Stepping Out of the Persona

Reading this some thirty pages long mini ebook by Lulumineuse on ego – which she calls “Persona” or “Mask" – I could not help thinking of the eponymous Mask movie featuring Jim Carrey. Of course, “masks” in “real” life are not so grotesque, however that's the idea (and by the way, any irony with existing mandatory masks is purely coincidental).

As always, Lulu provides practical examples from her real-life experience to explain the mask concept, why it undermines all relationships (including the relationship with oneself), and how we can get rid of it for greater well-being both for us and for society. This reading was so enlightening, I felt urged to share it with someone I like a lot. Unfortunately he's not fluent in French, which gave me the idea to translate it with the author's blessing, who turned out to be as excited as I was at the idea. A challenge I'm proud to have taken up for myself but also for all those who will thus be able to discover these precious teachings in a language they can understand.

Below is a large excerpt representing approximately one fourth of the entire text which you may download for free here :

Download e-book (PDF)


How do we behave when we step into our persona or, inconversely, when we are ourselves? How can we avoid getting carried away by our own persona or other people's in everyday life? How can we keep a check on ourselves and align with our magnificent, luminous, and loving True Self?

Stepping out of the persona is the basis of all relationships.

At birth we do not wear a mask as we haven't built a persona yet. It is precisely because they are fully themselves that babies are so fascinating. Take my three-year-old daughter for instance. She is fully herself and devoid of any built form. She does have personality characteristics, but they're not locked into a persona or a role. The persona is actually the role we create for ourselves and retreat into.

This is not a bad thing. It is just an armour, a constructed identity we rely on in order to survive. But this is a real issue when people identify with this constructed identity only, which we may call persona hypnosis. This identity is growing increasingly detached from our True Self, from who we are deep inside. It could be likened to the Small I – the ego self.

In such a situation, we'll tend to endure life rather than perceive it. We'll entertain the belief that everything happening originates from outside, that we are separate from everything. Thus, we do not think we have created what befalls us and rather feel that life hits us. In so identifying with our persona, we cut ourselves off altogether.

We all have our unique way of sustaining this persona. Taking time to figure it out together is already stepping out of the persona. After a while, in our own time, we take off the mask of who we thought we were – the constructed persona. In doing so, we can see what is actually behind it. Right there is an entity, a primal energy. We reconnect to this energy and gradually choose to espouse this truly divine identity, which is way beyond our worldly identity. It is the light within each one of us. It may scare the persona as it could lose its identity. For we are gradually removing the various layers as a pilgrim would – “peeling off” the layers.

This is how we could introduce this concept of persona and True Self.

Incidentally, persona is a Latin word referring to the theatrical mask worn by stage actors.

When we step out of the persona, even though we may, of course, step back in anytime, we're getting better at not locking ourselves within. In addition, communicating with people stuck in their persona may be difficult. So we feel as if we were living in a great theatre play where we have taken our mask off and they haven't. Their persona thus still permeates their responses.

We want to tell them that the play is over, that they can step out of their role, but it's not possible as everything you say is then chosen and interpreted by their persona. It is therefore hard to talk with someone who hasn't dropped their mask.

The persona doesn't want to listen to what you're telling them because it finds it weird and makes everything about them. Do not feed the persona. It is never the gateway to what nourishes the soul. It seeks to respond, not to listen. Besides, there is no point in criticising the persona since we all are at times. The key for not stepping into and staying in the persona and hypnosis has been given to us a long time ago in The Four Agreements, which we will discuss right now. Then we will take a pragmatical look at those specific moments in our life when we step into the persona as well as look at all the keys and tools for not dwelling init and for embodying our true identity – our own unique identity.

When I created my blog, I wrote: “When Lucile becomes Lulumineuse”. Lucile Houssin is my worldly identity and I do not wish to keep this mask. This is not what I am. Beyond our names and surnames, we are all the Light.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE from Stepping Out of the Persona translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


How to Use Oracle and Tarot Cards for Deep Inner Work

In the article below, you will find a list of tarot and oracle decks recommended by the author. I thought of adding my own collection as a complimentary list for my French-speaking readers though many are also available in English and other languages. Wherever possible, I'm also providing links if you wish to purchase some. Please, note that sadly French editions are generally (but not always) more expensive and of lesser quality than American or British editions (which is also the case for books). Also, be wary of Chinese counterfeiting, especially on Amazon. You'll identify them by their much cheaper prices and the location of the vendor.



