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Elon Musk the "Free Speech" Hero?

Elon Musk is a technocrat to his DNA and his grandfather Joshua Haldeman was the leader of the technocratic movement in Canada in the 1930s where it was banned as a threat to overthrowing the government. Haldeman relocated to South Africa where Musk was born. Technocracy is the term for a government controlled by bureaucrats, technocrats, scientists, engineers and medical ‘experts’ and not by elected politicians.

We saw what ‘medical experts’ means during the ‘Covid’ lockdown years and the rollout of the fake vaccine. Joshua Haldeman’s movement said that ‘outdated social institutions [were] blocking progress and politicians should be swept aside, just as alchemists and astrologers had previously given way to science’. Their manifesto said: ‘Modern common sense is now calling upon physical science and technology to extend the frontiers of their domain.

Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin, invoking his experience of post-revolution Russia and the Soviet Union, condemned technocratic philosophy and foresaw a society in which people were numbers, not names, and cogs in a ‘vast industrial machine’. This is the no-politician society sought by the Cult in which people would be numbers, not names, and cogs in a vast AI machine.

It is true that a person should not be judged purely by his family connections and I don’t do so with Musk. There is much more to it than that. Elon Musk fronts up a series of companies which all advance the Cult agenda. There is Neuralink that seeks to connect the human brain to computers; Tesla with its electric and autonomous vehicles; Tesla also produces ‘micro-homes’ which is where humans are planned to live under the Great Reset; and there is SpaceX which is launching tens of thousands of low-orbit satellites to fire 5G, 6G, and 7G at every inch of the planet to form the AI Cloud to which humans are supposed to be connected.

Musk is promoted as a maverick of The System when without Cult money and colossal government handouts he would be done for. Amazing how a ‘maverick’ can square that circle. We are further asked to believe that a Cult which already controlled Twitter and its content would suddenly transfer control to a man who calls himself a ‘free-speech absolutist’. They even threatened to take him to court to make sure the purchase went through. Much has been made of the ‘Twitter Files’ which Musk subsequently released to reveal the control of Twitter content previously imposed by aspects of the Deep State including the corrupt to its fingertips FBI. This has been reported within aspects of the alternative media as confirmation that Musk is a good guy on the side of the people.

I would say it shows something else that puts the Musk purchase in a different light. Okay, so it confirms what we knew that the Deep State (an expression of the Cult) was calling the shots at Twitter. So why when that control was secured, did they just hand it over to the said ‘free speech absolutist’ Elon Musk?

We must be very careful that a scam is not underway here which makes Musk a people’s hero who can direct potential Cult opposition into cul-de-sacs and ravines. I am seeing Musk regularly quoted by many alternative media platforms as if what he says is ‘anti-system’ and even referred to as ‘Elon’ like you would with a friend. My view is that the alternative media is being hijacked perceptually and that Musk is part of this. I will explain more at the end of the book.

Musk’s ridiculous profile as a shining light of freedom reached new heights with a two-part interview on the Tucker Carlson Show on Fox News in which he warned about the dangers of AI and loss of freedom while being an asset of the very Deep State using AI to hijack the world and delete freedom. Musk was presented to a pushbacker audience as ‘one of us’. Carlson said after his sacking in 2023 by Rupert Murdoch and Fox News for telling the truth that he would bring back his show on Twitter. Carlson has done some great work exposing political corruption and the Woke agenda over the years, but he and we have to be very careful that opposition to the Cult is not corralled and hijacked by agents of the Cult. Musk may have warned about AI in the Carlson interview but he used the opportunity to promote ‘his’ latest AI project. I don’t know how more obvious it could be short of Musk having ‘conman’ written on his forehead.

I can tell you from long experience of researching Cult operatives that they are very uncomfortable in situations where they cannot control the outcome.

Control freaks are always haunted by insecurity which is why they want to control everything. They cannot cope with states of flux and unpredictable outcomes and to mitigate this flaw they set out to control all sides. They cannot always do so because of Divine Spark reaction, but they are always trying. Cult insecurity comes from the insecurity of their demon masters who are in constant terror of being exposed and their essential loosh supply disappearing.

