The Donkey, the Tiger, and the Lion

The donkey told the tiger: ′′The grass is blue”.

The tiger replied: ′′No, the grass is green”.

The discussion became heated up, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, and to do so they approached the lion, King of the Jungle.

Before reaching the clearing in the forest where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness, is it true that grass is blue?”.

The lion replied: “True, the grass is blue”.

The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts me and annoys me please punish him”.

The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 3 days of silence”.

The donkey jumped for joy and went on his way, content and repeating: ′′The grass is blue...

The tiger accepted his punishment, but he asked the lion: ′′Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?

The lion replied: ′′In fact, the grass is green”.

The tiger asked: ′′So why do you punish me?”

The lion replied: ′′That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that to come and bother me with that question”.

The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn’t care about truth or reality, but only the victory of their beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on discussions that make no sense.

There are people who for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand, and others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.

When IGNORANCE SCREAMS, intelligence shuts up. Your peace and tranquility are worth more.



Nobody in the lane, and nothing, nothing but blackberries,
Blackberries on either side, though on the right mainly,
A blackberry alley, going down in hooks, and a sea
Somewhere at the end of it, heaving. Blackberries
Big as the ball of my thumb, and dumb as eyes
Ebon in the hedges, fat
With blue-red juices. These they squander on my fingers.
I had not asked for such a blood sisterhood; they must love me.
They accommodate themselves to my milkbottle, flattening their sides.

Sylvia Plath

I will always remember this poem because I had chosen it for my graduation paper for the American poetry class I took at university. And today, I realise the strange significance blackberries have always had for me. Perhaps because they represent a rebellious, incorruptible force of nature ; the tender and delicate fruit of a plant regarded as weed, standing up to anything and able to protect itself against all odds? Cut them off, brambles will always find a way to grow back. Blackberries are hard to find, you need to try hard to spot them and not be afraid of getting scratched to have the privilege to pick them up. Unlike their raspberry cousins, they are not ripe when red but rather when they take on their purplish black colour.

The other day (that's two months ago!), on my daily walk in the woods, I was saddened not to find any blackberry this year, whereas in June I had been able to pick up many wild strawberries. I asked the Universe to guide me to these wonderful tangy berries and then forgot all about it. On my way back, I felt urged to take a different path, cutting through the undergrowth (and overcome my fear of falling after my accident of three years ago) and there I found a lovely lane and a small tree loaded with black fruits (obviously maqui berries though I'm not 100% sure). As I stopped to take a picture, my eyes fell on brambles below where I spotted the much sought-after blackberries. And the more I picked the more I would find!

Following through the flood of inspiration, I ended up with this recipe of gluten-free vegan pies which turned out even more delicious than I could ever hope for.

For your information, blackberries owe their purplish black colour to their high content of anthocyanins which are very powerful antioxidants and help prevent cardiovascular diseases by strengthening capillary walls. As for coconut, no need to remind you of its many benefits on health, whichever part is used.

However, let me warn you against the official disinformation propaganda spreading everywhere to present it as unhealthy so as to take you away from whichever is healthy for you so that you remain forever dependent on Big Pharma and the system. So in doubt, listen to your heart. After many years of ingesting this toxic food, my health should have deteriorated, not improved; my blood cholesterol levels should not have gone up, not down; and mostly, I should be overweight (I weigh 46 kg ≈ 7.24 st). Anyway, I have nothing to sell and I never earned a single penny from my blogging activity. I'm sharing with you because it's something deeply ingrained in me and for no other reason.


Makes 10 mini pies:


- 150 g oatmeals and buckwheat flakes mix
- 50 g almond powder
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 2 tbsp agave syrup


- 200 g blackberries


- 1 mini carton coconut cream
- 1 tsp agave syrup


Mix all the ingredients for the pastry together in a large bowl using your hands to get a consistent, grainy mixture. Add some coconut oil if necessary.

Grease mini pie moulds and press the pastry on the sides and bottom. Let it sit for 5 minutes in the freezer to harden and bake for 15 minutes at 180°C.

Once unmould and cooled, fill the tarts with blackberries.

For the whipped cream topping, let the coconut cream sit in the freezer for about 5-10 minutes to chill it. Transfer into a bowl and add the agave syrup then whip with an electric mixer (you can use a hand whisk but mind your wrist!). Arrange on the blackberries and store in the fridge until serving.

