Deadly Fascination

This animated tag was designed years ago and adapted from Titoune's "Goth Love" tutorial (only available in French, Italian and Spanish). Let's say it's a good spoiler for tomorrow's Eklabugs themed article that unfortunately will only be available in English. You may forget about crucifixes, holy water, stakes, and garlic though, for the Chinese have a much easier and more convenient method for keeping bloodsuckers at bay: they drop a sack of rice on the vampire's way so that it has to count every single grain (do not skimp on quantity nor fineness of grind). Knotted rope would also do as it will have to unknot it, but you will need to tie all the knots first, so this solution should only be used as plan b or should you run out of rice. Anyway, I have more than one bag of bones tricks and if you think you know what my next article will be all about, you don't have to worry about getting burned (evil laugh)!

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“Horrible & Numbing”: Chilling Testimony From U.S. Air Force Drone Operator on His First Kill

I do know how depressing this all can get and I, by no means, intend to ride the wave and thus feed the egregore. However, I'm not folding to see the actual hand revealed nor playing my fool card in hope that the suit might change on the next trick (ever heard of the poker-tarot game?). There is nothing to lose for insomniacs like us in throwing our best effort in a bid to put an end to the constant hijacking of our minds by alerting heavy sleepers. In comparison, the risk of doing nothing would be far worse. So much worse indeed. As Dumbledore told Voldemort on their ultimate confrontation: “your failure to understand that there are things much worse than death has always been your greatest weakness” (Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix). Wouldn't all this provide sufficient motivation to all those who aren't already dead inside? If not, is there any hope of resurrection from such kind of death?


Former Air Force pilot Brandon Bryant is one of the first ever United States drone operators to speak out against what has been happening overseas for a number of years now, which is the murder of countless innocent lives. Bryant served as a sensor operator for what’s known as the “Predator program” from 2007 to 2011. He was responsible for manning the camera on the unmanned aerial vehicles that carried out attacks overseas before leaving active duty in the Air Force, and, as Democracy Now reports, was actually given a certificate that credited his squadron for more than 1,500 kills.

The US clearly encourages and rewards this type of activity. Think about that while you consider what is still happening around the world, including in Syria.


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The World According to Gates: Dialog Blocks

When Windows talks to us, binary language may sometime translate into nerve fraying and usually end up with either machine or human freaking out. It is probably the reason why transhumanists are planning to microchip us and thus improve our breed to ensure equality and so that peace may finally prevail in this brave new world.

The keyboard incident

Using Beelzebub Windows to cast out the Devil

When the mother hen can no longer find her chicks butterfly

Windows' secret agenda

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


How to Animate Faces

As promised to those who enjoy the animated pieces of me in the bubbles featured on both sides of this blog, I shall now try to teach you how to do it. Although it's a relatively simple operation, it isn't for absolute beginners as it requires a certain level of mastery and dexterity. But with a little bit of practice, you can accomplish just about anything. I have used Paint Shop Pro X, but equivalent image editing software such as GIMP or Photoshop should also have similar tools — under different names maybe. For the animated part, if you have a compatible OS, you may use Animation Shop as introduced previously.


  • a portrait (human or animal) large enough to work at ease
  • Animation Shop (installation required)


1. Open a copy of your desired picture in Paint Shop Pro. Duplicate layer.

2. Activate duplicated layer and select Mesh Warp tool. As show on capture, move the points around eyebrows to create the movement. Since it all depends on your source picture and your desired movement, you'll have to carry many trials before getting the proper warping.

- Set a tight mesh by increasing the values in tool settings for greater precision.
- Make sure you have a mirror at hand to observe how your own face moves so as to reproduce the movement on your picture.
- Hide/unhide your top layer to preview movement so you'll know immediatley whether or not you're doing it right.

3. Once you're happy with your warping, don't forget to click OK and save your picture as a PSP file for Animation Shop (or the warped output as a JPG file).

4. Launch Animation Shop and load your two-layer picture (or your original picture to which you'll import the output after existing frame).

5. Now you need to set duration (ALT+Enter) for each frame. In this example, I chose 75 for the first frame (original) and 25 for the second frame (warped).

6. Launch the Optimisation Wizard (via File menu) and choose “Animated GIF File” then click Next. Choose “Best Quality” then click Customise.

Colour tab:
- Number of colours: 255
- Optimised Octree
- Error diffusion

Optimisation tab:
- All options checked

Click OK then Next to start optimisation. Now you can save your animation as GIF file via the File menu.

For the above example, I chose to animate both mouth and brows but used the Warp Brush instead of the Mesh Warp tool as it's more accurate and offers a greater range of settings and possibilities. I used the Pull mode which can also be used to push up. You may vary step and strength as well as hardness but only experimentation will tell you what's best. For frame duration I chose 50 (original) and 15 (warping).

