Stand and Deliver

Stand and deliver,
You let them put the fear on you.
Stand and deliver,
But not a word you heard was true.
But if there's nothing you can say,
There may be nothing you can do.

Do you wanna be a free man
Or do you wanna be a slave?
Do you wanna be a free man
Or do you wanna be a slave?
Do you wanna wear these chains
Until you're lying in the grave?

I don't wanna be a pauper
And I don't wanna be a prince.
I don't wanna be a pauper
And I don't wanna be a prince.
I just wanna do my job
Playing the blues for friends.

Magna Carta, Bill of Rights,
The constitution, what's it worth?
You know they're gonna grind us down, ah
Until it really hurts
Is this a sovereign nation
Or just a police state?
You better look out, people
Before it gets too late

You wanna be your own driver
Or keep on flogging a dead horse?
You wanna be your own driver
Or keep on flogging a dead horse?
Do you wanna make it better
Or do you wanna make it worse?

Stand and deliver,
You let them put the fear on you.
Slow down the river,
But not a word of it was true.
If there's nothing you can say,
There may be nothing you can do.

Stand and deliver
Stand and deliver
Dick Turpin wore a mask too!


  • Dick Turpin was an English highwayman of the 18th century whose exploits were romanticised following his execution in York for horse theft and made him a figure of English modern folklore.

Original text by VAN MORRISON


How Did We Fall For It? Social Engineering and Crowd Manipulation

How did they do it? How did our so-called elites manage to maintain billions of people in constant fear for months on end and have it still spreading right now? Which means and which techniques did they use? Why do most people remain blind to this gross manipulation which has been going on all over the world for almost a year? Well, almost a year regarding Covid, of course, as otherwise we've been living in a vast manipulation for decades, but this is another story...

I imagine you have guessed what we're going to discuss today and I think it's more than essential to understand why and how we got here, so that then we get a better grasp of the different crowd manipulation techniques they will use so as to better prevent them. But first of all, we need to define what social engineering — or mass manipulation, crowd manipulation... whichever name you prefer — is.

In the context of information security, social engineering is the psychological manipulation of people for fraudulent purposes. Let's see now which techniques have been used over the last few months at the top of the social pyramid to maintain people in fear, ignorance, and acceptance.

1. The distraction strategy

Our lives are actually filled with distractions: movies, computer games, TV series, smartphones, etc. And while you're being entertained with a video game or a good movie, you enter an hypnotic state.

Under hypnosis, you bypass the prefrontal cortex which enables you to intellectualise and thus act on your thoughts rather than repeatedly and mechanically like you do when in a trance.

And today, the whole world is literally in a continuous hypnotic state, busy with the distractions of everyday life. Especially young people with social media, reality shows, TV series, etc. Indeed, who started revolutions in the past? Who started May '68? The youth did it!

And what's better for our political elites than a mass of hypnotised youth to impose their freedom-killing restrictions on?

The distraction strategy is to divert public attention away from important issues and the political decisions of our leaders through a continual flood of useless information and distractions. As American singer and poet Jim Morrison said:

Who controls the media controls the mind.

2. Creating a problem then offering the solution

The action-reaction-solution strategy where you first create a problem, like for example, a government orchestrates an attack against their own country (yes, it does happen...) and then offers the solution: more control, more video surveillance to prevent terrorist attacks, more social control... always coming up with the same argument of security.

Today, France has CCTV cameras everywhere, many of which using facial recognition (that part is quite disturbing). There are many checkpoints, army troops are deployed massively all over the world... In a nutshell, every year we get more and more control without truly realising it.

Covid is another example: they created a virus then offered the vaccine as the only solution. And while everyone is acting out of panic, stress and fear, nobody thinks much and everyone accepts the solution.

In fact, through this one-way action-reaction-solution process, we have created an unknowing increasingly-controlled society which has no idea who is behind all this — and most of all, which is totally unaware that there actually is someone behind all this.

Thus creating a problem then offering the solution is a very efficient technique in increasing use in our society to impose more restrictions accepted by the ignorant public.

3. Addressing the public as if they were young children

Note all the commercials today — at least many TV ads use particularly condescending language, characters, arguments and tone as if viewers were young children or mentally defective. You also get that with funny pictures and videos of the vaccine, Covid and other serious issues presented as childish.

In fact, when you address an adult as if they were eight-year-olds, their response will be as uncritical as if they actually were eight-year-olds. Why? Well, that's the very principle of suggestibility.

Suggestibility is the psychic quality of being inclined to easily accept and act on the suggestion of others, uncritically of course. Ultimately, talking to an adult as if they were children induces them to issue a response as ignorant and innocent as that of a child. Once again without their being aware of it, which is quite a feat indeed!

4. Targetting emotions rather than thoughts

We're right into it! For months on end, mainstream media, newspapers, and social media worldwide have kept repeating how dangerous Covid-19 is and the death toll and contamination linked to it so as to instil growing fear within populations, thus bypassing any critical thinking. And indeed, viewers stop questioning the information provided to them and buy it uncritically. That's because humans respond more to emotions than thoughts.

