How to Steer Away From Fear in These Critical Times

There's an empty space inside my heart
Where the weeds take root.
And now I'll set you free...

"Lotus Flower", Radiohead (2011)

In fact, you need to proceed like with children and remove anxiety-generating sources. My kids, I'm not letting them watch R-rated films because it won't be of any help to them at all. Well, the same goes for us. If listening to the radio, watching TV or even connecting to your social media accounts triggers anxiety all the time, then stop it!

I for one have removed all keywords from my searches (they do phishing with keywords to suggest articles) such as Covid19, Corona Virus... I don't care about these. I don't want to be constantly informed on the death toll or stuff like that. I cut myself off from all anxiety-provoking sources or those which could potentially become one.

It's a well-known fact that newscasts are not something positive. Actually there are good news every day but no media outlet ever reports them. So let's cut off from anxiety-provoking sources.

Which doesn't mean we should cut ourselves off from information, but simply that when I'm able to search for requested information, I go get it myself and I don't want to receive it when I haven't asked for it.

Tend To Your Inner Space

And then there's something else: the main cause of stress and fear may actually come from my own thoughts. For example, if I'm told: “Watch out because something terrible will happen to you”, these words will resonate within like a thought. They will become a thought-form which will stay in and keep spinning round and round. I'm going to wonder “Why did they say that? Oh my God, what does it mean?” and I will create more thoughts.

A whole process is being put into place — a mechanism is triggered to produce a huge number of other thoughts, all stemming from this initial thought. And thereby I will hold onto these thoughts and will be totally blinded and hypnotised by them.

It's essential to understand that we have to get rid of the hypnosis for it actually originates from our own thoughts. Therefore I need to come back to my senses for a while and ask myself: “Wait a minute, within this mess of accumulated thoughts inside my head, which one is of any help to me? None? Alright, so I don't need to hold onto these thoughts, none of them does help me.” Which means that if there's a solution, it's not in there anyway. So dismiss these thoughts!

When you tend to your garden, you know what to do. So why can't we tend to our inner space? I find it extraordinary that we totally ignore our mental hygiene! We do care about body hygiene, house cleaning, but we allow awful thoughts to pile up within us, lots of emotions such as “30 years ago, he told me this”!

We keep a lot of stuff like this in some sort of an old attic where we've never been and yet we find it perfectly normal!

Our Mind Must Become A Fertile New Ground

In fact, this is not normal at all. And mostly, this is not the path we're heading to as we're on the path of free fulfilled humanity.

Free of what? Not free from governments or society, but free from ourselves, free from our own thoughts — free from our own inner prison. For once you understand that the only thing which can hold you prisoner is your own thoughts, you are free. No one can force anything onto you anymore since you're are free from your thoughts. You become an actor, someone who can create.

A very simple example: if I ask you to draw something great on printed paper, it will be hard. We should always start on new ground. So I absolutely need to be a fertile new ground and in order to be so, I have to stop constantly filling my inner blank sheet with billions of thoughts and concerns.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: Stefan Keller



The world has gone mad. Nothing new under the sun (except for the increase in solar flares which has just begun). But right now, we're so deeply immersed in cognitive dissonance, it's become outrightly excruciating to see people we like so much — usually wiser and more intuitive that your average sleepwalker in the crowd — get sucked into the swirling vortex of the gigantic deception, which some may rightly call a grotesque farce, otherwise known as a “psyop” (psychological operation) in technical jargon. A disaster scenario which, as the name suggests, only exists in the mind of people who have been mesmerised by the almighty mainstream media entirely devoted to those who control us and who do not have our best interests at heart. Hollywood/TV News are the two sides of a same coin!

In your head, in your head:
Zombie! Zombie! Zombie!
What's in your head?
In your head:
Zombie! Zombie! Zombie!

"Zombie", The Cranberries (1994)

A clear case of cognitive dissonance is the mask we are now required by “law” to wear in public places whereas three months ago, it was totally illegal.

Hey! You don't get it, baaa! It's a case of FORCE MAJEURE.

A major forced vaccination in the making. Until we're all dead inside. Well, for those who will consent to it. For as Dumbledore told Voldemort (who was so scared of death that, in his urge to control it, managed to destroy his soul in the name of a misguided belief), “your failure to understand that there are things much worse than death has always been your greatest weakness”. (Source)

And indeed, don't you find it ironical how we're forced to wear masks right when we get to see the true faces of the main actors of this world? Whereas the voice carries the vibration of the soul, the eyes are its direct window. So this bloody mandatory mask we have to wear in society (as if the metaphoric one wasn't enough to stifle us) may provide us with the opportunity to focus on the real thing and hopefully help everyone gain discernment. I like to believe in such “nonsense” (reverse logic being the rule of the game) because, in spite of all the sadness in my eyes, I am a born optimist. I may feel restless at times — often, most of the time — as long as it will carry me, I will continue to ride with the wave. Because my soul is much more resilient than meets the eye and I've finally understood that it's the only thing I can rely upon.

Walked out this morning,
Don't believe what I saw:
A hundred billion bottles
Washed up on the shore.
Seems I'm not alone
At being alone:
A hundred billion castaways
Looking for a home.

"Message In A Bottle", The Police (1979)

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Toasty Red

Kidney beans are very popular in the Caribbean and South America and have a much stronger flavour than other varieties best known in Europe. Unlike animal protein foods, its high vegetable protein content makes it a totally fat-free food. They are also full of fibres (regulates intestinal transit, promotes rapid feeling of satiety), vitamin B9 (stimulates cell renewal), potassium (supports nervous system, muscle function, blood pressure), iron (boosts red cell production, immune system, energy) and phosphorus (for strong teeth and bones)

As for tomatoes, they also contain a lot of fibres and antioxidants (vitamins A and C plus carotenoids, responsible for their vibrant red colour) as well as vitamin K, calcium (teeth and bones) and chromium (blood sugar).

