces: You do feel lonely at times, like you're going round in circles.
Emerge from your bubble.

NOTE: These horoscopes are pure fantasy. Therefore any self-fulfilling prediction would be totally coincidental.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Your Horoscope for 2017 (1)

Aries: Your basic attitudes can be freaky sometimes.
Watch out for headlocks.
Taurus: Your rock-solid stability is what makes you a good
friend to lean on. Carpe diem.
Gemini: Frozen by existential angst, you are in danger
of taking root. Stop vegging out.
Cancer: Too set in your armour, you can't see the soft spot
someone has for you. Don't shield yourself.
Leo: You really seem to have a bone to pick with everybody.
Don't be so foul-mouthed.
Virgo: Stuck in your rigid mindset, you're on the verge of
bradycardia. Don't be so stone-faced.

To be continued: more signs tomorrow...

NOTE: These horoscopes are pure fantasy. Therefore any self-fulfilling prediction would be totally coincidental.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Christmas Is for Sharing

The above video is actually a 2015 advert for Sainsbury's superstores in partnership with HarperCollins Children's Books, all profits donated to a charity improving child literacy in the UK. This lovely Christmas story, based on world renowned author and illustrator Judith Kerr's much loved character Mog, promotes certain values that could definitely change the world if only they were applied for real all year long. At a time when we're bound for the ultimate nightmare, where Big Brother is not longer a threat but a reality close at hand — in particular with the sudden rise in laws and actions to criminalise solidarity and mutual assistance towards the poorest (I am not making this up, it's well documented), I thought it's important to keep that in mind even though most would probably like nothing better than to evade the issue into temporary delusion or permanent escape.

Watch out for the hangover, but have a Merry Christmas anyway!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


We Are the Light

Light up your light tonight,
I wanna see you shine.
Fight despair,
Don't let it get you down,
Don't let it tie you down.

There's a man with a wife and three children
Who's been told he can't work.
There's a boy who's been told there's no future —
He's been fed by the blind.

And I can hear them crying
As they try to sleep through the night.
I can hear them cry...
I can hear them cry...

We are the light,
We are the light,
We are the light of our lives.

Hold on
To what you believe is right,
Don't let anyone turn your eyes.
Look ahead,
Don't stop to look behind,
The past ain't no friend of mine.

There's a failure who is standing on the corner
For he cannot see hope.
There's a blind man who is standing at the crossroads
For he cannot see light.

And as we fire the candles,
We must make sure they burn through the night
For if they should die
There's be no light.

We are the light,
We are the light,
We are the light of our lives.

We are the light,
We are the light,
We are the light of our lives.

Shine your light,
Shine your light,
Shine your light,
Shine !

Shine your light,
Shine your light,
Shine your light,
Shine !

We are the light.
Shine on, shine on, shine...
We are the light.

Original text by MIKE PETERS


A Fitter Healthier Mousse

The other day I improvised a last-minute healthy dessert which turned out so yummy I thought you might want to try it out yourselves.


Makes 3 cups :

- 1 avocado
- 2 bananas
- 100 ml coconut milk
- 1 teaspoon raw unsweetened cocoa
- 1 pinch ground cinnamon
- 15 drops orange essential oil
- 1 teaspoon honey (optional)


Peel the fruit and place in a blender with the other ingredients and mix everything together until you obtain a smooth and creamy mixture. Transfer to individual cups. Cover and chill for a couple of hours.

NOTE: For those who who do not like the taste of coconut, let me tell you it absolutely doesn't taste like coconut at all (probably due to the strong flavour of orange and cocoa). Please, bear in mind, coconut milk is the emulsifying agent of the recipe that turns it into a mousse. Also, make sure you'll be using ripe fruit, especially avocados otherwise you might get a bitter taste. Personally, I do not add honey but feel free to experiment to suit your taste.

Enjoy !

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Season Recycling

They're all for recycling!1 Essentially when it's good for business. Weeks before Christmas, they overload you with their ads, special offers, and cheap-o-sucker deals to trick you into purchasing stuff you neither want nor can afford to give out as presents, but well... it ain't Christmas everyday, huh? And then you don't want your kids, your family, or your friends to call you a nasty Grinch, do you?

Right after Christmas, in his New Year's Eve (pre-recorded) broadcast on all national TV channels, the current operating puppet of the shadow government will give you their weather forecast for the year to come: taxes and cuts galore in a effort to root out waste and overconsumption in the most worthy purpose of reducing the carbon footprint. Just think, you bunch of dirty polluters who keep breathing and farting too much, snapping at all the junk we get you to buy every year while it's all unfit for human consumption, but because you're worthless — and also because we want to have it all possible ways2... argh!

No point here in deconstructing the paradox of the incoherent propaganda we've been fed with since... oops, the outset. Too much trouble plus cognitive dissonance kills me. So if you wish to split the difference, that is pleasing your family neither sacrificing your principles nor budget, let's go through your trash! With not much, a hint of good will and lots of imagination, you might come up with wonders such as my selection below — no instructions provided but all meant to be inspirational.

So would you rather go for some eco-green or bookish Christmas tree? Wino or corp wreath? Addict or geek decoration? Which part of reindeer do you like best: cork or bottle? Come on, bring on the strawberries3 and let's talk Santa or Grinch!

Happy season recycling,


  1. ^The original phrase in French was actually a double entendre, also meaning hijacking.
  2. ^ Another pun in French, the idiomatic equivalent of “to have one's cake and eat it” being literally “to have the butter and the butter's money” to which I added the cow and the foil it comes wrapped with.
  3. ^ Another missed pun here as “bring in your strawberry” is the literal translation of an idiomatic expression in French meaning to manifest oneself as irrelevant or stick one's nose in something. I kept the literal translation for obvious reasons there.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


USA – After the Election of Donald Trump, France Addresses Official Requests for the Repatriation of the Statue of Liberty

New York — Less than one month after the election of Donald Trump, France made good on its threat. In reaction against Mr Trump's presidency, the Statue of Liberty will have to be dismantled and shipped back to France for an indefinite period of time.

