You Say You Want a Revolution

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know we all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know we all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out

"Revolution", The Beatles (1968)

When dealing with a disease, wouldn't it be better to start understanding the root cause rather than merely focusing on the symptoms? Same with a world operating on a victim/victimiser pattern — why chopping off the tormentor's head if we are to keep the same approach? Why should our drama and issues be sorted out by a Man of Providence or any saviour of sorts? When you understand that everything in this world or elsewhere is related, why questioning the victimiser and not the victim who actually consents to what is done to them without realising it? What if at the end of this morbid game was a mirror into which everyone eventually got to look at themselves to see who they really are? Now, who of he chopping the victim's head off or them watching is the deadliest?

All these questions to illustrate the new year to come where in the midst of this revolution of consciousness, the complicity of thousand-year-old trends of thought and mindsets that have been fueling this madness are actually backfiring before coming to a close end as people are consciously opting out of this vicious cyclic game of cat and mouse.

Original text by ANTOINE translated from French by EY@EL
© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Say “Cheese”!

When a wildlife photographer in England discovered a family of mice in his garden, instead of shooing them away, grabbing some mouse traps, or let the cat loose to help like most people would do, he chose to build them a house and a tiny playground. Accustomed to bird watching, he got attached to the little rodents and decided to make a photoshoot. For them to come to him, he enticed them with a luxury banquet made of nuts, berries, and other goodies George, Mildred and their baby Mini are fond of. And the cats down the road would better behave for Simon Dell is keeping a close watch.

Knowing there are cats just over the fence I thought I would give them a little more safety, so collected some logs and made them a log pile home. The mice are very trusting and know I mean them no harm. I love nature so am happy to live alongside such cute creatures.

So cute, isn't it? And what a nice change from your usual Christmas pups and kitties in stockings.

Say “Cheese” and have a Mice Little Christmas you guys!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.

Cover picture: Simon Dell


How to Survive the Red Peril

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle in my head
What the stuff, turkeys and chimes
All on Christmas Eve

Christmas — probably the only holiday one can hardly ignore. You may either love it or hate it. You may be looking forward to it or dread it, but you can never remain indifferent.

There's a good reason to that. For beyond the pagan celebration of the sun's return or its religious hijacking (actually Christ would not be born in December) and the considerable windfall profits that come with it, Christmas is some kind of an inevitable phase acting as a magnifying filter of all human emotions. It carries a lot of joy, elation, expectation, but also a lot of sadness, disappointment, loneliness, and frustration. Christmas is mostly blinged out in every way. It jingles jangles all the way. Hypocrisy, stupidity, squareness, on Christmas you get tutti la Commedia dell'arte!

Christmas is a peril no one escapes and it leaves red marks everywhere: on the rim of glasses; on the cheeks of spoiled kids; on the eyes of the lonely and sad; and sometimes on the wrists of the most hopeless.

So what? Is that wrong to be the Grinch on Christmas Eve? Well, it's still a lesser evil than consenting to these disingenuous social rites and get gut-eaten by emotions we're not entitled to express nor feel. I'm usually the happy and upbeat one even though my life is really no bed of roses. But as an empath, being overwhelmed by ambient toxicity, Christmas tends to act as the straw that breaks the camel's back. So for those like me, here's a couple of tricks I found on the net that might help you survive this red peril.

The Three Commandments

Operation Sabotage

While rocking the tractor might not be the best idea, if someone attempts to pull you out by force, stand your ground and strike a blow back. You may not be thrilled about Christmas, but what about letting yourself wrap up in their views and see what happens? You never know what comes of this. At worst, they might withdraw into their cage and you'd end up with more space.

Lay out all your cards

Goodbye artless hypocrisy, the hell with good manners, let's play your Christmas cards! Though in France, we traditionally send our greetings for the New Year. Please note that even though black humour never killed anyone, be careful that laughing out loud does not pull your head off.

The Christmas Quiz for Dummies

As a last resort, pass them the buck of snow and finish them off with this low-level quiz (hover the red rectangles to display answers).

  1. What do snowmen usually wear on their heads?
    Answer: Ice caps.
  2. What is the difference between snowmen and snow-women? 
    Answer: Snowballs.
  3. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
    Answer: Snowflakes.
  4. What do you call an old snowman?
    Answer: Water.
  5. What falls at the North Pole but never gets hurt?
    Answer: Snow.
  6. Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing?
    Answer: They always drop their needles.
  7. What happened to the thief who stole a Christmas Advent Calendar?
    Answer: He got 25 days.
  8. What do Santa's little helpers learn at school?
    Answer: The elfaphet.
  9. Why did the elf push his bed into the fireplace?
    Answer: He wanted to sleep like a log.
  10. How do you know Santa is good at karate?
    Answer: He has a black belt.
  11. Why did Santa put a clock in his sleigh?
    Answer: He wanted to see time fly.
  12. Where does Santa stay when he is on holiday?
    Answer: At a Ho-ho-ho-tel.