What's better than a fear-ridden people to get them to do what you want. Furthermore, hitting the emotional chord allows you to access the human subconscious and implant ideas, desires, norms and of course, fears. This is simply how you manufacture consent. As Renaissance humanitarian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli once said:

Whoever controls people's fears becomes the master of their souls.

5. Maintaining the public into nonsense and ignorance

It's rather simple and mostly achieved through education. History as we're told during the course of our studies is either wrong or incomplete. We are told about good guys and bad guys waging war on each other. That's nice, but where's the truth in all this? For we are not told who financed the wars, what the real root causes of wars were, who planned them, what the actual aim was...

Then why are we taught a totally biased history? Simply because if we were told the truth as it is, it would generate greater awareness amongst populations who would revolt against the established system, which is not what the elites want! The people would want to build a new system NOT ruled by banks enslavering and indebting them; NOT ruled by pharmaceutical lobbies selling poison drugs with side effects; NOT ruled by a National Assembly (such as the one we have in France) attended by only 50 of the 580 deputies when passing controversial laws at 3am. Instead, they would want a more horizontal and less pyramidal system like the one we have today. But once again, the elites want none of that for they wish to keep imposing their control on the population.

The most important thing to remember is that people are prevented from knowing their past so that they are unable to understand their present. This is how you maintain the public into ignorance. Thus, after school, everyone majors in a specific area and even becomes an expert in their field, however lacking the general multidisciplinary analysis which would provide a greater understanding of how the world actually works. As Noam Chomsky once put:

Education is a system of imposed ignorance. Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year to control the public mind.

I also wanted to introduce another of his interesting quotes:

The general population doesn't know what's happening, and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know.

And regardless of education, dumbing distractions such as reality shows, social medias, funny videos and too much useless and contradictory information breed the ignorance and stupidity of the people.

6. Replacing revolt with guilt

That is having individuals believe that they are solely responsible for their misfortune because of their lack of efforts, capacities or intelligence. This clearly is what happened with Covid over the last few months. If you don't wear a mask, you put your grandma at risk; if you go out during lockdown, you're going to contaminate others; if you don't take the vaccine, not only you're selfish, but you're also a bad citizen!

Guilt, guilt, guilt.

Of course, all this has been inconspicuously induced by the media, politicians, etc. So making people feel guilty create division amongst them. Thus those who don't comply with the norm are pointed at as deviant and feel guilty so that they question themselves instead of revolting against the established system.

It is easy to imagine that in order to implement such manipulations these people have a greater knowledge of ourselves than we do. They know us far better than we do ourselves for we are not aware of what they're doing and this is a great feat and it's so scary as well.

7. The deterioration strategy

To gain acceptance of unacceptable measures, you introduce it over a period of time long enough, years, months... For instance, we had non mandatory masks, then mandatory masks, then masks at school. Restaurants got temporarily closed then permanently. And today we have curfews at 6pm, all places of entertainment are closed, we have to wear a mask at all times, maintain social distance at all times, and people keep saying: “Oh, I think it's well justified. It's normal, it's okay.

So why does it work? Because humans do forget. Individuals forget how life was before. Right now if you ask them to remember how their lives were before, of course they'll remember. But today they don't feel more hard-pressed than before. In fact, the reason why a large section of the population accepts all this is either because they forgot how life was before or because they hope it will improve tomorrow: “Yeah, but it won't last. It's only temporary.

Well, it's been temporary for a bit more than ten months now. It's quite long for something not meant to last... Actually, humans hold the illusion of a temporary difficult transition as a form of self-reassurance.

One last point I find very important is that they told us what to think, how to think, what to believe and what to say, and yet we do believe we all have freedom of choice, thought and action. In reality, we don't realise how much we are being manipulated and controlled within society and being aware of that is already a huge step forward.

Original text by MIKAZ translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Confronting Your Fears

In this excellent article, a big-hearted (pragmatic) medium/channel replies to a comment on her Facebook page in which someone accused her of posting coaster rides, playing guru, and scaring people out with gloom messages (sic). As I mentioned last year in an article for a collective writing project between bloggers, fear is the absolute weapon. If you want to survive, you need to fight it. There is no other alternative as sticking your head in the sand will not preserve you of anything, let alone from the worst. So let's kick fear out!


I did not create duality on Earth. Addressing it enables you to choose what you allow or do not allow to be done to you. Duality means we don't live in a world of fantasy. That is the kind of illusion New Age wants to keep you in. As for the rollercoaster rides, unless you live in a cave, this is what our daily lives are made of: pleasure, frustration, limitation, expansion, etc.

Thank you for your comment. I'll take the opportunity to clarify a few things for many of you.

Fear is a frequency you agree or not to vibrate on and to nurture, which may in turn create the breeding ground for vampiric entities to feed on. Yes, everything is about frequency! To overcome it, it's not easy as it's not always the same. Some get overloaded with pain while at the same time others will keep on allowing the suffering.

