Illusion of Divine

Carrying the marks of your emptiness,
New wounds still bleeding in your chest.
No respect for your own flesh
Expecting a blessing,

Your chant is an elegant complaint,
So sad and slow like a requiem.
No glory in self-induced pain,
Changing your own ending.

The raging storm in your head
Is begging you not to stay.
Free yourself from eternal death,
See the pure light of day.

You flew too far with broken wings,
Wanting to end your sufferings.
Don't you lie with your innocence,
It's just illusion.

Illusion of Divine,
A taste of death is sublime.
Gambling with your soul;
Evil will rise if you fall,
Illusion of Divine.

Never let your madness
Believe in this dying faith.
Your soul is your shelter,
Don't ever surrender.
A mystic light shines your day.

Stigmata showing your insanity,
Crawling on your knees until you bleed.
Worthless moments of glory,
It's just illusion.

Illusion of Divine,
A taste of death is sublime.
Gambling with your soul;
Evil will rise if you fall,
Illusion of Divine.

Illusion of Divine,
A taste of death is sublime.
Gambling with your soul;
Evil will rise if you fall,
Illusion of Divine.

Original text by AMÉLIE PAUL


2024: The Backfire Effect

It should be noted that I'm in no way referring to the dystopian globalists' climate warming hoax inflaming controversy, least of all the return of the Olympic Flame in Paris — but mostly to the subtle energy signature of this first day of 2024, all infused with the Yang dynamics of fire of which balance, equity and poetic justice are the watchwords, requiring us to deal with our anger and move towards Love.

The Pyramid of Fire

If only I could ride a celestial dragon
To breathe the essence of the Sun and Moon
So that I might be immortal!

Li Po

What with the good head-start provided by such special Moon inspiring optimism, cooperation, social change, expansion, discovery and beliefs. Actually, the sixth phase of the lunar cycle — better known in most almanacs as Disseminating Moon, occurring in between the Full Moon and Third Quarter, is in analogy with planet Jupiter and Sagittarius sign. What makes this Leo Moon so significant on New Year's Day is the Pyramid of Fire it forms with the Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Aries.

A Pyramid (or Grand Trine) is an astrological figure formed by three planets 120 degrees apart from each other and in the same element, which amplifies their combined energies, allowing them to act as one.

(Reminder: my review is not based on incorrect mainstream tropical horoscope but on the sidereal zodiac using the Galactic Centre to calculate the precession of the equinoxes.

This lunar phase challenges both religious and intellectual beliefs (realm of Sagittarius), signalling that it's time to regroup and learn from past experiences rather than blindly forging ahead. Bear in mind that all planets involved are immersed into their preferred element, which is fire. Fire stands for ignition, the initial spark, the essential energy, and consciousness. Its greatest challenge definitely is to gather and channel itself, to listen to its spirit and emotions, to structure itself with patience so as to create and not to destroy.

Shining a Light on Our Blind Spots

Reality sometimes takes the form of a fearsome dragon, vanishing as soon as you dare face it.

Laurent Gounelle,Les dieux voyagent toujours incognito

That period when three quarters of the Moon are lit by the Sun is considered to be a phase of passive reaping of what you sowed. According to famous astrologer Dane Rudhyar, “Form, revealed in a moment of lucid perception at the 'Full Moon' […] gradually releases its meaning (or significance) as the Moon decreases in light. The waning period of the lunation is thus a period of growth for the active power of consciousness. Consciousness, once it is formulated, can be shared with others, and thus can actively affect and transform others.

A surge of lucidity and realisation occurring from the higher perspective of the Moon at apogee, its farthest point from the Earth on its elliptical orbit and thus in alignment with its second empty focus, better known as Dark Moon (or Lilith). This empty point represents our blind spots.

The karmic overtone is obvious insomuch as Lilith — which epitomises, amongst many other things, taboo-free sex if not depravity — is transiting through Leo, a sign related to children. Paedophilic crimes should be brought under the spotlight and on the receiving end of divine justice, raising awareness in the most dormant factions of the public, and arousing the anger of all peoples who might stand together now despite all the division attempts. Enough is enough!

Together We Stand

Come not beneath the dragon and its wrath.

William Shakespeare, King Lear

Another significant astrological event but not the least is Mars and Jupiter in mutual reception (in each other's signs) and in trigonocracy (in their preferred element, i.e. fire), therefore in full power.

