Spring Clean

To celebrate the equinox, I'd like to share a couple of homemade recipies to rejunevate your skin, whiten your teeth, and blacken and strenghten your eyelashes with one single magical ingredient known and widely used since times immemorial: activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal is pure carbon resulting from the carbonisation of ash/poplar wood or coconut shells. A special treatment gives it a high capacity to capture and retain toxins such as heavy metals and poisons. In addition to its detoxifying and antipoison properties, activated charcoal may also prevent hangovers when drinking too much alcohol, clean up your digestive system, relieve bloating, lower bad cholesterol and purify water. As a cosmetic ingredient, it removes stains from your teeth, cleanses your gums, reduces body odours, acts efficiently against pimples, insect bites, itching and even snake bites. It also has anti-ageing properties.

Solid Toothpaste


  • 13,3 g calcium carbonate (precipitated chalk)
  • 5 g stearic acid
  • 1,3 g mild surfactant
  • 7,3 g coconut oil
  • 5 g vegetable glycerin
  • 1 g activated charcoal
  • 14 drops spearmint (or peppermint) essential oil


Melt carbonate, stearic acid, surfactant, coconut oil and glycerin in a double boiler. Stir well until you get a smooth mixture. Remove from heat and add charcoal and essential oil. Transfer to a small silicone mould or jar. Let stand for 30 minutes in the freezer and wait 48 hours before using.

NOTE: Stearic acid is a saturated fatty acid usually found in vegetable fats and oils (shea butter, cocoa butter, palm oil). It is used to add texture to the mix, which otherwise would crumble.

Just wet your toothbrush, rub it against the toothpaste to pick some up, then brush as you normally would. A small quantity does it and note that it won't foam. After a couple of weeks you should notice your teeth are whiter (of course, do not expect to have a perly white smile as shown in commercials). Should keep at least 6 months.

Exfoliating Detoxifying Mask


  • 0,6 g activated charcoal
  • 3 g olive kernel powder
  • 40 g white clay
  • 38 ml rose water (or any floral water)
  • 10 drop tea tree essential oil


Mix powders together and progressively add floral water until you obtain a smooth moist consistent paste. Add essential oil then transfer to a small 100 ml jar or airproof container.

NOTE: Use on a clean wet face as a scrub to rub off dead skin or as a mask by applying a thick layer and keep 10 minutes before rinsing off with clear water. Should keep for a month. Probably longer is stored in a cool place.

Cake Mascara


  • 1,5 g bee wax
  • 1 g candellila wax
  • 3,75 g castor oil
  • 1,25 g shea butter
  • 1-3 drops liquid honey
  • 1,2 g acacia gum
  • 0,45 g cellulose fibres (optional)
  • 1,2 g activated charcoal
  • 1 drop vitamin E
  • 1 drop natural rose fragrance (optional)


Melt wax, oil and butter in a double boiler. In the meantime, mix acacia gum and cellulose fibres with a few drops of honey to get a sticky mix. Incorporate to oily mix then add remaining ingredients, stirring well to obtain a smooth paste. If too thick, put back on heat before transferring to a 15 ml jar or a couple of eyeshadow tins. Let stand for an hour in the fridge to accelerate hardening.

NOTE: Just wet a lash or mascara brush, rub it against the cake to pick some up, then apply on lashes as you normally would. Don't forget to clean the brush with soap and water before and after use to avoid bacterial contamination. This is very important since this mascara doesn't contain any preservative (and zero risk to irritate your eyes). Charcoal is used here for its black colour but also its protective effect (it's a major component of the famous khol used in India by women and men alike to protect their eyes from pollution and prevent eye infections); castor oil is known for its strengthening effect and to promote growth; cellulose fibres are used to extend the length and thickness of eyelashes.