Raw version with wild strawberries and a couple
of raspberries.

NOTE: The pastry can also be used raw. In this case, let it sit longer in the freezer (20 minutes). You may use oatmeals only. I used a mix because that's all I had available, but I must say I love the flavour of buckwheat and the colour it gives to the pastry. You may substitute raspberries, blueberries or gooseberries for blackberries and honey for agave syrup. And of course, drop the whipped cream. But if you don't, you may use an icing bag to arrange the cream topping on your tarts so that it looks nicer and more professional.

Last but not least, I suggest you learn French for I had a funny pun with blackberries, walls and tarts that has no equivalent in English. Ouch!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


A View on Our Current Challenges by Lulumineuse (3)

The Adolescent Crisis of Humanity

We have been conditioned not to listen to ourselves and so, at some point, it's just like a teenager rebelling and saying: "I have the right to approach life the way I do because you told me the way it is, but when I was born it was already set up and do I agree with that? Nobody ever asked me!" Thus it's a bit as if we were experiencing the adolescent years of humanity, and humanity needs to become its own parents now.

It's in our mental expression too as we clearly see the mental tribulations — some mental inconsistencies are just mind-blowing. It's getting really urgent now to connect heart and mind because it crosses the line.

And there's also an emotional crisis where you go: "Hey, wait a minute!" There, you need to understand that you are totally conditioned by your emotions which, although well appropriate, may restrain, drain and wear you off. So these emotions are totally appropriate, but do look at the big picture. Not for others but for your own sake. So that you may be able to regenerate your cells and your whole vibration to go beyond and see clearly the path you are going to engage in with yourself.

So humanity is still experiencing an adolescent crisis. But it's wonderful to be at this stage now, because prior to this, we were nice little pupils attending school and now we have reached our teen years. And it's great because just like during a proper adolescent crisis, a real transmutation is taking place at every level. A teenager will become aware of himself. He will try to find out who he is and then his voice also mutates, which is symbolically awesome.

Actually, at this precise point, the energies converging within free him from his parents and that's how he also changes physically. Although he has been created by his mother and father, upon puberty his own energies are going to create his aura and he will change. Hence the reason why at some point teenagers may not look like much (awkward years) as their energy needs to infuse. Thus he needs to find how to harmonise what he used to be with what he is now, reconcile both so as to reveal who he is and present his new face to the world.

Well, that's exactly what's happening right now.

To the projections of what others want him to be at school, at home, in his family, in sports, he finally says: "I've had enough of being told who I have to be, I want to just be". And so here we are in that wonderful period adolescence is and it's great because we know what comes next.

Adolescence is very short. It's very intense, and what comes next is stability. We reconnect and discover ourselves and it's all about joy and no more frustration. Right now we are still in the teenage/frustration years but it won't last since after that comes the rebirth of every human being who will have journeyed to where they need to be. It may be here or elsewhere, but it doesn't matter because it will be perfectly adjusted to who they are.

How to Be in Touch with Yourself

I think right now we must assume that we know. Lately I've noted that when I'm asked questions I just want to reply: "But deep inside, you know the answer." And that, you need to know!

Deep inside you know the answer. You need to dispel any doubts because you know. But knowing also makes you feel lonely. It makes you think: "Oh my god, if what I know is true, wow, now I have to own up to that!"

"Oh my god, if what I feel about this problematic, about my job, my spouse, my children, etc... — and if what I think I know is true... oh my god!"

Actually, most of the time I know how to listen to myself, but I don't know how to apply it because I'm afraid of the consequences. That is the only barrier for being in touch with yourself.

Several Waves of Awakening

When I felt urged to create a blog in my early years, people in the same situation told me: "Thanks god, I am not alone". And, in fact, thanks to the articles I was sharing at the time, people thought: "Phew, she said it. I could have written it myself so for now on I'm owning up to that." So that was the first wave but it was a long time ago.

Then there was a second wave circa 2014-15 where it was more a heartfelt cry from other people, most of whom have now become practitioners, therapists, teachers... I was checking on a lot on these people. Actually, at the time I needed to provide tools and that's when I created he how-tos for them as they had it all within but just needed to be reminded. It woke them up for the things they had to do afterwards. Now they've all settled down into sublime achievements (I also checked on what happened).

And lately, the new wave started gently in 2019 as we entered the Phoenix years of profound transformation. Those were to be the first to start to wake up during those years. They were more in a hurry because they were more conditioned, less in touch with themselves, and thus may have felt compelled to make up for lost time.