This final example also required the use of the Warp Brush in Contract mode. Once warped, I duplicated the layer of the output and used the Smudge Brush to make the baby's tongue disappear into his mouth. I thus got three frames and chose the following durations: 100 (original), 7 (warping) and 20 (warping + smudging).

Don't expect to get result on first try, but be persistent and audacious and you'll eventually come out with a cool picture. Next time, I shall teach you how to blink an eye.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


There There

What better way to celebrate the release of the last Hobbit extended edition DVD today, in France (so if you don't hear much from me these days, you'll know what I'm busy doing) than reposting this Radiohead videoclip directed by Chris Hopewell in 2003 and awarded by MTV. The alternate title for this track from Hail To The Thief is "The Boney King Of Nowhere" in reference to the British children’s television show Bagpuss which Thom Thumb and his son used to watch. What more can I say other than stressing how much I love this song and how this is probably the only Radiohead video (except for "Karma Police") worth seeing.


In pitch dark,
I go walking in your landscape.
Broken branches
Trip me as I speak.

Just because you feel it
Doesn’t mean it’s there...
Just because you feel it
Doesn’t mean it’s there....

There’s always a siren
Singing you to shipwreck.
(Don’t reach out, don’t reach out)
Steer away from these rocks,
We’d be a walking disaster.
(Don’t reach out, don’t reach out)

Just because you feel it
Doesn’t mean it’s there...
(There’s someone on your shoulder)
Just because you feel it
Doesn’t mean it’s there...
(There’s someone on your shoulder)

There there

Why so green and lonely?
Heaven sent you to me.

We are accidents
Waiting waiting to happen.

We are accidents
Waiting waiting to happen.

Original text by THOM YORKE
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Mr Bean: 10 Funniest Sketches

I meant this fun and frolics for relaxing during the inescapable holiday season. However, this is an emergency case given the mega low vibe party thrown in, this weekend, by the International Anti-Human League with the instant collaboration of Charlie's fear-driven sheeple (at least we, Parisians, won't get called “calf's heads” anymore since everyone is Paris now) — ever so proud of showing how brave they are and how much they love their neighbour by freely feeding the hideous voracious egregore monster (the ultimate purpose of which is to feed on them and dispose of excess numbers) while begging their shepherds to go and beat the arses off of the « filthy scumbags » who had no more role in this tragedy than those who got slaughtered in Paris in retaliation against the same horrendous murders previously committed by the “good guys” — our governments. Instigated terrorism is no more than a vile diversionary tactic to justify and install the global dictatorship we hear so much about — a genuine threat some, unable to forsee, refuse to acknowledge (elephant in the room syndrome). There is a reason why fools are blessed and the immune get burned. Best of luck to the square-minded who probably never saw the Cube movie (or once again totally missed the point). Now it's up to each and everyone to choose what he wants to believe based on what he fears or what he feels is right. So, in retaliation, let me offer you my antidote, directly imported from the UK (and reposted here in its entirety since some clips were missing on the original page) and in the hope that its high vibration might help you clear all the crap stuck in your craw. Caution: at high dosage, it might cause abdominal torsion, uncontrollable lacrimation, chokage and even risks of temporary incontinence. You have all been warned.


There are few actors better equipped for silent comedy than Rowan Atkinson, whose expressive face might as well be made of rubber. In his character Mr Bean, Atkinson created a comic icon, and, thanks to the decision to make him a largely silent character, a global sensation.  

Atkinson dreamed up the character while studying for his master's degree at Cambridge. He played an early version of Bean, then called Robert Box, in a In 1979 sitcom called Canned Laughter. But it was when Box morphed into the selfish, self-centred and frequently lunatic Bean in a Nineties ITV series written by Robin Driscoll that Atkinson's name and fortune were made.

Supported by his beloved teddy bear and Mini car, Bean's "child in adult form" as Atkinson described him, has taken over the world. Two feature films, Bean and Mr Bean's Holiday, took almost half a billion dollars at the global box office, with music videos, adverts and an animated series adding to the coffers, if not the critical acclaim. But Bean's best moments are arguably those that appeared in the 14 television episodes which ran between 1990 and 1995.

Fortunately for fans both of Atkinson and his character, he has banked up some of the finest comic moments on television. Here are our favourites: let us know yours in the comments.


