Spare Day

It's official: this year you'll work more indeed, but to earn less1 as 2016 is actually a bissextile (leap) year.

An Equal Opportunity Year

Do not fear the leap year but rather the one before and the one after.

French saying

Unlike some dirty minds (who's that? me?) might insidiously try to insinuate, the year of the bissextus (leap day) should be no more gay nor ambiguous than regular years. Though definitely more twisted even falling apart as Dutronc's song says2 — so natural when you have 365.242199-day years, 31-day months, 30-day months plus one 28-day month which sometimes has 29 days, 27¼-day lunar months, sometimes 28, 29... even 29½ (what about Platform 9¾ as it happens3), it's so easy to lose your bearings (or Latin as we say in French, which is fortunate that I chose to learn Russian). Why do I mention the Moon by the way? Well, the reason is long before leap years, the Sumerians would measure years using moon cycles hence the Indo-European root of the actual word “month” meaning “moon”.

From Latin bissextus meaning “sixth day”, once again those “crazy Romans”, as Obelix would say, are responsible for this four-year nonsense meant to address the non-integer number of days within a year as first observed by the Egyptians who had initially counted 360 days then added 5. Hence, forty-six years before Jesus cried, Julius the Great, who happened to have a better head for maths (not that much obviously) had one more added to put his best face on Cleopatra (mostly upon consulting aptly named astronomer Sosigenes of Alexandria), thus introducing the Julian calendar (with his face on it I imagine).

Still not getting the amount right, in 1582, Illuminati controlled Vatican Pope Gregory XIII commissioned his own infamous Gregorian calendar which, as explains David Icke in Tales From The Time Loop, “was introduced by more and more countries who accepted the new measurement, of 'time' until it became the 'norm'.

The Euclidian Complex3

Karma Police, arrest this man
He talks in maths,
Buzzes like a fridge,
He's like a detuned radio.

"Karma Police", Radiohead (1997)

Hence, all years divisible by 4 become leap years except those ending with 00 unless they are divisible by 400. You totally missed the point? It's okay, Microsoft explain it all on their support page:

To determine whether a year is a leap year, follow these steps:

  1. If the year is evenly divisible by 4, go to step 2. Otherwise, go to step 5.
  2. If the year is evenly divisible by 100, go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 4.
  3. If the year is evenly divisible by 400, go to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 5.
  4. The year is a leap year (it has 366 days).
  5. The year is not a leap year (it has 365 days).

Use the following formula to determine whether the year number that is entered into a cell (in this example, cell A1) is a leap year:

=IF(OR(MOD(A1,400)=0,AND(MOD(A1,4)=0,MOD(A1,100)<>0)),"Leap Year", "NOT a Leap Year")


You still don't get it? Well, you may not have a head for maths, that's all. And that is good news.

The Pythagora Army

Frequent reformations lead to distortion.

German saying

So, for when all the hammering won't work, mathletes had to find a way to make it sink in anyhow.

For this purpose, as explains David Icke in the above-mentioned book, “the British Calendar Act of 1751 declared that 12 days of the following year would not exist and that the day after Wednesday, September 2nd 1752 would be Thursday, September 14th. See how silly the idea of 'time' really is? However you seek to measure 'time' it will always be an illusion because the concept of time is an illusion.

The Cossacks attack Natacha.
Vice Consul prefers lashes,
A Buddha Affair is about to blow up:
Who had Leon Trostky killed?
The Yankees are having fun in Warsaw,
She's after the tsars!

"Les Tzars", Indochine (1987)

Personally, I must clearly have a bit (much, a lot, a great deal yeah!) of a masochistic streak for not only did I study maths but also Russian as mentioned above (однако Я не говорю по-русски5). While the former still sticks in my hypotenuse, the latter, as explained in brackets, did get lost in translation long before the wall ever came down. But wait for it, I think you'll understand...

In 1929, the Soviet Union (world-renowed for its chess players) had this idea of introducing its own revolutionary calendar organised into 30-day months, the spare ones were considered as  bonus gifts and devoted to rest, a bit like the French Sansculottides6 (which didn't last more than two seven-year terms before putting their pants back on).