That's when I decided to give it all away (everything that was already on my blog) as free tools for there was indeed a perceived urgency in that "don't worry, I have that ready for you so, please, help yourself". This is what I felt at the time.

Then in 2020 and today in 2021, unity makes strength, which means that these are the people who are the consequences of the other waves i.e. they have created them who have created them. We all influenced one another and today all these influences — not just me, of course, but all the networks which spread in waves, have created a human tide, a wave of reconnection and that's what we're experiencing right now.

So yes, they are a bit touch-and-go indeed. Some even come and teach you things because they've just opened their eyes a couples of months ago... but at the same time, I think it's great since their energy is huge and infused with extreme goodwill. It's raw energy actually, as it's just been triggered and that's what makes it great. It may be all over the place like young magicians, but it doesn't matter. It will be harnessed and, of course, turn out very useful afterwards.

Indeed, we are all single pieces of the puzzle and when you look at a puzzle, you can see that not a single piece is the same hence every single piece is important, because if you lose one, the puzzle cannot be completed. It's incomplete. So we really need to look at it this way, regardless of which level you're operating at.

Some people come to me saying: "I don't know what to do, I don't know how to give, I don't know what to offer the world". In fact, they just can't see that their sole presence fills the job. The very grace emanating from their energy fills the job.

There are also people who are here to take care of their children. That too is a great job to foster today's children. It's a huge task. Therefore, you should never minimise the impact you have on this world because you may not be aware of it. It's not because you're a public person that you reach more people. That's not true. An hermit (there are some!) will affect the whole world at galactic level and nobody will ever know he stood in his cave.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE transcribed and translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


A View on Our Current Challenges by Lulumineuse (2)

You Are Not Alone

I get messages from people telling me they are standing by themselves, that they are alone; that they don't understand why they feel so lonely; that they see the obvious other people don't see. These are the kind of messages I receive every day.

I think we need to bear in mind that "many are called but few are chosen" as it doesn't matter whether others do not see; it doesn't matter if you're alone — in fact, you are not alone, you are just not many. Unity makes strength as they say, so know that we are all there, maybe scattered around but we do all reconnect; we do recognise and help each other. And actually that's what we are here for.

So while in the dark, you need to remember that at another level, we are supported by an amazing team. We are far from being alone. We are so backed and supported, and will always be told which way to go. The only thing we need to do is follow the gate to our heart and stay away from mental tribulations and speculation. Right now, we need to be careful of many warnings as there are people whose role is to alert others. Everyone has a very important role to play in this story.

So alerting people is great as it shows another spectrum of Truth: "Look at what you're not shown." Then you should be able to ascend to Divine Truth, find release by getting higher. For if you stay within this range of Truth which is evil, you're going to be sad and angry and there will be great unrest by poor and powerless people and I wish them with all my heart to turn inward and find this higher faith.

Getting Out of the Illusion

It's hard because we are experiencing grief and will need to move into deep selflessness. We would like some people to remain close but they won't. Sometimes it's loved ones... It's so hard because we are getting out of the illusion, but illusion is everywhere. We have created a world of illusion in which we are totally immersed even though we are awake. And we will need to be able to skim and surf the waves as they come and surrender to what's meant to be.

Which involves letting go of personal will ("I would like this person to walk with me") and surrender to a higher will, the will of the Creative Source, the great principle of Intelligence within us — we need to access its will because it wants the best for us. Whereas within our personal will, even though we want the best for ourselves, we do not know what it is. When we want something, we think it will make us happy but in truth, we don't know because we don't know ourselves yet. There's a saying that goes: "Know thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods". Well, we don't know ourselves enough and the more we do, the less we know ourselves!

The Process of Disidentification

When you take in information solely from external sources, you're not working in alignment with your soul. Hence whatever I may say that resonates with you is meant for you to hear, and whatever doesn't you need to let go of because it's no use to cling to what doesn't resonate with you.

You need to dip selectively, depending on where you stand in your journey and follow your faith. For some, it will work instantly because that's all they were actually waiting for. While others will be disappointed because they wanted power. These people cannot hear and they cannot see because their will is too personal — it's more "I want to develop my abilities" instead of "I want to see, I want to Love". When the will comes from the ego and you want to develop to enhance your ego, it never goes your way and you're never going to get the information. Whereas when the will truly comes from the soul to thrive, then it works.