Mars just left the dark realm of Pluto today, entering the realm of Jupiter in Sagittarius — and in doing so, replenishing its energy while transiting the Galactic Centre — meanwhile Jupiter is freeing itself from the chains of squaring Pluto, putting an end to its 3-month retrogradation in Aries, the sign of Mars. No need to know anything about astrology to understand the mythological symbol at play here. This is the end of psychological manipulations and corruption. Free from the God of the Underworld, Mars and Jupiter work together to restore balance and recover their sovereignty. Their combined energies give a sense that there is nothing we can't do and that we can meet any challenge.

And as if the stars had conspired, Mercury, the planet of the intellect and communication, still at the mercy of the Plutonian energies of Scorpio, is also turning direct today, thus terminating its period of introspection initiated a couple of weeks ago and recovering its freedom of speech.

Time will tell, but all these energies might reach a climax around 11th January with the New Moon in Sagittarius trining Uranus (the Great Awakener) and as Mercury enters Sagittarius, getting a boost of energy from the Galactic Center in passing. That's also when the Mars-Jupiter trine will be exact, which should amplify the effects of their mutual reception a hundredfold.

An All-or-Nothing Year

He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

Numerology-wise, 2024 is a 8 universal year. “It is the number of high contrast, magnitude, power, infinity, and all-or-nothing. It symbolises the struggle for human rights and the challenges in achieving some symmetry between hardly reconcilable aspirations such as a desire for balance and justice while remaining firm in defending our ideals. A global challenge!” (Source)

After a 7 universal year, full of surprises, where we had to stay on course against all odds, exert our steering power to resist all-out attempts to divert and divide us in order to keep us polarised in duality — while paradoxically calling for gender blending and pushing for non-binarity to create cognitive dissonance and thus dissolve all the bearings of humanity so as to disconnect us from our true divine nature — 2024 should bear the fruits of our efforts depending on whether they have been working towards the re-balancing of cosmic forces or the spreading of chaos.

In almost all systems of numerology, number 8 is the number of renewal. It is analogically related to the arcanum of Justice in ancient tarot, which symbolises balance and karma for unlike human "justice", this universal law cannot be corrupted as it knows neither excess nor lack; neither shadow nor light; neither good nor evil; solely middle ground and the perpetual motion of the grains of sand passing through the hourglass just like the infinite flow and the balance of energy and power. Just like life cycles and permanence in change.

It's also related to Heith, the eighth letter of the Hebraic alphabet, “the divine spark, embodying healing power since it is life flowing freely between human and divine realms, thus harmonising the sense of separation and confidence in your creative gifts and the fair return of divine abundance.” (Source)

The Law of Return is the junction principle of the visible and the invisible, the mundane and the spiritual… Number 8 flows through both worlds and brings all the consequences of one into the other… as above so below… in the infinite motion of eternity. The Law is irreversible as whoever decides to embark onto the terrestrial experience bears within the imprints they'll have to solve, for life in its perfect balance will see to it.” (Source)

The Awakening of the Dragon

People who deny the existence of dragons are often eaten by dragons. From within.

Ursula K. Le Guin, The Wave of the Mind

According to Chinese astrology, as from 10th February, the world will shift into the energies of the Dragon, a mythical animal praised for its wisdom, its courage and its tenacity in addressing all challenges, but also feared for its aggressiveness and irritability.

A Dragon year should provide opportunities for fresh starts and certainly bring many changes and upheaval, embracing human affairs as well as the world of nature with unexpected storms and floods (especially since about one month after the awakening of the Dragon, the Lord of the oceans, Neptune will settle down in its own sign of Pisces — a typical Christ symbol — for a dozen years).

Tabloids won't have to create fables as reality will be much more sensational […] The Dragon Year has a downside however. Success may be easy to achieve, you can never be sure to keep it or make the most of it. All the glamour you get today could be gone overnight without the possibility for you to even foresee or prevent it. You should thus take a philosophical approach. Cultivate calmness like Marc Aurèle or become resigned like Job. Only by taking such approach will you survive physically and morally, should a painful turn of events occur. Keep in mind that during a Dragon year, everything can be glorious yet fleeting and illusory.” (Source)

A year full of hot shots ahead. While the heat may concentrate in the backside of some — not quite much to their enjoyment though, it should warm the heart of others, seeing the fruit of their efforts and resilience manifesting a fairer world that better suits their values. All is not lost, but nothing is won yet. It's up to each and everyone to be careful not to veer to any extreme and keep all things in balance.

My best wishes go with the kings and queens you all are as you return to your respective inner kingdoms as many diverse embodiments of the Source of life we all originate from.

May the wisdom of the Dragon — and not the chink in its armour — guide you through 2024,

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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