Last but not least, (extra virgin) olive oil is now well known for its benefits on cardiovascular health, thanks to its high content in polyphenols and vitamin E (antioxidants) which protect blood vessels from oxidative stress and free radicals, both responsible for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Let me share with you this quick and yummy spread recipe (found HERE) which I have tested and really enjoyed.


Makes 300 g :

- 250 g kidney beans, cooked
- 50 g dried tomatoes
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- black pepper


Drain beans and process with tomatoes, olive oil and pepper. Transfer to an air-proof container and keep refrigerated.

NOTE: Seasoning is left to your own appreciation. You may also add a couple of spoonfuls of capers for a spicier flavour.

Spread on quinoa toasts, it makes a delicious nourishing snack.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Humans Are Not Designed to Eat Meat – Leading Microbiome Scientist Explains

A couple of years ago, I had reposted an article in French which compared the human digestive system with those of carnivores and herbivores, suggesting that meat consumption wasn't something natural for us since apparently we're not designed for that. Of course, we can eat meat, but then why do we develop all these diseases we attribute to age? What about those acute signs of ageing that other species generally don't display? Well, this was only shared information presented as such and in no way a statement of absolute truth or finger pointing. Furthermore, this information sounded acurate to me for having experienced the long terms benefits of removing meat from my diet (I have been a vegetarian for more than 30 years as recommended by my doctor and turned vegan a couple of years ago). Apparently, some people are still witch-hunting.

I had received a flood of hateful comments with absolutely no argument in it. Zilch, nada. Nothing but name callings and hasty judgments which you might expect to hear in a nursery playground. If that. No need to look for this article, it's been deleted (and it's never been available in English), but this time I'll choose to disable comments if some people can't be wise enough to move on when something doesn't resonate with them or when they dislike it. This has nothing to do with being unwilling to accept criticism. In addition, let me remind you that I haven't written this article, I'm only reposting it.


There are many experts in the fields of anthropology, biology and all other sciences who have been creating awareness about the fact that ancient humans were not big meat eaters as they’ve been portrayed to be by mainstream education. This begs the question, where did this idea come from? Sure, sharp stone tools and canines like the ones found on a Gorilla, who by the way is vegan, may have led to assumptions that have perpetuated for many years, but in my opinion the answer is quite clear: big food marketing. Big food companies, like big pharmaceutical companies, have tremendous amounts of power, especially over our federal health regulatory agencies. As a result, we’ve literally been brainwashed into thinking our current recommended food guides are actually healthy and backed by science and history. Perhaps we’ve been misled, and new information and methods of testing are helping to shatter these assumptions that have been ingrained into human consciousness for a long time.

Recent advances in technology and science have discovered that microscopic fossils of plant foods are abundant at various sites of ancient humans, indicating a vegan diet. Furthermore, dental, bone, DNA, and ancient human fecal analysis have shown considerable evidence that many of these people ate mostly plants.

One of these experts is Dr. Christina Warinner (seen in the picture above), who earned her Ph.D. from Harvard University in 2010 and received her postdoctoral training at the University of Zurich (2010-2012) and the University of Oklahoma (2012-2014). She became a Presidential Research Professor and Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma in 2014, and is currently a Leader in Microbiome Sciences at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.

Her work has led to some very interesting findings and conclusions:

Humans do not have any specialized genetic anatomical or physiological adaptations to meat consumption. By contrast, we have many adaptations to plant consumption. (The Game Changers documentary)


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Tomorrow's World

Last month, due to quarantine restrictions, Matt Bellamy released a single without his two bandmates, meant as a wonderful ode to Gaia, our Mother Earth, and to the world we could have if only we would be more aware of her beauty and offerings and if we could stop wasting it.

“This song captures my mood and feelings whilst in lockdown. I have been reminded of what really matters in life and have discovered growing optimism, appreciation and hope for the future” he explains on his Intagram account.

He also said that Muse will always be his priority, but the lockdown really pushed him into a place of questioning: "‘What would I do if I was alone? What kind of music would I be into?’ The answer is songs like this. I’ve basically connected with my inner Enya! I’ve realised that without Dom thrashing on the drums and without Chris’ menacing bass-playing, I probably tend to lean more into the ethereal and dreamy world of music. That fits what it feels like at this time to be in your head. This song probably does represent the kind of thing that I wouldn’t want to do with Muse because it is just me and it’s very personal. I can really see myself wanting to do more intimate and soft songs and not inflict them on Dom and Chris! If you look at Muse over the years, there have been times when I’ve brought more ethereal, soundtrack-y kind of music into it. When we play live that stuff it doesn’t always fit in, so I do see myself carving out a space for more of the acoustic and mellow stuff. Mainly right now, it’s just something to do. If anything, it’ll probably help me frame what Muse really is – it’s a band, it’s harder, it’s more bombastic.” (source).

An awesome track somehow reminiscent of "Explorers".


Your eyes see clearer,
Your hands can heal her,
Your lips taste her beauty,
Don't you waste it...
Don't you waste it...

Your body is stronger,
Your mind is a wonder,
Your heart is so full of love,
Don't you waste it...
Don't you waste it...

Look to tomorrow,
The end of our sorrows,
Our world could be so full of joy,
Don't you waste it...
Don't you waste it...

Original text by MATT BELLAMY


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