I have released a card deck recently to trigger intuition and I note that the people who have embraced the inner mechanism for totally loosening up — meaning that you let go completely and your persona doesn't know what's on the cards, when you allow the flow of information which is not coming from you to go through you, then you may see what's on the card. And that's how you can see that the people who did the inner job of letting go do find what's on the cards. And the great thing with intuition is that it's not just a sixth sense. It's the ability to disidentify in favour of the intelligence talking to you. And it's not just there to help you when you need it, but it's actually there all the time.

We Are Constantly Guided

We get into the realm of intuition and we figure out that's something to tap into, but in truth, since times immemorial the Earth has been surrounded by benevolent high- frequency illuminated beings who instil ideas, intentions and prayers, and if these entities weren't there, the planet would have already been destroyed.

Thus you need to know how to get into this unity and that you are constantly guided by entities whose level of Love is almost rapture. And you should not ask them only when you're not okay. Actually, it's when you're feeling good you need to become the hands, arms and tools of this intelligence....

Love for Freedom  and Happiness

Only Love can set you free and nothing else. Love is freedom. God as you may call it, or Tao, is freedom. You don't need to ask for anything, just be. There is nothing to expect from those dictating to us since you can only be dictated to if you play that role of being dictated to.

From the moment when you demand freedom, you are not free. Freedom is a state of being. It's a frequency. And this is the frequency which is setting up on Earth and will resonate within the next civilisation to be created, in the new era. And that's why humanity must now truly realise that freedom is not a society thing. It is not something mankind can manipulate at will nor make conditional. For freedom is unconditional.

Thus a world in which advanced humans — fulfilled humans are embracing their own freedom, and within this freedom which is Love, every human being is ruled by the Law of One, there is no external authority to represent security or freedom. In such world, there's only a sacred inner authority as the Love authority within each and everyone governs the laws by which humanity lives. This is where we're heading to and what we need to understand. This is also the reason why we are experiencing these challenges.

At the individual level, you experience things to raise your awareness and it's the same at the collective level. The collective must therefore understand that freedom has always been within ourselves.

To be continued...

Original text by LULUMINEUSE transcribed and translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


A View on Our Current Challenges by Lulumineuse (1)

I am mostly known as Lulumineuse, a username inspired to me when I was young, meaning that every human being has a talking light within. We are not our wordly identity. We are much more than that. And so, this is what I spend most of my time sharing so that every human being may thrive. Incidentally, we are growing in numbers and it's wonderful to share that. The reason why I am known by many is just because I have started doing so at a very young age.

The Great Collective Ongoing Challenge

I believe, and I know, that we are really reaching a point where now all teachings need to become applied truths. No more time today to open up books on philosophy and explore. We need to directly assimilate and experience. And that's what is to happen as there is a great collective challenge going on and it's bound to intensify. So, no, it's not drawing to an end for every end contains a beginning, a renewal. And this challenge has just started and the bottleneck is getting increasingly narrower.

This is not a punishment. This is not some obscure will, since darkness always serves Light. That's why, for instance, Jesus on the Mount of Olives had already mentioned about this period and so did others after him. Because you need to realise that great sages all over the world have incarnated the Word not to prophetise Evil, but simply to awaken souls about a time when they would have to make a choice. Actually the choice is to choose the Self. This is why they need to be aware of their existence and disidentify from the personality they have forged up and into which they have been shaped and cast. You need to know that today, on Earth, a very grim scenario has been set up that we have never been told what for.

Back to Self-Awareness

Let me tell you what this has been set up for. Well, from them, it's because when you  have a certain frequency and it's been going this way for a very long time, you are kind of trapped in your frequency. Thus if humans start flourishing too much and if the planet starts flourishing, they won't be able to reincarnate on Earth anymore. So they will lose control on their own incarnations, for these entities know about continued incarnations. They are greatly informed about high-level astrology. They know it will be difficult for them and that they actually won't be able to carry out their control. Hence it's a bit like a desperate measure to try and lower the Earth's frequency, but it's fighting a losing battle.

This is really what I want to share today because we are indeed moving into very challenging times. In 2022, it will be very tough because of disclosures many do not want to understand. People will be exposed to awful truths and feel rightly let down and betrayed. But it's also the soul's journey to go back to self-awareness, to cosmology, to the Universe orbiting around and within us. And through these great earthquakes, we will eventually be able to harmonise in easy thinking of humanity.