From the autumn of 1929 until the summer of 1931, each Gregorian calendar year was usually divided into 72 five-day weeks (=360 days), three of which were split into two partial weeks by five national holidays. The two parts of each split week still totaled five days—the one or two national holidays that split it were not part of that week. Each day of the five-day week was labeled by either one of five colors or a Roman numeral from I to V. Each worker was assigned a color or number to identify his or her day of rest.

Eighty per cent of each factory's workforce was at work every day (except holidays) in an attempt to increase production while 20% were resting. But if a husband and wife, and their relatives and friends, were assigned different colors or numbers, they would not have a common rest day for their family and social life. Furthermore, machines broke down more frequently both because they were used by workers not familiar with them, and because no maintenance could be performed on machines that were never idle in factories with continuous schedules (24 hours/day every day). Five-day weeks (and later six-day weeks) "made it impossible to observe Sunday as a day of rest. This measure was deliberately introduced 'to facilitate the struggle to eliminate religion [...].

On 23 June 1931, Stalin condemned the continuous work week as then practised, supporting the temporary use of the interrupted six-day week (one common rest day for all workers) until the problems with the continuous work week could be resolved. During August 1931, most factories were put on an interrupted six-day week as the result of an interview with the People's Commissar for Labour, who severely restricted the use of the continuous week. The official conversion to non-continuous schedules was decreed by the Sovnarkom of the USSR somewhat later, on 23 November 1931.

The Year of The Great Leap

For Britons, 2016 is definitely bound to be a (great) leap year, so “mind the gap” as one can hear in the tube in London since 1968.

As for us, leaping “froggies” (or Gauls), if not an action-packed year, it will probably be the last of the great fool (guess who). Let's hope the sky doesn't fall in after that!


  1. ^ “Work more to earn more” was Sarkozy's former presidential campaign motto.
  2. ^ See The Opportunist.
  3. ^ In the Harry Potter series, only wizards may access Platform 9¾, located between Platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross Station in London to board the Hogwarts Express steam train to Hogsmead, Scotland, hostplace for the famous Hogwarts Wizarding School.
  4. ^ 30 = 7 x 4 + 2 (Euclidian division). Good old Euclid! Unable to recall multiples of 5!
  5. ^ Translation: « Con todo, no hablo ruso ».
  6. ^ See sansculottides.

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Cover picture and artwork: Uderzo


Stockholm Syndrome

Since on Saint Valentine's Day I ditched Muse for Radiohead, for fear of getting torn to pieces now (you never know with the internet, anyone can find anything about you), here is not the actual mushy track I originally meant to repost then just before Thom Yorke decided to take my ears over with the perfect song, but some hell-raiser Molotov cocktail instead perfectly echoing my current rage. Well, if your neighbours unfortunately happen to be a pain in the a**, take this opportunity to pump up the volume (personally I won't for I have great neighbours).

Stockholm Syndrome

I won't stand in your way,
Let your hatred grow.
And she'll scream,
And she'll shout,
And she'll pray,
And she had a name...
Yeah she had a name!

And I won't hold you back,
Let your anger rise.
And we'll fly,
And we'll fall,
And we'll burn,
No one will recall...
No one will recall!

This is the last time I'll abandon you,
And this is the last time I'll forget you —
I wish I could!

Look to the stars,
Let hope burn in your eyes.
And we'll love,
And we'll hate,
And we'll die,
All to no avail...
All to no avail!

This is the last time I'll abandon you,
And this is the last time I'll forget you —
I wish I could!

This is the last time I'll abandon you,
And this is the last time I'll forget you —
I wish I could!
I wish I could!

