99 Balloons

A couple of weeks ago, the United States eventually shot down a Chinese surveillance balloon after having allowed it to collect information over their territory for days. Subsequently, strange flying objects began to appear in the American airspace. No one truly knows what they are, but the U.S. Army now has the capacity to shoot them down. They are unable to explain what they are, what propulsion system they're using, but it's okay, let the public believe they're alien spacecrafts just like Hollywood has been programming them for decades. All the same, it strongly reeks of Project Blue Beam!

40 years ago to the day, right during the intensification of the arms race during the Cold War between the USA and USSR, German band Nena released this international hit with socially conscious lyrics telling the story of 99 balloons mistaken for UFOs, causing a general to send pilots to investigate. Finding nothing but balloons, the pilots put on a large show of fire power. The display of force worries the nations along the borders and the war ministers on each side encourage conflict to grab power for themselves. In the end, a cataclysmic war results from the otherwise harmless flight of balloons and causes devastation on all sides without a victor. The anti-war song finishes with the singer walking through the devastated ruins of the world and finding a single balloon.

In the light of recent developments, I think it would be pointless to stress how visionary these lyrics are. Incidentally, it was shared, on 26th October, by General Flynn (ex-United States National Security Advisor) on his Telegram channel. The cutline read: “Beware of the false flag. War in Europe is not the right path, in fact war is never the right path.” (Source

Let's not feed the egregore of fear. We surely cannot control the actions of the self-proclaimed madmen forcing their mad rules over the sovereign beings that we are, but we can still choose not to feed them with the low-vibrating energy the entities who handle them need in order to keep operating on this plane, breeding humankind as mere cattle for their life force. Never mind if you deem my words stupid. I feel sorry for you that you totally missed the point about what is truly at stake both spiritually and metaphysically in this 5th generation warfare. It's quite normal as you're looking for answers in the wrong place. Forget everything you've learnt and stop looking outside yourself.



99 Luftballons

Have you got a minute for me?
If so, I'll sing you a song
About 99 ballons
On their way to the horizon.
If so, I'll sing you a song
About 99 balloons
And how man reaps what he sows.

99 balloons
On their way to the horizon
Were mistaken for UFOs from outer space.
Hence some general
Sent a flying squadron after them
To raise the alarm in case it were true,
But it was just
99 balloons on the horizon.

99 jet pilots,
Each of them a great warrior,
Acting as Captain Kirk.
There was a great display of fireworks.
Their neighbours didn't get it at all.
They immediately felt under attack,
Even though they were just shooting at
99 balloons on the horizon.

99 ministers of war,
With matches and barrels of petrol,
Thinking themselves very clever,
Had already figured out the great boon for them.
They shouted "War!" and they wanted power.
Gosh, who could have thought
Things could escalate to this point
All because of 99 balloons?

All because of 99 balloons —
99 balloons!

99 years of war
Left no room for victors.
There are no ministers of war anymore
And no fighter jets either.
Today, as I'm making my rounds
Looking at a world in ruins,
I found a balloon.
I released it while thinking of you...

Original text by KARLO CARGES translated from German by M87
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Sweet Sweet Yam

To get the chops this winter, here's a vegan recipe high in protein, starch, potassium, beta-carotene, copper, manganese, sulphur, and antioxidant content, that will easily substitute for a steak or burger, while adding colour to your plate. Quick and easy to make, your kids will love it too. Successfully tested and approved by a bunch of merry gourmets on New Year's Eve!


Makes about 15 croquettes:

- 1 large sweet potato (approximately 450 g)
- 300 g red lentils
- 1 red onion
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tbsp turmeric
- 1 tbsp fine Celtic salt


Rinse and soak lentils overnight or at least 3 hours.

Peel the sweet potato, cut it into pieces and boil for 20 minutes.

Drain both lentils and sweet potato and purée 2/3 of the lentils with the sweet potato in a food processor.

Transfer to a large bowl and stir in the remaining lentils, the finely chopped onion, the crushed garlic, the spices and salt.

Arrange on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet, forming small dollops (roughly using one tablespoon of dough per croquette).

Bake 25 minutes at 210°C.

NOTE: Can be served hot or cold. You can also reheat them for a couple of minutes in a frying pan. May be served with greens or salad and sauce if needed. You may, of course, replace red onion with yellow onion (less sweety) or shallots. While green lentils may also substitute for the red ones, they might cause some digestive discomfort as, contrary to red lentils, green lentils still have their membrane left, possibly causing bloating.

Bon appétit!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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