Some might say, hold on, you said the Cult is AI so why would it be insecure? But as I have said they are not AI as we perceive it. They are an advanced AI with a form of consciousness that is affected by their reality and Divine Spark responses as well as seeking to impose their program upon them. Think of a program that has the self-awareness to know when its program is under threat or isn’t working according to plan (Agent Smith in the Matrix movies). Cult modus operandi is to seek to control all sides – for and against what the demons want – so they can dictate the outcome. Cult operatives posing as ‘one of us’ like Musk and Trump are there to lead the genuine, if naïve, opposition to glorious failure. The Cult has moved in on the alternative media and mindset since the emergence of Trump and then Musk as advocates of ‘freedom’. The idea has been to take it over and hold the line of exposure to ‘here and no further’.

Musk is most certainly not a ‘free speech absolutist’ despite the hype. Twitter announced that it will downgrade what is called ‘hate speech’ and it will be hidden behind a warning that reads: ‘Visibility limited: this Tweet may violate Twitter’s rules against Hateful Conduct’. Who defines ‘hateful conduct’? They do. ‘Offending’ tweets will be excluded from search results, trends, and recommended screens, with other sanctions also possible. Twitter said this policy would be expanded to ‘other applicable policy areas in the coming months’.

Matt Taibbi, a journalist Musk asked to analyse the ‘Twitter Files’, quit Twitter after it restricted all links and tweets about Substack which has become the home of many censored writers. Taibbi returned a few days later. A Forbes article said:

Musk was heralded by some as a champion of free speech when he first bought Twitter in October 2022. But it quickly became obvious the social media platform would serve as his own personal fiefdom rather than a platform governed by any coherent set of principles.

Reality dawned on ‘Musk is a free-speech hero’ advocates when he appointed Linda Yaccarino, a top NBC Universal executive, as CEO of Twitter. Yaccarino is an Executive Chair of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and heads the WEF’s Taskforce on Future of Work. She also serves on the Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee and is involved in other WEF initiatives. Yaccarino was described by one website as ‘a vaccine-pushing, pro-mask-wearing, WEF globalist’. She’s also a fan of censorship. Musk said Yaccarino would focus primarily on business operations and turning Twitter into an ‘everything app’ called X which would apparently be modelled on China’s WeChat. How appropriate. Parts of the alternative arena can be so naive. By their ACTIONS shall you know them and not by their words.


  • ^ It seems to me loosh is a strong inrush of vital energy caused by a strong desire in the individual experiencing it. It’s that adrenaline surge you feel in a fight-or-flight situation. But it’s more than a chemical, because we are told loosh is also generated in a situation like a lonely person pining, where no adrenaline is involved. In both cases, there is a common element: a strong emotional desire. Negativity seems to be what makes the harvesting possible, but it is not the loosh. It’s something that sometimes laces loosh, and its presence is necessary for access to the substance by interdimensional energy-eaters. Negativity is not the essential emotion but an overlay emotion, and when it is present, it creates a drain on the inrush of vital energy. (Source)

Original text by DAVID ICKE from The Dream (isbn:9781838415334)


The World Is Changing

Just like the late French journalist Claire Séverac and many other brave ladies who have been facing ridicule, censorship, threats, reversed accusations and a range of spoiled labelling such as “cult”, “guru”, “conspiracy theorist” and/or so many of the like (which you should now know by heart given how feeble and limited the imagination and creativity of those morons are), Anne Givaudan is working towards the recovery of humanity's sovereignty on earth. She is, in her own words, an author, speaker and body and soul therapist, initiator of Essene therapies. In a recent interview on YouTube focusing on the “walk-in” phenomenon, she mentioned the current events our world has been facing ever since the Covidian psyop and the increasingly tangible awareness of people which makes it hard for the globalist elites, manipulated by the forces of darkness, to advance their agenda. These are the words I chose to transcribe below. Please note the full one-hour video is available only in French.


What do we do? What are we going to do? Do we agree? Do we stop acquiescing to things that are totally irresponsible, inconceivable or unacceptable? Do we keep doing that? How far can they go?