These are your fears and it's okay to be scared because it means you are confronting them. However, it's up to you to understand and process your fears so as to release them. No one can be held responsible for your own shadow.

As I said, we're just at the early stages, so watch out for what's coming next.

I never sold dreams, illusions or mush regarding the realities of our world. It's a rude but necessary awakening indeed.

Yes, I do a dirty job, often misunderstood by those living on Sesame Street and who are disconnected from what is yet known and experienced by many. Off ground, I'm not here to lull you into fairy tales. These are only for children.

There are no such things as miracles nor gurus on this page, but I do know my thing. I don't post to push myself forward. I'm not after recognition, likes, or followers. Everyone processes things at their own pace and it's really okay to be scared. But don't apply your issue with everyone else because, I myself am afraid of nothing.

Finally, what transpires from your reply is the exact reflection of what I was exposing in my post: “a limited perception of yourself whereas you are an extremely powerful multidimensional being, which you are unaware of because every effort has been made from powerful forces beyond Earth to confine you within your emotional crystallisations.” Yes, by entities dwelling on other planes who need us to store energy for them as you would store food in the fridge.

Once again, you need to allow yourself to work and experiment knowledge beyond your formatting or what the matrix has allowed you to access to.

Moreover, you are holing yourself up in your fear and the guru in me kindly encourages you to confront it and release it so as to shrug off your cognitive impairment.

Whether you like it or not, the light does and will expose darkness and our own shadows.

You say you left Facebook and that within a month, nothing has changed. What about you? What did you change within a month? You see how New Age confines your thoughts and perceptions on 'the outside' while I'm trying to bring back your vision within.

And as for what you call 'judgemental', these are nothing but sets of incentives, gauges, and highlighting of ongoing limitations in order to allow you to reveal your true selves. So yes, sometimes it hurts and requires that you wake up from this collective manipulation/hypnosis.

I do hope you feel better in your perception of yourself and of your position so that you find you no longer fear anything as the source you carry within is such an incredible power.

Original text by ABELLINA SAINT JUSTE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Porridge Oblige

Called gruel in Quebec, porridge is the English name for a dish made by boiling ground, crushed or chopped grains (usually oat) in water, milk or both. “Porridge is one of the most ancient forms of cereal and edible grain consumption in the history of humanity. It was used long before the invention of bread some 4,000 years ago.” (Source)

Porridge is actually the easiest and most digestible way of consuming cereals including oat, which is regarded as a super food for its his high contents of group B vitamins and oligo-elements (zinc, iron, magnesium) and fibres essential for a healthy gut flora and balanced blood sugar, responsible for our feeling of satiety (fullness). Hot or cold, with fruit or vegetable, it can be consumed any way you like.

This ultra-simple and super-fast recipe is the fruit of my countless culinary experimentation and is meant to be served chilled with fruit (or without) and will keep a week refrigerated. I have substituted rice, millet and buckwheat flakes for oatmeals. What you need to know is that oats contain a protein similar to gluten called avenin, which is usually well-tolerated by coeliacs and gluten-intolerant subjects, but in some countries they're often contaminated with other cereals during production phase and the many brands I have tested so far all made me sick. If you suffer from a gluten intolerance and still wish to use oatmeals for all its healthy benefits, I suggest you try a “gluten-free” brand.

The jellied aspect of this porridge to be served for breakfast (or as a snack, but please note it really fills you up) is created by the addition of psyllium, a plant from India, rich in fibres and mucilage which promotes bowel function and protects your gut. Psyllium is recommended to fight against inflammatory bowel diseases such as IBS and functional colopathy. In addition, it also has a beneficial impact on cardiovascular diseases by keeping blood sugar and fat levels constant and regulating blood pressure.


Makes 6 cups:

- 1 litre almond or hazelnut milk
- 2 tbsp rice flakes
- 2 tbsp millet flakes
- 2 tbsp buckwheat flakes
- 1 tbsp powdered psyllium
- 2 drops bitter almond essential oil


Bring plant-based milk to a boil with all the ingredients. Stir well to ensure a lump-free mixture. Use a whisk if necessary. When it starts boiling, keep stirring for a couple of minutes as the mixture starts to thicken. Do not let it get too thick otherwise you may have trouble transferring it to glass yogurt cups (or any other type of similar individual containers with a lid). Leave to cool for a couple of hours before refrigerating. It will get thicker.

NOTE: You may try to transfer this jellied porridge to sillicon moulds: given its consistency, it should unmould even better than traditional pudding or cheesecake. It's just less convenient for storage if you plan on making a supply for several days.

And of course, you may use any flavouring you wish, replace bitter almond oil with vanilla or coffee extract, powdered cocoa, etc. Since it contains no added sugar, you may serve it with seasonal fruits (it's delicious with gooseberries). Or you may sugar it with honey. I have also tested a version with coconut milk, vanilla and two tablespoons of grated coconut, so yummy!

As for the mix of cereal flakes, some brands sell it ready-for-use or organic food stores.

Bon appétit!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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