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Pizza Dangerous

Remember that Bidochons video clip spoofing both X-Files and Nirvana's "Rape Me" in which they ended up buried under tons of pizzas for trying to tell the world about the existence of alternative... crepes? Well, the brief report below, taken from French tabloid Le Parisien, may have sounded rather odd to them — that is if they saw it:

CHELLES (Paris suburbs)
Pizza deliveryman seeks to justify Jihadists

Chelles has a proud record of detaining a world champion. On Sunday evening, a pizza deliveryman, not expected to do anything but deliver pizzas, couldn't help but justify last Friday's appalling attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis. Upon opening her door, a customer expressed her deep emotion over the events to which, the 42-year old pizza man allegedly replied that “130 dead is not much. Our death toll in Syria is much heavier,” he said, adding that “This is the price for your policy in the Middle East.” The outraged customer filed a complaint and yesterday, the deliveryman was summoned to the police station and held in custody.

Le Parisien, 18/11/2015

At least, the point is clear now. Big Brother God forbid those who still can't see. And keep an eye on them!

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The Avoriaz Festival in Paris

In the aftermath of the atrocities committed on this Friday 13th, the unsuperstitious may change their views. Never mind those who escaped the slaughter at the Eagles of Death Metal gig at the Bataclan who will be forever traumatised. I, personally, would never have imagined I could ever write something so prophetic as I did yesterday unknowingly starting my post with “cursed is the day”. Actually, it was almost automatic writing. So much insight can be downright freaky.

I wasn't Charlie, I won't be Paris either. This doesn't mean I have no empathy or am not horrified by this bloodshed. Who wouldn't? Have a guess! In anyway, not me. And not you either.

Simply, this all comes as no surprise at all on the eve of G20 in Turkey to discuss response to terrorism. And of course, all that occurring just a couple of weeks ahead of COP21 scheduled in Paris, expected to be a major milestone for the NWO agenda, yet somehow compromised with 130 countries threatening not to sign the climate agreement and worldwide protestors organising to demonstrate in the French capital (check my repost on this issue next week).

The opening night of the Festival

In short, various scenarios are obviously considered and they seem to have opted for a whole festival. It all looks like the Oscar will go again to a gore movie (Braindead 2?)1. Much simpler than psychological thrillers or disaster movies, it has the additional benefit of not requiring any convoluted script to win over audiences nor involving international stars. Just a couple of bearded mind- controlled (and probably microchipped) maniacs equipped with grenades, machine-guns, several plastic charges and... tttta-ta-ta-ta... boom! A bloodbath. Pieces of burnt flesh splattering the walls. Souls being brutally snatched from their bodies. Absolute horror, pain, panic, terror, trauma, and then anger. Paris Kalashnikov: the weight of wounds after the impact of false flags.2

Your mind is just a program
And I'm the virus.
I'm changing the station,
I'll improve your thresholds.
I'll turn you into a super drone ...

"Psycho", Muse (2015)

Mental programming

Why does it all come as no surprise? Just stop all the restlessness for a while and pay attention to whatever thoughts are running through your head. Sort them out and get rid of the implants. Take a look around at what the mainstream media won't tell you.

Incidentally, in her September newsletter, Laura Marie wrote:

At the same time, opposing forces to the liberation and empowerment of humanity (which would ultimately mean their own eviction) are attempting to counter the effects of those increasingly high vibrations by launching more attacks and spreading more darkness (by creating global conflicts, weather-related disasters, tragedies). You must therefore be extremely vigilant at present and pay attention to your thoughts and to the quality of your living environment and food. These low vibrating psychic attacks are meant to weaken our immune system and take advantage of our current physical fatigue and that our guard is down and our aura vulnerable to interfere with our physical and subtle bodies as well as our minds. Hence the increased mind control and the artificial thoughts running through our heads more than ever to make us confused, depressed or suicidal. You must NOT listen to these thoughts. The technology developed by these civilisations and the government is far more advanced than most human beings can actually conceive right now, yet it is real and it's certainly there. Mind control has been going on for ages within the military-industrial complex. They found out how to implant external thoughts into the mind of soldiers decades ago. This is how they can get them to cold-bloodedly kill women and children. For that's what they have been programmed to. The mind is just like software. It can be programmed and monitored from the outside just like a video-game character./p>Laura Marie, "Transition"

Now, cast your patronuses, the Dementors3 have been let out!


  1. ^ Braindead is the title of the awarded movie on the last session of the International Fantastic Film Festival in Avoriaz, France, in 1993.
  2. ^ Pun made out of the slogan of French weekly news magazine Paris Match which is “the weight of words, the shock of pictures”.
  3. ^ In Harry Potter, Dementors are creatures who feed on our happiness and end up eating our souls away. To protect themselves, capable wizards can cast a spell which involves happy or positive thoughts to produce a Patronus, which is an energy shield in the shape of their soul in animal form.