Matt Bellamy, 2003

About this song

What about this heavy metal-sounding track from the threesome's third album, Absolution, released in 2003, which incidentally is also the title of one of the most extensive categories of this blog? It definitely should have been featured much earlier. And as you may have guessed, it's also one of my favourite in line with "Assassin" and "Reapers" — the kind of stuff which releases you from tensions or really pumps you up when you're totally tired out. As for the song's lyrics, they take the perspective of the abuser who behaves in a rather compulsive way (“This is the last time...”, “I wish I could...”) towards his victim who gradually loses her identity (“And she had a name”).

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COP22 Will Focus on the Pollution Induced by COP21

COP22, to be held in Morocco in November 2016, will aim at repairing the environmental damage caused by COP21.

COP21's carbon footprint is simply disastrous. Imagine the damage resulting from the private jet trips from all these delegations from around the world, it's just colossal” says French Minister of Ecology Segolène Royal. “We must absolutely make up for it with COP22.” Indeed, several sources who wished to remain anonymous revealed that the increase in flights at le Bourget has caused cancer in three members of the airport staff.

In Paris, Mayor Anne Hidalgo acknowledges COP21's environmental damage: “One out of every four Parisians started spitting tar and urinating plutonium right after the end of COP21. Some participants themselves have been affected. I heard that François Hollande has grown a sixth toe on his left foot.” In addition, had COP21 lasted four more days, the Eiffel Tower would have begun to liquefy, a researcher from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) told us.

While looking forward to the Morocco gathering, COP23, to be held in Asia, is already being prepared as conference chairman confirms: “We already know that it will be hard for Morocco to recover from COP22: its attractive climate has already triggered a wave of early bookings on behalf of about 30 countries, all to be flying on 3 or 4 private jets each. It is therefore our duty to protect the planet from the nonsense of humans trying to save it.

Original text by LE GORAFI translated from French by EY@EL
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Cover picture: Brandan Reynolds


Ice Moon

Last year I was offered the Grimm fairy-tale book revisited by Philip Pullman as a Christmas gift. When you think about it, these are some pretty grim stories for kids. Not so much based on the Evil Queen in Snow White, obsessed with her magical mirror, this graphic probably finds its inspiration in the White Witch of Narnia, I had neither in mind and let my imagination run wild as always — the significance usually occurring later on.

She isn't a real queen at all [...] She's a horrible witch, the White Witch. Everyone, all the wood people — hate her. She has made an enchantment over the whole country so that it is always winter here and never Christmas.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis

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As Far as My Dreams Will Take Me

Most often, I draw inspiration for my captions and writings from the graphics I design, following unconscious pathways. I seldom know where I'm heading to when I set out on my creative journey. And I love so much this exciting side of creation when you surprise yourself with the outcome, never having a clear idea where it's going to take you. Only just this once, I knew precisely what I wanted to convey visually to illustrate a dream I'd recently had and which had a profound impact on me.

My dream

At the beginning, I'm standing on my own on the deck of a trawler on the open stormy sea under dead-end leaden skies. Your typical near apocalyptic great flood scene à la Perfect Storm with George Clooney. I'm struggling to hold on to the railing not to get washed away and stay the course (not everyone can be Florence Arthaud even in dreams!). After a while, tired of not getting any response to my crying for help, I loosen my grip and eventually get thrown off by some tidal wave just as the boat starts sinking beneath the tormented waves. Whooper swans — black at first then white later on — are flying over me. One of them grabs me with its beak and lifts me up out of water... then drops me. Splash! No, please, don't swear: instead of drowning to my death, I find myself flying. Just like Peter Pan! I have grown great white wings. I think this is when the swans that were black at first as I said become white.

Archetypes and meaning

I'm not quite sure yet of the true meaning of this dream, but it appears to be quite positive in relation to the great distress I'm actually experiencing in my daytime life. This message sounds all the more relevant since in my astrological birth chart, my hot spot would be my Aries Moon trining my Fire Mars in Sagittarius and squaring angular Jupiter in Cancer (lunar sign), all pointing to a great explosive emotional power which can easily go out of control. A sore point seemingly awoken by the heavy transits of both Pluto and Uranus most recently joined by Saturn.