If this recipe reminds you of my natural shoe-shine, it's because that's how I got the idea to create it. Unlike regular tube mascaras from organic brands I've tested, this one won't smudge or dry out. It won't leak and will keep your lashes soft. You may have to apply several coatings to obtain your desired effect whether for a natural or sophisticated makeup. You may also use it as an eyeliner with the proper brush (I personally prefer my DIY liquid eyeliner) or eyeshadow and even use it on your eyebrows if they're dark enough. I can't tell you how long it keeps, but provided you always keep your brushes clean, it should last very long since there is no water in it.

Last but not least, I forgot to mention at the start of this article that all cosmetic recipes require that you disinfect your equipment, containers and work surface.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.



It's time we saw a miracle,
Come on it's time for something biblical
To pull us through.
And this is the end —
This is the end of the world!
Proclaim eternal victory,
Come on and change the course of history...

"Apocalypse Please", Muse (2003)

It's been a long time coming, but here we are with our backs against the wall. Whatever the cause of this health crisis and what's actually behind it, we have well and truly come to the crunch and we simply cannot stay in between. Humanity has to make a choice. Every human being, whatever their condition, age, social status, has to make a choice. A choice between two opposites. Fear or love. Either the fear born out of the illusion of separation and that you need to fight for survival and get sucked because there's not enough for everyone. Or the love that will give you the strength and patience you need to overcome this storm in a space of quiet and loving kindness, doing your best to appease, comfort and support those of your peers caught in the crossfire. Sadly, some will sink. But they had it coming by pure choice. I don't think you can turn all of a sudden into a selfish, irresponsible and irreverent savage beast, as seen now, just because you are afraid. That's when we are going for huge surprises and find out the real stuff we are all made of. Courage, as someone I forgot the name once said, is not the absence of fear, but overcoming your fear. And the only thing that can overcome fear is love. Love in a broader sense than the actual meaning usually presented to us. It doesn't matter much how you define it, seek and you shall find it within you, and then you'll know. I am not going to feed the egregore therefore I shall keep my upcoming articles as intended and try to add more positive stuff in those to come next. Actually, I'm not looking for articles, articles find me. So if some find it shocking, I'm sorry but we'll do without your permission and your outraged comments. Actually, those being irresponsible are the ones who insist you should be scared or else... Or else what? (Thank you Jo for sending me this video).


Just stop.
Don't move.
I't's not a request anymore, it's an obligation.
I'm here to help you.

This supersonic rollercoaster ran out of its rails and can't go on any further.
Stop the planes, trains, schools, shopping malls, gatherings.
We broke the frenetic vortex of illusions and obligations that stopped you from looking at the sky.
Look at the stars, listen to the sea, let yourself be rocked by the chirping of birds.
Roll in the grass,
Pick an apple from the tree,
Smile to an animal in the woods,
Breathe the mountain,
Listen to your common sense.

We had to break it.
You can't play God.
Our obligations are mutual as they've always been, even though you've forgotten.
We'll now stop this broadcast, these endless cacophonous sounds of separations and distractions to tell you this:
We're not okay, no one us is, we're all suffering.

Last year, the firestorms that set the lungs of the earth on fire did not stop you, nor did the melting of the poles, or your sinking cities, or the simple acknowledgment of being the sole responsible for the sixth mass extinction.
You didn't listen to me.
It is difficult to listen while being so busy struggling to climb higher and higher on the scaffolding of the comforts you are creating for yourself.
Now the foundations are crumbling, they're collapsing under the weight of your fictitious desires.
I'll help you. I'll light the firestorms inside your body, I'll drown your lungs, I'll isolate you like a polar bear on a melting iceberg. Will you listen to me then?

We're not okay.
I'm not your enemy, I'm just a messenger, I'm an ally, I'm the force that will rebalance everything.
Now you have to listen to me, I'm screaming for you to stop.
Hush and listen.

Now look up at the sky, how is it?
There are no more aeroplanes. How healthy do you need to be to enjoy the oxygen you breathe?
Look at the ocean, how is it?
Look at the rivers, how are they?
Look at the earth, how is she?
Now look at yourself, how do you feel?
You cannot be healthy in a sick ecosystem.