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In Trance Day

Cursed is the day
That is Friday
The thirteenth
The four-legged
On a trapeze
One for twelve
Makes for a jinxed day
An evil thought
Makes for a lucky day

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Electrifying the Sky: 10 Things You Should Know About Geoengineering

I would like to direct your attention to this article in particular above any other. As the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21), to be held in Paris this year from 30th November to 11th December, is drawing closer, I believe it is vitally important not to be fooled by the alleged causes of the assumed global warming resulting of carbon emissions, but rather to become seriously alarmed at the devastating measures used on the pretext to fight it — that is by increasing the albedo (reflectivity) of the Earth through a build-up of sulphate aerosols in the atmosphere that would supposedly compensate for the infamous greenhouse effect. The “chemtrails” left by daily spraying carried out by aircraft in the sky are definitely not contrails (condensation trails) as we are led to believe (check the famous “Chemtrail Conspiracy” on Wikipedia). The differing views regarding the hidden agenda (aliens, demonic entities, psychopathic elites, whatever) behind these disastrous practices do not matter much because the end result will be the same and will decimate our beautiful planet and all lifeforms on it before long if we, average citizens, keep pretending that kind of concern is beyond our influence. Such attitude unfortunately just makes us as guilty. Some may not feel concerned for various reasons — apathy, ignorance, fear, sense of helplessness, denial, fatalism or lack of realism, disbelief — in short, it is in order to feel overwhelmed by such unabated efforts to destroy everything and to remain in complete denial, but we can also make a determine effort to prevent it from happening and pull the hypnotised off their toxic smoke screens.


Geoengineering, often referred to as weather modification, is one of the most important issues of our time that almost no one is willing to talk about. No matter how much information is publicly released about government and corporate sponsored projects that tamper with our skies, mainstream media will not support any investigation into the matter, and any coverage of this issue frames concerned citizens as paranoid or irrational. Yet some are unwilling to ignore this issue.

Dane Wigington, founder of, is a courageous man who has taken on an all out herculean effort to make people aware that geoengineering is real, and that is affecting our weather, our environment, and our health. His website has become the leading independent online database of information on atmospheric aerosol spraying, weather modification projects, air, soils and water samples, and other scientific data documenting this taboo crime against humanity.


Original text by translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say

Home, home again!
I like to be here when I can
When I come home cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
Far away, across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spell

Original text by ROGER WATERS


Has Our Addiction to Sugar Gotten Out of Hand?

Funny how a British Chef is the one lecturing us about food. No doubt some may find it offensive — that is your right no to take personal responsibility — but like alcohol, sugar is hard drug (that is not my opinion: some serious scientific studies have concluded to that). Surely excessive sugar consumption may not lead to public disturbance nor assault and is very unlikely to cause traffic accidents either, but it may certainly cause serious even lethal diseases and accelerated ageing of the body (glycation). That said, it won't come as a big surprise to those with a basic knowledge of chemistry since alcohol is obtained by fermenting carbohydrates (sugars). 

Thereupon I can hear you say : “Yes, but I don't eat that much sugar!” Really? What do you mean by “not that much” ? Actually, if when you're full, you still find yourself drooling over a tasty dessert presented to you (or on screen), or if you find it hard to say no when offered some chocolates to tempt you (people aren't comfortable with living with their own vice so they usually attempt to justify their bad habits by enticing others), well sorry to have to tell you but you're addicted. A little, a lot, madly, truly... I don't know. It's less the strength of your addiction than the absence of addiction that really matters here. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not lecturing you. I too, have been unknowingly addicted. It took some health issues to force me to realise it subsequently after withdrawal — which actually went out smoothly without feeling punished nor frustrated, because in my mind I was doing a special favour to myself, a second chance to regain control of my body, emotions and health. I even discovered an iron will I didn't know I had in me and I'm very proud of it. Proud not to worry about temptation; proud to be slim again; proud to have achieved that on my own; and definitely relived to be free of cravings, sickness and hypoglycemic episodes. Admittedly, suppressing sugar wasn't the only factor (I also suppressed gluten, exercise, do yoga, meditate), but one thing's for sure: sugar doesn't soothe your mood; instead it promotes and nurtures depression. In much the same way as alcohol.


Sugar consumption and the detrimental impact it is having on our health continues to be a hot topic of discussion worldwide. Whether it be a man giving up sugar and alcohol consumption for a month to see how his body responds, or an infographic showing its effect on the body, sugar is certainly in the spotlight, and for good reason.

One person at the forefront of the battle against the sweet substance is celebrity chef, restauranteur, and media personality, Jamie Oliver. Jamie is recognized by most for his work on cooking TV stations worldwide, but is now using his respected presence to speak out against something about which he is very passionate.


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