And so, indeed, the situation is both complex and majestic as the plane of Light has created a scenario to separate souls, not according to their importance but to their differences, so that every soul can find harmony wherever they need to be. It's not like weeding per say. It's more like adjusting the ground for each soul. Besides, we cannot live together on the same planet anymore because of the different frequencies we are the emanation of — the difference between someone expressing much love from within and someone who cannot yet do it, who needs to follow a certain path to upgrade — so everyone will be placed in the proper cradle to pursue their evolution.

What's happening is deeply awesome and magnificent when seen from within. And it's true that when you see the darkness outside, it may revive fears, resistance, doubts, and evil — not the evil within us for Evil doesn't come from us, but the evil within lack of understanding and ignorance. Evil has no power. As Peter Dunoff said, "Evil uses your own power".

The Awakening and the Emergence of Truth

Many awoke over the past two years. Within a year and a half, there has been a new wave of awakening. It's as if a lid had been removed and they could only see the surface for now. For example, they believe that what's going on now is very recent whereas, in fact, it's always been his way. That is, the civilisation we're presently in has been designed by them. It's always been like that. It was already the same mould and meant to be this way.

This is not the result of a random idea by some entities who came around some twenty years ago and thought "Well...". Not at all. As I told you, they reincarnate from generation to generation thanks to a secret knowledge they had a proper grasp of and are using.

This is the reason why they burned witches for instance, why astrology was ridiculed and why the greatest scientists acknowledging their spiritual self were dismissed (and still are). All this in order to keep humanity ignorant. But today, humanity is getting out of darkness and all their lies will be exposed. It's all coming to light as the Truth comes out. For the Truth is the Light.

And when the Light comes out, the Truth does too. And the Truth has multiple layers. At some levels, it is appalling, horrendous, awful, terrible. Whereas on a higher level, in Divine Truth, it's awesome because it has a releasing effect. Souls are being liberated; the Earth is being liberated; and Salvation occurs.

Thus we need to be very detached from our identity, indeed, to embrace our essence in order to see this lighting scenario in a enlightened way. It does take a lot of courage and from what I'm seeing right now, darkness is clearly setting in but those who will get through it will be guided by their own light and will need to rely on it.

To be continued...

Original text by LULUMINEUSE transcribed and translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



The mid-day sky was grey and purple
At least it wasn't blue
I want the sky to be the way I am
And what I do
For I have been a lost and lonely
Sailor on your sea
Run aground by trusting signals
You were sending me

The streets are filled with empty faces
Nothing here is new
It's just the same in other places
I have journeyed to
I was the first across the water
The last across the land
I walked out of the silver mine
My pockets full of sand

Alone inside my head
Alone inside my room
I feel alone inside my head
Alone inside my tiny little world

It's not my life in those old pictures
The ones you threw away
For I was always someone else
And always far away
Walking in the darkest places
Where the mission meets
Waiting for the ground to open up
Beneath my feet

Alone inside my head
Alone inside my room
I feel alone inside my head
Alone inside my tiny little world

Alone inside my head
Alone inside my room
I feel alone inside my head
Alone inside my tiny little world

Original text by STUART ADAMSON


David Wilcock: Stunning 1981 Law of One Prophecy Unsealed by Current Events (5)

The Herd Mentality

Another thing that the Law of One talks about is many people on Earth are not even actually at a 3rd density level, they're only at a 2nd density or orange ray level. Instead of the yellow ray level of 3rd density, they're only at orange.

What does this means?

Herd mentality, crowd consciousness, and worship of 'they', whoever 'they' are, whatever 'they' say. [...]

I was reading on a community site today and there was a whole thing on nextdoor about this issue of whether people are going to take this particular medical treatment or not. And my god, there were people on this public forum calling for the death of anyone that won't accept the treatment, that they are so afraid that they cannot tolerate these people being alive and having any freedom. [...]

"The light of freedom will burn in this struggle within those people who are capable of such polarization."

So if you haven't really made it into 3rd density yet, that means that you haven't learned individuation; you haven't learned to think for yourself, make up your own mind and discard the voice of the collective authority. That's a basic criteria for 3rd density, because 2nd density animals listen to the collective; they listen to what 'they' say, whoever 'they' are. If they listen to what 'they' say whoever 'they' are, why are we not seeing how effectively everyone's been lied to? A lot of people are, but, man, there are some people who are still totally asleep and it's very sad and very scary to read them calling for the deaths of others who refuse to get this treatment.