Many people are afraid now.
Don't demonize your fear, don't let it control you.
Let it speak to you. Listen to the wise words it has to say.
Learn to smile with your eyes.
I will help you... if you're willing to listen.

Original text by DARINKA MONTICO translated from Italian by ROBERTO GALLANDT


The Queen of Earth

Then the seeds that Yavanna had sown began swiftly to sprout and to burgeon, and there arose a multitude of growing things great and small, mosses and grasses and great ferns, and trees whose tops were crowned with cloud as they were living mountains, but whose feet were wrapped in a green twilight.

~ The Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien

Three days before the spring equinox and beginning of the new astrological year (with the Sun entering Aries, which is the first sign of the zodiac, symbolising renewal and inception), what could be more appropriate than referring to Yavanna, second queen of the Valar (the divine powers that govern the world in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium), also going by the name of Kementári “Queen of Earthwhich means “Giver of Fruits” in Quenya (the language of the Elves).   

She was responsible for all things that grew in the earth, from the towering trees to the moss on the rocks. She asked her companion Aulë the Smith, King of Fire and father of the Dwarves, to make two lamps which Varda, Queen of The Stars, filled with light to be activated by her husband Manwë, King of Air. This is how greenery, meadows, trees, forests and all vegetation appeared.

While her usual form was that of a tall woman, she could take other forms. ”She has also been seen in the form of a tall tree growing from the waters of Ulmo to the winds of Manwë spilling golden dew from her branches, which made the barren earth green with corn.” She also besought the creation of the Ents, wood spirits in tree form, in order to protect the forests from Orcs, Dwarves and other perils. The Ents were probably the most ancient living creatures on Middle-Earth and were featured in The Lord of The Rings.

Yavanna only appears in The Silmarillion, which Tolkien spent a lifetime working out to be eventually posthumously published later on by his son Christopher (also recently deceased) who scavenged material from his father's older drafts to fill out the book. In a few cases, he completely devised new material, trying to remain as true as possible to his father's initial vision.

The Lords of The Rings is so closely entangled with the mythology of The Silmarillion that Tolkien greatly desired to publish the two works together, but his publisher opposed to that.

For me, reading the latter greatly enhanced my understanding of the former, allowing me to fully appreciate its magnitude. Clearly, it's full of Judaeo-Christian ideals and biblical rehashing and there are so many characters and so many happenings you definitely have to be a dedicated reader to keep up (note-taking is a prerequisite). Nevertheless, the world depicted is so full of poetry and heedless heroism and candour, it's just as spellbinding to my child-like soul as the fairy tales of yesteryear. So far, this is probably the most exalting fantasy book I've ever read.

If you wish to look at Elves in a new way, much less glamourous than in the movies, just read The Silmarillion. You will also learn more about Galadriel and find out that Sauron wasn't the mightiest Lord of Darkness, but merely emulated his master Melkor aka Morgoth, another Vala and brother of Manwë, (equivalent of Lucifer, the fallen angel in the Bible).

In the meantime, I wish you all a great Saint Patrick Day, a golden opportunity to go green!

(I also had a couple of puns with rhymes and poetry and glass versus plastic for green issues, but it simply won't work in English.)

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Uniting the Sacred Masculine and Feminine

At a time when the divide between men and women has never been so great and so fierce, and when, in addition, we are being (purposedly) confused about genres, it has never been so crucial to work on our Sacred (or Divine) Masculine and Femine. But once again, it's become a big thing and a great opportunity for all New Age gurus and self-proclaimed therapists alike to make a quick buck. At the end of the day, we all find ourselves a bit lost whereas it's rather urgent for us to find ourselves. For the only way we can expect to ever experience harmonious relationships with the outer world and contribute to make it change is by achieving inner balance and self-fulfilment. We have not incarnated in a dimension of duality to pick a side, but to find a balance between the two. Although this theme has already been featured here , it's never been presented in such a clear, practical and simple way as it is in this relevant extract from a interview with Lulumineuse from a couple of years ago I have transcribed and translated for you. You may view the original video (in French with no subtitles available) HERE.