According to Betty Bethards's wonderful Dream Book and Symbols I'm often referring to, the ocean would be the “sea of life; enormous emotional energy to be respected and used wisely. Source of [our] life force. When lost at sea, [we] are overwhelmed by emotions.

The storm can be likened to an “emotional downpour; many inner changes taking place; cleansing, purification. Suppressed emotions, fears, anxieties have surfaced. Release of frustration. Things look darkest before the storm. After the clearing, [we] will feel renewed.

As for the boat, it represents our “emotional self. If at the helm [we] are in control. If sinking [we] are allowing [our] emotions to pull [us] under, so [we should] take a good look at what is pulling [us] down in day to day living. Through self-examination, making positive choices, [we] can change negative emotional trips.

Finally, the swan is a symbol of “beauty, grace, purity; ability to glide over emotional waters, yet soar to new heights. Perception, freedom, peacefulness of soul. On top of emotions. If black swan, the mystery of the unknown; appealing, yet not understood.

Wings as you might guess stand for “freedom. Soar to new heights. No limitations. Through awakening spiritual consciousness there is nothing [we] cannot achieve.

While white, of course, is the colour of “truth, purity”.

I'll go as far as my dreams will take me
At the end of my senses.
At the far end of my dreams.

"Au bout de mes rêves", Jean-Jacques Goldman (1982)

Well, I hope this self-analysis of my subconscious messaging will make you want to take an interest in your own dream scenarios. Your nightlife is as precious as your day to day life, so why ignore it? You have no idea how many great decisions my dreams inspired me to take!


  • "Lace" by Faestock
  • "Shipwreck Cove" by Suzanne Helmigh
  • Other graphic items from various sources
  • The Dream Book: Symbols For Self-Understanding, Betty Bethards, Element Books Inc., 1995

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Soulmate Bestiary

Funny how Chinese zodiac signs, all governed by animals, strongly remind me of dæmons in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. For those who never heard of these books (and the great movie adaptation of the first instalment, in 2007, called The Golden Compass as pictured below), dæmons are the visible manifestation of the soul embodied in a companion animal that can change its appearance until puberty when it settles into one permanent form. Dæmons are connected to their owner through an invisible bond preventing them to become physically apart (and that is precisely what the prevailing elite in the books is actually trying to do). Interestingly, it's also reminiscent (to a lesser extent) of the Patronuses in the Harry Potter series — kinds of protective energy shields in the shape of the animal reflecting best the charm caster's personality. 

The tale of the animals

According to folklore, the tiger, the dragon, and the phoenix (respectively king of the mountain, king of the seas, and king of the skies) one day appeared before the Jade Emperor to complain about humans abusing them. So the Emperor decided to link every year of the lunar cycle to a different animal each, expecting men to show more respect and less cruelty to the animal representatives of their zodiac signs.

If you don't know what your Chinese zodiac sign is, find it in the chart below:


Reliable Chinese astrologers believe some zodiac signs are natural meant-to-be soulmates as together they have a greater potential for evolution than with any other compatible sign. Could it be connected to the position of the lunar nodes (life path indicators in karmic Western astrology) changing sign every year? I'm no expert in Chinese astrology, however the connections below might resonate with you.

RAT (yang) ♥ OX/BUFFALO (yin)
TIGER (yang) ♥ PIG/BOAR (yin)
CAT/HARE (yin) ♥ DOG (yang)
DRAGON (yang) ♥ ROOSTER (yin)
SNAKE (yin) ♥ MONKEY (yang)
HORSE (yang) ♥ GOAT/SHEEP (yin)

In contrast, next time I will tell you about your zodiacal pet peeve.