Haven't we learned anything from World War 2? Haven't we learned anything from isolating a particular population whose opinions don't agree with the government and then demonizing them and trying to call for their mass extermination? This is not too uncommon, folks, it's the old playbook. And if you can't figure out that it's just a different name now. It's not Hebrews anymore, now it's something else but it's a targeted group. Wow! I mean these people are actually out there significantly calling for death, imprisonment and the total loss of freedom for these people and then you have the alleged leader of this country going out there: "We're losing our patience with you". What? Who's 'we'?

They know it's not going to work. There's already like half of the states of America have definitively shown that they will not allow this to occur at the state government level which they'll still try to get around that, of course. I was hearing they're going to try to chop everything up in the U.N.: green zones, mandatory camps, mandatory injections, all this stuff. I've heard from high level briefings that they're trying to get this to happen. [...]

I guess one advantage I have is that I've seen these prophecies already and then when these things come true, I was like "Let's go back and look at that prophecy in the Law of One about global tyranny again, see what the hell it says". And it was much more precise than I could have ever imagined. So then they're actually saying "other weapons plural will be used that do not create large spread damage" — they just cause death okay — and then "the light of freedom will burn within those who are capable of feeling that desire". And that's another interesting comment is that there are people who are not capable of freedom; they're not capable of wanting to be free; they can't. They are addicted to the collective; they worship mommy and daddy in the form of mommy-and-daddy government,  mommy-and-daddy media.

An Abusive Dysfunctional Relationship

Mommy and daddy, they who know everything and are trying to run the country, they don't have your interests in mind. They don't want to help you; they don't want to keep you safe; they don't want you to be free from sickness; they don't want to reduce your symptoms; they don't give a shit about you — they don't and they never will. They only want you to serve them, that's what psychopaths do. They want to control you, they want to manipulate you, and they will laugh in your face as they lie to you.

And you try to say "Well, wait a minute, last week you said..."

"I don't care if I said before that we would never force this on you, this is your body, I don't care. Now we're telling you something else."

So now everybody is getting to have the gut-bucket, knocked-down, drag-out dysfunctional relationship that really should have ended in divorce a long time ago. And why the hell are they still together ? That's what we're in right now, an abusive dysfunctional relationship where you are the victim and the abuser, the perpetrator is the alleged elite. And it's become a very personal story that affects each of us.

Will I continue to take this job if they're going to make me do this?

And many people are now saying no. Over 70% of the polling data shows that people will leave. It could be a mass walkout and that kind of Gandhi level peaceful protest is the only thing I'm calling for. I am not calling for violence. I will never call for violence. I would disavow violence. I do disavow violence. [...]

The non-linear stuff that the Law of One was talking about, that's what they're trying to do. The psychopath wants to punish you for standing up for yourself if you're in a relationship with a psychopath. The one thing you never ever want to do is stand up for yourself because as soon as you do, they will smash you. And that's what they're trying to do right now on a global level. We are trying to stand up for ourselves and they're like "I am going to smash you".

So what do they want to do?

The psychopath always tries to trigger you when you're in a really abusive relationship Thanks God, I'm not in any of these kind of situations anymore, but I was before. When you're in a really abusive relationship, the other party is trying to get you to do something unethical; they're trying to get you to say something unloving; they're trying to get you to get angry; they want you to go into a tantrum; they want you to start yelling; they want you to throw something. There are certain other things that they want you to do. It's unbelievable the stuff that I've personally experienced — the stuff that people have personally said to me; the stuff that people have personally done to me. The level of unfairness, the level of sick insanity of this abuse I've seen it, I've experienced it. I'm a veteran of this.

What do they try to do ?

They try to get you so mad that you go over the edge. You lose control, now all you have is this tiny little brain in the middle of your head (the reptilian brain) that's all that's running. Your brain is shut down and then they have everything, but the frontal lobe so they can drastically out-think you in these arguments and you're going to lose because you go into dissociative state trauma child. That's all you have. You can't think, you're fight-or-flight and you're really angry. And you haven't lived in this persona long enough to actually have healed that inner child so that it's not angry when it comes out.