Men are not here to embody their Sacred Masculine no more than women are here to embody their Sacred Feminine. Men are the embodied manifestation of the Sacred Masculine, that is they are the manifestation of the Sacred Masculine, but unmanifested within them is the Sacred Feminine because you cannot have one without the other. It's always a balance.

We are never one side of the coin, we are both. We are not man or woman only. If you're a man on this side, it means the other unmanifested side is the Sacred Feminine. And if you're a woman of that side, it means the unmanifested side is the Sacred Masculine.

What is the Sacred Feminine? It's the cup, the ideas you'll get, imagination, intuition — it's the way we receive information. It's something intangible, invisible. The Sacred Feminine is the unmanifested. You cannot touch an emotion. You cannot touch an idea.

The Sacred Masculine is materialisation. Which means that if I can touch these headphones, it's because someone had the IDEA (the Sacred Feminine within their cup) to MANIFEST these headphones. So this is the conjunction of Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine. If I get the idea of making a cup of tea and if I get up and go make myself a cup of tea and now have a cup of tea in front of me, it means my cup of tea is the result of the UNION of the feminine of my IDEA and of the masculine of my CREATION of the idea I had.

It's important to understand what is the Sacred Feminine we receive within us and manifest it with the Sacred Masculine, because that's how we fulfil ourselves. It's when you materialise your ideas that you hold your own in this life. It's not just big ideas for a project, it can be any TINY idea.

The Sacred Feminine is not just all grace and beauty. It's everything you cannot touch and everything you can feel. And the Sacred Masculine is all you will be able to permeate, implant, create. The Sacred Feminine is CREATIVITY while the Sacred Masculine is CREATION.

So men are expected to open up to their Sacred Feminine. And this is why there less men opening up and awakening because, unfortunately, within the actual codes of society, when a men opens up a bit too much to his Sacred Feminine, he will be perceived as poofy and unmanly. This is rubbish!

And, for example, a woman who totally rejects her feminine side to embrace her masculine side will become a tomboy. Or a woman who is extremely empathic and at the same time tends to be superficial or a subdued and totally immersed in her feelings, might be incapable of taking charge. This kind of woman has difficulty embodying her masculine and will have to bring it out.

We need to stop talking in terms of men and women and talk about principles. Man and woman are two principles. I invite you to check my video on divided principles (you may activated English subtitles — ED.).  Sacred Masculine and Feminine is the divided principle of a union when put together.

Original text by LULUMINEUSE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


First Steps to Working With the Moon

Further to my recent Eklabugs article about the dark side of the moon (unavailable in English), I would like to introduce you to lunar astrology with an excellent article explaining what the tracking of your own moon cycles may bring you in terms of inner development for your personal well-being as well as that of other people. For what's within us defines what's outside, and if everyone does their bit, we'll be progressing much more rapidly toward a better world because it will never fall straight into our lap.

And to illustrate the methodology set out below, there is no better way than to speak to what you know and your personal experience. Which is why I'm using my own example and certainly not to try and impress anyone. Besides, I would know better than confessing I am a bit short-fused — fear not, I don't bite... well, not anymore! As a water/emotional type of person, I'm very sensitive to moon cycles (almost as much as werewolves), all the more since I have a strong fire moon in my birth chart, in the sign of Aries which is very impulsive and doesn't fit well with my overall Libra ascendant Capricorn nature. So, outwardly I may appear as an accommodating, wise and thoughtful person, but inside I'm rather passionate, all fired-up and sometimes irrational. To challenge me is to risk a nuclear explosion! This is both my pressure point and my greatest strength for, properly channelled (and I am actively attending to it), this fiery moon energy of mine holds a great imaginative and creative potential in everything related to writing and communicating (3rd house). It just goes to show that through awareness, astrology can help you turn any negative aspect into something positive.

