Silent Weapons for the Secret War on You

It's only since the Hawaii wildfires, in August 2023, that the masses heard about directed energy weapons. However, this technology has long been in existence and its use is far beyond imagining. It could remote control any individual, denying them their ultimate refuge i.e. their mind.

As French investigative journalist Claire Séverac wrote in her book entitled The Secret Warfare Against the People, released in 2015, prior to her death, “the most frighting thing is the idea that they may tamper with human consciousness, bypassing our willpower and liberties up to our freedom of thought, something that God Himself, according to most religions, would never do… Such power has now fallen into the hands of a limited few who consider we have no rights. Should they use it? No.

“Did they ask us? No. Every decision is taken according to a cover-up/manipulation approach by government officials, once again in total violation of the French Constitution and the Nuremberg Code.”


The world of non-lethal weaponry has opened the door to technologies that allow the control of one’s mind, thoughts, actions, and behaviours via the use of pulsed high-frequency microwave blasts, electrical transmissions, and directed heat and sound waves. These can bypass our regular inhibitors and enter the human body and brain unbeknownst to the targeted person until they suffer the consequences.

It’s been going on for decades and not just for war purposes, but to stop protests and riots, silence and incapacitate dissenters, and bring unruly crowds under control.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



Here's an old recipe I have “veganised” to suit my digestive system. This savoury spongy banana cake is very quick to make and may be served either for tea or breakfast or as a dessert.


Serves 8:

- 2 tbsp flax seed
- 80 g xylitol (birch sugar)
- 125 g coconut (or olive) oil
- 100 g buckwheat (or oat) flakes
- 50 g rice flour
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 4 small ripe bananas
- 20 drops lemon oil
- grated coconut (optional)


Grind flax seed and add to xylitol and melted coconut oil.

Grind buckwheat flakes. Add rice flour and bicarbonate and stir into the previous mixture. Add apple cider vinegar.

Mash bananas with a fork and sprinkle with lemon oil. Stir into the batter.

Transfer batter to a silicone cake tin and bake for 40 minutes at 210°C.

Serve chilled sprinkled with grated coconut.

NOTE: You may substitute caster sugar for xylitol. If so, increase quantity by 30%. You may also replace lemon oil with a capful of rum.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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