I also had great fun recreating existing oracles for which I found the original images quite ugly and uninspiring as you can see in the gallery below (click on each picture to enlarge):

L'oracle Gé
Oracle Merveille
(French/online only)
Oracle Constellation
L'Oracle des miroirs
Le tarot des énergies
(French/online only)
Ask Your Angels
(DIY deck)

I'm also considering creating my own oracle with inspiring photos I took and which should grow with future needs and inspiration.

A Few Tips for Creating Your Own Oracles:

  • List all cards and keywords and what could be used as alternative symbols for each card.
  • Choose a theme and style and seek matching pictures. This step is the most tedious one and is time-consuming. I suggest Pinterest as a starting place as it's a goldmine for such research. Depending on the type of image you're looking for (graphic or photography), you may expand your research to specialist websites. Don't worry about copyright as your deck will be for private use only.
  • Choose the card size you want and use software like LibreOffice Draw (free and multi-platform) for instance to create blank card pages. Copy-paste each picture, enlarging and/or cropping wherever necessary to fit in the card. Find a matching font and type the name (and number) of the card.
  • You may also decide to print the backside of your cards (highly recommended). In this case, you'll need to find a pattern. In order to reduce ink consumption, choose a light pattern.
  • To print out your cards, I also advise you to use good quality large sheets of plain white Bristol board which usually works fine with inkjet printers.
  • After you have cut out your cards, you may wish to make them look nicer using a corner clipper and laminate them. Having had an unfortunate experience with laminators (the glue didn't stay on leaving white patches in places), I suggest to use DIY cold laminating with transparent adhesive film used to cover books.



Mysterious, esoteric, and ancient in origin, tarot and oracle cards are steadily increasing in popularity.

And there’s a good reason for that … they work!

No, I don’t believe tarot and oracle cards can predict the future as the future isn’t set in stone. Neither do I believe that the reason oracle and tarot cards are rising in popularity is due to such an antiquated use as fortune telling.

Instead, from what I’ve observed and experienced, tarot and oracle cards are rising in prevalence because they are powerful gateways to the inner self and unconscious mind. And in this day and age, the need to connect with our inner selves is increasing in intensity and desperate necessity.

Ultimately, oracle and tarot cards are spiritual tools that anyone can use. If I am to list one tool that I consult and use each and every day, it would be my tarot and oracle cards. Why? These deceptively simple cards are like fractals: the deeper you meditate and reflect on a card, the more you discover about yourself. This makes oracle and tarot cards powerful meditation tools that are ideal for increasing one’s spiritual and psychological growth.

Are you curious about dipping your toes into the world of oracle and tarot cards? Read on. If you’ve already tasted the sweet nectar of this amazingly illuminating tool, I’m sure you’ll find something interesting to feast on below as well.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


50 Shots of Green

We want green green green green
Green green-washing
We want to fly
We want Airbuses and diesel
Tangerine at all times
We want great flights
We want high-tech at home
New technologies
We want to apologise
To relieve our minds…

"Greenwashing", Tryö (2012)

The least we can say is that over the last two years, they've been using every available means to knock us as hard as possible, all that in the name of the green code1 and coat2. Thrashing black sheep; slagging off and penalising raw youngsters and smart old dogs alike. Either way, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other; Tweedledum and Tweedledumber; glass half full or half empty depending how you drink.

Everything is done to drive us nuts, frighten, upset, or irate us, especially those taken off-guard who had to choose between sacrificing either their financial assets or their lifeblood on the verdigris altar of the Green Pass. The pill is certainly hard to swallow and the green wine does not help at all. Despite their claims of having green fingers, the hands of the green GMO supremacists are actually covered in blood. Together, they're working towards nipping all the peas in the can before getting all pureed by the Red Giant (too bad for the colour-blind who don't get it). Hence the thick-as-pea-soup fog. A reminder of one infamous scene in the Exorcist.

It really is time to go green. In the middle of hell and beyond.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone!

P.S.: My apologies for losing much of the original puns, idiomatic expressions and cultural references in translation. Be grateful though: it could have been much worse if Google Translate had its say. However flawed humans may be, AI can never replace them.