So, today for example, the Moon will be shifting from Virgo's mundane and rational energy to enter Libra's, which is all about compromises, harmony, beauty, and artistry. Regardless of the other aspects it forms and transits from other planets (which still make a significant difference as otherwise the Moon visits this same place on a monthly basis), the painful uncertainty while it's transiting my 8th zodiacal house (metaphysics) should find an outlet in more creative activities or focused on relationships. Later in the evening, when it enters my 9th house (spirituality, philosophy), I should regain some serenity and feel more exalted. Tomorrow, when it meets my natal sun , it will be a bit like my own personal new moon. The beginning of a new sun-moon cycle and the opportunity to make new intentions. Well, I hope this will help you understand the methodology presented below in a more practical way. Please, feel free to ask questions in the comment section below.

If you wish to find the exact position of your natal Moon and your astrological houses, you can get your chart for free on Astrodienstr (available in many languages). All you need is your date, hour and place of birth.


Whether you’re interested in learning more about astrology, living in tune with nature or grounding yourself in an earth-based spirituality, working with the Moon can be extremely insightful. Because the Moon moves through the heavens so rapidly, completing a full cycle in just 28 days, it’s a great option for beginners and for those wanting to quickly get to grips with astrological cycles and their influence on our daily lives.

By working with the Moon, you’ll quickly come to understand her affect on your moods and your emotions, and on each individual area of your life in turn.

Before you start, you’ll need to know a little bit about the astrological Moon and how its symbolism changes as it moves through the different zodiac signs and the different astrological houses of your chart.


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Coronavirus: The Contagion of Propaganda

You ate my soul just like a Death Eater.
I'm the ocean, you're an oil slick,
Now I am choking on your thought pollution.

"Propaganda", Muse (2018)

Coronavirus — jumping on the bandwagon! But worry not, I will NOT fulfil my brainwashed sheepish duty and feed the egregore to have the low astral get their kicks from it. I'm all too aware of my vibratory responsibility and of what's at stake to give in to this large-scale viral bullshit (the pun may be intentional, it comes as naturally relevant). Nor will I report all the woolly theories that this would be a fake accident orchestrated by Zionists; a bio-weapon; an experiment involving 5G; or that Putin did it again. Everything is possible. Almost. Or not. Hard to tell with all this mental diarrhoea. What stands out for me is the perfect timing and the convenience as generally seen in Hollywood movies. The famous deus ex machina of Greek tragedies.

First of all, a “disaster” should not accommodate anyone. Or else, forgive my French, the Elites are so fucking lucky! Besides, it's all too enormous, the strings are too visible, the actors suck, so as the script, and the audience...let's talk about the audience! What a bunch of bleating sheople. What distresses me most is that in this herd are some otherwise very smart and usually sensible people. Which goes to show they always know how to exploit our vulnerabilities when relating to fear.

So, with regards to the lab-engineered virus theory, I can't really see the point since no virus can ever be more lethal and more contagious than the stupidity virus which seems to reside dormant in some people — its level of spread inversely related to the level of awareness of its human carriers. Soon, as you shall see, we'll go backward to the Middle Ages and burn witches again (a memory still hot). “Unvaccinated scumbags, burn them at the stake! Stone them to death those bloody murderers killing us because they're too selfish and refuse to be turned into compliant vegetable like us.” If you think I'm exaggerating, let's check social zoos (and don't forget your sick bag).