We had made it clear, so now the Statue of Liberty shall return to its home country” restated French foreign affairs minister Jean-Marc Ayrault in an interview to newspaper Le Monde. In the hours preceding the election, France had clearly stated its intention to bring the Statue of Liberty back home as an act of defiance towards Mr Trump. “The Statue will be put in bond in France, possibly displayed in a public place or in a large square” Ayrault added. “We could not afford to leave such a symbol in the hands of someone whose sentiments sullied it.” The dismantling and transportation of the statue would be “the financial responsibility of the United States because” he concluded rather coldly, “they really had it coming.

NOTE: Please, allow me to remind you, in case it's not obvious, that the above article comes from a satirical online paper and should not therefore be taken seriously but as “fake news”.

Original text by LE GORAFI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture : Marian Kamensky


Alice & June

Forgive me O great Saint Nicholas for having swept under the rug and for so long this super great song from the even super greater album of the same title I dig so much. Thee who, by the way, is not of Greek1 but Russian descent (to cut short any wrongful speculation, that is). My apologies to beloved Alice too — you've finally made it out of the burrow at last, darling. No more standing you up2, I promise! And in the future, Nico, would you mind writing more English-friendly lyrics for you're a real pain to translate, you know. Well, surely, I'm asking the moon who's not in the habit of dealing with such requests3 (please, don't change a thing, just can't help looking for something to grumble about).



1-2-3 Alice
Born in Nightmare Land,
Would like to cheer her up.

1-2-3 Alice
Into a black hole fell,
Might be able to rescue her.

What have we done tomorrow?
Just can't remember,
Too many people around.
Alice, don't look back!

1-2-3 Alice 
In this place was born,
Wrong place apparently.

1-2-3 Alice
In Star Land,
And once upon a time
Someone like me.

Drink me up,
You might grow up.

1-2-3 Jesus died
For nothing truth is,
Hope for the best.

But in such place
So overgrown,
Her only concern was about
Figuring out rainy days.

That's what I'm here for !

1-2-3 Alice
Born in Nightmare Land,
Would like to cheer her up.

1-2-3 Alice
Into a black hole fell,
Might be able to rescue her.


  1. ^ There was a pun I used in French based on an idiomatic expression involving Greece, which I'm afraid won't work in English and that basically means the same as postponing indefinitely.
  2. ^ Another untranslatable expression involving a rabbit. So frustrating all the great stuff lost in translation.
  3. ^ This is a reference to Indochine's mega hit "J'ai demandé à la Lune" (I asked the Moon) which literally made this band “cool” again for mainstream media.

Original text by NICOLA SIRKIS translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Here’s Why “Fake News” Sites Are Dangerous

In a world of lies, deceit, distortion and scheming of all kinds, it's only natural to hear the same arrogant dishonest politicians and mainstream media hold the increasing “disinformation” on the Internet and social media responsible for the failure of their propaganda. Are truthseekers and brave whisleblowers to blame for the host of skeletons these good people — all politically but not humanly correct — have stacked in their closet over the course of their wild abusive unpunished rides beginning to stick out or for the fruitlessness of their attempts to impede the massive awakening of consciousness by all (inconceivable) means and ways in order to maintain their hegemony? It's a low-flying panic attack, the rats are freaking out big time. And when these ladies and gentlemen are losing it, there's no room for half-measures or subtlety. As reports Waking Times Media, “After the absurdity that was the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton supporters and establishment Democrats excoriated Zuckerberg for dereliction of duty in failing to remove sham news articles and sites from his wildly popular platform (Facebook) — because, in their eyes, this putative “fake” news literally swung the election toward Donald Trump.” (Source) But truly that!

The war on fake news is now officially on, targeting not only social media (Facebook and Twitter) but also the whole of the Internet. “A brand new website,, has just made its appearance condemning a list of 200 Internet websites that provide news and views at variance with the presstitute media that serves the governments’ agendas”,  writes American journalist and economist Paul Craig Roberts. He continues pointing at the Washington Post as “a prime apologist for these war criminals” whose total crimes exceed those of Nazi Germany. “The entire Western print and TV media”, he says, “is so heavily implicated in the worst war crimes in human history that, if justice ever happens, the presstitutes will stand in the dock with the Clintons, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, Obama and their neocon operatives or handlers as the case may be.” (Source). And it doesn't stop with politics, of course (just one example, alternative health site Natural News is featured on the above-mentioned list).

Pigs, don't grunt! When the wolves are done with all the evil-minded coyotes and jackals, you may grow wings, what's the use then when there'll be nowhere left to fly to?


Here is your daily mantra: “narrow the range of thought, narrow the range of thought.”

Exposing elites who run the world?

Exposing pedophile networks?

Documenting the lies and fabrications of major media?

Laying bare the manipulations of Globalists?

Revealing the crimes of both major political parties in America?

Uncovering the spread of pharmaceutical devastation?

Tracking the ruthless ops of major corporations?

Yes, many so-called “fake news” sites do all this and much more—but something else is also going on.

Many of these sites were launched and are spearheaded by ONE man or woman.

No person outside the mainstream is supposed to be so emboldened by his/her own point of view and passion.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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The Panther of the Lake

It's almost Halloween. On this occasion, I intended to repost an article by Alanna Ketler about what black cats actually symbolise and ...

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