So what are they doing now on a global level, they're trying to provoke, provoke provoke... so that you're only in the middle of your brain, you can't think; you can't see through propaganda; you can't determine the truth; you can't determine whether they're being honest with you or not. But a lot of people will prefer to be abused because what does the abuser always do (and every person who's done this to me) what they do is your life is so much worse if you stand up for yourself that the lesson is "just don't stand up for yourself; don't take that step; don't do anything". If you don't stand up for yourself then you're allowing them to do whatever they want. And so I think an abusive relationship can be a great teacher if you get the resources in yourself to get out and cut the cords and  leave that person behind.

A Very Acrimonious Divorce

And so that psychodynamic of a personal relationship is totally relevant to the psychodynamics of our global relationship with the elite because we are in a dysfunctional relationship right now with psychopaths (but you could quantify it as if it's a psychopath). That's how the universal law seems to work. So archetypally- meaning (the archetypes are these gestalts of consciousness that we all have to follow) whether we realize it or not, the archetype that's going on right now is a very acrimonious divorce between the Devil and God, if you really want to look at it that way.

It's actually the fulfilment of biblical prophecy and the way that it's manifesting is that we are in this relationship with a person (and I'll just quantify it as a person right for now to keep it easy) who appears to have power over us. They appear to be in control; they appear to be running the world; they appear to have control of the resources; they appear to have control of the media; they appear to have control of our money; of our health; of our ability to be alive. And they're manipulating this and they're doing it abusively. They're lying to us. They're telling us things that are only halfway true and then they just bulldoze over.

Original text by DAVID WILCOCK transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


David Wilcock: Stunning 1981 Law of One Prophecy Unsealed by Current Events (4)

A Collective Experience

That's what's going on and we need to deal with this. You cannot be the ostrich. I used to try to teach people about the Deep State and they'd say: "David, you're creating so much negativity, I just don't want to be involved. I'm out of here, I'm never going to go to your website again." I've had lots and lots of those emails. "Well, I'm not creating the Earth changes and I'm not creating the Illuminati! I'm not creating evil!"

You don't have to: the Earth is a collective mind and it's collectively experiencing what we, as a collective 7.6 or whatever billion people, create. It's not up to you. You can help steer the ship, but you got to go through everybody's karma. We're all on the ship together and we got to go through planetary karma planetary alleviation.

So in this Law of One quote (see previous article), what they're saying is that once you start to realize that the whole darn thing is rigged up; that everything that you've been told your whole life is a lie; that you're not as free as you thought you were; you're not as safe as you thought you were; they don't care about you; they don't want you to be happy; they don't want you to have abundance; they don't want to release new technology; they don't want the financial system to get better; they don't want you to have access to amazing healing devices at all; they want you weak; they want you tired; they want you sick; and they want you dying or dead because then it's more easy to run this planet.

And they certainly don't want you to realize that there's beings that have a lot more authority than they do, just in terms of their level of technology and spiritual expertise. They want to be gods. They think they are gods. They don't want to be competing with any other gods. They want to be the god. They want to be that thing, so if you can vibe in to the reality of what great spiritual teachers like Jesus told us over the years... Why would you think that all that stuff got negated? Why would you think that "Oh well, Jesus was wrong. It's not really going to work out. We're all going to die. Jesus was wrong"? That's stupid!

There's 35 different ancient prophecies all over the world and they all say the same thing. They all say that the world's going to go through a horrible hell process, but that it turns into an enlightenment experience and that we're okay. Everybody says this, it's not unique to christianity at all. It's actually a very common widespread belief system, that's just Truth I'm just laying it out. [...]

So as we're progressing into this 4th density, the coming changes, not only in the physical 3rd density planet due to the heating effect (that's the Earth changes global warming), they talk about that being the result of us resisting 4th density. If we didn'tn the planet wouldn't be heating up so much. And sure enough have you noticed that like glacier ice is returning in the Arctic. [...]

This alleviation of the Earth changes right now is because more people are waking up and therefore the 4th density energy is not being interrupted. They actually said there's a possibility that we might not have Earth changes as we go through 4th density. We might not get the dreaded pole shift tsunami, all that kind of stuff, and it relies on us. It relies on you anytime that you start deferring your authority and think that "Well, there's nothing I can do. What could I do? I'm just one person". You know how much I've heard this over the years.