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True Love Waits

To illustrate the theme of the week set by Saint Valentine's Day, I was looking for a love song neither too namby-pamby nor over-versed in pathos or cheap romanticism, and yet still within my musical preference — which, frankly didn't leave much choice. First of all, I obviously thought of The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love", much too clichéd and overused for the occasion. I had finally opted out for a track by Muse called "Endlessly" when all of a sudden, I heard this wonderful tune and the little voice of Thom Yorke popped in my head,  repeating over and over that “true love waits”. So yes, of course, it was exactly THE song I had to post (and dammit if Bellamy is sore about it). Although true love in here is quite desperate, even cynical and disillusioned (well, it's Thom Yorke not Paul McCartney, okay!), it gives much to ponder about the true meaning of love in itself.  Love is much talked about, but, in truth, how many really get to experience it? In the realm of appearance, ruled by ego and the degradation and subjection of human beings, this strikes me as not particularly frivolous nor insignificant. In fact, love conveys both great strength and inspiration, whether you're lucky enough to share it or simply hold it within you. So in direct reference to yesterday's repost and to reformulate the lyrics of the song Serge Gainsbourg wrote for Vanessa Paradis, why so much Y in I love U?

True Love Waits

I'll drown my beliefs
To have your babies.
I'll dress like your niece
And wash your swollen feet.

Just don't leave —
Don't leave.

I'm not living,
I'm just killing time.
Your tiny hands,
Your crazy-kitten smile.

Just don't leave —
Don't leave.

And true love waits
In haunted attics.
And true love lives
On lollipops and crisps.

Just don't leave —
Don't leave.

Just don't leave —
Don’t leave.

Thom Yorke, 2001

About this song

Although this video shows a solo performance by Thom Yorke, this track was actually played for the first time by Radiohead on tour in 1995 after the release of their second album The Bends. It soon became an all-time favourite live request, but has never been recorded yet as a studio version.

The lyrics are from the perspective of a woman longing for true love and the « simple desire not to be alone ».

About the line “I'll dress like your niece”, Yorke explains he's referring to “the difference between young and old when people start to dress sensible and act their age. this person is offering not to do that to keep the other.” Note that in some versions, “niece” becomes “nurse” while “To have your babies” is changed to “For you to be in peace”.

As regards “lollipops and crisps”, the line was inspired by an article he'd read “about a child who was between 5-8 year old who was left on his own for a week in a house when his parents left on holiday and he lived on lollipops on crisps.” True.

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5 Phrases More Important Than “I Love You”

So first of all, to all the killjoys who have been around, let me point out that promoting Saint Valentine's Day is precisely what I'm not doing here. I simply take the opportunity to deal with what this mercantile holiday is supposed to celebrate and that is love. As one might expect, it's about anything but that, and since true love doesn't need a pre-fixed date to express nor expensive gifts as a token, I felt this article was very appropriate, especially as a reminder that this feeling binding two beings, on which much has been thought, theorised and hoarded, is finally completely different to what may have been said or written about it. True love is often imitated, never matched. Of course, we're talking about romantic love here, but when extending it to most of the people who are supposed to love us, unfortunately, we may often realise that many hardly match any of the five phrases mentioned below. To all those Cupid has rejected and abused (and there are more of them than you may think), know it is sometimes best to experience true solitude than feeling lonely with the wrong person, which makes your heart dry out and go stale.


With one of the most profitable manmade holidays lurking just around the corner, many of us are ready to dig a little deeper into our pockets to show our affection for our significant others. Restaurants are slammed with reservations, flower shops have order requests through the figurative roof, and jewelry shop employees are working overtime, all to meet the demands of Valentine’s Day.

But rather than focusing on the gifted gestures, I’d instead like to focus on the phrase that is seemingly synonymous with February 14th worldwide. The phrase, of course, is “I love you” — three simple words that have the potential to carry immense meaning, and form the backbone of so much of our seeming happiness.

As much as I love the phrase, I personally feel that it is not the standout winner for the most important thing to be said to your significant other to really let them know they are loved. Here are 5 other phrases that might just be more important than “I love you.”