  1. ^ In hospitals in Quebec, the Green Code is an emergency code requesting immediate evacuation of the premises.
  2. ^ Refers to scholars.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Binary Thinking

It's black, it's white
It's tough for you to get by
It's black, it's white

"Black or White", Michael Jackson (1991)

The system induces us to think in a certain way in order to control us. Duality is the matrix world in which we live in. But do we really have to play along this duality?

Good and evil, black or white, heroes and villains, good or bad. The media enjoy using this bias and force its way into our brains to make us think along those lines. And so many people think this way indeed, even ”conspiracy theorists”.

Let us take the example of Trump who's back in the news: many are ready to defend him by hook or by crook for all the good things he's done – such as increasing job creation for Black and Hispanic communities, exposing fake news, and essentially destroying the foundations of the Deep State. On the other hand, many also hate him because he promoted the vaccine and invited his audience to take the jab. As a result, there's a strong polarity: he is either worshipped – you have to listen, follow him, etc., never challenge what he's doing – or hated, condemned, and assimilated as “controlled opposition and you must not listen to him. However, it is very rare to find a rhetoric which is none of the above. Why is that?

Binary thinking. Black or white.

So if Hitler had said that 2+2=4, what should we have thought? “Great, he's telling the truth, we must follow him“? “No, he's an evil bastard, we must not listen anything he says”? Or none of this?

As you can see in this example, none of the answers is actually true and valid, and it's essentially the same thing for everything presented to us.

In opting for black or for white, we are closing the door to a huge avenue of other possibilities which could be in better adequation with reality. On the other hand, choosing black or white amounts to create a direct opposition as it cannot be grey; it's either black or white. And given that our mind loves to be right and hates being wrong, we are automatically bound to be confronted with those who opted for the opposite colour.

However, we are social beings. We need one another. We are all connected, we all live on the same planet, and we all have the same basic needs.

So why confront them? Why can't we simply choose to dump black and white to come up all with something greyish?

Well, grey is dirty, some may say. This world has been divided because we decided to pick up our colour and wear it on our sleeve as the Truth.

But the truth is that we are 7.9 billion human beings on this planet and each one of us has a different world view, so is binary thinking really useful for the good functioning of our species?

Let us take the example of Trump again: it is abundantly clear that he has contributed a lot in destroying the Deep State and it's equally obvious that despite his praising the vaccine, you should not take it. However, does it make him all black or all white? Is there something else behind all this ? Do we have all the information to know for sure whether he is good or evil? No, in the end, it's all about assumptions, but taking sides and defending our position at all costs brings us into conflict with our brothers and sisters who are also trying to get through this situation. So ultimately, what is the point in playing this game?

For whether he is good or evil, we can challenge the fact that we don't need politics which are also about opposing sides. Besides, remaining in black or white mode holds us in our position and oblivious to anything else. And the Deep State loves taking us there, introducing doubt, surprise, black and white... messy mysteries.

Nothing is all black and nothing is all white. Life is made up of a variety of colours and tones, and that's actually what makes it so awesome. So it may be time for us to get out of binary choices and learn together how to blend our colours so as to create a beautiful harmony on Earth.

Ultimately, the same harmony we want to create in our hearts.

Original text by MICHAEL translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


We're Getting There!

On y arrive !

The Angel of Air whispers these words
And the Angel of Water sings this song.
We're getting there” they tell me in the dark
For the Light is coming NOW”.

Woe to those who turn a blind eye
And to all those who don't want to know.
Woe to those who are attached to things,
Hail to those who can say goodbye.

There's a seed growing in your heart,
It comes from the Tree of Life.
Leave Babylon and come
Walk the fertile lands with us
Where we can move and breathe freely,
Where Life is a beacon of Light
And guides every step we take in this world.
Come with us into this New Era.

We're getting there,
It's within reach.
We're getting there,
Together, together…
We're getting there,
The New World is there.
We're getting there,
Together, together…

The birth pangs of a New Humanity have just begun…

Woe to those who turn a blind eye
And to all those who don't want to know.
Woe to those who are attached to things,
Hail to those who can say goodbye.

A New World awaits us in the sun,
A New Earth bathed in hope.
It's the beginning of the greatest awakening
And the end of the longest nightmare.

A New World,
A New Earth,
Hand in hand,
In this prayer.
A New Dream
In the Light,
Hand in hand,
A New Era.

We're getting there,
It's within reach.
We're getting there,
Together, together…
We're getting there,
The New World is there.
We're getting there,
Together, together…

Original text by LEONARDO SOJLI translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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