As I mentioned on Twitter the other day (for those who follow me), « when I see the toxic spread of fear-mongering with the #conarvirus hashtag widely relayed by sheople, I can't help thinking of Matt Bellamy from Muse as a fucking visionary: "Propaganda", "Thought Contagion", "Panic Station"... Ironically, the typo was genuine (in French "conar" misspelt here means "shithead", "douche-bag" or whatever in the same fashion — but it does work in English as "con art"). I only kept it because I take this slip of tongue as a nod from my subconscious. Soul humour.


As my readers know, I’ve been presenting evidence that this so-called viral epidemic is unproven. I’ve detailed the fraud from a number of angles (archive here).

Here I want to comment on the true contagion of propaganda.

The virus is coming, the virus is coming.

The press is piling on, as it always does. A story, true or false—it doesn’t matter—describes how basic items are disappearing from store shelves in a town like there’s no tomorrow.

The STORY causes fear. So more products disappear from store shelves in more places. Now a NEW story with photos of empty shelves takes center stage. More fear. More panic buying. And so forth and so on. The build-out of propaganda.

The psychological equation is: if there is fear, then the virus must be dangerous. But this is actually like saying: if a man walking on a street at night believes a mugger is about to parachute out of the sky, the sky-mugger must be real.

The story the press should be featuring is: “our coverage of so-called panic is creating panic.” RUN THAT PIECE.

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: David Dees



As previously mentioned, Ed O'Brien aka EOB has just launched a solo career with a debut album called Earth due out after Easter. Last month, he performed a set of intimate shows in North America as a warm-up and a clever way to promote his upcoming record and tour, knowing it would be filmed and shared on social media at no expense for his record company. Please, don't get the wrong idea: I do welcome the idea and I find it brilliant. It was also interesting to hear live renditions of his two currently available singles, "Brasil" and "Shangri-la" and the outcome largely exceeded all expectarions. I've always felt that Ed would turn out to be the most interesting member of Radiohead once he'd find the confidence to step out of the shadow of the Yorke-Greenwood tandem. I was so enthralled by these four shows available on YouTube that I felt I had to share some of his still-unreleased material with you now. I must confess I had a hard time choosing. I have been torn between this song and a folky tune called "Long Time Coming" with lyrics that resonate strongly with me as if they were my own words. Did we ever meet?

I finally opted for "Banksters", the first song actually written for his upcoming album in response to the 2007-2008 subprime mortgage crisis. “It's an angry song“ Ed says. “I was fucking angry around 2009 – austerity, why did that happen? Because of the fucking City. I was also angry with my best mate. I was in business with him and he stitched me up. But I must admit that’s the one song I feel hasn’t fulfilled its potential. I wanted it to be more Brazilian and we made it more electro at the end.” (Source)

We (Jo, B. and myself) do apologise for the blanks and lack of accuracy of the transcribed lyrics below. They will be edited out in due time after the official release. But we enjoyed the challenge, it was real fun. Some kind of a Franco-Anglo-American Chinese whisper game with each one of us hearing different things.

Enjoy and please, leave a comment.


Who knows where we're going?
Who knows where the flow is?
The unwinding boom and bust
Of Ponzi schemes in God we trust,
In God we trust.

Who knows where the dough is?
Cos I know there's a flow here.
When Wall Street devours Main Street,
??? have no shares,
Yeah, you've not a share.

Where did all the money go?
Where did all the money go?
Where did all the money go?
Where did all the money go?

You know where you're going
Cos I know to say
No no no no no no... NOW!

Where did all the money go?
Where did all the money go?
Where did all the money go?
Where did all the money go?
Where did all the money go?
Where did all the money go?

It feels like you're the fucking bomb,
To others it just feels like Earth
Moving superpowers
Waiting for the world to turn.

Everybody knows the reason,
Everybody knows the score.

They shoot you down
And break you down,
Breaking free free free free free...

Breaking free
Breaking free
Breaking free

Breaking free free free free free...

Working in a coal mine
Going down down...
Working in a coal mine
Going down down...

Working in a coal mine
Going down down...
Working in a coal mine
Going down down...

Original text by ED O'BRIEN


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