So who's the weakest link, huh?

Happy jingle jangle everyone!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Pond Swan

Wild white swans,
You were hiding away from the wicked,
But, down below on Earth, as you heard
The crying of a princess at night,
Weeping her childhood memories away.

"Les Cygnes sauvages", Michel Fugain (1974)

Eager to see her offspring leave the nest, the Queen Mother organised a speed-dating session to celebrate her son's eighteenth birthday. Pissed off, but not old enough yet to take care of himself, under cover of the night, the prince fluffed his feathers off to the woods. There, a flock of whooper swans flew over him, dropping some dung on his head. Infuriated, he decided to follow them to the pond, determined to shoot one down for breakfast, and came face to beak with a hot chick wearing nothing but white feathers — nothing to do with your ordinary white goose.

The Lady of The Lake had a name: Odette (and no, it wasn't Prince Arthur but Siegfried). Odette was a princess hexed by one jealous satanic mother f***er with a name you don't play around with (Rot something... Rothschild? Rottweiler?) who had decided that if he could not get into her pants nobody would. So, during the day she would dance buck naked on the frozen pool of tears meanwhile in daytime, she would be digging the mud with her feathery companions.

The Prince obviously dug her mucho at first sight. And since love is the most powerful energy of the whole universe in the world, their love story immediately started scuppering the evil s***t, rousing the satanic mother f***er. Upon which the blood of the little lovebird ran cold (which was inevitable after dancing barefoot on ice all night long) then hot while attempting to ruffle the s***bag's feathers. But Odette interfered for the Rottweiler was not to die before the spell was broken or else she would be left low and wet in the pond until the endless end of times.

Then what? Guess what: ring her up to the altar. That simple! Except the satanic mother f***er had his daughter Odile passing up for a black swan Odette. Siegfried (who was either colour blind or most likely had had one too many) didn't smell the swan and married the goose. That's when the hot chick (swany) popped up and the greenhorn realised he had been suckered.

Too late! Odette would have to dig the mud forever until the endless end of times and if she had to eat worms, she'd rather get eaten by them. So into the water beyond she plunged before permanently losing her human form. Unable to face the prospect of being married to a goose and being in-law with a Rottweiler, Siegfried, too, threw himself head over heels into the frozen lake.

But since love is the most powerful energy of the whole universe in the world, the satanic mother f***er was all scr***d up and ultimately, the two lovers got reunited in fluffy heaven.

This is how, every time we get snow during the winter, it's actually the angels fighting over the favours of Her Majesty of the Lake (and not the effects of global warming as you are made to believe).

Happy Solstice everyone and beware of moonstrokes!

© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


Watch French Police Officers Remove Their Helmets In Solidarity With the People

Don't know about you, but I have to say that, at this time, the Yellow Vests is one issue that angers me. Not in the way that you might think though. What actually irritates me greatly (an understatement to say it infuriates me) is hearing/reading the mainstream media and ESPECIALLY the too many ordinary citizens still locked inside their mind programming, looping over a manipulated idea, solidly embedded in rock as Excalibur was. The idea that the Yellow Vests are merely hooligans, that as a result of their actions the economic situation is going to get worse, they'll scare tourists off, they'll ruin the holiday season, and that all things considered, this movement must have been organised by the Far-right, even TerminaTrump to overthrow Rothchild's puppet MaKron Ultra. So much naivety, denial, (stupidity?), all of these and more amaze me. Do I need to elaborate? I think the article below should suffice  as it perfectly reflects my beliefs and more.

And now, the Yellow Vests are trending in Europe as pictured above.

Watch out for "thought contagion" as sing Muse!


Mass protests, I have come to realize, are very complicated phenomena. They can give rise to a wide swath of interpretations about their purpose and legitimacy. Their initial thrust seems to be fueled by a deep discontent, a reasonable grievance about unjustifiably oppressive activities or policies on the part of the authority.

The way in which protests are dealt with often is predicated on how well the authority can convince the general public that the protests are wrong. Now in totalitarian regimes, a brutal and deadly crackdown has historically been the solution (think Tiananmen Square). But in our so-called ‘democratic’ countries, it is not quite as simple. Absent of being able to label protesters as violent radicals who are not behaving in the interests of the nation, the authority may actually have to pay attention to the grievances of the protesters. That’s why a tried-and-true tactic of Western authority has long been to radicalize protests by instructing violent mercenaries to infiltrate the movement and steer demonstrations to run amok in order that the authority can put a violent smear across the entire campaign and legitimize a police crackdown.

But what happens if the police side with the protesters?


© La Pensine Mutine. All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.


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