Well, I'm just one person. I channeled this stuff in a barn. Now, it's true what is one person is incredible. One person is the divine embodied in human form with full access to cosmic consciousness in potential as you work through your trauma and your healing and you can learn to go through suffering without regressing into this reptilian brained child who's always angry or is running away, because it's 'fight-or-flight'. One or the other, you're only going to do one of two things, although now the research says there's freeze to fight. 'Flight-and-freeze' and I think a lot of people are in freeze, but they're just starting to go into into fight.

So I had a dream, not too long ago, where I was working on my thing with the hover cars and the anti-gravity and the power plants. And I'm at a computer on a battlefield, working on this stuff and then the people were represented by people literally just jumping over my shoulders and they're just running on the battlefield. They've never done this before; they've never been political; they've never gone public; and now they're doing it and that is happening. And just the fact that so many people are aware of what's going on now, that awareness itself is incredibly astonishing. I never thought that the stuff that I was talking about would be so widely seen by so many different people. And yet here we are today and it's so obvious to everyone and that's incredible.

A Divinely Ordained Process

So the Law of One makes it very clear that this is not going to go bad; that this is a divinely ordained process; that it's guided and it's guarded. So again, if you're thinking it's all over, it's doom and gloom, that "I don't know why David told me it was going to be okay. It's all going down the crapper". No, no. I very much believe that this is an intensely well-organized global initiation allowed to exist and, to some degree, structured and influenced by higher forces, by angelic beings. The higher beings will not allow certain things to happen. They will not allow nuclear war to happen, for example. They just won't. And there's hundreds of times that we tried and they won't let it happen. [...]

The heating effect but also other changes that herald 4th density such as the ability to perform paranormal activity — I'm assuming that both of these are also and will act as a catalyst to create greater seeking. And they say this is partially correct. The paranormal events occurring are not designed to increase seeking, but our manifestations of those whose vibratory configuration enables these entities to contact the gateway to intelligent infinity.

So there they're talking about the idea that as 4th density is getting ready to happen on Earth, people come in who already have these abilities, to varying degrees, activated. And this is where you get things like people bending spoons with their mind, poltergeist activity, levitation, all kinds of weird stuff that various people have had happen either consciously or unconsciously. They say this is all because new people are coming in with the 4th density body partially activated and when they have that, they can do these things.

So the entities capable of paranormal service may determine to be of such service on the conscious level. This however is a function of the entity and its free will and not the paranormal ability.

Now this is the next part: "The correct portion of your statements is the greater opportunity for service due to the many changes which will offer many challenges difficulties and seeming distresses within your illusion to many who will then seek to 'understand', if we may use this misnomer, the reason for the malfunctioning of the physical rhythms of their planet". [...]

Death & Reincarnation

They're talking about seeming distresses and they're talking about life on Earth being an illusion — what the heck does that mean?

Even if somebody dies, in the Law of One terms, it's just part of the process of being a soul. We're so unenlightened on Earth in general, as a whole, as a planet, that many people believe that death is the end; that you're not going to continue to exist; you're not going to have sentience; you're not going to be aware anymore. The whole beautiful note of the creation that is you and your mind and your personality could be lost and you sink into this great black abyss when you die and nothing exists. And you just forgot that there ever was a universe. It's like it never even happened.

My grandparents on my father's side definitely believed this. They certainly believed that when they died that it all goes back to nothing. And this is why we're so afraid of death and why we're so terrified that something might kill us, because the idea is "death is the end". Death is the end of awareness. Death is the end of consciousness. Death is the end of thinking and feeling and being.

It's not true. You're just as alive as a soul as you are in a physical body. And your soul is just as capable of giving you a new physical body and finding new parents to birth. Your soul is totally capable of doing that and your soul also is able to impregnate the facial features of the soul onto your face, which is why research has proven that when people reincarnate, they look the same as who they were before.

Dr. Ian Stevenson studied over 3,000 children. Most of them in the Middle East, in a culture where they believe in reincarnation, and they remember their past lives with astonishing efficacy. Actionable data is recovered in these 3,000 cases that lead to forensic proof that this person is remembering the lifetime of someone else. And then, when you compare the lifetime they're remembering to who they are now and you look at their faces, they're almost identical. And in fact, those who have followed in Dr. Ian Stevenson's footsteps have now used police face matching software and it turns out that if you committed a crime in your past life, such as murder, the face match is usually so good that you could still be found guilty of it in your subsequent incarnation!

To be continued...

Original text by DAVID WILCOCK transcribed by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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