They've been carrying out tests and now they think “oh well, that's fine because for any pandemic we may create or invent, we know that people will obey”.

On the other hand, I think they may be surprised as people won't necessarily obey the same way and that's what some fear. They are so afraid of that that, right now, they're mostly trying to harm the world population or, at least, to protect themselves from human evolution. Because that's what they're afraid of. That people wake up and say, “well, we got fooled once, we won't again”.

So that's really what the dark side fears because they don't know how to deal with that. They're very good at dealing with revolutions, fights, protests and so on. They don't mind because they know what to do, how to prevent that or how to respond to that. However, they don't have a clue how to deal with solidarity between people; how to deal with refusal; how to deal with the fact that all of a sudden people take their power back and refuse to obey stupid orders. They have no competence to deal with that and that's where our power lies.

We cannot fight with the same weapons. We cannot say “let's impeach them”. It's pointless as there'll be another one coming because they have prepared for this. So whoever's in charge doesn't matter anyway. They are just puppets for other beings so that won't help. What will at some point is to wonder how we can do it as there's a great deal of extremely powerful operational magic — black magic, and we simply can't fight thinking “we're going to fight, we're going to do this and that”.

However, if we regain our power, yes, that may work.

The Dark Elites

For those, once they lose their power, they shall be cut off. Just like deflating balloons. Right now, they are balloons which make us think they have power and we believe them. Humans believe that but as soon as we stop empowering them, it'll be as if they're deflating. I'd say at some point, they won't exist anymore. And if we stop feeding them, there'll be nothing left. That'll be the end.

Well, that's the reason why when I wrote the files on the world government, it's true that I've had to deal with them but if you stand up, it's okay. Even though some have died. Like Claire Séverac for instance. Well, she has been… many people have been suicided or sick from unusual illnesses. So that's true, it's dangerous, but on the other hand, if we let them have it… 

The Fear of Death

Once you no longer fear death, you're not afraid of life and that's when you can take action. That's what you must keep in mind.
That's what happens, for example, with people who do incredible things in sports or at any level. At some point, they have overridden or overcome their fear of death and from then on were able to experience life at every levels. Otherwise, fear and love don't match together. So as long as you're afraid, some things can never happen.

They've used that a lot over the last couple of years and that's how they conned most people. It would go to extreme lengths that were absurd. But they've been testing their power to see how they could psychologically get people to do that. So now they think that they may be able to do it again. That's why I'm saying it's not over yet.

It's not over yet, but people are waking up.

I, for one, always tell people “don't stay on your own, go to places where you can be with others whom you can talk to; with whom you can communicate; with whom something happens”.

Formatting Children

We need to get out of this falsehood which creates feeble beings who feel lonely, who are unhappy and who are actually formatted whereas initially they had plenty of ideas.

As long as they don't go to school, kids are okay. They have many potentials until they get formatted. It's not teachers' fault but the program's.

They want to create obedient individuals with limited education and now, on top of that, they put them into boxes. That is they must specialise in some field and therefore cannot have an overall view of all the rest, which is very bad as we'll only get specialists.

And there's worse with the sexual stories which are convenient for paedophiles.

The Collapse of Old Structures

It's just like a game of chess where you place your rook, your queen on the board. What do we want? Do we want to go on like this? No.

So do we accept that the old structures fall apart and that financially there may be some disasters — economically and politically. It actually makes sense.

If we don't let go of it, we'll be unhappy and that's not the point. It's normal for old structures to collapse so we won't attempt to seal the cracks again — to pour old wine into new bottles and stuff like that.

Rather, it's important to let them collapse as soon as possible. Medicine is collapsing, but at the same time people are looking for alternative medicines so they're trying to get in their way with silly legislation. That said, law or no law, they'll do it anyway.

I've just received a book from a doctor who initially wanted to be a healer but became a physician instead, and he mentions about eleven terminally ill persons who all recovered from their disease — not necessarily thanks to medicine — maybe a bit for some — but mostly thanks to themselves. It's very interesting to note that now even doctors are writing theses about that.

It means the world is changing.

Original text by ANNE GIVAUDAN translated from French by EY@EL
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