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Big Pharma and Organized Crime — They Are More Similar Than You May Think

Don't think the picture is not nearly so grim over here. Nope. Big Pharma in France may be proportionally as powerful as in America. It's time to stop slamming religious fanaticism when personally addicted to the omnipotence of the medical hooker and her chemist pimp. No need to get your daily fix of heroin at the end of a dark alley or smoke crack in the toilets of some shabby bar to be a junkie. That's a fact, unfortunately. However, in most cases (but not always), it's still possible to backtrack. I am living proof of that. But you don't have to take my word for granted. Try to detox progressively, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and get informed about natural solutions while still available. There are some good non-corrupt (though hard to find) practitioners who may help you there.


It is scary how many similarities there are between this [pharmaceutical] industry and the mob. The mob makes obscene amounts of money, as does this industry. The side effects of organized crime are killings and deaths, and the side effects are the same in this industry. The mob bribes politicians and others, and so does the drug industry …

Former Vice-President of Pfizer pharmaceuticals

If you believe pharmaceutical corporations hold the health of the general public in high regard, it’s time to reconsider. The industry is filled with examples of wrongful death, extortion, fraud, corruption, obstruction of justice, embezzlement, fake journals, harassment and hit lists that would make even the most hardened Mafia godfather blush. Big Pharma has been fined billions by the U.S. Department of Justice, but these enormous fines don’t curb the corruption, it’s just looked upon as “the cost of doing business,” similar to paying the utilities.


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Cat Histrionics

Serious incidents occurs on a regular basis in Stephen King's living room.
Items go missing, some are slaughtered or destroyed by some malicious
clowncat. King pursues the monstrous “thing” lurking under his couch.
The Invaders
Mickey Mouse knows that the Invaders are here, that they have taken
feline form. Somehow he must convince a disbelieving crowd of rodents
that the nightmare has already begun...
Batcat Returns
The movie in which you discover the cat behind the bat mask.
A cat, left alone, hacks NORAD's supercomputer
and triggers a global thermonuclear war.

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The Year of the Monkey

After a year mostly spent counting sheep, let's hope the new one ruled by the Fire Monkey, starting from today in China until 27th January 2017, will be a bit more challenging. At least based on this animal's personality, tricks galore should be expected. Even if after all man doesn't go down from the monkey, the latter might as well bring him down. So as French poet Georges Brassens sang, “Watch out for the gorilla!

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The Technology for Mass Holographic Deception and Psychological Manipulation Has Existed for Decades

In my article about the underlying themes of Muse's song "Exopolitics", I quoted a large excerpt from a book by David Icke, explaining this particular Blue Beam Project that is referred to below and its possible implications in great details. More recently, in another post in reaction to the Friday 13th attacks in Paris, I also quoted Laura Marie's warning about the mind control techniques “going on for ages within the military-industrial complex”, pointing out that they now know “how to implant external thoughts into the mind of soldiers” and, in turn, into everyone's. I know how this may sound so outlandish and hard to consider — probably because the idea is so scary and disturbing to the mind that it'd rather nurture the illusion that some people are just “plain crazy” than accepting that it might be true. Very well, but if you want to remain thoroughly rational, at least make the effort, at first, to examine the evidence available, and if possible, do your own research (thanks to Google's new indexing policy, it'll soon be no longer possible for the average person to do so), then switch off your TV and ask yourself the right questions to know who benefits most from which “pseudo-truth”.


Imagine if governments could project massive, realistic holograms into the sky above entire societies, such as the image of a deity significant to a region. Imagine the implications if such a vision started speaking – the words appearing ‘telepathically’ as thoughts directly inside people’s heads. Disturbingly, this scenario may not be science fiction, as the technology for mass deception and psychological manipulation on a major scale has existed for decades.

Strange sights like giant floating cities have been reported, seen and even filmed by multiple witnesses in different continents. As recently as October 2015, the UK Express reported that floating cities had been seen in China, first over Foshan in the Guangdong province, and a few days later in the province of Jiangxi. A similar “phantom city” was seen over China in 2011. In May, 2015 villagers in Dulali, in Lanzai South Ward, Darazo, Africa Local Government of Bauchi State, Nigeria also witnessed a city floating over their village on multiple occasions, replete with cars and emanating mechanical noises – a sight they attributed to Allah.


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Wings of Faith

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